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Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
applying with = Mzuno
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yemi !#7777
How old are you? (Optional):
N/A; preferably would not like to say in a public application.
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is very high, I mostly use my time to play SRP so I’m most likely roaming around, although I don't leave for days or weeks on end without any say, it could be that I'm busy with family or just other stuff in general.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not; N/A
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I understand, I will always let someone know if anything happens on why I am out for a long time.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
JSL application [Accepted] JSL APPLICATION | Yemi | SchoolRP
Norwegian application [Accepted] Norwegian application | SchoolRP
JSL application [Denied]
Denied - Yemi's shop application | SchoolRP [Denied]
Mzuno Librarian Application | SchoolRP [Denied]
Losr7 Tutor Application | (Yemi) | SchoolRP [Accepted]
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[Main] │ Yemi [College] [B]
[ALT] │ Mzuno [Grade-11]
[ALT] │ Losr7 [Tutor]
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Miyage-Hin Mato
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Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
In the beginning, I would like to start off by saying that I was really stoked from when I first joined the server I had no plans to make it big when I was first starting out. Now I'm honestly surprised I'm attempting to become a shopkeeper once more! It’s not hard for me to accept the fact that I was denied for the last shopkeeper application and I had no hard feelings towards it, though now I plan on jumping straight into it again, with the same general idea I had envisioned for this shop when I first started applying. When I first joined, I never really found this type of interest, because well, I didn't know what I was getting myself into back then. Once I came back after a long break from Minecraft and roleplay in general. I found myself getting more into SRP and roleplaying again, It was something that started to pique my interest. Finding that the more I looked at shops, the more I liked how they were organized. Having a greater feeling that I wanted to apply for them, therefore a week or two after I returned, I started applying for stores. After getting my first application denied, I made a new one for a different store to work in called: Yeobo. I got accepted! When I say that working in a shop was something that I truly enjoyed and always looked forward to, it greatly impacted me and how I approached roleplay, it was something I loved. There is no doubt that I'd continuously look forward to every opening the shop would have, giving myself some ideas for an application I could do as a shopkeeper one day, it made me feel extremely excited.
It came to me as I was taking a closer look at the application process that I started wondering "why don't I apply for shopkeeper?". Of course, I already loved everything about it. For the other part, it would give me an entirely new roleplay experience. Then, the thought arose in my head; “if I’m already thinking about applying, why shouldn’t I? it would be that I’m applying for something that interests me and I’m overall very passionate about.” Being overly prolonged without being fully ready or having any real idea of what I would want for this establishment, I gave myself some time to think about what I wanted to implement for this stop. Then, within the month of May, I started revising my ideas for my first shopkeeper application, even though that application did not turn out as well as I would have liked it to be I am now using this application as an opportunity to demonstrate how much effort I am willing to dedicate to this shop, giving I won't pass over on something that was the major reason I started roleplaying and being more engaged in what I do in the first place. I realize the responsibility and efforts that I need to provide in order to fulfill this position and the experience and knowledge that I need to bring in order to succeed in this field!
After observing the interactions I have had while working in shops and seeing how well run they are, then along with ****yzing the possibilities of what I might be able to put into a shop of my own one day. During work shifts I found myself thinking about what could be added, I have a lot of ideas for this type of stuff so I am bringing myself to visualize something that I would be capable of doing consistently, and I think it would bring more ideas for custom items and overall an excitement that is appreciated server-wide. In terms of what it will be like, I would love to be able to create something unique, interesting, and, of course, new for the server that people would be in awe and excitement. In addition to watching the shop grow and reflecting back on the first time it opened, remembering the feeling, "Oh yeah, I started that way!" Basically, what I want to accomplish is to share my ideas with everyone and offer uncommon suggestions that in my opinion have not been seen a lot around in the server and in general.
As a result of my roleplay experience, it is fair to say that I have gained a significant amount of understanding of how everything works. Furthermore, with my roleplay experience, I have learned a lot about the basics and advanced aspects of it. I have been in many situations where I needed detail and other stuff, though I did that mostly for gangRP, although I have moved on from that point for a significant amount of reasons. A major reason for applying is to find a wider range of roleplay that I can partake in, for example, I stated I did gangRP, I’ve worked as a school employee, and more stuff to gather a different feel of roleplay environments. In addition, I’d like to say I mostly moved to businessRP, one of the many things that I like about businessRP is the mechanics and I like the general aspect of it; I tend to think of being a shopkeeper as part of businessRP rather than something entirely different; keeping with what I stated about exploring new roleplaying environments, just honestly looking for more open window opportunities.
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What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Explain my shops uniqueness! Going on with my plans and ideas that I have envisioned for this shop, it will be to hold items that are dark going with a gothic/emo scheme! My shop is to hold some variation to the others that are in the shopping district, varying they seem to be quite modern well the accessory stores not hate to that. Perse adding some other items that would differentiate the type of stuff other stores sell. Just so that I have some variety for those who just want to buy something different.
