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My Introduction.

Hi! My username is 25crimson_fox25 and my RP character's name is Soyo Kaze. I am new to this server and honestly new to forums in general, so hi!! . . again.
I can be rather awkward and anxious person so if you see me in the server, feel free to say hello (please do I'm lonely).
I have years of roleplay experience (though if I'm good or not I'm not certain. You can be the judge of that).

My hobbies consist of things such as reading (my favorites being mostly classics such as Phantom of the Opera or the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), writing (Short stories, poetry, roleplay, etc.), colouring (from colouring books), cooking (. . but I don't like baking much for some reason), and scrapbooking.

. . and since this is a roleplay server based around a school environment, my favorite classes that I've taken include Chemistry and Band.

I think I've babbled long enough to make my own self bored. Anyway, if you insist on knowing more well then, I suppose you're going to have to find me in the server at some point.

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