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ogplanelover | Shrine Priest Application


Level 116

IGN (In-Game Name):

The account I am applying with is ogplanelover, my main account is ilovemyplanex2!

What is your discord username?:


What is your timezone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

As of late, my activity on the server has been quite prominent! I've been online daily, usually getting on around 3 PM and getting off between 10 pm and 12 am. This typically applies on any day of the week except for Mondays and Thursdays, where I manage to get on around 6 PM and stay on until the times above.
A chart below will be able to better show off my schedule!
6/7 PM to 10 AM/12 AM3 PM to 10 PM/12 AM3 PM to 10 PM/12 AM6/7 PM to 10 AM/12 AM3 PM to 10 PM/12 AM3 PM to 10 PM/12 AM3 PM to 10 PM/12 AM

List your current roles on the server:

The first table is in regard to my main account, it also follows with the character that occupies the slot.

Tallulah Stark-VolkonskyVolya Aiuchi-StarkChloe BrooksIwai Ai'Curly' Chusi-StarkLucienne KillsWolfram LöweZenjirō AkiyamaMaverick Jackson

Min-soo Woong'Bingus'

On my 'ogplanelover' account, I would like to replace my Grade-10 slot with my Priest role upon acceptance!

Link any previous applications:

This will be spanning IC and OOC faction applications - Accepted and Denied. Anything that is pending will not be listed!

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?


What is your motivation for applying?

My motivation for applying has a couple layers to it, if I'm being fully honest! These reasons for applying include both genuine interest and a wish to get myself more involved within the factions of the server, beyond my prior EMS experience. I've had plenty of experience working for a rather fast paced faction, and as a result my eyes have been set on the shrine faction for nearly a year now. A little more, a little less. Depends, really. But from my perspective, it's definitely something that is worth looking into, hence this application.

Starting off with one side of the coin, my interest in Shrine - as a faction, the individuals within it seem quite friendly and are rather easy to interact with in roleplay and out of it. They are a huge reason why I'm interested in Shrine to begin with, as well as the fact that what I've seen and heard through roleplay means gives me a good chunk of interest in the topic. I'd love to get to know more beyond what I do as an outsider by working with those who make the faction as interesting as it is, even if it takes a while. I find this opportunity quite intriguing, and I do not want to miss it, especially if it means I get to learn more about the subjects surrounding the Shrine! I've also loved to interact with and be involved in the events that the Shrine hosts, such as the end of year festivities and the events during the October months.

As for experience, I'd believe that speaks for itself - however, I'd love for more interactions and such outside of what is familiar to me with factions, my past (and only ones) being Journalism, Crime, and EMS. The Shrine offers a perfect opening for this experience as it allows me to interact with the more spiritual side of Karakura, as well as have more knowledge based on Shintoism as a whole! Experience with the server is something I'd love to have, and this is one more step in the right direction - especially with my roleplay style.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?

I'm going to be completely honest - I don't know much about Shintoism. There are the bare minimum facts that I do have, but still not a lot. Nevertheless, I'll discuss what I know!

The Torii Gates

Karakuran Torii Gates are something anyone will see within the Shrine, of course, and they are highly revered for their spiritual meaning. These are what are believed to ward off evil spirits, while protecting those within. Commonplace is bowings towards these gates as a sign of respect, regardless of your personal views.

Basic Roles

These involve the Mitsue, Guji, Naishoten, Miko, and Shinkan. All of these roles have their own function within the shrine, no matter how much time they all spend within the place.
Ranking from the highest to lowest, according to the roster, these are what each role entails and who it applies to from my knowledge. If I do not know anything regarding the role, it will not be mentioned.

Mitsue - A Mitsue is the highest-ranking Shrine member, and in the case of Karakura's Monastery, the faction lead. I do not know much about the role beyond this.

Guji - Guji are similar to the Mitsue in regard to being of high rank and involve keeping the shrine in order. However, I am not aware of much beyond these simple facts.

Miko - Miko are the maidens, simply put. They take care of the shrine, tend to guests, and clean up if required,

Shinkan - Shinkan are the male equivalent, being known as Priests. Shinkan follow what Miko do as well and take care of the shrine, those who inhabit it, and their surroundings as a whole.


Do note that this entire section will be written from the perspective of the character I am applying with - save his backstory!

