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kamcold Officer Application #4


Level 108
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
kamcold reporter application! (5).gif

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?:


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Ukranian Language Application:

Russian Language Application:

Third Language Application:

JSL Language Application:

Korean Language Application:

[Note this one was accepted later as i just misstyped my IGN

Describe your activity on the server:

I first logged into the server towards the end of december in 2022 (i cant remember the exact date). Since then i began spending quite alot of time on the server ranging from 2-3 hours daily just on the SchoolRP server. Like every new player, my first few months on the server were spent innocently joining into classes and enjoying the idea of a social and fun school environment. Towards March time of 2023 i decided to turn to CrimeRP which pushed me to learn the laws of karakura, as well as the way that weapons and masks work. Eventually, i quit the Gang-Roleplay community just a few weeks ago as it just wasnt the sort of experience that i enjoyed as much as i did previously.
Now, i tend to spend around 4-5 hours on SchoolRP. Below is a table which represents the amount of hours i will aim to hit.

The table presents times that i will aim to be online [GMT].

What is your motivation for applying?:

Upon my arrival into the server i have seeked a great interest into the world of CombatRP. From the very beginning i found fascination in the way that this server makes its civilians fight. The way of RNG with the rolls, and if you don't want to try the risk you can make it so that they role play with every act you select. I had to take it to my own responsibility to revise and memorize every single rule that surrounded the subject. I'd make it a regular occurrence to just take some time and read through the rules and how the combat side of the server works. This lead to me having an extremely strong memory of how all weapons work and even how the police's own weaponry looks like and functions [i will talk more about this later]. As well as this i do not wish to join the faction to just be a robotic officer that makes every encounter forgettable. I wish to exceed and allow my skills to flow and develop unlike i would be able to as a normal student. Allowing me to be a part of the Police Department will lead to me being able to improve my writing as almost every encounter with another officer or with a normal civilian will be acted out within the use of DetailRP. In addition, this faction has meant everything to me from the very start. One of my very first positive experiences was with a police officer. One of the reasons i am intrested in CombatRP and CrimeRP so much is because it assist with my chances of being a Police Officer. The faction and everything surrounding it has truly helped me understand and have motive to play this server from the very beggining. I wish to join the faction as it will not only boost my time on the server and allow me to have more fun in it, but it gives me opportunities to role play and befriend the more serious and experienced side of the server, therefore boosting my reputation and my experience. Proof of this? This is my 4th time applying. In addition to this i have already had the pleasure of role-playing with and be-frieidning some officers. They have very much enlighted me into the world of the KPD and have shown me how much fun it can be. From this comes my motivation to partake in the faction.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Of course, due to my time i have spent on the forums i think i can pretty clearly tell you how the faction works.

First, lets begin with the roles
Upon acceptance into the faction, you will be bestowed with the cadet rank, a position not only of privilege but one demanding both maturity and respect. Earning the faction role is a testament to your capabilities, and you must demonstrate your worthiness not only through training progress but also by maintaining a commendable demeanor both in-character (ICly) and out-of-character (OOCly). As a cadet, your responsibilities are centered around basic police equipment, including a Stun Blaster, Baton, Handcuffs, Pepper Spray, Breathalyzer, Radio, Gas Mask, and Riot shield. The possession of these items is contingent on your responsibility level; failure to meet expectations may result in item confiscation or removal from the force. Following a brief introduction and station tour, you have some freedom in your activities, albeit with clear restrictions. Cadets primarily manage the front desk, handling reports, bails, protective custody, and other related tasks. Additionally, they oversee CCTV to identify wanted individuals and monitor ongoing crimes. Despite these responsibilities, the scope of activities for cadets is limited due to their training status. The focal point of their journey involves various training, encompassing both informational and physical aspects, leading up to cadet evaluations and eventual exams.
After Cadet you can then be sent to a different roles, such as:

Main Division
Patrol Officer
We can describe these roles as the following:

