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My thoughts about school faculty faction and FearRP

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Level 66
Hi, I have noticed a lower quality of the role play with school faction (employee, teachers, professors) and it effectively discouraged me from doing ANYTHING during IC school time. Why you may ask?

While yes, there are some people that role play very well, there are also some who refuses to. They will simply punish you for role playing, which is hilarious. Let’s start from the beginning.

- Dumb detention reasons. Yes, this should be taken In Character. But how can I take it ICly if it might cause suspension (which also means removal from Journalism for my character) We reached the maximum level of absurdity, when you get detention for wearing a onesie, even the christmas one. No, onesies aren’t costumes, just like my character explains everytime. Another silly reason, my friend got detention for swearing during class. While yes, this is miss behaving, but warning system EXISTS in school. 3 warnings, then detention. It’s a OOC rule I believe. After she tried to speak up for herself and role play it out with good arguments and good points, teacher kicked her out of class. Yup.

- Abuse of SLT reports (reporting EVERYTHING). When I was still a councillor, and I had access to look into SLT reports, I was getting a headache from reading some of these. Some reports just… shouldn’t be there. And I’m not surprised SLT stopped caring about this channel, amount of not-attention worthy reports was huge. Example? My character was threatened with SLT report because she waited outside detention (About 10 blocks from doors) for her girlfriend. Yes, employee said it was loitering. And we’re getting with this to next point.

- FearRP (Forcing you to obey by forcing ‘rule’ because I can’t do it normal way by IC conversation). This is where I will go all out. This should go for the suggestions, but firstly I wanna hear what SRP community thinks about it. Again, as Ex Councillor I think FearRP sucks. Yes, as someone who could force it, I was AVOIDING it. I did that only in rare cases, when it was ultimately not realistic to act in such a way. Why? Because FearRP are guidelines, every character is different and fear is not equal. Someone can be feared of spiders, someone might find them cute. For example, why someone who literally made VERY poor crimes, hurt a lot of people and maybe even killed some, tell me why they would obey a teacher that threatened him with detention slip? I know why FearRP exists in such a way in school, but it’s ABUSED by faculty. Instead of roleplaying you just write /looc fearRP. Next example, why my character should be feared of faculty member that clearly abuses their perks and powers. It’d be fine if not FearRP was forced, but they usually force it. So what you do when you’re not right, and you want to shut up someone? Threaten with SLT! So, your rights are missing because you can’t speak up for yourself, and you can’t do anything about it. Because faculty is ‘always right’.

Solution? Expecting players to FearRP REALISTICALLY in the true meaning of that word. If you have good reason to act that way, you SHOULD be allowed to. Like I said, everyone is different In Character. For my character, she disobeys faculty very often, but respects SLT decisions. She doesn’t want to end up suspended, after all. While others, might not care like her. Why a serial killer would care if they expel him from school?

That would be all. Thanks for reading this little rant. I had to throw it out from myself, I am truly disappointed how did the faction changed. I used to have more fun doing ‘schoolrp’ on this server. I focus on developing my own character and spend my time somewhere else. Spending time in school on SCHOOL ROLEPLAY DAMN SERVER isn’t fun for me either OOCly and ICly. Not anymore. I value the good role play.

Small note: I am not going to point out anyone, that wouldn’t be okay. But people who recognises their actions, please think about it. Please, do not must win.

~ Vexy


Level 73
As an employee myself, I find some rules a bit excessive (onesies, for example, as long as they’re not covering the face it should be fine… but it’s not?!)
The employee faction doesn’t have set rules, some rules are word by mouth, and sometimes people disagree! A solution could be staff releasing a rule handbook explaining how different rules work (is it a warning or instant detention?) Could also elaborate on the rules on the rule board.
The rule system should definitely be reworked, because doing an apology task for cursing (once!) or wearing warm pajamas is a bit unusual.


Level 15
About my perspective to this, I was in the faculty 3 times as nurse and librarian for longer than a year in total, rules were slightly different of course but in general.. in real life I never saw any onesie in school in my life but when there was, it was for the fun for some event and there were no rules.. Okay sure it was a german school but hey, it was funny to see onesies or costumes once in a while.

Now about srp, it wasn't new that people wore costumes on school grounds and such but that one rule kind of lets the school be more strict if it's going to be kept for a longer time and from no change. But when it feels more out of place than school and people constantly wear costumes or onesies, you just think "Ís this school or somethin'?, given from a different perspective.