Character Full Name:

The man across from you - his hands placed over his lap; his eyes trained on you as you spoke - shifted as the question regarding his name was asked. He spoke after a few moments of silence, as he dug around in his pocket for something. The green flash of the identity card was spotted as he pulled it out finally.
"Ryota Arata. If you need my ID, here you go," Arata slid it across the table towards you, a small smile on his face as he did so.

Character Title:

"Sir works fine, I suppose! Although my surname alone also is good," Arata's hands adjusted their position as he spoke, his voice still the same calming tone it had been prior.

Character Age:

"Twenty-nine." Arata gestured towards the ID that was in front of you again, prompting you to read it. His date of birth was 3/1/1996, according to what it said on the card.

Character Marital Status:

"Never really got married, so single." Arata blinked again, keeping his eyes trained on you. This simple gesture was out of respect, it seemed, even if the two of you never really knew each other.

Character Nationality:

Another gesture, however polite, was made towards his identity card. "Japanese born and raised, been in this town for most of my life."

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

Arata's eyes lit up slightly before he rummaged around the small bag that he had brought with him. What was dug out were a few degrees, before he handed them over for you to review. An easy smile was on his face. "I have a major in Religious Studies, as well as a minor in Business if that helps any.' Arata took a pause, before adding. "Both were in the University of Tokyo!" Upon examining the degrees passed, you would take in his Karakura High School diploma, as well as the two University degrees that he had mentioned.


From what you could gather from what Arata shared regarding the subject, his personal history went something like this:

From the time he was born into the island town of Karakura, Japan, Ryota Arata - the first-born son of his parents' union - was expected to follow a certain path. His mother, a teacher named Yumeko Arata, and his father, a priest named Takahiro Arata, were a traditional couple of middle-class status. The two of them were loving towards Ryota, but they did push him into religion from a rather young age - Ryota having stated that his mother often would have charms and other symbolism regarding Shintoism laying around their family home for religious purposes, as well as one of his earliest memories being with his father at the shrine when he was barely even able to walk, much less speak full sentences.

Ryota's infancy was an average one - full of the love and care that any child deserved. His parents cherished him and saw him as a gift from the gods, often being why he would be brought to the shrine. However, this came with its own cost - what with how traditional his parents were. Takahiro spent long hours at the shrine, whilst his mother was a devout religious woman who believed that the traditions she was taught should remain within the family. Yumeko tried her best to make sure that Ryota was well educated and aware of the spirituality around him. Young Ryota accepted this easily, as it was all he really knew, and embraced it like one would a relative. Questions weren't what he was taught to ask regarding his family's teachings, so none were raised.

When he went into school, it was when Ryota first started to question if his religion was really what it was sound to be. Those around him were from different backgrounds, different religious and cultural expectations, as was normal within the island of Karakura. Ryota's most vivid memory regarding his educational career involved befriending a young girl from Hawaii, even though he doesn't quite recall her name. She was someone who showed him her own culture with pride, even if she was a young child, and that was where Ryota began to question if his own was really the 'right' one to follow. He didn't ask his parents questions regarding it in case they reacted negatively, but he definitely did have an opinion with what he was taught. Skepticism, as if he didn't quite believe it was real, the one religion he should truly follow.

Eventually he was old enough to attend secondary school - in Karakura High School specifically - and started exploring what he could whilst there. One of his memories of being in the town was visiting the Monastery, which drew his attention because of the ever so slight shift. It was welcoming, of course, and Ryota appreciated this. Even if his father worked there, the young boy still found solace in certain areas of the shrine. Oftentimes avoiding his father when he could, if only just to avoid the responsibilities Ryota knew he would be presented with, the boy was commonly found hanging around much quieter areas of the shrine outside of school. This was the start of his quiet rebellion during his teenage years, and these were when he took advantage of it. He didn't quite want to be controlled by what his parents envisioned for him, and Ryota tried his best to avoid it.

