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KPD Application


Level 0
IGN (In-Game Name): VTG011

Discord Name & Tag: theshauryagaur

Which timezone are you in? BST/British Summer Time

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: (I believe that's all of them, the rest of my apps are about languages mostly)
Accepted - Math's Teacher Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - derek's private tutor application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Derek's office secretary application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - P.E Teacher Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on the server: I used to be very active in the past. I have been playing srp for 3 years now but a while ago my activity has diminished quite a bit but as of recently I am trying to get more active again and finding things to do on the server.

What is your motivation for applying?: Most of my time playing srp has been me being in countless gangs and being a gangrper but overtime gangrp hasn't become as great anymore in my opinion, my main reason for applying is because i want to be more active on SRP again and i believe applying for KPD would allow me to do that. Another reason is that i like trying new things so applying for KPD is motivating me enough to try something that i am unfamiliar with which is always in my opinion a interesting experience, i have been really curious about how it is to be in the KPD as well as experience the different type of community it provides.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I know a fair bit about police work whether that be from watching police programs such as rookie blue and chicago pd which i enjoy watching, so my knowledge is limited but i know the basic and common knowledge about police work but if my knowledge is not enough then i am fully willing and dedicated to learn what i lack during my time in KPD if i do get accepted without letting it hinder anything else like my activity or my efficiency.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP? Police are important in SchoolRP because it's almost exactly the same as real life, you break the law, you pay the price with jail time or worse. In my opinion i think it sets a good example to have them around since gangs and violence is in SRP and it's the KPD’s job to put a stop to it, people in real life might try and perform the same things that gangs do which could end really badly for them and others so having the KPD there to do there job in preventing crime and etc, it gives people an idea that it's not okay to do these things and that KPD sets a good example for both playing on SRP and thinking about decisions in real life before you do them.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished? Yes I do understand this.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?: Shaurya Gaur

How old is your character (if accepted)?: If accepted I would like him to become 27 years old.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?: He would go by He/Him.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application: College.
(Grade-12/Bachelors/Masters/PhD): Bachelors.

What languages does your character know besides?: English and Hindi

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique? He's a 6ft Indian male with a muscular build and has sharp facial features, he has fluffy black hair and something that makes him unique is that he has heterochromia which means his left eye is forest green while his right eye is bright blue. His personality is that he can be a very nice person but can also have a bit of a temper, he doesn't really starts fights but he isn't afraid to finish one and he can be really protective over the people he cares about which include: friends, family, any fellow workers if at a job and he will always protect innocent people.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? He can put up a professional mask that you can't easily determine his emotions with, he can put this mask up whenever he wants and take it down just as quickly. He would approach the situation calmly and not let stressful situations get to him easily. But if joking around is aloud he will do that and just follow his orders that are given to him. If it's a normal conversation he can easily let himself relax and let loose without any issue, his ability to switch between his emotions on command is easy for him because he knows situations can change from good to bad in a matter of seconds.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork? When thinking of the idea of working with co-workers and using teamwork, his opinion of it is that it can always be needed. He has always been good when working with groups and teammates during school assignments and P.E lessons. He thinks that if you have a team with you then you can take on anything head-on and that any fear just simply vanishes, but he also believes that working on your own also has its advantages in different situations and that both working with others or just being on your own can both be a double-edged sword.

What's your character's backstory? Shaurya's birth name was Shaurya Gaur, his parents were not the best to him and has basically trained him to fight ever since he could walk, both his parents were involved in gang business but he always had hated his parents for doing horrible things to other people so at the age of 14 he decided that he won't stand for it anymore and reported his parents to the police. When his parents found out what he did they left him and went on the run but they promised that he would pay and they would get their revenge, since he was on his own his uncle took him in and they moved to karakura to be away from his parents and start a new life, sadly after a year of peace at the age of 15 he came home to the sight of his uncle dead and his parents above him. He straight away bolted back out the door and ran for his life and that was when he bumped into a stranger called Sho Hirobayashi, after Sho took in his condition and looked behind him to his crazy parents attempting to end his life, Sho took matters into his own hands and protected him by killing his parents. He held no hatred towards Sho for killing his parents and he in fact did the opposite by thanking him for saving his life, Sho ended up taking him in and becoming family by changing Shaurya's last name to Hirobayashi.

He was then enrolled into school and at the start it did start of a little rough with him getting into fights and getting stressed about all the work, but over the years he got better and matured as he got into barely any fights and the only time he ever did he was protecting someone else, he has grown into some sort of a peacemaker that tries to stop violent situations before resorting to violence, at the age of 17 he was excelling in his studies especially with P.E because he was considered to be is great shape for his age, Yasu was then at the age of 20 when he had a college bachelor's degree and was thinking about future careers. On a saturday evening he walked upon a person getting harassed by a few gang members, Yasu knew he couldn't leave a person in that situation so he called the police quickly and reported what was going on, then puts his phone away and walked up to the individuals in hopes of stalling until the police arrived, he did end up doing that but got punched in the face before the police finally arrived and arrested the gang members before requesting for EMS to come and assess the injuries of the victim and himself. And in that moment when seeing the KPD in action is when he knew that he wanted to be just like them, helping people and arresting the bad, he also considers by becoming a police officer he can somehow atone for all the bad things his family has done and that determination helps him strive to make the town safer for people so they don't end up going through like he did.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura? No, a pocket knife is illegal to own in karakura.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
1: Paracetamol.
2: Melatonin.
3: Wooden Cane.
4: Eyepatch.
5: Unbranded Bandage.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? I would quickly look over the situation to make sure i wan't assuming or misunderstanding anything before quickly getting into contact with a supervisor or a higher up nearby before quickly approaching the situation and getting the co-worker off of the inmate, and keep them secured until the supervisor or higher up arrives to then deal with the situation and reprimanding the co-worker from me before seeing if the inmate is okay and to ask to explain the situation, then relay the information onto the supervisor or higher up so then they can get the co-workers story before taking any actions., then call EMS to assess the inmate and treat any injuries.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted? I would quickly radio or call for backup before rushing over and reprimanding the person assaulting the co-worker by any means necessary whether that be holding them in one place that is away from the co-worker or using my taser as a last resort if it gets too difficult or the person is getting too violent, make sure the person is secure before checking on the co-worker and making sure they are okay, i would then call EMS to assess and treat the co-worker and wait for back up to arrive then we all try figure why the situation happened so the situation can be dealt with accordingly.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations? Immediately contact my higher ups and non-corrupted co-workers about the betrayal, staying out of sight but i would make sure to always keep an eye on the corrupted co-worker to make sure i don't lose them while attempting to listen in for any useful information until backup arrives to then deal with the situation correctly and if i collected any useful information while listening in then i would relay the information onto my peers to help deal with the corrupted co-worker, so then my peers can question the corrupted co-worker about their actions and attempt to get anymore information.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you? I would immediately reprimand the criminal if they aren't already before adamantly refusing their offer then I would consult with my supervisor or higher up about their attempt at bribery and the exact words they said to me before asking them what further actions they should take with the criminal then following the orders given to me afterwards


Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

Plagiarism is under no circumstances allowed when applying for any
SchoolRP faction. While you are allowed to look at other applicantions
to get an idea of what you're gonna need to write out, you cannot take
out chunks of text from other applicants, nor minimally modify them.

Although you will not be punished in game for it, you have been blacklisted
from applying for this faction until further notice. If you wish to appeal this
decision, feel free to send me a DM (Note, however, that faction leads have
the right to keep your blacklist indefinitely).

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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