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Official Gangs


Level 32
Community Team
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What's your Minecraft Username?: Englandography
What's the title of your suggestion?: Official Gangs

What's your suggestion?:

Currently, GangRP is especially slow. Most serious permissions require OOC consent, there is a lack of activity in many gangs that results in other gangs decreasing in activity due to fewer opponents, and GangRP has a long history of toxic behavior and low quality roleplay that 1) gives it a bad rap, and 2) is the reason all of these rule changes have happened within the past year.


I suggest, under the Crime Faction led by Hirathex, FOUR "official" gangs be formed. They would work like regular factions, where a certain number of people are allowed into the gang (30 each or so). They are similar to regular factions in the sense it is application-based, and Hirathex be the one to review each application to join the gang. Separate applications will exist to LEAD the gang, and the leader of each gang be allowed to allocate roles as they please to the people accepted into their gang.


Members of Official Gangs have separate permissions rules similar to previous permissions rules where Minor Assault Perms are gained by Motive, Major Assault Perms are gained by Minor Assault Perms, and Kill Perms are gained by Major Assault Perms (more detailed rules can be designed by Hirathex). These permissions only exist on other members of different Official Gangs. Any permissions gained on others must adhere to CURRENT permissions rules.
2. Unofficial Gangs are allowed to exist, same as before; however, they will have to adhere to the CURRENT permissions rules regardless of who it is against.


This would provide a more structured form of the verification system that is better monitored by Hirathex.
2. Applications reviewed by Hirathex themself would ensure high quality roleplay and likely decrease toxicity within the ACTIVE GangRP community.
3. Official Gangs would be better suited to criminal events, since most criminal events are given to the Black Market Dealers by default; aka, more variety in crime events and more participants.
4. Official Gangs would be allowed to be ACTIVE without stressing about OOC consent for serious permissions and works as a solution to increase activity within the Crime Faction (and the Emergency Factions by extension) without it inconveniencing the regular playerbase (due to Official Gangs permissions only applying to other Official Gang members).

How will this benefit the server and community?:
As stated in "PROS", it would better organize Crime Roleplay, ensure higher quality of roleplay within the Crime Faction, increase variety of Crime Faction events, and potentially increase activity within the Crime, Police, and Hospital Factions without inconveniencing the regular playerbase.


Level 48
-1 +1, I don't see how it would pretty much be good to have 4 'official' gangs ran by Hirathex having to check applications every now and then and what not. The crime faction seems to have been doing pretty well lately as for UVG gangs and VG gangs, The issue is with random people with NO experience at all making a gang or TRYING to get activity on the server by baiting perms and what not. I personally would just make some changes to make it harder for people to blatently just bait permissions in all and such, Having to apply for leadership just doesn't really make sense because it would most likely be random people with 0 experience applying, For now there are still some gang's that don't really perm bait like Mefisuto, Man'en, Black Dragons, ETC but could still use some changes with leadership and what not. With there being a new rule change recently I don't see another one coming into play anytime soon as it would require a lot of discussion. I get GangRP has been slow lately but there is always room for improvement by doing more server-wide events and such.


Level 32
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-1 +1, I don't see how it would pretty much be good to have 4 'official' gangs ran by Hirathex having to check applications every now and then and what not. The crime faction seems to have been doing pretty well lately as for UVG gangs and VG gangs, The issue is with random people with NO experience at all making a gang or TRYING to get activity on the server by baiting perms and what not. I personally would just make some changes to make it harder for people to blatently just bait permissions in all and such, Having to apply for leadership just doesn't really make sense because it would most likely be random people with 0 experience applying, For now there are still some gang's that don't really perm bait like Mefisuto, Man'en, Black Dragons, ETC but could still use some changes with leadership and what not. With there being a new rule change recently I don't see another one coming into play anytime soon as it would require a lot of discussion. I get GangRP has been slow lately but there is always room for improvement by doing more server-wide events and such.
Issue with that is 1) I haven't seen or heard of any serious activity by any current gang, meaning most roleplay is internally ran and not especially active for the faction as a whole, and 2) more strict perms rules will only further constrict activity. Applications have always had specific parts that are priority. Things like experience in crime roleplay, server-wide reputation, and roleplay abilities would be heavily put into consideration AS WELL AS the ability to write a high-quality application to begin with. Hirathex is more than capable of differentiating capable crime roleplayers from new players. And 3) I know it would require a lot of discussion; this suggestion wasn't intended to be a small change, but something to get the ball rolling in hopes that staff would at least consider discussing it as extensively as needed. As a member of the event team, there are higher priorities and not enough time to push in server-wide crime events AS OFTEN as it would take to make the faction active once more, and it's hard to select who participates in what when the only staff-organized criminal organizations are BMD, Fight Club, and Bounty Hunting. Room for improvement comes in the form of involving the playerbase, and you can't force people to get motivated over stagnant permissions rules and virtually empty/inactive gang rosters.


Level 163
I don't see why not bc yeah gang/crime rp is dying slowly even if people don't recognize it yet they will eventually. I know Fight Club and Ikigai are trying to become more active again. Maybe another organisation/hotspot can be formed to attract more players and motivation. Idk just a thought. Overall yeah its a cool suggestion.


Level 89
-1 The permmission system is not famous for leading to good roleplay experience. Many gangs want to stop using the perms because they believed the uncontrolled usage of perms was ruining gnagrp.


Level 32
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-1 The permmission system is not famous for leading to good roleplay experience. Many gangs want to stop using the perms because they believed the uncontrolled usage of perms was ruining gnagrp.
I agree, but this time it's more monitored by staff because the only ones allowed to do are those picked from applications, greatly eliminating the number of roleplayers who don't take roleplay seriously. Plus, the few who make it past that do not seriously roleplay will be feeling pressure from an environment of roleplayers who are capable.