By the time the man was old enough to graduate, Ryota had come to peace with one thing - his own skepticism and stance on religious matters. While he may not have been the strictest regarding Shintoism, Ryota was one who understood that he might as well do something his parents would be proud of him for. This was when he enrolled into Tokyo's University for Religious Studies, following the path that his parents wanted him to do so. This distance, from him and his parents at least, didn't come without its own price. A call had been made during Ryota's 23rd birthday, a day he would have enjoyed, that was in regard to his father's sudden death. The recent news of him making it out of his master's and passing the exam that was needed was crushed by the guilt, but that was exactly what pushed Ryota into focusing even more on his personal studies. He needed to make his father proud, even in death, and this was the only way he knew he could.
Ryota graduated with this weight - the loss of a man who had shaped his life - on his shoulders. Even if it destroyed him, Ryota knew he had to move on eventually. With this in mind, after a few years, the young man decided to move back to Karakura after a few years in Tokyo following his graduation and attempted to get in the shrine to honor his father. That's what he told himself anyways, even if he knew there was definitely something else in the back of his mind that ate at him. Despite having his skepticisms, Ryota knew he had to try - even if the man who had returned to the town was no longer the wide-eyed boy who had left.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Around the shrine grounds, Arata is reluctant caretaker - however, he does know when to take his job seriously and deal with his responsibilities in a way that makes sure it maintains what it needs to regarding expectations. Even with his laid-back attitude, he knows how to keep things running as smoothly as he can. Arata's behavior is not one someone would typically expect of a priest regarding Shrine duties, but he does what needs to be done. Whenever he is not busy, the man can oftentimes be seen wandering around shrine grounds as well as speaking with the others that he shares the place with.

Regarding guests, he knows how to keep them engaged while also maintaining his own flair - some thinking he over exaggerates, whilst others may see him as entertaining. Arata's a people person, really, which is a part of why he took the job. This allows him to engage with the position that he's in, whilst also making sure that those who wish to attend also take him somewhat seriously despite his typically casual behavior. As long as he can keep them entertained and happy, that's all Arata really wants.

As for coworkers, Arata keeps his same behavior around them - although it's slightly more laid back. The other staff may see him as someone who respects his job enough to do what he can for the shrine, while also keeping the same demeanor that he typically approaches life with. Whilst he may be more sarcastic (in an affectionate way) towards his coworkers, he does care for their well-being. Arata prefers to reign back when he might get too much, which has definitely saved him on many an occasion. The man may be blunt, but he knows when to hold back.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

If Arata spotted a guest being disrespectful in such a manner, the man would definitely try to take care of it as soon as he could. He might be annoyed at first - seeing it as them taking advantage of his supposed laid-back behavior and not being amused by his attempts at keeping them busy, but he'd rather not get into an argument and potentially fired because of some immature person who has no respect for the shrine or what they do.
Arata would call out for their attention, before asking them politely to quit their frankly rude behavior. He'd explain it in his typical fashion - nothing too stern but definitely letting them know about how disrespectful this is towards him and those who he works with, not to mention the shrine itself. Assuming that this would get them to stop, Arata would go on his own way - but keep an eye on the guest in case they decide to disrupt again. However, if they decided to ignore his warnings, even if they were issued a few times with Arata being aware they had heard him, and continue to cause problems, he would simply request a blacklist for the person with his higherups and also phone the police to take the person off the premises if necessary. Although with how Arata is, he'd much rather not do that until it gets to a point.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?

Arata wants to become a shrine priest because he does have a major interest regarding the history regarding Shintoism, despite the way that he is slightly skeptical of the spirits regarding the religion. He wishes to learn more, even if it means that he has to be exposed to what he has doubts in and thinks that becoming a priest would help him with this knowledge. It doesn't quite help that he also has a degree in Religious Studies, which is exactly why Arata wants to know more.
Regarding his wishes towards achievements, Arata wants to get himself well-versed in what he was raised around - even if his parents were pushy about it. He doesn't see it as simply leaning into their beliefs, but he more so sees it as a chance to learn more than he has already. Besides, college only teaches someone so much, the real-world experience would definitely be something that would help Arata.

What are the core values of your character?

Arata has been shaped by his past, which have given him a good handful of core values that he holds close - as if letting go of them would be the reason why he suffered the same fate his father had.

One of which includes his family's legacy, however hypocritical it sounds. Arata adores his family - he always had. They are the reason why he has come back to Karakura, to ensure that he lives up to what had been left behind by his father.

Independence is yet another one of the values that he has. While he does love his family and what has made Arata him, he also wishes for his own streak of individuality. He knows he can handle himself, which is exactly what motivates him to be who he is now.

His search for the truth is yet another core value, as Arata wishes to understand the world around him. Even with his skepticism towards certain religious beliefs, he wishes to understand them and those who claim said religions as their anchor. The largest one that he is interested in being the one he follows within the shrine.

Adaptability is the final of the main four, yet it is still hugely a part of why Arata is who he is. He is able to adapt, even in the face of something that would have broken him, and he refuses to let it be why he falters.​
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