FearRP - Yeah, very much of an old topic but hey, either realism, roleplay or nothing and just a warning from SRP staff after calling them. When I was in the faculty and people caused bad things icly, it was mostly easy to make them stop doing things against rules. Realistic yeah, just telling them to stop and giving out warnings without screaming at them like Neon Haywakkwuza. But when it came to those who ignore warnings or even detention, I had no other choice to instantly give detention and trying to get them to finally stop without even using looc or fearrp warning in chat. It's no fun to always say /looc "HeY, FeaRrP.". In The worst cases I had to create a ticket for some SRP mod to appear and make them either disappear or make them quit doing bad actions in the worst case.

Its often a thing of failrp so fearrp has to be used. Since it's a minecraft server and no real life school, there need to be rules OOCly too for a kind of "system"


Level 22
so, i get what you mean but it's also not that hard to just. take off the onesie until school's over LMFAO
there's also this!



Level 22
Why a serial killer would care if they expel him from school?
as far as this goes, i also understand what you mean. however, if there were no rules, it would be utter chaos. that's why, even if many students are criminals, they still need to follow the rules. your character can react a certain way but you also need to fearrp when it's necessary, no matter how stupid you think the situation is. if you have an issue with how something is, you take it up with staff.


Level 10
While a onesie might not be considered a costume in someone else's POV. (Despite online, it's considered one.) In the School aspect of Roleplay, they're considered one. It might be annoying, to have to continuously take an outfit off that you're interested in wearing, but it's easy enough to remove said outfit until the end of that School day


Level 46
Community Team
Lore Team
We always welcome fresh ideas and feedback, so if you have any thoughts or suggestions for the faction, we’d love to hear them! Please don't hesitate to share whether it’s a change you’d like to see or something you think could improve the faction's overall experience. Your input is valuable to us, and by submitting a suggestion, you allow the staff to review and consider it. We’re committed to ensuring the faction is as engaging and enjoyable as possible, so feel free to reach out with any ideas you think could contribute to that goal! :D


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
as an ex-faculty member who joined srp and immediately joined into a faction, i did not find myself extremely utilizing fearrp all the time. however, from a point of view as ex-faculty and now being on a team (football), i believe fearrp is necessary. from a realistic standpoint, it doesnt make sense. but, from a quality of life and gameplay standpoint, it does.

fearrp is needed for faculty because not every character/player is going to quit doing something if an adult tells them not to. now imagine this going on with the limited faculty online and not just one player but multiple at the same time.

for ex:
faculty 1 “stop fighting students”
*student 1 recieves detention and faculty 1 leaves*
10 minutes later
*student 2 is caught fighting in a group with student 3, 4, and 5.*
faculty 1 “stop fighting”
*faculty 1 hands them all detention and they all leave*
*faculty 1 is radioed and alerted theres another fight!*
*faculty 1 heads over and who is it? student 1 and 2 fighting*

so now imagine how many times this would happen if players wouldn't stop because fearrp wouldn’t exist. i don’t think this example is exaggerated either, i’ve had this happen before from players who didnt know what fearrp was, and it caused a massive headache for me and other faculty when we already told them they cannot keep doing this. (icly and oocly). if you remove fearrp, it removes the annoyance of detention. it also removes risk from doing bad things at school. i get the frustration with it but overall its better for gameplay and not realism. BUT, i URGE faculty to not abuse this mechanic and create good roleplay opportunities with students. i’ve always said this but your goal isn’t to hand out detentions, it should always be last resort (hence the 3 warnings and detention warning rule before giving them out).


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Hello! Teacher here! Before I go into my opinions and thoughts about your comments on this post. I will link some important documents along with relevant rules and information.

SRP Rules - 5.6 through 5.6c
FearRP Guide - Please note the school rules, #20 is where costumes will land
Suggestions - If you wish to make a suggestion to let SRP Staff know your thoughts, post it here than in General

Before I also continue, MOST if not ALL OF THESE suggestions can be told to SLT ICly(They can also be dmed over in discord to the SLT members; KimiNoUso, Tippie_, MuffinCat, Lobsterrdog, NoZinth, 3Banter, Customable, gotsnapped) RIGHT, onto the post!

Dumb detention reasons
I will state first, if you have a problem with a detention that you recieved, please go to SLT about it and discuss the problem that caused the detention, as they are the only ones who are able to remove a detention if it is deemed 'unreasonable', people forget about this and some even get removed from the record just because of people going to SLT and talking about it.
Along with reporting any of the staff to the following people; Lobsterrdog(Teachers), MuffinCat(Professors), NoZinth(Employees)

Wearing a onesie is classified as a 'costume', and since we don't allow costumes on school grounds. They are not allowed to be worn at all. You being a former Student Body Councillor should know this, as the rules haven't changed. And before we issue a detention, we issue several warnings as per our 3-warning system. All Faculty are trained on this system and if you see anyone not following it, please take it up with the appropriate SLT I mentioned above. Talking about classes, TEACHERS AND PROFESSORS only need to give ONE WARNING before issuing a detention/kick students from class. They do not need to follow the 3 warning rule that is placed on us.

