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M3M0R14M's Police application


Level 64
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

M3M0R14M (applying account)

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:

I would describe my activity as always online; whenever I can be, I am present. I am online from when I get back from school; or wake up to when I go sleep. It all honestly matters on the day and what I am up to. So its normally 4:30pm EST to about 12-3am EST. But the lucky thing is that in quite literally 6-7 weeks, I will be out of school for the summer! Which will cause an EXTREME spike in my activity as normally over the summer its around.. Maybe 2pm EST to 6-7am EST. (Over the summer I go nocturnal.)

With every single role I apply for, I promise that I’ll try to stay as active as possible with the role.. Yet that does come with breaks every once in a while to try and not get bored while performing the role, and keeping everything new for myself to keep myself active and attentive whenever I am online as the role.

What is your motivation for applying?:

If I am going to be honest; I miss the feeling of being apart of KPD that I had when I was there, it was an enjoyable faction to be apart of, with the events and new faces you get to meet with every situation. Its something I miss, and I can hopefully get back, if its this wave or the next wave.

Of course I do also have to add, when I was in KPD; you weren’t aloud to do as much until after training! And I’m hoping if I do get accepted this round, I can get all of my training done before my school year comes to close so over the summer, I’ll be able to focus most of my time into the faction, and doing said police duties.

I do come to realize that this section is short, but it is rather straight forward..

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I’ve been in the KPD before, yet that was some time ago and I do forget some things.. And times change things, so I’ll list off what I do know.


➵Patrol officer

➵Detective Superintent
➵ Detective Chief Inspector
➵Detective Inspector
➵Detective Sergent
➵Detective Constable



Steel handcuffs that are used to arrest criminals..
Can’t be Stolen
1 block range


A legal weapon that is used by all officers (mostly seen used) incase after a stun; you have to remove a weapon from the induviguals hands.
Two hit knockout
Can be stolen
Two block range

➵Police Badge

An item that proves a police officers identification instead of having to use a normal ID.
Its shows the officers rank, name.

➵ Police radio

An item that is used by all ranks in the police force that is waterproof to communicate quickly.
Can’t be stolen
Can be destroyed with a blunt weapon or a sharp weapon.

➵ Stun gun
(Name changed to Stun Blaster)

A stun blaster used by all officers to be able to prevent the person from moving.
Requires an action and higher roll to be taken out in range.
No roll for stunning target; but needs to be actioned when in range.

➵Body camera

A camera that is attached to a police officers vest.
Is not able to be removed by can be destroyed (2 blunt hits, or 1 stab)


➵Luminoil (ITEMRP’D)

➵Riot shield


➵Pepper spray


➵First aid kid (ITEMRP’D)

➵Gas masks

➵Gloves (ITEMRP’D)

Safety Levels

➵ 2 - Lowest safety level there is, during this one it is the safest and you are able to patrol on your own.
➵ 3 - Suggested to travel in small groups with patrols or even calls.
➵ 4 - Travel in groups.. (I know when lethal was around, they also had to travel with one person that had lethal.)
➵ 5 - I’ve only seen this one active once, and it was during what I call ‘gangrp event periods’ where theres so much situations happening that end up with a police officer stabbed. Its either this level, or level four where HU’s are required to run around in riot gear for their own safety; including lower ranks if they are asked to do so.


➵ Code zero
Officer down and wounded, everybody is needed.
➵ 10-20
➵ 10-16
Situation voided.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The police faction, and police work in general is highly important with GangRP being around.. If it wasn’t, I have a feeling that everybody would be loosing their characters every five minutes due to some sort of GangRP shena****ns. They hold up the expectations to people who GangRP with characters they care about, having to force their characters more into secrecy not to loose their beloved character. Having that fear honestly stops the future if KPD wasn’t around; people running around Karakura with Katana’s and everything out and about, killing people every three steps. Or the running around plaza that we still even see with KPD being around in a ballistic, and carrying around a bat.

If the KPD wasn’t a thing, SRP wouldn’t be how it is now; having that safety feeling that every character has due to the Karakura Police Department being able to protect them, their families, friends and be there to save them when the time comes.. Which it eventually will, its Karakura out of all places.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes! Of course.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Shou Jin

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Male; he/they

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors - Criminal Justice (IC!)
(OOCly my highest role on SRP right now considering academics is Masters)

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

French, German (Going to be applying to switch to German shortly.)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Shou Jin is a 5’9 Japanese male. He is rather pale, fitting to the title of ‘vampire’ and never stepping outside.. Even with this appearance of a vamperic being- he still holds a happy go lucky smile on his face. Dimples always being something that shows. He had some very unique muscle definition; showing some sort of either good genetics in that department, or working towards the muscle he has. Yet with this sunny man, there does come darker times; which is show with a scar on his neck-shoulder area that was done with a hot iron.. Which even the trauma he does carry from that situation; he honestly doesn’t care enough to be able to cover it.

