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No more Anime/TV Show Gangs/Families


Level 153
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I still believe in a solid -1. Restricting other people’s roleplay simply because you don’t like where they got their name shouldn’t be allowed on SRP. Let people roleplay the way they want to because it’s not even harming you, it’s quite literally just giving more unnecessary rules to people you don’t like. Not to mention this “rule” has been implied a few times before to deal with realism on SRP so it’s not like nothing is being done about it. I give the biggest -1 my phone could give me



Level 36
Just let people be and do what fits them best is all I'm saying to this. Aslong as no one is breaking the rules it's all fine like I don't get the deal. Pretty much what Infi said.


Level 104
Ngl if you're gonna get rid of these types of gangs might aswell get rid of Yakuza's too? Yeah sure Yakuza's aren't originally from anime's but neither are these street gangs, poeple just use the anime or whatever to get a proper structure or idea of what the gang's gonna be like. There's no need for this + it's not that deep


Level 25
Thread starter
Ngl if you're gonna get rid of these types of gangs might aswell get rid of Yakuza's too? Yeah sure Yakuza's aren't originally from anime's but neither are these street gangs, poeple just use the anime or whatever to get a proper structure or idea of what the gang's gonna be like. There's no need for this + it's not that deep
Polar, Yakuza's are a real thing. Gangs with Anime gang names are not


Level 104
Polar, Yakuza's are a real thing. Gangs with Anime gang names are not
Gangs in anime the ones that focus on the gang's that is are based off real life gangs, so what if some1 wants to name their gang Tokyo's Revengers you're not the one getting clowned for it, I say let them be


Level 172
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I agree with what Yonio has stated before.
In addition to that, we shouldn't expect everyone to roleplay as good as you might roleplay yourself... Sometimes, families/gangs based on anime's can be a little funky but if they are having a fun time together, why dissallow it? We'd just be taking away a roleplay possibility, I don't see much advantages from this either.

In the event that someone is actually causing trouble with regard to such a gang/family, there are already rules preventing that.


Level 38

sure some people may play things as jokes and stuff but people like me put effort into trying to make it fun. not everyone can make a detailed character or gang unless they’re inspired or hell, if they wanna try, they could recreate it (Coming from someone who made the first SRP Joestar Family)

i do in fact believe it effort should most definitely be made to make it realistic. But when you spend money and work for the sexy ass models for you and your buds and to have all that effort go to waste because a few people don’t like the series— it kinda splits the community up a bit and it be kinda stupid for the community to be split up for creating a character that’s near similar to one they heavily like.

coming from barlos the old modeler (a.k.a. oceanmanjotaro, typeicide, etc.)
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Level 146
i do in fact believe it effort should most definitely be made to make it realistic. But when you spend money and work for the sexy ass models for you and your buds and to have all that effort go to waste because a few people don’t like the series— it kinda splits the community up a bit and it be kinda stupid for the community to be split up for creating a character that’s near similar to one they heavily like.
The issue isn't any personal distaste for certain media or communities, it's that people are copying elements from them directly and adding little to none of their own original thought.

We'll use JoJo's as an example. I personally love JJBA, and I've even had an item from the series implemented on SRP; that said, I cringe every time I see a JoJo character with their name slightly altered acting as though they're a normal person. It's unrealistic for someone to have the same name, an identical appearance, and exact personality as a character from a piece of media and not be a diehard fan. If this was a community where you didn't need to use your own original characters, it would be fine; SRP is meant to be a realistic setting where intellectual properties (such as JoJo's) exist, so it doesn't make sense that characters from pieces of media are walking around like it's normal.

Like others have said, there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from your favorite media. I myself apply the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of my favorite characters to my OCs, but tailor them in a way which is thoughtful and realistic. Genuinely, I see no reason why we should allow organizations or individual characters to blatantly rip off actual IPs that exist in real life.


Level 134
The issue isn't any personal distaste for certain media or communities, it's that people are copying elements from them directly and adding little to none of their own original thought.

We'll use JoJo's as an example. I personally love JJBA, and I've even had an item from the series implemented on SRP; that said, I cringe every time I see a JoJo character with their name slightly altered acting as though they're a normal person. It's unrealistic for someone to have the same name, an identical appearance, and exact personality as a character from a piece of media and not be a diehard fan. If this was a community where you didn't need to use your own original characters, it would be fine; SRP is meant to be a realistic setting where intellectual properties (such as JoJo's) exist, so it doesn't make sense that characters from pieces of media are walking around like it's normal.

Like others have said, there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from your favorite media. I myself apply the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of my favorite characters to my OCs, but tailor them in a way which is thoughtful and realistic. Genuinely, I see no reason why we should allow organizations or individual characters to blatantly rip off actual IPs that exist in real life.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

gold fish

Level 286
Respectfully, in a reply to this. . the entire suggestion is about MAKING it be breaking the rules.

