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KPD Application | HazukiPlayZ


Level 76

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
[Main/Applying with]

_justsimba [Alt]
justnotsimba [Alt]
justsimba_ [Alt]

Discord Name & Tag:
Simba | just.simba

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been on SRP since roughly 2021 if not very late 2020, though my forums page says 2021 so we’ll roll with that. Having been in a few different factions starting out with faculty which I was Chef for 4 months before eventually leaving the department. Later on I applied for EMS and was EMS for nearly 2 years, and during that time I had joined the town faction as a judge where I stayed for 1 year. After having left both town and EMS, I have found myself with a large amount of free time and wanting to continue my dedication to this server, often being online finding things to do with friends or simply on my own. While I currently work 4 or 5 days a week I always manage to be on SRP for at least 2+hrs at least 5 or 4 days a week, and on my off days I usually spend the majority of my day on SRP usually mounting to at least 5 hours on the server. If I do go inactive in the past it has been either from band or from some sort of medical issue/illness but I have finished my marching season and won’t be returning to it. When I do go on decreased activity that may last more than 2 or 3 days or I will be completely inactive I will always make an inactivity log, though this does not happen often.
Below is a table that roughly shows the usual times I am available to be on SRP. Granted, these times can usually vary due to the fact I work a job OOCly and my hours can slightly vary but I will always know my schedule for work 3 weeks in advance. I normally work 2pm-7pm EST shifts but my hours may vary day to day so there may be times despite what this says below I may be on before I need to go into work but sometimes I do also get a more early morning shift letting me be home sooner but I cannot log on in the morning, so again the times below are the usual times I am able to be on SRP with knowing that information. Typically though I am more often online in the hours after work but obviously can be on beforehand.
All times are obviously in EST.

8PM - 3AM​
8PM - 3AM​
8PM - 3AM​
10AM - 2PM
8PM - 3AM​
8PM - 3AM​

I would also like to note that once my school ends on May 9th, which afterwards my Thursday’s will now be completely free as well. I also want to mention that every other week I get an additional day off from work randomly within the week, for example I have the 23rd off this week, and May 8th off in 2 weeks plus the regular Thursday and Friday days off.

What is your motivation for applying?:
While motivation is obviously something that comes in waves and the size of the waves vary, at times it being stronger than at others normally be it due to other outside reasonings, it is something that I have always found to that if it is a topic I find interest in then I will continue to love for long to come. A good example of this is me with EMS where I was for two years, and since my departure from EMS, I have found myself having a large amount of freetime and wanting to dedicate myself to something within the server much like I have for the past three years though there were a few months between factions with a motivation that only grows. Not only this but for well over a year OOCly now I have wanted to someday be a part of KPD, not only because of the factor of the community that KPD and government is in itself but also the new experiences and chances to roleplay and develop your skills but also the chance to develop friendships and assist the player base as a whole. While only recently have I gained the courage or even been able to apply though there's been years of curiosity, taking steps by working in both town as a judge, and in EMS, plus with the help of friends whom are or were in the faction at some point, my motivation to be apart of the KPD faction only grows. I wish to not only make new friends and memories along the way but I wish to gather new experiences and to explore new roleplay opportunities within the KPD and with the SchoolRP community as I work with the everyday player base in giving them new roleplay opportunities.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
While my knowledge on police work may be a bit more limited compared to others, especially when it comes to the specific ranks do, I do have an understanding of a good chunk of work that KPD does, them being listed below along with the items KPD can have and what ranks the items belong to.

Patrolling the City​
This task can be done by anyone with the proper permissions no matter the rank, the group number of the patrol ranging depending on both the rank of the officer(s) and the Emergency Level.​

Overseeing the City​
This is done by looking through and monitoring CCTV that covers the majority of the town, KPD having access to all CCTV other than for privately owned places such as the Hospital, Town Hall, School grounds, etc.​

Assisting Citizens​
KPD, just like their other government counterparts, can do something called front desk work where an officer mans the front desk for a certain amount of time. During this the officer (though it should be done anytime someone notices someone at the front desk) can assist citizens with any questions, issues, reports, or even help post bail among other things. Even without being at the desk, an individual may call the 110 line to ask questions or request an officer to the front desk to ask a question.​

Assisting other Government Workers​
This can either be helping EMS within the hospital or even helping respond to a call, among other things, or even could be simply going to town hall to assist when a trial is being held.​

Taking Reports​
While to my knowledge this can be done by any officer, it is simply taking a report from someone about any sort of law-break that has or may have occurred.​

