It wouldn't be like going from school to school, as in this isn't mandatory as I said and that also if you want to sign up and participate in the site you can, just like Onrain. And if the owners do like this idea I'm positive me and RandomlyAccepted can help out with making it, as I do know some coding myself and even if they don't want to do it themselves I might just do this idea myself and then show them the finish product and see if we can add it.
I still believe that people won't use it. especially the people who in HS because half of them sometimes new players. I still think it won't be if "I want" because if I look at the college you need to come to the classes, it's not an option. even if it will be if I want, nobody will use it because again, when we finish school the players won't want to come back again to 'school'. People coming to class when they bored, or they can to get reward token/ be popular around the school faculty, but when it will be more effort, people won't come or will do something.