I think that the opening of a shop with this type of decorative material would be an excellent addition to the shopping district. I have never seen this type of store before or at least anything like it; it would be interesting and engaging to incorporate it into the server, overall the way it contrasts with the rest of the stores would be attractive to the eyes of a player seeing a new store. I definitely think being able to have a store like a hot topic within the shopping district would be a unique idea. The name of the store will also be changed to something more fitting of course since it is keeping up with the overall aesthetic of the store itself being named: Veil Raven! Obviously, the exterior of the shop will be black along with the interior will be remaining the same. . .black! Black won’t be the only thing involved. I have images with references that do give the idea of what I want though. . It’s hard to find something there is so little of, my exterior and interior look will be somewhat identical but different from these references. Moving along to complete the overall look, a little bit of a spooky setting will also be needed. Personally, I love the seasons of September through November, so I feel it is important to design a setting that evokes "Oh Halloween all year round?” along with a spooky aura and a welcoming atmosphere, of course, this would attract customers whom are curious! During October, this store will host a lot of Halloween-related events to complement the exterior and interior, this shop is based around the holiday of Halloween and darkness so why not give it a holiday to throw a bunch of events in which everyone on the server will enjoy! In order to get a better understanding of what my shop would look like, I have included some examples of what inspired the interiors and exteriors of my shop.
In conjunction with the events that I intend to have in my shop, I would like to be able to have some custom items that are temporarily imported into the shop in order to be used for those events for the duration of that month, perhaps even a tad longer. These custom items will be used for mostly Halloween-related events, which I am willing to do. In this way, people will be able to get an item that will only be available for a limited period of time each year! Mostly just a seasonal item/event item! As well as other events that will be happening that will also be listed after this, in addition to the ones mentioned above.
There is something that I have seen before and am interested in implementing in my shop, which is the playing of music. You know how some shops in real life play music to make the shopping experience a bit more enjoyable? Likewise, I would like to do the same thing with the store, so whenever we open, I'll have a watch2gether link that will lead to a playlist of music that will play inside the shop while it is open, so as you are shopping you’ll get to hear new music that suits the overall atmosphere of the store! It’s a great way to introduce people to new music genres and when the playlist is over the store will close! New playlists will be made as time goes on so they don’t hear the same music over and over again also allowing people to recommend songs they want to be heard within the store.
What about uniforms you say? In my shop, it is my intention to let everyone wear what they like, but sometimes for events, I will make outfits they can choose from; it is totally optional! In my opinion, it’s a positive idea for people to dress up in clothes they find comfortable and or that represents their individual style and personality. I find that it gives me a better sense of belonging to my employees and gives me the opportunity to interact with them more! It is my intention to have everything listed in my shop be unique from any other shop that you may find.
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☆ Exterior ☆
☆ Interior ☆
And something I built! as a reference. .
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☆ Events ☆
These are other assets that I would love to implement for this shop, such as those listed above, events! Basically, this is to create an atmosphere of excitement in this establishment as well as make it a bit more unique in the way it is presented, these events are the main ones I have listed and more will be done if I do get accepted! Though that would be something for a lot later, now I would like to share with you some of the events I have planned for the future Veil Raven!
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The following may sound quite basic at first - but it's actually a little different from what you may expect. This event is going to be organized so that a code is hidden around the store before it opens. As part of the announcement, there will be an additional message indicating there will be signs hidden throughout the store. The signs will hold one digit of the code, and there will be a total of 5 signs hidden around the store so that whoever solves the code first will get a free item from the shop! If a second person figures out the code they will get 50% off a singular item. The same applies to the third person who figures it out. After the third person has figured out the code, the scavenger hunt comes to an end.
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There is a costume event that takes place during October and December where employees of the store as well as customers might be able to participate. In the days leading up to the shop opening, I will announce a theme either earlier in the day or the day before the shop opens. In December, for example, employees may show up dressed in themed costumes to work. These costumes vary depending on the season and can be based on movies, treats, or anything else that you are interested in.
There is also the possibility of organizing another event on October 31st / December 26th / 27th. It will be open to anyone who would like to participate in this costume contest. There will be 5 places; first, second, third, fourth, and fifth. The grand prize will go to the first-place winner, and the 5th prize will be chosen by the shopkeeper.
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During each month, there will be a special event held within the store. This event will be a terrific opportunity for all employees and loyal customers to come together and have fun together! Basically, this event will be similar to a party; in the party, all of the employees who are of the legal drinking age will be able to drink; in the party, the guests will be allowed to dance on the dance floor; there will also be other attractions, such as perhaps some gambling and some fun events such as a dance-off. There will also be a small arcade for all of the younger employees/audience to enjoy and get a chance to socialize with each other!