While this is usually left to the detective side of KPD, this is done to either inmates or regular citizens who have simply been detained for questioning about a situation that has happened that KPD are investigating.​

Arresting Criminals​
Any officer can obviously make an arrest for the various crimes that can be done. Though before an arrest should be made evidence needs to be gathered to prove a law was broken hints at the ‘criminal’.​

Filling Town Logs​
This can be either Judicial logs due to an inmate pleading not-guilty to their charges or could even be for a warrant of some type as both go through town hall.​

Raiding Properties​
This is done once someone has been arrested for having illegal weaponry or once a warrant is obtained from town hall letting KPD legally enter the property and search for any other weaponry or other items in relation to a situation that has happened. Sometimes even looking for people hiding within a property evading from KPD.​

Taking Care of Inmates​
KPD can take care of inmates or do what we call jailRP as KPD can oversee visitations with inmates, making inmates meals, taking them out to the courtyard area, among other things. There usually needs to be at least two officers present in order for this type of RP to happen and KPD have a right to decline doing this similar to EMS with recovery.​

Forensic Work​
While I am not sure what all they do on their own, KPD will work alongside EMS in forensic work to identify either a victim or suspect/culprit within a case.​

Engaging in Server-wide Events​
This can either be alongside EMS, Town, and/or Crime faction or even simply on their own. Events can be planned or be a surprise and can range from a gang breaking a law, to helping a governor with a speech, or even having weather disasters among many other events that happen on SchoolRP.​

Police Baton​
The Police Baton is a steel baton accessible to all officers used to apprehend criminals within a close range [Two blocks] and can be stolen from an officer's hand with the proper permissions.​

A pair of steel handcuffs which is accessible to all officers is used to restrain the target's hands (Though I have seen people RP out the ankles as well due to being a highly dangerous criminal once before). This item requires an action and if the target resists also a roll. The handcuffs cannot be stolen and have a range of one block.​

Police Radio​
A tool able to be used by all officers which is tuned into both the police radio and emergency radio. The radio itself is a waterproof communication device used by any emergency unit. It cannot be stolen nor used offensively. An emergency unit can press a button located on its side which triggers a ‘Code 0’ response which should only be used in absolute emergency due to danger.
With the radio there are a few ways emergency servies communicate without saying what exactly they mean as follows other than just code 0..
- 10-4 Understood
- 10-8 Responding
- 10-12 Stop/Situation paused
- 10-16 Situation voided
- 10-19 Returning to station/hospital
- 10-20 what's your location?​

Stun Blaster​
A stun device used by all officers to prevent a target from moving without knocking them out, having a block range of 8 blocks this item cannot be stolen and requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out while within range.​

This item, accessible to BOTH EMS and KPD workers, is a device used to check the alcohol content from someone's breath. Basically, checking how drunk someone is. This item cannot be stolen nor offensively used and can read improperly.​

Pepper Spray​
Another item accessible to both EMS and KPD, it is a three(3) time use devices which can temporarily blind a target if managed to get into the eyes. This item does on work if the target is wearing a gas mask and cannot be stolen but also has a block range of two blocks.​

The tranq is an item only accessible to police sergeants and detective inspectors and higher, if in range a successful role is needed to take it out but otherwise only requires a successful hit to make the target unconscious for two(2) minutes. A block range of roughly 30 blocks.​

Riot Shield​
Given to all officers, the riot shield is a tempered-glass shield used by officers for protection. This item can be stolen if the officer is unconscious and with the proper mug perms. When in the main hand the officer cannot use offensive tools, all front/side damage is neutralized. When this tool is in the off hand the shield does not provide any defensive or offensive properties however the officer can use an offensive tool against the target.​

Gas Mask​
Given to both KPD and EMS for all ranks, it is used to protect emergency workers from biological threats or even help shield their identity. This item can be stolen with a successful roll and proper mug perms.​

Accessible to Police corporals and higher, it is used to pry open doors and containers. Once again this item can be stolen with proper mug perms and a roll.​

Luminol Spray​
This is an item given to all officers, it's a substance that is used to identify blood on surfaces.​

First-Aid Kit​
A miniature first-aid kit compared to what EMS have is given to all officers and is used when an ambulance/EMT service isn’t readily available and is able to possibly buy the injured person more time to get to EMS for the treatment they need. Adding 5 OOC minutes to any sort of bleed out timer (though these timers are not very common anymore)​

Body Camera​
Another item given to all officers, this item is attached to an on-duty police officers uniform and is constantly recording and live-streaming to a data-base only accessed by KPD. This camera cannot be removed but can be destroyed in two blunt force hits or one stab hit. This is another form of CCTV that can view anything from the player's point of view.​

There are twelve ranks within KPD, though I am not aware of all the details each rank personally does different other than for a select few so below is the list starting with the main division then moving onto Detective and finally cadet as cadet falls under both departments.