What are "srp standards"? That hasn't been made clear. So far, I've seen characters murdering each other in fursuits, I've seen constant arguments between roleplayers, and a lack of creativity in ANY gang. I don't understand how this gives less room for creativity, you are forced to branch out and put actual effort into the groups you create. Roleplaying is not meant to be easy, it never has been, and SRP standards are CONSTANTLY changing... so far? They're pretty low, our sister server thinks of us as a joke. Why not try to improve the quality of professional rp done? Make other servers stop looking down on us?

Despite the fact you see many foreigners in Japan, how often do you see foreign gangs? Almost never. Most triads have a branch in Japan, the Sinaloa Cartel, and I can't rlly name any other groups to my knowledge. Then again, I am ALL FOR foreign gangs being allowed in SRP, but that doesn't mean they should abandon basic writing principles to do so. Using these groups' names and ideas in your own writing is theft, plain and simple. Those groups? They're written by someone in the REAL WORLD, someone who has put time and effort into crafting said group in their story. Now, a bunch of kids take your story and rewrite it on a Minecraft roleplaying server. Now to some writers that would be okay, but has anyone actually asked? When you want to post someone's artwork, do you not ask them first? If someone made a 3D model and sent the file out to a friend, it'd be common courtesy to at least ask them if you could use it on SRP right? Why is writing not treated the same way? As someone studying to be a novelist myself, if I found out that something I wrote ended up on a Minecraft roleplay server without reaching out to me, I'd be a bit upset. . Now, of course, Ken Wakui, the creator of Tokyo Revengers will never actually find out any of these Minecraft gangs exist. . but is it really normalized to just take their work and repurpose it? Cut out the important details and destroy the story they built??

None of these replies are personal attacks, but rather my HIGHLY stressed opinion on the matter. I hope you can take these into consideration.
This ^

All of this. Kana speaks with so much wisdom. I don’t gangrp but as an artist if i had my work plagurized, changed slightly, and reused, i’d be pretty goshdarn upset. Most bigger more popular writers wouldnt care as SRP is merely a small corner of the world, but should we really be assuming that and bypassing the common curtosey? Schoolrp gangrp standards should absolutely be higher in my opinion. I’ve consented to a lot of lore-ish gangrp and itbwas great fun to be assured that my friends would work and detail on the actions they were doing. I would never ever let someone else do that and i feel like if i need something lore wise done i shouldnt feel that way. Gangrp should be more respectful sometimes, but it is indeed mostly the people. Back to Kana though, the points they make are absolutely correct and I agree with it 100%.


Level 38
The issue isn't any personal distaste for certain media or communities, it's that people are copying elements from them directly and adding little to none of their own original thought.

We'll use JoJo's as an example. I personally love JJBA, and I've even had an item from the series implemented on SRP; that said, I cringe every time I see a JoJo character with their name slightly altered acting as though they're a normal person. It's unrealistic for someone to have the same name, an identical appearance, and exact personality as a character from a piece of media and not be a diehard fan. If this was a community where you didn't need to use your own original characters, it would be fine; SRP is meant to be a realistic setting where intellectual properties (such as JoJo's) exist, so it doesn't make sense that characters from pieces of media are walking around like it's normal.

Like others have said, there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from your favorite media. I myself apply the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of my favorite characters to my OCs, but tailor them in a way which is thoughtful and realistic. Genuinely, I see no reason why we should allow organizations or individual characters to blatantly rip off actual IPs that exist in real life.
> Says it needs to be a realistic setting.
> Many things in SRP defying realism and hearing many moments where some admins and such say SRP does not need to be completely realistic.

uh huh ok
I understand that things need to be realistic and stuff, but like I had 90 suggestions about how to improve SRP and let things be realistic, but most of them were denied. Things that happen in SRP are completely unrealistic aswell if we're really dipping into the territory of realism, for an example, many foreigners in Japan despite Japan being a difficult country to become a citizen in, Karakura being a crime filled place despite Japan's really good legal system, many characters with unrealistic heights despite the average height in Japan just so they could look threatening, FIGHTING in SchoolRP being completely based on chance and less about skill, I could keep going and get more people to tell me more and more things that break that realism. Like, I would love SRP to be realistic, but when there's many things keeping it from being that way, at that point you need a moment to just say "It's a minecraft server" and acting like it's something more than that is just bonkers.
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Ocean Man

Level 50
Just let people do their own thing, make them do what they enjoy, such as roleplaying as a character that they love and admire from a series, Like I do. I'm currently roleplaying as a character from a series, which the profile just says who it is. Like infi said, let people roleplay the way they want. I've been roleplaying this character for almost a year now and the only thing I can say is that, I've enjoyed it. There's sometimes where It's annoying to handle this and that, but atleast I made good memories with this character for a year playing him. You may say How I handle the "Oh my god Jotaro!? from JJBA?!" and I'll just respond with "What." or the usually "Buzz off.. you're blabbering about words that I don't even understand."

All I'm saying is that, we should just let players what they do on SRP, how they enjoy the server and how they roleplay as awhole.


Level 95

I think having a name of a gang already existing is not really a problem. But acting the way that gang does IRL or on the TV i think is where it goes a bit wrong. Gangs should be creative with their group not just lowkey stealing it from somewhere else.

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