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Leave or Off Duty System for Faculty


Level 31
What's your Minecraft Username?: the_twnk_dragon
What's the title of your suggestion?: Leave or Off Duty System for Faculty

What's your suggestion?:
The town of karakura is bustling with many different factions and incidents happening throughout the city.

A lot of the times, faculty members are left intermingling amongst themselves mostly because we do not have the option to leave school grounds during weekday school hours.

Keeping in mind, that any job has an off duty, or an allocated leave every month, we can have the same for the faculty members as well.

What we can do -

An option of taking 2 icly leaves in an OOC month, where the faculty member need not attend school. (We can change the numbers but this is a suggestion to start off with)

These leaves can be used incase of an emergency, or if they feel overwhelmed by the work stress.

The system can be traced on an Excel sheet, or a command whichever is easier - hence making it an easy suggestion to implement.

How will this help?

Adult tags are rarer than student tags for faculty members, what this will do is help us build better relationships as faculty with other city factions. What does a regular day in the life of Karakura look like if you are not working, something the school faculty can find out for themselves.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
- More roleplaying amongst the adults,
- More opportunities for individuals to do an authentic roleplay of what the life of a working individual is truly like
- Better relationship amongst town citizens.
- Building more trust within the community towards the school faction.


Level 199
Easily abusable, the whole “trust” thing as well seems very unlikely due to faculty being fired all the time (@philbertman42 I’m talking to you), the more faculty gets fired in a period of time, the harder it is to trust them with that kind of stuff. If faculty were more responsible in general with their jobs (Not all of them, some are actually responsible) then this suggestion would be more considerable.


Level 6
+1 It would be relatively easy to implement in my opinion, I don't really see it being abused if it's all properly logged (Which would most likely be a requirement for something like this)


Level 28
As a former employee, I do not see this as necessary. You can interact with other adult tags as well as government worker during weekends and after school hours. You knew what applying for a position at the school came with, and I understand that it is not the most pleasant job, but if it's overwhelming - log off and log on after school is over. It is a schoolRP after all that is supposed to mostly focus around the school aspect, and town factions are merely just an add-on. Though, I do not see this being necessarily hard to implement and keep a track of, it would be a rather simple process.


Level 14
-1 I’m sorry, but even though it seems cool its not that practical. Like other factions, faculty have jobs to do. As well as the fact that they can always rp with adults outside of school and weekends. Plus this system may be misused.


Level 72
-1 As a former professor twice and receptionist, I don’t think it’s needed because people could misuse it as stated above. I just would not trust some people with this stuff in my opinion.


Level 86
Sadly I feel like this is impossible to do and would be more hands on SLT as they already have their hands on things to do including exams, they have time after school or during weekends to interact.

Only times I've seen them out of school is if they're in recovery, which makes sense if their character is in which unable to work.


Level 31
Thread starter
As a former employee, I do not see this as necessary. You can interact with other adult tags as well as government worker during weekends and after school hours. You knew what applying for a position at the school came with, and I understand that it is not the most pleasant job, but if it's overwhelming - log off and log on after school is over. It is a schoolRP after all that is supposed to mostly focus around the school aspect, and town factions are merely just an add-on. Though, I do not see this being necessarily hard to implement and keep a track of, it would be a rather simple process.
Just wanted to reply to this, i wasn't going for ooc overwhelming, but more like, any job has a real leave system for such cases. ICLY issues can be one of the reasons for people to be able to not attend school hence mentioned 2 icly days in an ooc month. a small amount to be able to keep track off.
Icly issues can be things like - You need to attend to your partner, or even your character wants to relax for one school day. I understand its school rp, hence giving too many leaves would also be a problem, however it would be really cool in an ICLY sense. Oocly we can just afk and play genshin if its overwhelming :3 or change chars, however it would depend on SLT being able to keep a track of it, since the abuse problem is real.

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team
-1 I'm adding something on so Basically, The idea of off-duty hours for EMS and KPD are that (We're always on the clock, no matter what day, no matter what time. We're there for the public.) We get 10 hours off-duty a week, And sometimes it isn't even enough. I'm saying this as a piece of advice, School lasts 2 ooc hours per day, Say theres 5 school days 5x2 thats 10 ooc hours of school in one ooc week. Compared to the... 50+ ooc hours (Per week.. ik its crazy) I zont think its that bad.. Also Faculty are probably really freaking laid back!!!! Y'all can stay in the teachers longue and rp all day! I mean.. I don't really wanna be running around and See a Professor make out with an Adult tag because they dont wanna do their job... I guess...


Level 86
Only times I've seen them out of school is if they're in recovery, which makes sense if their character is in which unable to work.
To add on... IF there was a system it would have to go straight to HDs or SLT overall (most likely SLT as they have the power to tell us if we're able to be on school grounds or not as they are staff) they will get massive large amounts of DMs as they already get A LOT of dms relating to the school, staff work, etc.