Patrol Officer - The Patrol Officer rank marks your official induction into the KPD. Successfully passing the exam elevates you to the status of a full-fledged police officer. While it doesn't introduce new equipment, it grants privileges such as the ability to leave the station, respond to calls, and engage in patrolling duties. Additionally, you proudly display a distinguished badge as a symbol of your official status.
Corporal / Detective Constable - Recognition by higher-ups leads to a promotion to Corporal. This pivotal rank bestows the responsibility of training future officers, imparting essential skills and knowledge to cadets. Corporals may also opt to join the detective division, undertaking specific detective duties. As a reward for your dedication, you gain access to new items: the versatile Crowbar and the swift Police Motorcycle.
Sergeant / Detective Inspector - The Sergeant rank is an esteemed position that may require an examination, akin to the one undertaken for the Glock 17 (now replaced by the tranquilizer rifle). Acknowledged for exceptional policing skills, a Sergeant may take on the responsibility of training others. With this rank, you enjoy the privilege of wearing the finest KPD uniform. Additionally, you unlock the Tranquilizer Rifle as part of your equipment.
Lieutenant / Detective Chief Inspector - Upon attaining the Lieutenant rank, you solidify your status as a higher-up in the KPD. Passing the LT exam opens up opportunities to handle complex scenarios and inquiries from other officers. Your workspace transforms from a modest cubicle to a luxurious office, reflecting your elevated responsibilities. The Police Cruiser is now at your disposal, enhancing your mobility and authority.
Captain / Detective Superintendent - The Captain, second in command at the KPD, is an elite position reserved for those who have demonstrated unwavering dedication and earned the Commissioner's trust. While this rank may not unlock additional equipment, it signifies a remarkable achievement within the faction, positioning you as a leader among leaders.
Commissioner - The Commissioner holds a singular position as the leader of the KPD, appointed by the current faction lead. This role involves overseeing the entire faction, making critical decisions, and shaping the direction of the KPD. The Commissioner is entrusted with recruiting new officers and implementing strategic changes to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the faction.

Detective Division
Detective Super-intendent
Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Inspector
Detective Constable


Raiding of a residence: When executing a raid, officers must ensure they possess a valid warrant, typically obtained for reasons such as murder or kidnapping occurring at a specific location, whether it be an apartment, house, tower, penthouse, or estate. The warrant grants the authority to thoroughly search every chest and inspect each block until the officers are confident that no potential evidence is overlooked. Detecting hidden rooms or chests where suspects might stash illegal weaponry or items can be challenging but is a crucial aspect of the operation.

Swatting: Swatting involves officers conducting searches in riot gear, specifically reserved for high-risk situations. This attire is often accompanied by a gas mask to shield officers from tear gas commonly used in such scenarios. Bulletproof vests are worn to mitigate the risk of dangerous cuts or wounds during these potentially hazardous operations.

Arresting someone: Following an arrest, officers are responsible for providing the detained individual with a list of felonies, the specified bail amount, the duration before they can be bailed, and an offer for a trial paid for on their behalf. Additionally, officers must complete a mug shot and ensure that the individual's release is facilitated by someone other than the arrestee.

Manhunts: Lasting for 45 OOCly minutes, manhunts are initiated when an individual escapes from a crime scene, where they would have otherwise been arrested or suspected of committing crimes. Officers are tasked with tirelessly pursuing the fugitive during this timeframe, utilizing CCTV for enhanced tracking capabilities. If the criminal is not apprehended within the allotted time, they may change their appearance and log out. Following this timer, the individual is placed on a wanted board, marked as "dead or alive," until captured.

CCTV: CCTV serves as a valuable tool in investigations, covering around 90% of cases. Officers can use these cameras to review previous crime scenes, gaining insight into the events that transpired and uncovering additional crimes that may have gone unnoticed. The cameras have a 30-block range and can be crucial in identifying evidence or clues left behind. It's important to note that KPD is not permitted to access cameras on private property without the owner's consent, as shopkeepers can manipulate footage to conceal information.

Patrol duty: Typically conducted by four officers, patrol duty involves actively roaming the streets, preventing crimes, and investigating suspicious individuals. Cadets may join patrol with the approval or invitation of a superior officer and must be under supervision at all times. Detectives have the flexibility to go on patrol without prior approval, maintaining high alertness and reporting any suspicious activity over the radio to alert nearby officers.

Desk: Cadets, due to their inexperience, are restricted from answering calls or participating in emergency calls. However, they can contribute by working at the front desk, addressing inquiries, accepting completed bail payments, and conducting pat-downs of individuals triggering the metal detector. It's essential to note that the desk is not a place for going AFK, as there is a designated break room for such instances.