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The blackout event is going to be a laser tag-themed event inside of the shop, everything inside will be transformed in order to accommodate space on the inside!
What is the process of organizing the event? To begin with, the store will have to be cleared as well as some obstacles that can be set up to prevent anyone from shooting you. It's now time for the second step, which is to pick the teams. There will be two teams. The teams will be divided into purple and green, with an even number of players, consisting of maybe 5 to 7 players in each squad. The third step is throwing "lasers", to participate in this event, you will need to have a water gun with you, once you get shot five times within this event, then you will be eliminated from the game. There will be a reward for the last two people standing from either side. It's also worth mentioning that there will be 3 rounds of this event. The players will have the opportunity to play again if they do not win, although new players will be switched in so everyone has the chance to play!
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The horror attraction event! Veil Raven is the perfect place if you are looking for anything dark and spooky, so having this event on our list will be an excellent addition as this will consist of jump scares and a spooky setting.
In terms of the atmosphere, it will be like a maze, where you enter through one hole and then seek out the other side. . If you can withstand the scares! In order to access the horror attraction, a payment fee of 5,000 yen will be required before you are allowed to enter. How will the horror attraction be run? This notification will be sent to the employees of Veil Raven notifying them that there will be an upcoming event called "horror attraction" and giving them a prompt as to what the event is and how it works. I will put anyone on the list who wishes to participate in the event. Employees will dress up their characters in spooky costumes and prepare actions for the player to use whenever someone comes into the line of sight of their characters. Using a /mec action so others don't get spoiled! I think this is a pretty good summary of what the horror attraction event is all about.
☆ Note; depending on the amount of revenue gathered it will be split by all employees. I will not gather any revenue from this event.
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What will you sell in your shop?:
The plan is to sell items that the player is able to wear, hold or use in the game, such as glasses, backpacks, earrings, etc. Since this is an accessory/gift shop, these items will of course be available within the store as well. Although I do not yet have a clear idea of what items I would like to put in the shop, all I know for now is that I want some items that match the theme and other items that will be available in the shop in different varieties. This will be taken care of once I have access to pick out the items I want to sell, so this is a work in progress.
In any case, here are a few of the customs I plan to bring into the shop. If I am successful in obtaining the position, I will sell the "Rhinestone-Long Bag" there as a custom item that is finished!
☆ Customs! ☆
1. Death note
2. Skull earrings
3. Black beaded bracelet
4. Rhinestone-Long Bag [Done]
5. Hellokitty hairpin
More to be added!
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How many employees do you plan to have?:
It's difficult to run a shop if you don't have employees. For example, if you have a huge place like that, how can you even manage to run it without them?
The number of employees on my roster will be around .. maybe 14? A team consisting of cashiers, side employees, and the most significant of them all, managers, will play an important role!
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☆ Shopkeeper {1/1}
I, as the shopkeeper, am responsible for what my employees do and how they act both OOCLY and ICLY, bringing it into my own hands to ensure that everyone is kind and that there won't be any issues arising in the future. There is no doubt that I will be sure to hire those who seem fit for the job. I will also give those who haven't had any experience a chance to experience a variety of different types of roleplay. I am always available for any inexperienced employee/s who may need help in the shop. Opening at appropriate times, making sure the total costs of the end shifts are managed, and that restocks are obtained if necessary. I also make sure that my employees feel comfortable and safe within the shop. I believe there will be some people who apply and do not show up, or behave in a manner that is contrary to what they are portraying in their application such as: coming off as rude, ignorant, disrespectful to customers and employees, and overall not helping the store at all by giving it the vibe of a place where people may feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed. If necessary, I will be certain that I keep an eagle's eye view on those employees in order to fire them if necessary.
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☆ Managers {0/2}
Having them serve as my left-hand men or women, they will be able to do most of what I do as a shopkeeper, including opening, restocking, and even firing or hiring employees if they have my permission, guidance, and understanding to do so. Mostly they are co-shopkeepers! Maintaining a safe atmosphere while they are working and keeping all my employees and customers happy and in check when I am absent. As well as ensuring the place is kept in order. This is especially relevant if I find myself becoming busy. Assuring that my shop's reputation is kept high by resolving issues quickly so that people know we listen to their concerns! I mentioned that if I get busy, they will take the income and send it over to me as soon as I am online/not as busy as before. Managers can work during the shift although they are to pay the full amount to the shopkeeper. The pay will be discussed with the
Shopkeeper during the end of every shift they come to!
