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Accepted P.E. Teacher App (Change)


Level 138
This is my 5th teacher application. My answers may seem similar to previous applications, but I guarantee this was unintentional

I also intend to keep things more brief compared to previous applications, as a means of more effectively summarizing what I know, while also seeming less like a broken record. I apologize if this seems to be lazy, though I believe this will be more time efficient for both parties.

IGN: WeeabooTrashlor

Age: 17

Previous Bans: I’ve been banned for hacking, though I was unbanned as it was a misunderstanding.

Country: United States

Discord: WeeabooTrashlor#1054

Do you understand that most answers are found in the RP documents?: Yes, though I intend to use my previous knowledge and experience to fill out the application.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive, you will be demoted?: I fully acknowledge this, and will continue to be active whether or not this subject change is approved.

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the “Teacher Roster” thread?: Yes, I intend to log my classes.

Describe your activity on the server and forums: On the server, I participate in council, volleyball, and obviously, teaching. The majority of my roleplay revolves around the school aspect of the server, either going to classes as a student, teaching them myself, or simply spending time within the school.

I spend little time on the forums, as I do not feel the need to do so outside of applications, or occasional browsing of miscellaneous posts.

What is your motivation for changing subjects?
: I’m switching due to inactivity. I reliably teach 15+ classes a month, though I could do 30+ easily. Psych is easy for me to teach, yet I find myself drawn away from logging on to teach it. Part of this is the fact that my character is only a vessel for teaching, another being the fact that I find creating lessons for this subject to be boring. I could list in-depth reasons as to why I want to switch, but it’s efficient to simply say I don’t want to teach psych anymore.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?: I have plenty of experience, both in and out of SRP. Most of my prior experience has come from chat roleplays through miscellaneous mediums, though my experience on SRP dominates it by multiple landslides.

I have actively been playing on SRP since August of 2018. I have had plenty of time to familiarize myself with the rules, general playerbase and atmosphere of the server. I can say with confidence that I am an experienced player.

As for my experience teaching, I have held the role of “teacher” for roughly 8 months in total. It is safe to say that I am quite experienced, and very aware of what I am doing when it comes to creating and teaching lessons, as well as the roleplay that surrounds being a teacher.

What are the class logs and why are they important?: The class logs channel is a place for teachers to submit evidence for hosting a class in the form of a screenshot / small format, as a means of gauging the activity of teachers, as well as deciding how much they will be paid.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?: I would DM a V.P. or some other higher up, with an in-depth pitch as to what the field trip would be, who would be attending, any additional resources, etc.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: I have created a simplistic and understandable ruleset, which includes four rules:

One: Treat those around you and the environment with respect.
Two: Do not be disruptive to the education of anybody, including yourself.
Three: Food and drink is prohibited. You are permitted a water bottle.
Four: Be willing to learn and participate.

Ranking system of teachers:
Head of Department: The highest ranking teacher in a given subject. They are responsible for ensuring the lower ranked teachers of their particular subject are doing their job properly, and are generally expected to know what they are doing.

Qualified Teacher in Learning Skills: As the name implies, this is simply a qualified teacher that has proven to know what they are doing.

Newly Qualified Teacher: This is the lowest rank of teacher, which you will receive the first time you are accepted as a teacher. These teachers are usually less efficient, as they are still learning what they should do / how to deal with students.

Present your knowledge of teachers:
Teachers are essentially the backbone of society, having the responsibility of providing both an academic, as well as a practical education for the next generation of the human race. On SRP specifically, they serve the same purpose ICly, though also have a strong OOC reason to exist (refer to second trivia question).

In the real world, teachers are paid little for the education and time they have put into their career, which clearly changes on where the location is. Once they have experience, they will receive more payment and opportunities, thus creating a higher salary. On SRP, teachers are simply paid 250k upon teaching 15 classes, and 50k for every 5 classes after.

