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Denied notheyitsgwendy | Caretaker Application


Level 9
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
(I have two other accounts, heyitsgwendy, and heyitsnotgwendy)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, heyitsgwendy#0154

How old are you? (Optional):
16, I'll be 17 in a couple months.

What is your time zone?:
EDT (GMT-4) at the time I'm writing this, but it will be changing to CET (GMT+2) in just over a week.

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm active fairly regularly, usually around 2-3 hours on weekdays, and up to 12 hours on weekends, generally. This is split between my two current accounts, one of which is an EMS worker, and the other is an Akihito member.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, never.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I fully understand that, which is why I will do everything in my power to be regularly active, and log an inactivity log if something comes up that will prevent me from being active.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the Caretaker role.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
I am applying for my character to be a caretaker at KHS, and caretakers, despite what some people seem to think, are not just the janitors of the school. While Caretakers do take care of keeping the school clean, they also work to make sure that all parts of the school are functioning smoothly by repairing anything that is broken, as well as keeping a safe environment for students and staff alike by escorting kids to classes, and acting as a sort of security for the school.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
As I mentioned previously, I have two other characters that I roleplay with mainly, with one of them being an EMS worker (Doctor, specifically), and the other being an Akihito member. I think that, while I don't have any experience with roleplay outside of SRP, these two roles have given me an abundance of experience in two very different aspects of roleplay.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Student Council Application [HS] - [ACCEPTED]
JSL Application - [DENIED]
Russian Application - [ACCEPTED]
JSL Re-Application - [ACCEPTED]
3rd Language Authorization Application - [ACCEPTED]
Korean Language Application - [ACCEPTED]
German Language Application - [ACCEPTED]
Doctor Application - [ACCEPTED]
Dutch Application - [ACCEPTED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
heyitsgwendy - [College][M]
heyitsnotgwendy - [Doctor]
notheyitsgwendy - [Grade-7]


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Thomas would remain calm, and just not react to the student's insults. By not giving them a reaction, they most likely would eventually get bored, and leave. If they continue despite this, he would give three verbal warnings that if they continue to act in that way, they would be getting a detention. If they continue to ignore those warnings, he would just give them a detention, and go about with the rest of his work.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Thomas would first put himself between the two students, separating them so they cannot do any more harm to each other. Once he was sure both students were separated, he would evaluate if either of them needed to go to the nurse's office, and if they did, he would take them there immediately. Once any and all injuries had been taken care of, he would have a talk with the students, and try to get to the bottom of why they were fighting in the halls. Depending on their answers, he would either give them a detention, or simply give them a warning to not do it again in the future.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
He would first make sure to, if possible, get evidence of whatever it was that the employee was doing that was wrong. He would then walk over to the other employee, and warn them that what they were doing was dangerous or inappropriate, and that it could get themselves or others seriously hurt. Once he had warned the employee, depending on their reaction to the warning, he would choose whether or not to report it. If the employee seemed to genuinely not know that what they were doing was wrong, he would keep it to himself, but hold on to the evidence, to report them if they repeated the wrongdoing again in the future. If they just brushed the warning off, or continued with what they were doing without a care in the world, he'd go straight to report it to the proper higher-ups.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Thomas is generally very serious when he is working, but once he is off-duty, or on break, he is much more relaxed and laid back. In the break room, he usually could be found drinking a cup of coffee, reading a new (or old) book, or trying to learn a new skill, like embroidery. He is generally pretty introverted, but he likes to talk to his co-workers whenever he gets the chance, so if there are other staff in the break room, he would most likely be chatting with them.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Thomas held the screwdriver tightly between his teeth, as he cranked the wrench around the loose bolt on the AC unit in the school. With the air conditioning down, the machine room, like everywhere else in the school, was sweltering, and Thomas had to keep wiping sweat off his brow as he worked dutifully to repair it, both for the student's sake and his own. Finally, as he turned the wrench around the bolt once more, the AC hummed back to life, cold air rushing into the room. Thomas leaned back on his hands, letting the wrench and screwdriver both drop to the floor as he basked in the refreshing cold air that now flowed through the room. Eventually, he sat back up and retrieved the screwdriver that had fallen to the ground, using it to screw the front panel back on the AC unit, before standing up, collecting the rest of his tools, and walking out of the machine room, making sure to lock the door behind him.

/me As Thomas pushed the door to the bathroom open, he let out a deep sigh. The state of it was... a mess, to say the least. Thomas rolled the cleaning cart into the room, shutting the door behind him, and snapping on a pair of gloves. He then set about cleaning the bathroom, picking up any trash on the floor and counters, mopping the floors, cleaning the mirrors, scrubbing any graffiti off the stall doors, and cleaning the toilets. Once the room was fully clean, he refilled the soap and paper towel dispensers, before stepping back and taking a look at his hard work. His moment of pride was short-lived, however, as he took the cleaning cart, and moved on to the next bathroom to clean.

