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Professor Application


Level 37

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:


Do you have any previous bans?:
None to date!

What is your timezone?:
Eastern time-zone

What is your discord username and discriminator (e.g. Tippie#6666):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge this statement and will be sure to watch over my activity in order to keep up with requirements.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I would say I am on the server very often, more than most where my hours online can vary from just one all the way up to even seven or more but I always take breaks in between as sitting and staring at a screen for too long can ruin my mental and physical health, so I always try to make time to maintain myself but as well play and have fun because I enjoy playing on the server just as much as I enjoy hanging out with my friends. As I have roles within the server, I am expected to keep up with my activity and attempt my best to do so as I do not wish to be removed from either role as they are what brings me joy from the experience that comes from them.

I am more active on the server than I am on the forums but I always try to check forums whenever I can to update myself on the latest information, changes or just to look through applications of others as I find it rather fun to see the outcome of everyone’s applications once they have been reviewed to see if their efforts in writing were rewarded or if they were denied, sort of being apart of their application journey as we all wait anxiously to see results.

How long have you played SchoolRP for?:
I have been playing SchoolRP for a year and a few months now where I can date my first arrival around July of last year and will be sure to continue playing for many more to come.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
Service Dog



Role/Age Request [6x]
Glitched Item [1x]
Apartment Support [1x]
College [2x]

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

I have been a professor once before, before the current changes were enforced and to say truthfully, my past experience did not last as long because I felt with the subject I was teaching and the low amount of students showing up to class, I did not have the right motivation to continue being a professor for a long duration but after hearing about the improvements, it caught my interest once more influencing me to apply again, but this time, with a subject I felt would be much more fun and interesting for me and the players as well as where I know I’ll be able to continue for months on, now knowing that my efforts will come in hand now that more students will actually show to classes, it is a unique course that I personally have not seen other professors do but consists of multiple sections that I’ll be able to teach long term. Through teaching the broad subject of Dance, I’ll be able to talk about its history, teach the students ICLY how to actually dance the different categories as there isn’t many opportunities for the students to be able to take part in just simple dance which would broaden everyone’s roleplay experience as well as mine and bring joy to the players as they try something new. Though my past experience did not last long, there were still good memories that came from it and I hope to be able to give this role another try now that things are different and I know I’ll be able to keep up with my activity because the changes are my reason for wanting to come back to this department as well as that I’ve been searching for a role for me to prioritize and give me reason to come on my other account so that I can keep up with my activity on all my accounts altogether.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs allow everyone as well as yourself to keep track of your activity as a professor, showing how many classes you’ve hosted and how many left you need to do to earn the minimum paycheck. It allows the higher ups to see who will be getting paid at the end of the month, who will be getting warned for not completing their minimum quotas and in general just allow them to see who has been taking their role seriously and is actually putting in the dedication. Without classroom logs, it’d be hard to see who has actually been acting out their role and who have just been abusing their power given to them when becoming a professor making it much more difficult to reward those who have been doing their best and kicking those who did not meet up to expectations.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

Whilst in a class, a student should...​
  • Stay attentive to the topic at hand and to the current speaker whether it be the Professor themselves or a fellow classmate who has been given permission to speak, giving their undivided attention and responding/participating within the class when it deems necessary.​
  • Minimize conversing with your classmates unless given permission to as to not disrupt the lesson which as well goes for any loud noises such as yelling, screaming or anything that can interrupt the class.​
  • No electronics, foods or drinks should be visibly eaten or used in class until given permission by your professor but this should not be taken advantage of in any case your professor does allow any of the three listed at any point.​
  • Be prepared for your classes with accessible stationery unless your professor can provide you with items as well as any assigned homework or unfinished classwork in which you were to do before the next time you had the corresponding class.​
  • Respect your classmates and everyone that is in the room at that point in time and know your boundaries/limits along with watching what you may say in any case if something is said that shouldn’t be.

    Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

    I have been roleplaying for almost 5 years where before I discovered SchoolRP, I would take part in discord servers where you’d roleplay within the channels and role plays where it would take an entire production team of script writers, voice actors and more, then the finished products would be posted on YouTube for all to watch. I have been able to help with around 5 or more Minecraft roleplays allowing me to gain a decent amount of roleplay experience but during my time on SchoolRP, where a year has already passed, I have been able to take on many roles which accumulated my roleplay experience as well varying from a past professor to hospital staff but many of the roles were communication based and I had to roleplay with others very often in which all in all, have come together to my current point in time where I can say I’ve become a well off role-player.