Teachers often teach based on a specific model; said model could be enforced within a school or district, or it could simply be how they personally wish to teach. And while some are better than others, there is no one “true” way of teaching, as everybody understands and remembers information differently. This fact is true even on SRP; some people enjoy other classes more than others, simply because of the content and how the person teaches.

Why are teachers important to a School RP server?: Teachers are essential to the server, as they fulfill the obvious “teacher” role of a school oriented server, while also providing a classroom environment for students to interact, meet one another, or participate in lessons / activities. Teachers also bear the responsibility of directing new players, as it is safe to assume that somebody with the rank knows a good deal about the server.

What lesson planning system does the school use?: MOSCO, which stands for must have, should have, could have.

General Information: Tomoko Miki is a dignified Japanese-American woman, who at any time exudes a graceful, confident presence. She has little interest in affairs involving students, though she has no problems diffusing situations, or speaking with students about personal issues. Miki proves to be quite irritable, though she is capable of keeping herself composed if the situation calls for it.

Personality: Upon first glance, Miki is a polite, well spoken lady who is easy to get along with. She clearly enjoys teaching, spending time with students, and is well equipped to do many things. Miki respects the people in her life, and generally cares for their wellbeing. That being said, she is arrogant, holding herself in high regard. If one was to challenge her identity, she would do everything in her power to assert dominance; she truly believes herself to excel in everything she does, and little will stop her from attempting to protect this image. She believes her time is important, and will unconsciously become passive-aggressive if it is being wasted, as she finds it stressful to not be doing something productive for long periods of time.

While enforcing rules or administering punishment, Miki is strict, and oftentimes harsh. Given the fact that she is a teacher, there are certain lines which can not be crossed when reprimanding students; that being said, she will do what she is allowed within the given boundaries, and with the highest level of efficiency she is capable of.

Miki’s time outside of school is occupied primarily by her few hobbies, being baking, writing, and practicing music. Being a healthy young woman, she exercises on a fixed schedule, as she finds it crucial to her lifestyle. If she is not participating in some sort of activity, she very quickly becomes stressed, which negatively affects her work at school.

Outlook on students: Miki’s view on students is rather simple: Those who try will benefit, those who don’t will not. When it comes to the exercise aspect of gym, this mentality is essentially what she lives by. If she hated students, she wouldn’t have taken on this type of job, but she isn’t overly enthusiastic about spending prolonged amounts of time with them. That being said, she truly does enjoy the time she spends teaching, connecting with, and learning about students.

Physical Appearance: Tomoko Miki seems to be your stereotypical Japanese-American woman, having blonde hair, blue eyes, and an elegant posture keeping her 5’11 body held high. While she was raised primarily in Japan, she often speaks with an uncharacteristically strong American accent, even incorporating English into her general vocabulary. Her facial expression would often seem confident, yet dismissive, a rather intriguing combination. A scent of warm lavender perfume would follow her throughout the day.

On days which Tomoko has no intention of doing physical activity for P.E. (ie. teaching in her classroom), she dresses formally; general business attire, nothing too flashy, with light makeup and the like. In contrast to this, she simply wears a tracksuit on days she plans to instruct gym class, for the sake of convenience.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: Being a rather straightforward person, Miki would simply approach them, telling them to either calm down, or go to a location in which they won’t be a bother to anybody. If this was to fail, she would threaten detentions in a very clearly aggressive tone. Rules regarding FearRP would make further interaction meaningless.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: I would promptly remove those who do not wish to participate in what I had planned. There is no meaning in trying to deal with people who are not interested in the school aspect of roleplay, as they are simply wasting time and focusing my attention onto them, instead of the entire class. Without fail, removing those who cause trouble resolves issues efficiently.

When in the teachers’ lounge, how does your character act?: Miki would not visit the faculty break room; she isn’t opposed to speaking with other school staff, but it’s simply a matter of efficiency. It is more convenient to simply do what needs to be done in her own classroom, as opposed to travelling all the way to the break room. If she was to visit the break room however, she would simply be polite, participating in light conversation if one was to surface.

