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KPD Application | TheEnglishDuck


Level 25

(Wrote this pretty late, sorry if there are any errors. I've checked it a few times but I might of missed something.)

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
I have too many bans on this server for my liking, however my last one was over 10 months ago and I don't intend to get any more.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity largely depends on what there is to do, if I have a lot of roleplay then I'll be on as much as I can, probably 3-6 hours per day, on the weekends this is true but on the weekdays it'll probably less. Really depends on my schedule at the time.

Which time zone are you in?:
(B)ritish (S)tandard (T)ime

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag
Augustus Caesar#8819

Do you have a microphone:

List your current and past applications:
Russian Application
German Application
Luxembourgish Application
JSL Application
Italian Application
Russian Application

Librarian Application
Professor Application
Teaching Assistant Application
Teacher Application

KPD Application
KPD Application
What is your motivation for applying?:
I saw on your job application announcement that says you need people in the BST time zone which is something I can help with, and I will also have the chance to do something that I am very passionate about. That's one of my main reasons for applying since I am very interested in the Police in real life. While, unfortunately, my previous applications have been denied, a major reason that I wanted to apply in this wave particular is that I think my chances of acceptance are up slightly due to your needs (Plus I just want to apply because I want to provide another option for you to choose from). I think my past experience throughout the internet in different policing settings would help me contribute immediately and immensely as a cadet and hopefully higher as time goes on. With a more character focused reason out of the way, my personal reasons are that I've always been interested in policing. I intend to be a police officer in real life and I have such a high motivation for everything relating to this position that I couldn't not apply.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I've read the SRP lawbook a few times and I understand the basic culture of Japan, which it seems not many do based on their actions.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know that Police work is more than just arresting and searching people. Police need assertiveness while being polite, the ability to think on their feet and remain calm even in the most dangerous situations while also having great confidence and teamwork skills. Police officers never work alone, they always have fellow officers with them. Whenever they search people, someone protects their back etc. The police also need to know how to handle abuse and to give their lives for those very same people if push comes to shove, the Police can not hold grudges and must save everyone's lives, they have a duty to make sure even criminals are protected. They enforce the law even if they don't entirely believe in it and put their life on the line for the same people who hurl abuse at them and meet them with anger in the streets. I also know that police work comes in different shapes and sizes, from the normal patrol division to the detectives. Everyone has a job and everyone is a cog, if one officer falls out of line then the system breaks apart. When it comes to actual SRP policing though, I have quite a bit of knowledge. For example, you have foot patrols that go around the main crime 'hotspots' in small groups to try and find crime, actively seeking it out. They also do everything from manhunting, searching, arresting, setting bail/arrest etc, it is their job to know the entire procedure off by heart and make sure that they follow guidelines and protocol at all times.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In real places around the world, small villages usually don't need much police presence. Social and peer pressure to not commit crimes is all that is needed. People consider the law to be fair, and worth it. If people break the law IRL they are usually shunned and shamed. However, SRP is different. People in the server usually find crime to be fun, for a fair reason. But it still needs to be countered, the police is very under-staffed on SRP and in constant need of new members. The police in SRP is important because it provides a much needed counter and balance to GangRP, when people go around stabbing it is usually when the police are not on because they know that they will be caught and arrested otherwise. The police scare a lot of GangRPers, and if someone goes after an Officer it is in a big group. They are needed so people can get on with their gameplay in peace without getting extorted for money or beat up for going onto a gang's turf, they increase the roleplay quality tenfold. And of course, they're a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong, but the people that complain are the first to call the police if they are in danger.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, you need people with the right attitude, even if it isn't written into the rules.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, otherwise I shouldn't have the job.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, no reason for me to hold a spot if I don't.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, it is to be expected.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

He is a well mannered, modest but rather blunt man who isn't afraid to take risks and put his own life on the line. Standing at 5'10, he has a rather domineering, confident and even respectable feel around him. His short, thick black hair sits, well-groome d, atop his head along with a long, wiry beard with a brown-ish tint to it. This light-skinned individual would wear perfectly pressed, matching clothes usually in a suit setting which almost always fits perfectly. When it comes to unique, identifying features there are a few that come to mind, from his birth mark atop his head that is mostly hid away in his hair to a scar just below his left eye. He is an odd man, prone to remaining quiet even though he is not in the least bit shy, this can be attributed to his career. He knows when it is good to be quite and cautious, and when he should be assertive.

What they're like on and off the job?
While he is on the job, he remains vigilant at all times and never acts independently, he firmly believes his colleagues should be like family to him because if it comes down to it, he will give his life for them and he expects the same back. He is a humble, disciplined honest man while remaining resilient and persistent in the face of a job that has the odds stacked against him, he takes time and effort into increasing his relationship with those around him and is patient when it comes to results, when he deals with criminals out and about he is usually quick and decisive, violence is always his last resort and it he can he would prefer to sort things out diplomatically but of course knows where to draw the line. While he is off the job, he is exactly the same. One of his worst traits (at least to his family) is that he is 'married' to the job, he spends all his time working and has little to no social life outside of work. If anything, he wouldn't mind playing some video games to blow off some steam but he prefers to always stay in the same mindset.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
He is very flexible when it comes to his future plans, very open to whatever opportunities he is dealt in life but his first goal is to get a permanent position within the police force so that he can secure his dream career. Like mentioned earlier, his outlook on his co-workers is that he will give his life for them if he needs to and he expects them to do the same which is why he spends much of his time trying to build at least some form of work relationship that is, of course, kept purely professional. He sees his co-workers as family and people who he respects deeply, especially the higher ranks whom he views as honourable and incredible workers. His main plan is simply to get through his career and stay alive, helping the community he owes so much to and to settle down, have a nice family and eventually retire.