    College-Professor Knowledge

    Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

    College professors are entrusted with the duty of teaching the more older students during their last journey of education before they become full fledged adults themselves, keeping professionalism and maintaining a role model attitude at all times during classes and even outside of school. Professors are to pre-plan their classes to the best degree so that it benefits the students’ education and lasts long enough each class so that time isn’t wasted but not only should the teaching subjects improve the students’ knowledge, broadening it as well, they should as well maintain a class environment that is safe for the students and incorporate fun activities at times to make it so learning is just not all about sitting in a class taking notes, taking into account monthly field trips as well. Disruptions or bad attitudes from the students should not be tolerated as the college students have expectations to uphold in which they agreed to meet after becoming a student of Karakura College and will simply be kicked and removed if they continue to not follow rules and regulations. As of current and what have been noted down to all, a college professors salary is 450,000 yen minimum for the 15 mandatory classes that needs to be finished for their starting pay but can receive a 50,000 bonus for completing 10 extra classes, totaling up to 500,000 yen but pay will only be received if quotas are met.

    Character Knowledge

    Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Daizu, at the height of 6'3 and weighed 180, had a eucalyptus scent surrounding him ever so lightly where he had light blonde hair and gray tinted eyes; long eyelashes visible at all times where you’d see light eyebags as a deep aligned scar crossed his right eyelid but made his stern and serious facial expression just more mature, where some would even assume he would have a intimidating personality due to his unapproachable constant expression. While walking around, Daizu could be seen having a fit build with perfect posture despite his old age, wearing a tie, white top and accommodating extras where his style could be described as a toddler going to a wedding and was dressed by their parents, a formidable lack of sense of style.

He is not the best at expressing how he really feels, most times being monotone or simply expressionless but tries to smile as much as he can to make those around him feel comfortable as he’s become used to the comments those around him usually say behind his back, trying his best to be the opposite of what people say about him. In fact, around those he has become comfortable around, Daizu can be seen as a humorous individual who always tries to be optimistic but also knows when he needs to be professional, being able to read moods fairly well. When he is talking about his interests or acting them out, he becomes talkative with lots of energy to spare where he just never seems to stop moving around or stop making random movements but as well knows to control himself during the times he deems it necessary.

His goal is to make the students’ education worthwhile, while trying to make learning as enjoyable as possible for them and hope they come to love their experiences within his classes. He hopes to be able to work with the students to create a safe and comfortable environment with all of them where they can come to lean on him for support and will not be afraid to communicate with him, seeking assistance out of classes and even outside of school where he will always be willing to lend a hand and extra head, or to just be there to listen to his students’ worries and concerns, offering advice the best he can and his undivided attention.

Unlike with younger kids and students, Daizu has a rather difficult problem with communicating with those around his age but hopes that it doesn’t get in the way of him making friends within the work environment so that they too can come to rely on him whenever needed and likewise for himself. Daizu likes to be of use as much as he can so he will always try to help out his co-workers with their classes, with planning or even just to be someone to give them his undivided attention just as he would the kids. If possible, he wants to be close enough to his co-workers where he can comfortably speak to them outside of the work environment and can pursue both a co-worker and out of work friend life.

Due to Daizu’s age, he does not have much left to do the things he enjoys before he becomes limited but for now, he simply just wishes to, as many do, continue his work life as long as he can before retiring and settling down with his family as he watches his own children grow to create their own families and live life as it goes, enjoying the small things in life such as watching the sun rise at dawn with the love of his life, making most of one another's days.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

He would calmly walk over to the group and ask politely for everyone to stop screaming inside the school where he’d give them three tries to listen to his words, recommending them to go outside and let out their energy there before he threatens detention for disrupting the students and school staff members with their yelling and for not listening to faculty after multiple attempts.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
Daizu would simply raise his voice slightly and tell them to exit his class because a student who won’t listen to their teacher or professor does not deserve to be taught or be given any type of leniency. If the student does not leave or continues to disrupt the class while kicked out, the Dean would then be called over to deal with the situation as the students’ actions does not belong with the actual students who deserve the college experience and are waiting patiently for further instructions. Their remaining participation or possible quiz grade will all be set to a failing grade and they will be given a mark in their record.