When I was a part of EMS, I was head pysch and often had dms of people from my department asking to get dms, it was frequent.
The dms get buried quickly overall, so imagine being a staff member mostly an SLT member, 10 times more dms because of the AMOUNT of Faculty members we got, we have 88 faculty members as a whole, added teacher and professor...

2 icly days in an ooc month may be simple and easy, all dandy but it might not be, mostly because staff will tp you if it were to happen on school timing (like, you're on your own and like not in recovery room for recov rp)... SO basically, they won't tp you, most likely if you're with a big group like fieldtrips, not saying they won't tp you but the chances are lower as you'd usually have proof to you asking permission of a fieldtrip.

TLDR: Even if this system was a thing, 50/50 you'd still be tped onto school grounds during school hours unless you're in specified areas like recovery room or on a fieldtrip with a bunch of kids, harder for SLT to keep track via loads of DMs.

! salty

Level 51
Just wanted to reply to this, i wasn't going for ooc overwhelming, but more like, any job has a real leave system for such cases. ICLY issues can be one of the reasons for people to be able to not attend school hence mentioned 2 icly days in an ooc month. a small amount to be able to keep track off.
Icly issues can be things like - You need to attend to your partner, or even your character wants to relax for one school day. I understand its school rp, hence giving too many leaves would also be a problem, however it would be really cool in an ICLY sense. Oocly we can just afk and play genshin if its overwhelming :3 or change chars, however it would depend on SLT being able to keep a track of it, since the abuse problem is real.
same can apply for students from this perspective, why dont they get leave?

yk, prolly because its schoolrp and not actual school


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
As much as faculty would love to have time off, it's just something more that staff have to do. And we already only work from 08:30-15:00, you can live


Level 36
for the reasons stated above.. as both a hospital worker, a member of KPD, and an ex-professor, i'm telling you that your working hours of, as stated above, roughly 10 hours a week, are perfectly fine and manageable. a minor correction, we have 10 hours of offduty in the hospital, and a mere 8 in KPD. i think you guys have it good with all time outside of school hours technically 'offduty'!

and yeah, the appeal is nice, i get it. sometimes i wanted to roleplay outside of school grounds and not be expected to exist within that area (and i get the frustration of others wanting to roleplay with faculty but being a town/adult role too! i'm in that boat), but it's what you signed up for. teaching! being in school grounds during school hours. if you want time out of school, getting that scrumptious adult role is always an option.


Level 31
Thread starter
To add on... IF there was a system it would have to go straight to HDs or SLT overall (most likely SLT as they have the power to tell us if we're able to be on school grounds or not as they are staff) they will get massive large amounts of DMs as they already get A LOT of dms relating to the school, staff work, etc.

When I was a part of EMS, I was head pysch and often had dms of people from my department asking to get dms, it was frequent.
The dms get buried quickly overall, so imagine being a staff member mostly an SLT member, 10 times more dms because of the AMOUNT of Faculty members we got, we have 88 faculty members as a whole, added teacher and professor...

2 icly days in an ooc month may be simple and easy, all dandy but it might not be, mostly because staff will tp you if it were to happen on school timing (like, you're on your own and like not in recovery room for recov rp)... SO basically, they won't tp you, most likely if you're with a big group like fieldtrips, not saying they won't tp you but the chances are lower as you'd usually have proof to you asking permission of a fieldtrip.

TLDR: Even if this system was a thing, 50/50 you'd still be tped onto school grounds during school hours unless you're in specified areas like recovery room or on a fieldtrip with a bunch of kids, harder for SLT to keep track via loads of DMs.
i mean to be fair, its just for icly reasons. If it adds extra work to staff obviously its not something that can be pushed. It's just a suggestion at the end of the day, doesnt have to be accepted, but it would be a neat little touch to realism.


Level 31
Thread starter
for the reasons stated above.. as both a hospital worker, a member of KPD, and an ex-professor, i'm telling you that your working hours of, as stated above, roughly 10 hours a week, are perfectly fine and manageable. a minor correction, we have 10 hours of offduty in the hospital, and a mere 8 in KPD. i think you guys have it good with all time outside of school hours technically 'offduty'!

and yeah, the appeal is nice, i get it. sometimes i wanted to roleplay outside of school grounds and not be expected to exist within that area (and i get the frustration of others wanting to roleplay with faculty but being a town/adult role too! i'm in that boat), but it's what you signed up for. teaching! being in school grounds during school hours. if you want time out of school, getting that scrumptious adult role is always an option.
Its not really frustrating to be honest, faculty role is quite relaxed, All points are valid when it comes to KPD and Hospital working all the time, and heck even shrine gets a few hours off a damn mountain. But its just one of those things you want to see if it works or not. If it is too much a hassel for the community then ofcourse it wont be accepted.

The reason for this suggestion was not being im frustrated, but rather seeing if we can make it more real, i wish doctors and kpd workers worked shifts as well instead of time off , you know healthy life and all :3 However my pov is mostly from faculty because thats the only faction ive been a part off.


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
I could pick this apart point by point, but I'll save us all the time and say that as a member of faculty and EMS that faculty have more than enough time off during out of school hours to the point this just isn't needed.

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