Detailed actions of my character:
Instructing Gym Class

Teaching Physical Education

Tomoko Miki was born November 14th 1993. Being an only child, she received plenty of attention from her parents, giving her a caring and wholesome environment to develop and grow in. Throughout her youth she was an overall sweet child, though she had a closed mindset when it came to most things.

Her parents owned a small shop, known simply as “Miki Confections.” As the name implies, it sold home made sweets and candies, as well as other light refreshments. It didn’t stand out much when compared with the other numerous shops lining the streets of Tokyo, but the products and overall welcoming atmosphere kept it running strong. Being a child who inherited her parent’s collective love for sweets, Tomoko intended to take over this business once she had grown up. While she was never truly allowed to work at this store, she spent time in the shop, either lounging around or doing odd jobs for her parents.

Upon graduation from middle school, Tomoko was notified of something which, at the time, was shocking, out of nowhere, and pointlessly cruel. Her parents had arranged for her to transfer to the United States in order to complete her secondary education, as opposed to attending her school of choice. Supposedly, this exposure to a new environment would bring fulfilling experiences to her life, as a means of enriching her youth. Tomoko however did not wish to leave her friends and family behind, though she had little say in the matter. Within what seemed to be the blink of an eye, she was shipped off to the United States.

Upon arriving in the country, Tomoko was greeted by her grandparents, people she had only seen in a handful of pictures. Still not entirely thrilled by the idea of living in a new country with strangers, she acted generally cold towards her new guardians. Given time, she would grow to accept, and even care for them, though she would never be caught outwardly expressing her feelings towards them. This new family would assist the girl in polishing her linguistic capabilities, to the point where she could semi-fluently speak the language.

The initial shock of transferring to a school in a different country was mostly attributed to the fact that she had zero connections. However, the school she had been placed into proved to be rather generous, providing many opportunities for the girl to participate in extracurricular activities, allowing the chance for her to make friends. While she wasn’t necessarily excited over the lack of clubs relating to the culinary arts, she found joy participating in the activities provided, such as swing choir and theatre.

While she found fulfillment in normal clubs and activities, Tomoko was never proficient at what she did; when it came to athletics however, she excelled. Trying out for the school’s volleyball team in Autumn, she was accepted as a middle blocker, part of which could be attributed to her height. In the Winter season, Tomoko would swim competitively, proving to be an impressive figure on the team. And in the Spring, she would participate in track, excelling in the running and long jumping events.

Upon graduation from high school, Tomoko was presented with two opportunities: She could either move back to Japan, where she could start on the path to fulfill her childhood dream of taking over her family’s small shop, or alternatively take advantage of different scholarships and awards to attend university in the United States, pursuing a different career. Ultimately, she decided upon the latter, opting to study areas in which she excelled, being English and Psychology. Additionally, she obtained her Teaching Degree, as she felt education was something she could spend her life doing.

Fresh out of college, Tomoko landed an in-state teaching job, where she taught English to grades 10-12. Spending two years in this position, she refined her skills in managing students, planning lessons, and simply being a teacher. However, the woman had no intentions of staying in the United States for the rest of her life. Upon expiration of her contact, she packed her bags, promptly flying back to Japan, moving back in with her parents. After settling down in Tokyo, Tomoko looks for employment in nearby schools, leading her to Karakura.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Tomoko Miki

Title: Miss

Given Name: Tomoko Miki

Preferred Name: Miss Miki

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Religious Denomination: N/A

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience: 2 years

Working Experience: 9 years

Academic Degree: Bachelors

Year of Graduation: 2016

Majors: English, Psychology

Minors: Music

Native Language: Japanese

Other Languages: French

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No

Preferred Teaching Subject: Physical Education

Deleted member 5455

- Wonderful application as always, DM me once you're able to and we'll have your role sorted out.

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