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No more Anime/TV Show Gangs/Families


Level 146
Many things in SRP defying realism and hearing many moments where some admins and such say SRP does not need to be completely realistic.
You got too hung up on what I meant by "realistic setting." The server has many flaws and is unrealistic in enough ways to write a 10 page essay over, and nobody would disagree on that point. What I meant was that intellectual properties (such as JoJo's) exist in the universe of SRP, so it doesn't make sense that there are characters who are near-indistinguishable from their characters and don't even know about their existence.

I understand that things need to be realistic and stuff, but like I had 90 suggestions about how to improve SRP and let things be realistic, but most of them were denied.
Just because something is denied once, doesn't mean it's never going to be accepted. The thoughts and ideas within a community change over time as it evolves and new arguments or opinions are brought to the table.


Level 134
uh huh ok
I understand that things need to be realistic and stuff, but like I had 90 suggestions about how to improve SRP and let things be realistic, but most of them were denied. Things that happen in SRP are completely unrealistic aswell if we're really dipping into the territory of realism, for an example, many foreigners in Japan despite Japan being a difficult country to become a citizen in, Karakura being a crime filled place despite Japan's really good legal system, many characters with unrealistic heights despite the average height in Japan just so they could look threatening, FIGHTING in SchoolRP being completely based on chance and less about skill, I could keep going and get more people to tell me more and more things that break that realism. Like, I would love SRP to be realistic, but when there's many things keeping it from being that way, at that point you need a moment to just say "It's a minecraft server" and acting like it's something more than that is just bonkers.
Not realism. Good writing.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Players are encouraged to create their own 'Original Characters', characters can take inspiration from an outside source (TV, Comics, Movies, etc.), however should not be entirely based on them. We already have rule 4.3 to prevent players from copying/re-creating an obvious copy of an existing character; for example, you cannot roleplay as Luke Skywalker

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