Baton: A compact weapon designed for subduing criminals, the baton can be mugged and requires an action to be taken out unless out of range. With a close-range span of 2 blocks, all officers have access to this item.

Police Radio: A waterproof communication device utilized to connect with Emergency Medical Services (EMS), the police radio can be handheld or worn on the shoulder. It remains unbreakable if the officer possesses Major or KPS. Action is required to speak within range, serving various purposes such as calling for backup, coordinating with fellow officers and hospital staff, and warning of potential threats.

Breathalyzer: Used for measuring alcohol levels, the breathalyzer cannot be mugged and requires an action to use. Typically applied to individuals in stopped vehicles, this tool plays a crucial role in maintaining public safety.

Handcuffs: Constructed from steel, handcuffs serve as restraints for suspects or criminals. Resistant rolls can be contested, leading to an arrest for resisting arrest. Each officer carries two handcuffs.

Stun Blaster: A non-lethal weapon causing a two-minute shock to the victim, the stun blaster cannot knock out opponents, cannot be mugged, and requires action unless the target is in active movement. It must be actioned to be taken out unless out of range, with a seven-block firing range and the potential to grant major permissions if used or hits.

Crowbar: Designed for pulling doors open, the crowbar delivers a two-hit knockout within a two-block range. It can be mugged but necessitates valid permissions. Action is required for equipping or using, limited to Corporals or higher.

Pepper Spray: Incapable of knocking out targets, pepper spray cannot be mugged and grants minor assault permissions. It blinds for a maximum of 30 seconds, necessitates action to be taken out, and requires rolls for usage.

Tranquilizer: Accessible to police sergeants and detective inspectors, the tranquilizer requires action and a successful roll to be taken out within range. Equipped with a total ammunition of 2 darts, reloading demands both rolling and action. It cannot be mugged, and no rolls are required to hit an individual.

Riot Shield: Accessible to all officers, the riot shield, when in use, prevents the user from using other items. It can be mugged and is offensively employed to push a target out of range. Successful rolls and action are necessary to swap hands.
Gas Mask: The standard-issue gas mask, commonly found in the black market, provides essential protection for officers in hazardous situations. Its primary functions include the following:

  • Can be mugged with appropriate permissions.
  • Effectively neutralizes the impact of pepper spray, safeguarding officers from its debilitating effects.
Luminol Spray: A roleplay item with no physical representation, the Luminol spray is employed by officers to identify hidden bloodstains and dents on weapons and objects. Its unique characteristic is:
  • Cannot be mugged, emphasizing its role as a forensic tool for investigative purposes.
First Aid Kit: A standard-issue first aid kit equipped with essential medical supplies, including a tourniquet and gauze pads. Its crucial attribute is:
  • Adds five minutes to the bleed-out timer, offering immediate aid to injured individuals until EMS assistance is available.
Body Camera: Worn as a chest-mounted device, the body camera is a constant recording tool monitored from the station during an officer's duty hours. Its functionalities are outlined as follows:
  • Vulnerable to breaking with blunt force, provided the assailant has the necessary permissions.
  • Cannot be mugged, ensuring the integrity of recorded footage.
Vehicles: The KPD boasts two distinct vehicles—the police bike and the police cruiser—each introduced at different ranks. These vehicles, essentially reskinned versions of standard models, feature a distinctive siren for enhanced law enforcement capabilities.
Non-Item Roleplay Items:

  • Flashlight: Illuminates dark areas.
  • Baton Holder: Carries the baton.
  • Key Holder: Holds keys to rooms and jail cells.
  • Key: Opens jail cells and rooms.
  • Body Camera: Records visual data.
  • Disposable Gloves: Used for inspecting items and crime scenes.
  • Finger Print Scanner.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Law enforcement plays a pivotal role in SRP due to the pervasive gang activity that, in its absence, would exacerbate community challenges. Police officers bear the responsibility of not only apprehending corrupt individuals but also ensuring the safety of Karakura's inhabitants. Within SRP or any roleplay server featuring gangs or potential malicious activity, the police hold a prominent position among the most crucial elements. The resolution of all crime-related matters falls under the purview of the KPD, emphasizing their central role in maintaining order.