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☆ Main Cashiers {0/8}
It is these people that I use to run the shop, and they will be notified when the shop is opening. Most of the time there will be 2-3 people coming in for an opening, but there will also be 8 of them just in case one of them is unable to make the opening, and someone can fill in their spot. Upon receiving an order, they will hand it to a customer and answer any questions he/she may have. Some of the questions may include: "How much would it be if I got [items]?" as well as letting the customer see the things that he/she wants to see. The main cashiers do not have to have any experience to get the job. However, they must be able to treat customers with respect and to satisfy them even if the customer's requests are lengthy and or if the customer's questions are . . . annoying they have to behave properly at all times. As far as money is concerned. . they will get 30% of what they make There will be a raise for Senior Main Cashiers! Ultimately, it all depends on the consistency of the employee's work and the level of satisfaction customers are with their work. That will raise them to 35%
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☆ Side Employees {0/4}
Ah yes, side employees, they are a big deal! When someone creates a log that states that they will be away for a long amount of time and no one else can show up, then they will rise from the dead and take their place! Their role is the same as that of the Main Cashier. This is to take orders from customers, to give what they want to them, to show off items. . you get it. Money again! They gain 25% of their earnings. If someone appears to be less active as a Main Cashier, then they may be moved over to the Side Employee position. The most active Side Employee may then be promoted to Main Cashier, essentially switching places with the most active Side Employee. The ability of those who are interested in a promotion, to become a Senior Main Cashier will also be granted. This will make it easier for those who are looking for a promotion.
☆ Shopkeeper [1/1] ☆
☆ Managers [0/2] ☆
☆ Main Cashiers [0/8] ☆
☆ Side Employees [0/4] ☆
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Requirements And Extras
☆ Employees are required to attend at least 4-6 openings, it is encouraged to attend more.
☆ All employees are required to buy personal items from me or my managers. It helps me gain stock rather than them putting it into their log.
☆ All employees are required to be patient and understanding.
☆ Employees MUST pay their owes at the end of each shift and log their shift once they have finished.
☆ Seeing or hearing someone steal who is an employee MUST be told to me or my managers.
☆ Limits to buying items will be 5 for customers, and 7 for employees. This makes it fair for everyone.
☆ Employees are not required for events, they are able to join in and partake if wanted, most events will be employee based so they keep their revenue.
☆ Each month we will fire inconsistent employees and hire new ones! This keeps the flow going on with new employees and people who want to work.
☆ Most opens will contain 2-3 people mostly 2 so they make some revenue.
☆ Also including that I will buy/accept any customs people want to include in my shop
Thank you for reading <33 :D
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Rei V. Raven
About herself:
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Rei V. Raven
About herself:
Rei lived in a wealthy place in Korea, being about 7 years old this lovely girl always had a passion for making things and giving people new things, for example, she would always make people gifts for their birthdays and other holidays. When Rei was about 9 she was trained in martial arts but she found it was way too easy picking up all of the moves very quickly and giving no actual time to train because she never needed it. Rei in her free time would make these beaded rosaries and create her own clothing, and bags, and search online to create more stuff, she always found herself to be extremely crafty. She would make tons of stuff, hats, games, accessories, and even electronics. She worked so hard on all her creations and wanted to give them to the public, upon searching and searching until she found out she could open a shop. . this gave her so much inspiration about all the stuff she would be able to sell. Though this was against her parents' standards, they wanted her to become a famous martial artist, and to defend the family name that was at stake; this shattered her passion for creativity though she followed her parents' wishes until she became 27; Rei was looking through her old room finding all of her creations and lists of crafts and plans for this shop she was willing to put her life into. Rei felt ashamed that she had followed her parents' ambitions and never went with her dreams because she cared too much about how everyone saw her when she was younger. leading up to gathering her stuff in a bag and leaving for good, she had already been to tired of fighting for this family name that was already going down, she wanted to start somewhere new because her life was always spent doing things everyone else wanted but nothing she wanted for herself. Rei had written a letter to her siblings and family saying she was moving to japan and starting fresh and for them to never expect her to come back and fight for something she never cared about. Without a doubt, she shed a tear at the letter leaving it on her bedside table, leaving through the window; Rei went to a hotel and bought herself some tickets to move to japan, it wasn't a flawless idea though she needed a break from the life where she had always been kept away from her goals and aspirations. Rei luckily had friends within japan and crashed with them for a while planning her ideas for this shop and her new life, having the perfect spot in Karakura where a shop was abandoned, she applied and waited, still planning out how all of this would work. Rei's friend was there to support her with her passion, giving her the idea that she should use her mother's maiden name which was passed over to Rei. She would call this shop Veil Raven. After explaining the stuff she was into Rei felt excited because she never had anyone listen to her ideas and stuff she loved. Therefore she was also writing in her application she wanted to give this a different feeling because of how different the shops looked in Karakura. She thought it was the best idea to have something dark and spooky, given there was a lot of stuff about her she would now be able to openly express and put into something she dreamt of as a child.
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