Shou has a very unique outlook on life; one that some people wish they could have, a sunny outlook on life and people in general.. He sees everybody the same; even if they are a criminal. They are able to change, and if they put the right amount of effort into it, they can see the change! He believes everybody can get the right amount of help if they have the motivation to do so; the crimes that people may have done are just small mistakes on their passage of life.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Jin, theres honestly no better way to describe him than a sunshine, he’s a sweetheart on and off duty.. The type of person who will try his best to avoid somebody getting mad at him or even making enemies, yet making sure that he is able to get the job done. He stays civil in any situation, on or off duty.

He wants to avoid the feeling of being the bad guy in a situation; but if the time comes to make an arrest; he will do so without questioning it.

The only difference between him on and off duty is how playful and laidback he is when around friends, or off-duty; he is the type of guy that will take a group of his co-workers to go out for a night of drinking wine, or watching the stars… yes, he enjoys the little things, even with friends.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

He sees coworkers as a tool, they are there to help you, be there for you if you need it. He is very open to friend relationships with his co-workers.

Jin sees more success with teamwork when you have a good in-job casual relationship with your co-workers, he sees how they work hand in hand. He thinks if teamwork wasn’t a thing, most jobs would suffer and they wouldn’t be how they are now with being fluent and enjoyable working environments.

What's your character's backstory?

I am keeping the backstory short, to avoid myself getting no motivation for it nearing the end of it.. So instead; you get HIS point of view on his story.

“Well, theres not much of a story from when I was born.. Which was August 24th, not really much. I was the youngest sibling out of six, a lot of siblings! We all had our own things that inspired us to move forward, our own things we were good at! And mine just so happened to be watching my father work.. From ages probably 12-19 I watched him work, and even when I was in my police training I watched him work, he was a detective. I made the oath to not tell people anything that happened there, and I still hold it to this day.. When I got out of college, which was when I was about 24-25 I believe, its a hard memory to try and remember. I’ve blocked out almost every memory from when I was about 27 from me and my ex-wife, the only one that really sticks to me is the memory of her pressing a hot iron against my shoulder area.. And thats the night, I quite literally; how the youngers say it. Ran and took the kid, the following days I filed for divorce, went to court for custody and won full custody as she went to jail for the abuse and damage she caused to me, meanwhile all of this was happening, I was getting close to my captain at my department at the time and she let me take some time off; even when I was very much needed, she understood that family comes first in abusive situations like the one I was in, and I thank her for that. I still have my son to do this day, and I keep him close. While I work on my training in this department, he’ll be staying on mainland Japan with my eldest sister, being good taken care of at that!.. If I don’t get in, I’ll go back to mainland to take care of my son, and maybe come back some day in the future to re-try for this department, we don’t know really, only time will tell! Well, thats about it; now I’m here in Karakura..”

General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, and it will most likely never be legal to own a pocket knife in karakura due to how you get it from either a black market dealer, or some sort of illegal seller.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Paracetmol, multivitamins, cough syrup, wooden cane, and an unbranded bandage.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

Tell the co-worker to stop before you get a HU, if they don’t pull them away from the inmate while radioing for backup, once the co-worker is being taken care of by others; approach the inmate carefully and get them any help they need while having them make a statement on what happened.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

Radio for backup while approaching; telling the person who is assaulting the co-worker to stop instantly or there is a chance of getting tazed. If they don’t stop, make sure your co-worker is at an a-okay distance to stun or taze them; if they arent. Approach very carefully, be careful to not injure the person in anyway while making sure that your co-worker is okay. Don’t try to escalate it, but make sure they everybody is okay in the situation; and comes out fine… but don’t forget to arrest the assaultant for assault on a government official, or even attempted murder on a government official… Matters on the situation.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

REPPOORTTT!! INSTANTLY! Thats all I can do besides get information from him that could help the department in our case against them in being corrupt, get the evidence you need then head out of there. You don’t want to be their next victim f they are going after your co-workers.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

Add a fiiinee… move on! That’s all you can really do is add the fine for bribery before moving on with your day and the situation; don’t lean into the temptation of money, it wont help you out in the long run. It’ll most likely just get you introuble; KPD has eyes everywhere if you couldn’t tell already.


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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