- Commissioner -
Highest position within the Police force
Higher-up within KPD

- Captain -
Higher-up within KPD and is highest position in the main division

- Lieutenant -
Higher-up within KPD

- Sergeant -

- Corporal -
In most cases, when being promoted from corporal to a higher rank you are given the chance to continue in the main division or move to the detective division.

- PO/Patrol-Officer -
The rank you are promoted to after passing your exam
In some rare cases a HU may ask if a PO would like to become a detective but is usually only corporals.

Now there is a reason for the detective department! This is because while both divisions do mostly all the same thing, detectives are the ones whom investigate further into different cases after a report has been made. For example, say there was a missing person report or a murder, while anyone can file the report a detective are the ones who will dig a bit deeper to get answers for the case. Another example of something I’ve witnessed only detectives do is defuse situations like when someone is being held hostage.

- Detective Superintendent -
Highest Position in the Detective division
Higher-up within KPD

- Detective Chief Inspector -
Higher-up within KPD

- Detective Inspector -

- Detective Sergeant -

- Detective Constable -
Lowest rank within the detective division

- Cadet -
Lowest position within the Police force. The cadets are limited to high restrictions for the entire duration of being a cadet while they under-go training and are not allowed to patrol or leave the station without a higher-up present, and cannot go off duty without approval from the faction lead, etc. Cadets undergo two main weeks of training and after those two weeks they have two chances to take the exam before removal from the faction however you can apply next wave. If a cadet passes their exam they get promoted to Patrol Officer.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are an important fundamental element of SchoolRP not only for the factor of Karakura having an extremely high crime rate with KPD, how could one only imagine how it’d be without KPD? The city is also mostly of youth due to the factor the highschool and community college are found to be in the center of the town, but KPD is also there for the rest of the citizens of the city. KPD in short is Karakura's residents first line of defense against the criminals that flood the city and the community in which we call GangRP without often having to get involved themselves. With KPD being something present it additionally adds not only a means of protection but also a means of adding realism by adding someone to step in to give a consequence of not following a law that has been put in place by the government. For example, one of the biggest threats to a gang's existence is the presence of KPD and how they could 'damage' a gang purely by giving arrests for laws that were broken by their members or even for something as simple as gang affiliation which is illegal and a felony to even be a part of the gang in the eyes of Karakura law.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge and understand this. I will attend all required training and any additional training given to me even if the training optional I will attend if I am online.

What's your character's full name?:
Avalon Ayaz

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
30 years of age | thirty years of age

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male | He/Him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Avalon has successfully graduated with a PhD degree in Criminology/Criminal Justice from the college of Keio University Law School.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Avalon only knows Japanese and JSL other than for his native tongue. His native tongue is English but obviously that’s not technically a language on SRP.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Avalon is a 5’9 Australian male that would have light brown eyes paired with midnight black hair which was always messy and usually rarely well seemingly kept, retaining an unusual bronze shade. His skin was of a pale color, making his hair and skin seem like that of night and day. Avalon would have a full arm tattoo that started at his wrist going upwards covering his entire shoulder, and bled onto his chest and back; the entire tattoo was of blue hydrangeas with black background detailing and shading.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Avalon when in a professional setting acts well, in a professional manner. Taking any situation in such a manner rather seriously as he makes sure to have manners and be polite to whomever is involved. Though he does make sure to stay on task and tries to not derail from the task at hand though can change his focus of the task easily if needed. Though in a casual setting, Avalon is either keeping to himself, which can be common, or talk with any other co-workers or people around if they so chose to speak with him.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Avalon sees very highly on the idea of coworkers and teamwork, as to him one person cannot do everything that may always need to be done alone but is needed to be done by multiple people. For example like a band, which Avalon was in during middle and highschool, one person could play a song yes and it may sound amazing, but add 10 more, 20 more instruments to the mix the song can become even more magical. But the more coworks there is, the more people have to work together and do their own parts to help others. The same kind of principle is applied in anything where there are coworkers or another party you work with.