/me As Thomas was walking through the halls, he came across a college student, just loitering in the hallway with their phone. He stopped in front of the student, crossing his arms, and asking if there was a reason they weren't in class right now. When they didn't give one, he motioned for them to come with him, checking which professors were holding classes that period, before escorting the student to one of them.

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
Thomas Watanabe

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Thomas, or Tom

Age (Minimum is 25):

Male (He/They)

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:

Criminology and Criminal Justice

Creative Writing


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

Native Languages:
Dutch and Japanese

Other Languages:


Thomas was born on October 13th, 1993, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to his parents Asahi and Amalia Watanabe. His father ran a repair shop, which he helped in from a very young age. He had a very happy childhood, surrounded by a loving family, with two younger and one older sister to play with when he was little. His parents always encouraged him to do whatever he enjoyed doing, as long as it wasn't hurting anyone, which led him to find joy in trying out lots of different hobbies. From football (soccer) to needlepoint to creative writing, he tried just about every hobby under the sun. This did cause problems, however, when he got older and had to pick a major/minor for college.

His solution for this struggle of not knowing what he wanted to do with his life ended up having a very simple solution. He wrote down the names of every major he wanted to pursue, and put them all in a hat, with the minors being put in a separate hat. He promised himself that he would go with whatever he drew from the hat, and just let fate, or luck, decide what he would be doing for the rest of his life. He shook the hats around a bit, and ended up drawing Criminal Justice as his major and Creative Writing as his minor for his Bachelor's degree. Despite his reservations (with criminal justice being the major he wanted least out of all the ones in the hat), he stuck to his promise, and graduated with those very same choices the hat had made for him. As Thomas progressed through his undergraduate, he discovered an unexpected love for Criminal Justice, and went from dreading the choice the hat had made for him, to being incredibly grateful that his indecisiveness had led him to discover a path in life that he truly enjoyed.

After he finished his undergraduate in Criminal Justice and Creative Writing, Thomas decided that he wasn't done just yet with his college experience. He wanted to go further, and chose to pursue a Master's degree in Criminology. Throughout the several years it took to complete his Master's degree, he was juggling both his schoolwork, and attending the police academy to prepare him to become a police officer in Amsterdam. Somehow, he managed to finish his degree, and with both a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice, and a Master's in Criminology, Thomas continued to follow through on what the hat had chosen for him, and became a police officer in Amsterdam.

Thomas thoroughly enjoyed the years he spent as a police officer, and if he had the choice, he would've stayed on that path for the rest of his life. However, he wasn't so lucky, and in a cruel twist of fate, he ended up in an accident that rendered him unfit for duty. He was entirely devastated, and having to return home to his parents, and the pity there, was unbearable. So, he decided to completely restart, and move to somewhere where no one knew him before his accident, where he could start over. He still held a deep desire to help people, and when he found a city called Karakura in Japan, his father's home country, that was overrun with crime, he decided that would be the spot for him.

Despite his frail legs, and against the advice of his family, Thomas moved to Karakura. Once he had made his way there, he saw for himself the sheer amount of crime that overran the city, and how many of those criminals were barely young adults. This set a change in him, a desire to help these kids who were lost, and heading down a path that would lead them to nothing but trouble. He knew that he would never be fit enough to be able to become a police officer again, but he figured that at the very least, he could work himself up to a point where he was capable of working in the local school.

He dedicated nearly every waking breath to physical therapy, and re-training himself to be able to walk steadily, like he was before his accident. He followed his physical therapy routines religiously, and, over the course of three years, got himself to a point where he was able to not just walk, but run several miles a day. He still stumbles once in a while, and he needs to take regular breaks if he's been standing or walking for a while, but aside from that he can get around almost as he did before his legs were injured.

Once he had gotten to a point where he believed himself ready to be able to work in the school, he checked for any open school employee spots. Upon seeing several open caretaker spots, and remembering all the time he spent learning how to fix things as a kid in his dad's shop, he chose to apply to become a caretaker at KHS.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation for joining KHS is that I'd like to be able to help shape the youth of Karakura. These kids are our future, and if I can help in any way, I'd like to. We need to guide them to a good path, and since I am in no way qualified to be a teacher, I figured working as a caretaker, and keeping watch over these kids would be the next best thing.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
In working as a police officer for 5 years, I gained plenty of experience dealing with teenagers, especially those who don't believe they should have to listen to anyone. I can used this experience to help guide those students who insist on causing trouble for other students and school staff to a proper path, one where they will hopefully come to see the negative impact their actions have on others, and recognize that there are better things they could be doing with their life than just causing mayhem in their school. I also have been told in the past that I work very well in groups, which translates well to a healthy work environment and interactions with my co-workers. These, in addition to my skills with making repairs on all sorts of technology from my younger years, I believe, would make me a great fit for a caretaker position at KHS.


Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 211

Thank you for taking the time to apply for this position but unfortunately, I'll be denying this application.
- Compared with the other applicants I've chosen to deny this application
- You haven't been online for (almost) 7 days. Feel free to re-apply when you get your activity back up!​

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