Abuse of SLT reports
The SLT Report channel on the server is used for when SLT is not around to handle a SLT issue. This can range from several many reasons, This is a VIDEO GAME. So, its there to let SLT know about what is going on in-game and what should be handled, if it needs to be handled or just let go. SLT makes that decision, not us, we just report it and move on. And yes, there is a SIGN outside of detention, again you should know this being a former Student Body Councillor, that says 'No Loitering', which is punishable by either giving a detention or a Report to SLT(Which, the faculty member followed the rules in reporting it).

I already linked HOW to properly FearRP, but I will briefly go over it whilst you brought things up. This even means when a Faculty member walks UP to you on school grounds, it shouldn't be /it fearrp but the student should know to respect and understand the faculty member. We have this in place for a reason and I urge you to read the guide. If you think a faculty member is misusing the fearrp or misusing their power icly, you are welcomed to report it to the above people I mentioned before.

In short, If you don't want to get a detention, just follow the rules and be a good kid. It takes more effort on breaking the rules than just following them. They are not hard to follow and are simple to understand. I understand that this might be frustrating, but there are rules and steps we as faculty have to follow along with what students have to follow. This is coming from a Teacher who has been in and out of the faction since early 2023, I have seen all the steps and changes this faction has made along with how students are supposed to be treated. I personally give more than 3 warnings to allow the roleplay with students to continue, but there is a breaking point between students who ACTUALLY want to roleplay and those who are just trying to troll or abuse the system to get their way.

TLDR, Do stupid stuff, win stupid prizes


Level 29
Hello! Teacher here! Before I go into my opinions and thoughts about your comments on this post. I will link some important documents along with relevant rules and information.

SRP Rules - 5.6 through 5.6c
FearRP Guide - Please note the school rules, #20 is where costumes will land
Suggestions - If you wish to make a suggestion to let SRP Staff know your thoughts, post it here than in General

Before I also continue, MOST if not ALL OF THESE suggestions can be told to SLT ICly(They can also be dmed over in discord to the SLT members; KimiNoUso, Tippie_, MuffinCat, Lobsterrdog, NoZinth, 3Banter, Customable, gotsnapped) RIGHT, onto the post!

I will state first, if you have a problem with a detention that you recieved, please go to SLT about it and discuss the problem that caused the detention, as they are the only ones who are able to remove a detention if it is deemed 'unreasonable', people forget about this and some even get removed from the record just because of people going to SLT and talking about it.
Along with reporting any of the staff to the following people; Lobsterrdog(Teachers), MuffinCat(Professors), NoZinth(Employees)

Wearing a onesie is classified as a 'costume', and since we don't allow costumes on school grounds. They are not allowed to be worn at all. You being a former Student Body Councillor should know this, as the rules haven't changed. And before we issue a detention, we issue several warnings as per our 3-warning system. All Faculty are trained on this system and if you see anyone not following it, please take it up with the appropriate SLT I mentioned above. Talking about classes, TEACHERS AND PROFESSORS only need to give ONE WARNING before issuing a detention/kick students from class. They do not need to follow the 3 warning rule that is placed on us.

The SLT Report channel on the server is used for when SLT is not around to handle a SLT issue. This can range from several many reasons, This is a VIDEO GAME. So, its there to let SLT know about what is going on in-game and what should be handled, if it needs to be handled or just let go. SLT makes that decision, not us, we just report it and move on. And yes, there is a SIGN outside of detention, again you should know this being a former Student Body Councillor, that says 'No Loitering', which is punishable by either giving a detention or a Report to SLT(Which, the faculty member followed the rules in reporting it).

I already linked HOW to properly FearRP, but I will briefly go over it whilst you brought things up. This even means when a Faculty member walks UP to you on school grounds, it shouldn't be /it fearrp but the student should know to respect and understand the faculty member. We have this in place for a reason and I urge you to read the guide. If you think a faculty member is misusing the fearrp or misusing their power icly, you are welcomed to report it to the above people I mentioned before.

In short, If you don't want to get a detention, just follow the rules and be a good kid. It takes more effort on breaking the rules than just following them. They are not hard to follow and are simple to understand. I understand that this might be frustrating, but there are rules and steps we as faculty have to follow along with what students have to follow. This is coming from a Teacher who has been in and out of the faction since early 2023, I have seen all the steps and changes this faction has made along with how students are supposed to be treated. I personally give more than 3 warnings to allow the roleplay with students to continue, but there is a breaking point between students who ACTUALLY want to roleplay and those who are just trying to troll or abuse the system to get their way.