What's your character's backstory?
(1,226 words)
Born November 24th, is where Avalon Ohara’s, now Avalon Ayaz, story begins truly. Avalon was born to Amelia Ohara and Noah O'hara, in Echuca Australia, with three older siblings, ages ranging from 18 to 14 by the time Avalon came around, Avalon’s parents being 41 and 43. While Avalon was a child his parents once explained as a completely accidental and unplanned child, that never once hindered the relationship they did their best to hold with their youngest son even if it was slightly different due to the fact they were much older compared to the other three. Avalon’s father was what many call a ‘blue collar’ but primarily focused on foundation building while Avalon’s mother was a librarian at the local library. Neither job someone may consider special, but it didn’t stop his parents from doing whatever they could for their children, paying the best they could for each child's education and any extra curricular activities they wished to takepart in but also to make sure to set aside time to not only spend time together as a family but with each child on their own.
While Avalon’s relationship with his parents many could call amazing, Avalon’s relationship with his siblings was slightly different. By the time he was old enough to remember anything Avalon’s sibling closest to his age, Aaliyah, was graduating her senior year of highschool and entering college though even with this Aaliyah was the sibling Avalon grew the closest too and still often may talk too from time to time more so compared to his other sister and brother. This all meant that by the time Avalon could truly begin to build relationships with his siblings they had already done their growing up, or at least a good chunk of it, and were off beginning their own lives away from home leaving Avalon to grow up mostly a single child with the occasional visits from his sisters and brother during holidays or vacations or even family gatherings or other sorts.
While Avalon’s life didn’t seem anything too out of the ordinary everyday life still closer to his adulthood, Avalon enjoyed a rather peaceful childhood and upbringing aside from the usual drama that happened. What he enjoyed most especially as the male got older was going to his mothers work after school, the library, not only because he could get lost for hours reading the different books relating to crime and solving mysteries but also to the factor just a few buildings down was the local police station. Avalon had always had a large interest in law and helping keep crime rates at a lower number than they would be without the police force, so once he was old enough his mother would let him wonder to nearby buildings while she worked and most times than not Avalon was found nearby the station watching police officers come and go either just entering the building to start their shift, end it, begin or end patrols, or even head out to a call, always curious about the different task police did and how they managed to keep atop of all the crime that happened around them. There was one problem that kept Avalon from going himself to ask these questions, he was a shy kid especially in school, and so for many months Avalon sat nearby curiously watching his local police do their jobs. Eventually Avalon quit this habit especially by the time middle school began.
In middle school, that is where Avalon found another passion of his, music. He would go on to learn both the tenor sax and mellophone between middle school and high school, studying/practicing and playing his instruments whenever he could manage to find time as long as his parents weren’t asleep. Though even with this new passion that didn’t mean his love for law and police grew any less, it actually grew more the older he became and was able to dig more into the topic and ask those questions as he slowly got less shy over things and interactions. Avalon wrote papers on either something relating to music or law any chance he had throughout his entire school years. In highschool, Avalon would take interest in the Japanese class, preparing himself for his college he so desperately wanted to attend in Japan. When the time came, Avalon would graduate from highschool in Australia before moving to Tokyo Japan to attend college in Keio University Law School. Avalon would continue on his studies of Japanese, having begun to learn the language in highschool granted him an easier time in college. Though Avalon wouldn’t often come home during breaks of school due to the long travel fair.
Avalons life in college continued onwards as he became nearly completely focused on his studies, though he made sure to take the time to enjoy nights with his friends. Though in Avalons second to last year of college, tragedy struck Avalon’s family, his father at the beginning of his school year would pass away from illness. In the months prior Avalon’s father became sick time and time again, the most recent landing him hospitalized and unable to keep high enough oxygen levels on his own though he began to recover to all his family though, it in reality was simply the ‘last kick’ his father gave before leaving. Avalon naturally spent a few days home in Australia to attend his fathers funeral but when he returned to school Avalon simply didn’t go out just as much as before, some even saying he grew cold either certain people and things. But an event that had yet to come would be the thing that would completely change Avalon’s life around to the man he was today. Half way through Avalons last year of school, his brother Aaron would suddenly call him, any call from his brother usually not meaning good as the two never grew close, and that was true. Avalon’s mother, the person who he was closest too, had been killed in an accident. Within a little more of a year from each other Avalon had lost not only his father but his inspiration and role model, his mother. This between the two deaths Avalon faced, drove Avalon to nearly completely shut off his social world, focusing on just his studies to get through his final semester before disappearing into the shadows the moment he graduated.
Avalon would spend this time remaining unreachable to his family members traveling and working across Japan in whatever kept him afloat but nothing that tied him down for too long, but not everyone lasts in this lifestyle for long. Eventually Avalon returned back to Australia to reunite with his family for a few years, evidently returning to Japan, Karakura Japan, at the age of 27 to truly settle down and begin his life. Though for a while Avalon kept up what he had by working at shops around town to keep a roof over his head, Avalon found footing in Karakura. Not only did he find himself working to pursue a career in law enforcement like he had longed dreamed, Avalon too manages to find love, going on to date then marry his now husband.