The KPD diligently undertakes the duty of addressing corrupt activities, safeguarding the city, and contributing significantly to SRP's integrity. Their proactive efforts to protect the community underscore the critical nature of their role within the server. The absence of the KPD would likely plunge the city into chaos given the prevalent gang and criminal activities. Without a sense of security, criminals could roam freely, posing a significant threat to the city's stability. The city would undoubtedly face disaster, potentially leading to its collapse. The KPD's role is paramount in preventing such a scenario, highlighting its indispensable contribution to the overall well-being of the SRP community.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?:

Of course, this makes complete sense and i will attempt to make all events held.

In-Character (IC) Section
kamcold reporter application! (6).gif

What's your character's full name?:

Jun Amano

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Biological Male | He/Him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

JSL, Korean and Russian

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Introducing Jun Amano: A Figure of Commanding Presence

Step into the commanding presence of Jun Amano, an imposing figure of remarkable stature, standing tall at an impressive 6 feet 4 inches. The air around him seems to shift, drawing attention and respect effortlessly. Jun's disciplined physique is a testament to his unwavering commitment to rigorous training, radiating an undeniable aura of physical prowess that captivates all those fortunate enough to be in his vicinity.
Jun, a man of proud Korean descent, brings with him a distinct air, a reflection of the wisdom and experiences carefully amassed over time. His cultural heritage adds layers of richness to his character, contributing to the tapestry of his multifaceted identity.
On closer inspection, Jun's chest becomes a canvas telling the story of a personal odyssey—each scar marking a chapter of triumphant perseverance over adversity. The medium-length black hair, meticulously parted down the middle, adds an element of sophistication to Jun's overall appearance. The dark strands frame his face with grace, enhancing the enigmatic allure that naturally envelops him.
In addition to his physical presence, Jun exudes the invigorating scent of coffee—a subtle yet distinctive note that lingers in the air, creating a sensory experience unique to him. This olfactory detail further enriches the essence of Jun, offering a captivating blend of strength, cultural depth, and an intriguing touch of aromatic warmth.
The man's commitment to a formal dress code served as a distinctive element in his overall presentationA finely tailored suit, likely crafted from premium materials, d****d his form with precision and elegance.The fabric, a testament to quality, embraced his frame, accentuating his posture and contributing to an aura of refined authority. A perfectly chosen tie, knotted with care, added a touch of sartorial finesse, and perhaps, a subtle nod to the importance he placed on details. Each garment, from the crisply ironed shirt to the polished shoes completing the ensemble, spoke volumes about a conscious effort to project a certain image. The formality of his clothing became a visual signature, a deliberate choice that communicated a sense of purpose and meticulousness.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

In casual settings, Jun effortlessly adopts a persona marked by impeccable politeness, embodying the quintessential "Big-Brother" character. His demeanor is warm and friendly, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie that makes him a joy to be around. The jovial notes in his personality add an element of fun to any gathering, and his charisma and charm effortlessly extend to everyone in his vicinity. Jun takes a genuine interest in the well-being of those around him, manifesting in a consistent display of care and concern. A perpetual smile graces his face, not in a disconcerting manner but as a gesture to instill a sense of security within his aura, ensuring that everyone feels at ease. Actively working to maintain positive relationships, Jun engages in conversations that uplift the mood, leaving no room for unnecessary conflicts because, in his worldview, allies are far more valuable than adversaries.
Transitioning into a professional scenario, Jun undergoes a noticeable shift, adopting a demeanor characterized by strictness and bluntness. In this domain, his primary focus is on task completion and ensuring excellence in every aspect of the job. A commitment to precision and efficiency defines his professional approach, and he meticulously oversees that every detail is in order and executed flawlessly. Demonstrating a keen sense of organization, Jun's professionalism extends beyond mere appearance, permeating the very essence of his work. He discerns the fine line between casual and professional situations, adjusting his behavior accordingly. While he is adept at entertaining in appropriate contexts, he comprehends the gravity of serious situations and adapts his demeanor accordingly. For instance, when addressing a fine, he distinguishes the gravity, acknowledging that it is not as severe as someone employing illegal weaponry on a civilian, emphasizing his acute understanding of the nuances inherent in different scenarios.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Jun's approach to professional interactions reflects a remarkable adaptability that extends across various work conditions. Whether navigating the challenges silently, collaborating within a community, or immersing himself in other diverse environments, Jun showcases a high degree of flexibility. In professional settings, he particularly values the prospect of collaborative problem-solving and thrives on the idea of teamwork. Working alongside others is not merely a task for Jun; it's an avenue to broaden his social circle and foster a sense of camaraderie with those around him. He actively seeks opportunities to engage in teamwork, considering it an invaluable means of establishing connections and fostering a comfortable working atmosphere.
Jun excels in fostering a spirit of teamwork, deeming it the "most important thing" for the collective success of everyone involved. Despite any initial impressions of him being less inclined towards social interactions, Jun upholds a resolutely positive outlook when it comes to cultivating relationships with co-workers and emphasizing the significance of teamwork. His commitment to creating a collaborative and harmonious work environment stands as a testament to his dedication to professional excellence and the belief that collective efforts yield the most meaningful results.