Provide at least 3 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

&3As the beginning motion, Daizu walked over to the chalkboard as he lifted up a piece of chalk before proceeding to write his name &6&lMiruku, Daizu &3in a swift manner where he’d then place the chalk back down, dusting his hands together to get rid of the excess chalk dust, later turning back around to face the students. &f”You may call me Professor Miruku or Mr. Miruku and I will be in charge of teaching you about dance, specifically, its history but there will also be times where we will get to learn how to dance physically. Now.. Before we begin today's activities, does anyone have any questions?”

&3As to guide the students, showing an example, he’d stare eye to eye with his assistant before offering a hand then motioning his hand and his assistants towards the sky, creating a right angle with their arms as their palms touched face to face, without interlocking, before he placed his partners other hand onto his shoulder then set his own onto their waist gently where both their postures would be straight up. Before Daizu spoke, he’d turn his head slightly towards the students while still keeping his posture &f”Now I want you all to get into position with your partners, following what me and my own partner have just done.”

&f”As I’ve just introduced the basics of dance, I’ll be giving out a small quiz now to see how much information you were able to take in and work from there to see what I could do better to make learning more enthralling. Remember, this is all participation based and I will not be giving out scores unless you want to know your results.” &3Walking back into the storage room, grabbing a big set of paper and a cup of pens and pencil, placing them onto his desk before grabbing a third from the stack of paper then handing them out one by one to the students

Akihabara, otherwise known as the ‘Electric Town’, was located in Tokyo, Japan where Daizu Miruku was soon born to two native Japanese parents. He stayed an only child for the entirety of his life but to make up for the lack of ‘fun’ during Daizu’s life that he could have gotten with a sibling, his parents adopted pets and signed him up for any and every extra curricular activity, without moment's hesitation, that he would show even the slightest of interest towards, one of them being dance; dance of all kind varying from ballroom, hip hop, contemporary and many more. Though Daizu also attempted to try for sports, he just never seemed to have the knack for them but instead enjoyed creative activities such as creative writing, theatre and drawing. Daizu continued to dance professionally for many years, winning and losing multiple competitions, slowly making a positive name for himself in the dance industry. By the time Daizu had become 17, he had mastered multiple dance categories and sought to never quit dancing as it was what made him the most happy and filled his life's purpose but as all stories go, that dream was not one that would last forever and he wanted to make sure he had a set plan for his future so he prepared all he could to continue dance in his life where he decided to go to school in hopes of becoming a dance instructor and future professor so that he could pass on his knowledge and experience to the younger ones in hopes that they would follow into his steps. As he became more busy with work and school, Daizu’s thrive was no longer to dance, but to teach dance and so once he had reached a stable point in his education, he decided to say goodbye to his years of competitions to focus on his reality so that he could as well focus on becoming someone who would help grow and train future dancers. Once Daizu had finally finished all his mandatory years, graduating with a Doctorate, he with no haste began looking for job opportunities and one favorably showed up where he was given a chance to teach at his old dance studio where he continued this for around 5 to 6 years before resigning to prioritise his last and final goal to accomplish just before he grew too old to attend to his goals and aspirations anymore. He looked and researched around for schools or groups where he could put his knowledge to use but none just seemed to catch his attention till he soon struck gold when he gets a recommendation from his cousin to teach at a college in Karakura and quickly began preparations to move, risking it all just for this one opportunity. Though there were multiple other better places where he could have gone to teach, he made a connection with Karakura after a deep research about the area and felt that he could make an impact there, where his teaching journey soon began.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:

Daizu Miruku

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Daizu, Mr. Miruku



Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
Unmarried, Single


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

Private Tutor: 4 years
Dance Instructor: 6 years

Working Experience (# of years):
14 years

Academic Degree:
Doctorates Degree

Year of Graduation:

Drama and Dance Teacher Education
Dance Theory

Dance Appreciation And Practice
Foreign Language

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Spanish, French

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
No certificates

Preferred Teaching Subject:


Additional notes about your application (if any):

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Welcome to the professor faction, the roles in-game & in discord will be given out shortly, more information about what's next will be provided in the #college-staff-chat channel. If you're not in the KA discord yet, join it via this link:

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