TLDR, Do stupid stuff, win stupid prizes
to even dumber down this, a onsie is seen as a costume in japan, dont forget that is where you are icly, you dont see people in japan going to school in onsies

SLT is your best friends

fearrp, we love you, just not your character


Level 163
I won’t be calling out people but I will share my experience when it comes to the highschool classes. First of all the teachers are great and the classes can be chaotic at times but that’s normal since new players and such. Second of all, I wanted to express my experience of getting kicked out of a class without no warnings beforehand. I joined the class late and the teacher had some activity going and told my character to get in the back of the line. My character asked where the back of the line was since the line was shaped weird and the teacher yelled at my character like he was stupid. So I went to one side of the line and then I was told to go to the other side and then some student made a comment towards my character and my character cussed them out- yes that’s wrong but my character got kicked out of the class with no prior warnings. When this happened it felt very unfair on a oocly standpoint seeing how the teacher didn’t even follow protocol of issuing warnings. And on an icly standpoint my character felt like their education was being taken away after being removed from the class without even a word from the teacher beforehand.
Maybe the teacher forgot to issue a warning first and kicked my character out on accident. Though, I doubt that as I tried to get back in and my character was ignored.


Level 66
Thread starter
Hello! Teacher here! Before I go into my opinions and thoughts about your comments on this post. I will link some important documents along with relevant rules and information.

SRP Rules - 5.6 through 5.6c
FearRP Guide - Please note the school rules, #20 is where costumes will land
Suggestions - If you wish to make a suggestion to let SRP Staff know your thoughts, post it here than in General

Posted it here to get feedback from people.

Before I also continue, MOST if not ALL OF THESE suggestions can be told to SLT ICly(They can also be dmed over in discord to the SLT members; KimiNoUso, Tippie_, MuffinCat, Lobsterrdog, NoZinth, 3Banter, Customable, gotsnapped) RIGHT, onto the post!

Good luck

I will state first, if you have a problem with a detention that you recieved, please go to SLT about it and discuss the problem that caused the detention, as they are the only ones who are able to remove a detention if it is deemed 'unreasonable', people forget about this and some even get removed from the record just because of people going to SLT and talking about it.
Along with reporting any of the staff to the following people; Lobsterrdog(Teachers), MuffinCat(Professors), NoZinth(Employees)

Again, good luck

Wearing a onesie is classified as a 'costume', and since we don't allow costumes on school grounds. They are not allowed to be worn at all. You being a former Student Body Councillor should know this, as the rules haven't changed. And before we issue a detention, we issue several warnings as per our 3-warning system. All Faculty are trained on this system and if you see anyone not following it, please take it up with the appropriate SLT I mentioned above. Talking about classes, TEACHERS AND PROFESSORS only need to give ONE WARNING before issuing a detention/kick students from class. They do not need to follow the 3 warning rule that is placed on us.

Onesies aren’t costumes, prove me wrong.
They kicked her without even single warning, she just defended herself and got kicked over it, shame shame

The SLT Report channel on the server is used for when SLT is not around to handle a SLT issue. This can range from several many reasons, This is a VIDEO GAME. So, its there to let SLT know about what is going on in-game and what should be handled, if it needs to be handled or just let go. SLT makes that decision, not us, we just report it and move on. And yes, there is a SIGN outside of detention, again you should know this being a former Student Body Councillor, that says 'No Loitering', which is punishable by either giving a detention or a Report to SLT(Which, the faculty member followed the rules in reporting it).

Okay, being 10 blocks away from doors is loitering? Please read definition of loitering

I already linked HOW to properly FearRP, but I will briefly go over it whilst you brought things up. This even means when a Faculty member walks UP to you on school grounds, it shouldn't be /it fearrp but the student should know to respect and understand the faculty member. We have this in place for a reason and I urge you to read the guide. If you think a faculty member is misusing the fearrp or misusing their power icly, you are welcomed to report it to the above people I mentioned before.

Why bother yourself when you can just not interact with this faction? Much better solution

In short, If you don't want to get a detention, just follow the rules and be a good kid. It takes more effort on breaking the rules than just following them. They are not hard to follow and are simple to understand. I understand that this might be frustrating, but there are rules and steps we as faculty have to follow along with what students have to follow. This is coming from a Teacher who has been in and out of the faction since early 2023, I have seen all the steps and changes this faction has made along with how students are supposed to be treated. I personally give more than 3 warnings to allow the roleplay with students to continue, but there is a breaking point between students who ACTUALLY want to roleplay and those who are just trying to troll or abuse the system to get their way.

Be a good kid? Yeah, wearing onesie makes Neon a someone worthy of expulsion. Lets take freedom from people away!
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