What's your character's backstory?:

The fascination of Jun Amano
The vivid lights of Seoul painted the cityscape as Jun Amano navigated its bustling streets, a young man with a heart intertwined with the tales of books. His father, a beacon of strength in his life, shared stories and wisdom that fueled Jun's love for reading. Little did he know that the narratives within those books would soon be overshadowed by a tragic twist of fate.One evening, the city's vibrant energy took a somber turn. Jun received a call that would forever change the trajectory of his life. His father, the pillar of his existence, had fallen victim to a senseless stabbing. The news hit Jun like a tidal wave, washing away the certainties he had held dear. Grief wrapped around him like a suffocating shroud, leaving him gasping for breath.Amidst the echoes of mourning, Jun made a decision – a choice to embark on a journey of self-discovery far from the familiar streets of Seoul. The city that had once been home transformed into a haunting reminder of his loss. With a heavy heart, he set his sights on Karakura, Japan, a city veiled in mystery and promise.The transition to Karakura was akin to stepping into a new world. The cultural shift was palpable, yet Jun embraced the unfamiliarity. In the vibrant tapestry of the Japanese city, he sought solace, gradually adapting to the language, customs, and the rhythm of Karakura's heartbeat. Amidst the cherry blossoms and ancient temples, Jun discovered a sanctuary within the city's labyrinthine streets.One day, while meandering through the cultural kaleidoscope of Karakura, Jun stumbled upon a quaint bookstore. The scent of aged paper and ink greeted him like an old friend, drawing him into a world of possibilities. Unbeknownst to Jun, this bookstore would become a haven, a place where the healing balm of literature mingled with the warmth of newfound friendships.As the years unfolded, Jun's journey in Karakura became a story in its own right. Conversations in the bookstore transformed into cherished moments, and the chapters of his life unfolded with each turn of a page. Through laughter, tears, and the shared love for stories, Jun discovered a renewed sense of purpose. The city that had once been a backdrop for tragedy now painted a canvas of resilience and growth.In the quiet corners of Karakura, amidst the whispers of the city's tales, Jun Amano found more than solace. He discovered a second home – a place where the chapters of his life unfolded, and the echoes of his father's memory resonated with the turning of each page.

General knowledge
kamcold reporter application! (7).gif

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?:
"No you cannot, it is an illegal, dangerous weapon. Possesion of such weaponry leads to five months of jail-time."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:
"Five medical items that do not require a prescription are Paracetamol, Cough Syrup, Eyepatches, Bandaids, and Wooden Canes."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"In the event of encountering a suspicious situation, my immediate response is to expediently approach the scene, conduct a rapid assessment, and take swift action to conclude the matter efficiently. The paramount objective is to ensure the safety of my colleagues and ascertain that the involved inmate is not subjected to undue harm. In cases of injuries, immediate attention is provided to facilitate necessary medical treatment."

Leaning against the sturdy table, his hands formed a clasped bridge beneath his chin, fingers intertwining in a momentary sanctuary of reprieve. The subtle creak of the wood beneath him echoed the weariness of his endeavors, a silent acknowledgment of the efforts expended

"Following the resolution of the immediate concerns, a meticulous investigation is initiated to identify the instigator, particularly in instances where my co-workers may have engaged in self-defense. Any form of questionable conduct, especially if multiple officers are implicated, is not excused. Upon detecting potential misconduct, I activate my bodycam to record instances of abuse, complemented by a thorough review of available CCTV footage encompassing the events preceding my arrival, inclusive of both audio and video components."