For now this is where Avalon's history ends, but new history is made everyday and with every choice as life continues on.​

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No, owning a pocket knife is illegal no matter the reasoning unless for a legal reason such as it being held for evidence in a case. In fact it is a felony to be in any unlawful possession of illegal weaponry that is capable of extensive harm"

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
"There's more than just five items that do not require a prescription which you can get from the EMS Pharmacy however the first five that come to mind are. . .​

Wooden Cane​
A simple but useful wooden can which can be used in either short or long term use, such as when an individual is recovering from an injury or may have a permanent limp or other conditions making walking without the aid more difficult.​

Eye Patch (Left & Right)​
A wrappable bandage that goes around the head to cover either the left or right eye. Often used when an eye is damaged or injured, but can even be used to cover a past injury for the patient's comfort if deemed alright to do so.​

Iron Supplements​
A medication consisting of ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, or ferrous gluconate, all of which are used as a type of iron supplement usually used to treat iron deficiency or anemia. Iron Supplements can even be used to help prevent any deficiencies with iron.​

A medication consisting of an array of vitamins. THis medication is used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiencies that occur either due to poor diet, digestive disorders, or other certain illnesses.​

A type of pain and fever medication used to temporarily relieve minor pain such as headaches, cuts, concussion, etc. It’s the lowest pain medication given in Karakura and is the only pain medication that does not require a prescription.​
. . . There are a full total of nine medications that do not require a prescription to have, these listed only being a good chunk of them but not all.”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“It first would matter if we are talking about physical abuse or verbal or another kind of non-physical abuse. If I come across any of my co-workers, that being either other KPD, EMS, or another government worker, physically abusing an inmate I’d make sure to have my body camera on to capture what was happening to confirm there is at least one sort of video evidence of the occurrence. However, before intervening I would stay far enough back before calling for backup along with an EMS worker to check out whether the inmate is hurt or not. Once the backup is called, I’d intervene in whatever manner is deemed safest for both parties, likely restraining the co-worker or distracting them.”
“If said coworker is verbally abusing an inmate I would distract the co-worker away from the inmate and talk to them. I’d of course inform a higher-up of the situation that occurred as well and check up on the inmate and see if they’d like to speak to anyone, for say myself or even a psychiatrist.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Assaulted as in like, physically assaulted? I assume this is what this means still. If I saw my coworker getting assaulted I would of course assess the situation first and radio for backup along as notifying EMS of an injured officer. It’d be a dumb idea to run into a fight where I myself would get injured in nothing flat as well without some sort of backup. However, the first chance I’d get to help my coworker in any way I could, either that be by using my taser, tranq, etc. and find a way to completely stop and/or deescalate the situation in the safest means possible.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“If I somehow find out a coworker is corrupt and is helping any sort of criminal organization or is corrupt in some other way, I’d inform a higher-up privately of what I witnessed for them to possibly look into the coworker and their behavior. But what’s reporting something if there’s nothing to back up this claim? Depending on the severity of it I may go ahead and bring it up to a higher-up privately but I’d also work on gathering evidence to prove what I am saying is true before attempting to speak to anyone. Keeping this information to myself other than for higher-ups to help keep it from getting out of control of others knowing and in return finding out someone knows they are corrupt on the force.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“Bribe me? People still try that? Well, obviously I may give a confused look for a moment but I’d first remind them that it is illegal to bribe an officer and that they could be fined for breaking this law. If they persist, then I’d simply once again inform them of what law they broke along with fining them for breaking said law, using any nearby CCTV along with my body camera to prove what this person did. It’d be rather not well thought out if they tried that with CCTV and the body camera, but after fining them I’d walk away and inform my colleagues of the person trying to bribe officers.”

Additional Note:
Apon if I am accepted I ask that my PHD role that currently holds my primary slot be moved to a secondary slot on the same account.
Thank you for reading my application! <3​


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to place your application on PENDING.

Why have I been placed on Pending?
Your application was temporarily placed on pending for its future reviewal at a
later date during a future application wave because of the following reason:
We liked your application, but we currently have no open slots.
During next wave, we will review your application as long as you're still willing to
join the faction. However, you won't have to re-apply to be eligible for the next wave.

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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