Hachiro was born on the third of November, 1996. He was brought into this world within his parents' home, his mother died in childbirth and his father was long dead in active duty in the military. Thankfully, there were two other people on the site. His uncle and his auntie, his auntie was medically trained so after getting the child situated she took pity on him. Her entire career had been centred around helping people, saving the lives of those that need it. And now she had a child who needed her help. His uncle and auntie brought him into their household on the same day he was born and named him Hachiro after his father, giving them his mother's family name so both parents would be engraved in this boy's life, regardless of their own part to play in it. As an infant, he was never cautious, he was fearless and got many sc****s and bumps all over him, climbing over rocks and onto the family's dog many times.. Despite this, he had a relatively normal infant-hood despite their decreasing wealth. The first word to escape his mouth was not a very usual one, or a very usual setting for that matter. The word in question was his own name, when he turned 1 he had a birthday party and his carers got a little bit too drunk, Hachiro climbed away with giggles and made it out of the garden, around 10 minutes later they realised 'Oh. He isn't here.' and the entire party (Including many police officers that were there) started to look for him, and thankfully he was found playing with a cat on the street only 5 minutes later, he repeated the name that he heard many times. Thus, his first words.

After his infancy stage, we move on to his childhood. His uncle was a police officer, a Corporal in a neighbouring city. The pay wasn't great, but combined with his auntie's it was enough to get by month to month, although it was very month-to-month. Many times Hachiro was woken by his Uncle frantically getting ready because they were understaffed and he had to go help them. It was these events that set his career goal in his mind, although he didn't yet know it. In primary school (Not sure what it is called in Japan, but 6-11 years old iirc) he was known as a very popular student, he always had friends over at his house, despite the decreasing condition. Due to his grades, it was a big shock when Hachiro was suspended for two days. His uncle was angry and his auntie confused, so he started to explain. It turned out he had hit someone bullying one of his friends, after a very, very angry phone call to the school, his uncle got the suspension lifted and took him to the police station for a small tour as a reward for his actions. Was this allowed? Who knows, but it was worth it as this further cemented his life goal.

Years flew past and soon Hachiro was celebrating his 14th birthday! His uncle had passed away the previous year in a shoot out with someone after his uncle attempted to stop a robbery. As if this was not bad enough for the poor child, his auntie had never been the same since and was fired from her job for lacklustre performance. This forced the young Hachiro to work two jobs despite his age. While child labour laws prevent this, the people he worked for were family friends and there was a general understanding of his situation.. So when I say 'celebrate', in reality it was him going out with his friends who had bought him a cake and having a small get together with them at one's house. As he turned 14, he was old enough to join a police cadets program which he got into mainly because he applied to the same place as where his uncle worked and they recognized him. As 14 turned to 15, 15 turned to 16, 17, and finally 18, he was forced to leave the cadets program due to obvious reasons. When it comes to academics, he studied hard. Despite working two jobs, balancing hobbies and a social life, he managed to pass all of his tests with pretty good scores for most part.

With the end of his secondary school career, we are fast approaching current day. He moved to a small town called Karakura due to the community college they had accepting his application to study. His life was on a positive turn! He had more friends than ever, his auntie's health looked to be getting better and he was doing great in school. He was attending parties, dating and in general doing the stuff that college students usually do. Unfortunately it was around this time in his life that everything turned for the worst. His auntie lost a battle to cancer, he secluded himself to focus on his studies and his friends drifted away, he was fired from his job due to a disagreement with the manager that turned bitter and in general his luck flopped.

Despite being so sure about his life goals, a degree in communications, criminal justice and his eventual end-goal, he dropped out of college because of the stress, eventually he made a recovery and decided to go for a more hands-on approach to his dream, having tried the academic path. He took an apprenticeship in a nearby town's police force and proved himself to be quick on his feet and worth-while, after a few years of this he decided he was ready. He moved back to Karakura and sent an application to the police force, hoping his goal would see fruition.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Okino Hachiro

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Mr. Okino [Very Formal.]
Okino [Formal. co-workers.]
Hachiro [Informal.]
Hachi [Very Informal, family/close friends/relationships.]



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:


Working Experience:
Five years.

Academic Degree:
Highschool diploma.
Bachelor's. [Not completed]

Year of Graduation:
2014 [Secondary School]
2019 [College, Dropout.]

Criminal Justice. [Not completed]

Communication. [Not completed]

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
JSL, Russian, Italian.

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