Level 73
Very hard to monitor, might fluctuate in general, however. . it's certainly an interesting idea, no promises that it would work out. Unofficial Gangs would have a much harder time getting set up with the promise of official gangs being added, so not sure where this would be directed. It would also need to completely rebrand how the current unverified and verified rosters work. Mefisuto is, by technicality, an official gang; but this suggestion would completely deplete it of that status. -1 / +1


Level 108
hard to monitor and disbanding and other troubles may be a large issue. as well as this, people may just join it for the adult role and then leave as its just as easy to get in as it is for other factions. idk don't listen to me I woke up like 10 mins ago


Level 32
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hard to monitor and disbanding and other troubles may be a large issue. as well as this, people may just join it for the adult role and then leave as its just as easy to get in as it is for other factions. idk don't listen to me I woke up like 10 mins ago
You wouldn't get adult role from it how I'm doing it. You don't get roles, it's a gang still, just overseen by Hira as for who gets accepted.


Level 32
Community Team
Event Team
Thread starter
Very hard to monitor, might fluctuate in general, however. . it's certainly an interesting idea, no promises that it would work out. Unofficial Gangs would have a much harder time getting set up with the promise of official gangs being added, so not sure where this would be directed. It would also need to completely rebrand how the current unverified and verified rosters work. Mefisuto is, by technicality, an official gang; but this suggestion would completely deplete it of that status. -1 / +1
Unofficial Gangs don't need to be applied for and such! Just how people already make gangs on their own. There definitely is a concern for what to do with Verified and Unverified gangs at the moment, that is a fair thing to mention.


Level 89
I agree, but this time it's more monitored by staff because the only ones allowed to do are those picked from applications, greatly eliminating the number of roleplayers who don't take roleplay seriously. Plus, the few who make it past that do not seriously roleplay will be feeling pressure from an environment of roleplayers who are capable.
Will have to agree with you that having a more strict applications may be good for the gangrp enviorment. However, having verified gangs being controlled by mods will mean that the gang leads who built the gang are gonna lose a lot of control over the gang. Which gang lead is gonna make their gangs verified if they, the leads, are not allowed to choose where is the gang going to go. People want to be creative.


Level 32
Community Team
Event Team
Thread starter
Will have to agree with you that having a more strict applications may be good for the gangrp enviorment. However, having verified gangs being controlled by mods will mean that the gang leads who built the gang are gonna lose a lot of control over the gang. Which gang lead is gonna make their gangs verified if they, the leads, are not allowed to choose where is the gang going to go. People want to be creative.
It'd be newly formed gangs, not pre-existing verified gangs being taken over (unless decided otherwise by staff). Staff won't run it, they'll accept who gets to be in a gang of their choice from their application. It'll be player-ran, and the Gang Lead accepted will get to choose rankings and structure and whatever they want. It's just a way of sifting through the GangRP playerbase to allow the serious roleplayers a chance to experience active GangRP again. I get the creativity part, and maybe changes can happen over time in the variety of Official Gangs.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

I genuinely see nothing wrong with the current UVG and VG system. Everyone on those respective rosters are active whether it be internally or externally. I really don’t think it matters the manner in which gangs portray themselves to the public (via external or internal means). That said, you (as the event team) have the opportunity to help guide and suggest crime related events with the UVG and VGs, even for gangs that aren’t of that status. I’ve recently pitched 3 event ideas all to 3 different gangs and I believe each one is currently working on said ideas to bring to a reality. All it takes is a little guidance and suggestions from the community to bring a gang to its full potential. It’s so hard for a gang to remain active and excited. We just need to be more supportive of what we already have instead of trying to come up with new system after system.

TLDR; This current gang system is NOT flawed, however I believe the lack of support in the community and sharing ideas is.

(Also NoZinth is the gang lead, Hirathex is the BMD lead. It’s NoZinth that is in charge of all this)
Last edited:


Level 146
my suggestion for gang roleplayers


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I agree with infi on this one. Our UVG/VG system isn't bad, they are technically 'official' gangs on the server. Yeah, gangrp/crimerp rise and fall in popularity but as do all factions on the server, ofc this could be due to many things.

From how I see it, the people who are trying to do something for gangs and crime groups are trying their best to keep up with their group(s) in one way or another. But it is a group effort, if people start leaving gangrp then it will dip. When people come back to GangRP then it will rise. Just need to find the right support and right people who are willing to help


Level 32
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Thread starter
Will have to agree with you that having a more strict applications may be good for the gangrp enviorment. However, having verified gangs being controlled by mods will mean that the gang leads who built the gang are gonna lose a lot of control over the gang. Which gang lead is gonna make their gangs verified if they, the leads, are not allowed to choose where is the gang going to go. People want to be creative.
The Official Gangs aren't controlled by staff, they only dictate who can be in one. The only control Official Gang leads would lose is who joins their gang since it's application-based to be reviewed by Hirathex. They still control what the gang does, the roles, how the gang operates, etc. etc. It's only meant to sift out the serious roleplayers from the toxic type that gave GangRP a bad name. In short, they can get creative still, they just won't get to choose who's in the gang.


Level 121
Be the change you want to see. Contact people, Plan, Organize, Put into action.
The gang wouldn't get proper members because all the applications are checked by a single person, even if multiple checked the applications, its still staff members, which I mean no offense but I'm pretty sure no1 wants staff to check a gang member application because its gonna take very long.
+ im pretty sure just bc staff is involved, people will call bias, seen it happen many times. Even though staff are just people who are moderating.
also some ppl are working on cool gang ideas people, just wait a bit


Level 13
+1 I’m to tired to explain but it would probably be decent but it would overall just get stressful for Hirathex right?

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