A measured inhale drew the outside air into his lungs, the deep breath a deliberate act to anchor himself in the present.

"With conclusive evidence in hand, a detailed interrogation is conducted with the involved co-workers, maintaining continuous recording via the bodycam. The purpose is to elicit a comprehensive account of their thought processes during the incident. Should they voluntarily confess to any transgressions or attempt to fabricate an account incongruent with the recorded evidence, such statements are meticulously documented. Interrogating each co-worker separately is imperative to discern any inconsistencies in their narratives.
Subsequently, a comprehensive examination of all gathered evidence is performed to ensure its integrity. The verified evidence is then presented to higher-ranking authorities for appropriate action, as I lack the requisite authority to address such matters directly. While lacking in the authority, my role is to furnish irrefutable proof for subsequent action."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

"In the event of encountering an assault on a co-worker, my immediate response is to swiftly initiate a distress call, accurately specifying our location for incoming assistance, prior to intervening to mitigate the threat. Depending on the circumstances and proximity to water bodies, a careful evaluation is made regarding the use of a taser, with consideration given to potential additional risks. In the absence of water-related concerns, prompt neutralization of aggressors is executed using a taser or baton, followed by the immediate removal of the endangered co-worker from harm's reach."

Once more, the man found himself entangled in the labyrinth of his own musings, a solitary navigator charting the recesses of his thoughts. Leaning back against his chair, he sought a physical retreat to match the retreat within, his hands pressing against his face. The subtle gesture of hands against his face signaled both vulnerability and introspection—an instinctual need to retreat into the depths of his consciousness.

"Simultaneously, a second radio call for additional assistance is made, recognizing the possibility of multiple threats in the vicinity. Post-removal from imminent danger, a thorough assessment of the co-worker's injuries is conducted, determining the need for immediate medical attention. A subsequent call for EMS assistance is made, with the expectation that backup has arrived to facilitate the safe transportation of the injured co-worker for medical treatment. Should backup be delayed, vigilant monitoring of the assailants is maintained while awaiting their arrest and subsequent transport to the station for formal processing."

With a deliberate grace, the man made a gentle movement, crossing one leg over the other in a display of poised composure. Simultaneously, a deep breath drawn in suggested a grounding ritual, a momentary retreat to the wellspring of inner calm. Yet, amidst these physical nuances, one aspect remained unwavering—the unwavering eye contact. His gaze, a steady anchor, forged a connection that transcended the physical gestures

"In the absence of anticipated backup, a collaborative effort is made with the injured co-worker to escort the assailants to the station, ensuring their injuries are addressed post-apprehension. Once the assailants are securely in the custody of medical professionals, I redirect my focus to the inmates, ensuring due process in meting out appropriate charges for assaulting a government official. The discovery of any illegal weaponry prompts a request for a warrant to search their properties, anticipating the possibility of uncovering further incriminating evidence."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

"In the event of discovering a co-worker involved in clandestine activities supporting criminal organizations or engaging in corruption, my approach would be discreet and methodical. I would systematically begin accumulating evidence through nuanced observations of their interactions, deciphering body language, examining their associations, and scrutinizing the nature of the work they produce and file. Maintaining a vigilant stance, I would meticulously document every lead and potential evidence for subsequent disclosure."

A subtle yet unmistakable smile curved the man's lips, a manifestation of a private amusement that danced within the recesses of his mind. It was a smile that carried the weight of irony or perhaps a dark humor born from the contemplation of betrayal. His amusement, evident in the gentle upturning of his lips, suggested a certain detachment—a recognition that the concept of betrayal, while serious, held a dimension of irony or unpredictability that he found intriguing.

"Once I have amassed undeniable proof of their transgressions, my immediate course of action would be to promptly report the findings to our higher-ups. Alongside the formal report, I would provide a comprehensive dossier of all leads and evidence, allowing them to conduct their own thorough investigation. Importantly, I would refrain from directly confronting the implicated co-worker, as it poses a risk to my own safety and affords the co-worker an opportunity to relay information to the criminal organization they are aiding.This methodical and discreet approach ensures a comprehensive and well-documented disclosure of the co-worker's misconduct, enabling the appropriate authorities to deliberate on the necessary course of action."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?:
"A simple "No" and a moving along with my day will follow."

ADDITIONAL NOTES: this is very much my 4th time applying :D
Last edited:


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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