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Denied Prxfessor's Lore Team App.


Level 16
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List your discord name and tag (name#0000):
dish#1111 / bobahdish

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
I do have a microphone.

Your time zone and current country of residence:
BST / England

Link any previous community team applications if applicable: - Denied - Denied

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
I recognize that I will be removed from the community team if something goes wrong with my side or I get into trouble of some sort.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.

- This is a one strong thing that will stop me from writing. I would always have this somewhere in my mentality and have it stopping me from writing and it will make me feel mentally drained from overthinking then it stops my motivation to write in which, it'll effect how I will go about writing. I do have those moments where some situations of my motivations takes a whole toll onto my mental health and it throws me under the bus. I also think that having to write a lot and constantly makes me burn out a lot.

- I would overthink and overthink so much that I don't know what I will write or plan even if I've done a plan but it stops me from doing anything. It makes me question whether it is worth it or not. I will end up taking a whole day to think about it and have so much in my head. I always have to have validation from friends and too many thoughts of how I write. I always try to think of things through but I feel like I get judged a lot so I just procrastinate constantly before posting.

What makes you passionate about writing?:
What makes me passionate about writing is that I am able to awaken my love for genuine creativity with many things especially doing the most out of pocket things when I write. It feels like I'm in another world when I'm writing. I feel like as if I feel the character it makes me want to write more and more. I feel as if I'm in the scene and that It pulls me into writing more like there is no tomorrow. It makes me feel like my writing is something magical to me.

The authors from books that got me to writing is J.K Rowling, Stephen King and Charles Darwin. I have always loved their books especially when it comes together of their roles of putting characters together like it's twisting everything to work. The books I love from them is Harry Potter, a classic one that everyone loves. The book made me want to start writing from the very start. I.T. from Stephen King made me go on edge and it made me feel like I was in the scenes such as the tunnel scene where Pennywise is revealed fully and it was all gruesome and fantastic. Oliver Twist from Charles Darwin makes me remind of my devilish side of me as if it was me who's the main protagonist and a character like Oliver Twist.

This was why I started writing, many books I read made me realise that I don't have to think about reality so often and that writing is something the****utic for many. It helps my mind calm and it puts my head into one thing only even with my disabilities, it stops me going through a havoc and it makes me feel like I'm in my inner peace.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
As for the genuine aspect, I have been writing lore ever since I started to pull myself out of my boundaries when I was 12. I know vividly that I had crazy ideas as a child of that age and I still have those crazy ideas. I've been writing many stories and other things such as research. I have been in depth with what I can do to make myself productive for the past years of my development of writing. Reading back of my old ideas, it put me into more advanced literature and especially watching videos and going through old English books back then to know how things worked for literature itself. I always wanted to try more things out like working for something that I have a motivation from.

This is when my writing havoc started. I did many things in the past. I did commissions for many and it was something big for me and people requested so much that I was quickly to be burnt out but recently, I've been picking up my pace to continue my hardwork from back then. My pace in the past was rather different as if I did everything automatically as if it was something so special for me. It is special still. I just lost my flare for my writing until recently I started to apply for a lot of things and yet more to come. I have yet to learn many other literature devices.

As I have been reading many books, I started to pick up the pace of how authors uses the devices that are known to us. I have tried many ways to get better and try to do what is inspiring to others and even making improvements there and then. I would do many writing samples and recap what I need to learn again, look at websites that see if there is any grammatical errors and it's a journey, I am still longing for. I am willing to put into the work that many writers are involved in.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:
Lore is to refine an image of something or someone's past doing or past life. It is to make them look as if it is something genuinely important to a certain person. It shows a connection between something/someone to someone. It is history behind something important. An example like cities of a country, they have a history of why they were named something. This represents something that shows that it is there for a reason. If it wasn't there then there is no history to why it is there. That reason is why it is made. The history and the ethical choices that people made is what it became to what it is. This is a reason why lore is presented to being the history of something like a history of a British Family such as a Wilkes. It has a crest for a reason for being a strong and powerful family in the past, that's another reason why lore exists in that.


• You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.

• There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.

• The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

Devil's Hour Cry

1,026 words , 5,548 characters

The far cry of the young blonde girl would be heard as her body was laid down on the cold surface of an unknown place. It felt as if eyes were on her. She couldn't feel a muscle. Her heart was still intact, as her blood rushing everywhere, it felt so slow, feeling like she was going to her purgatory. The unfortunate high schooler was only a decoy to her obstruction of losing her life. Whisper... Whisper...

It was all blurry to her. Nothing in her head that she thought would make sense at all. Three masked figures were standing outside of the daring place of the known crime area the Powerplant. The place felt as if it was a daring. The place felt as if it was meant for rules to be broken. The dull-looking place was filled with some sort of screams of painful memories of some sort of crime that happened. Nothing seemed rather wasted of the poor girl who was just passed out on the concrete. She would feel the swimming pain of the wounds, she has gotten from the mysterious trio.

”Agh... Nnnngh......!” The groans of her sorrow self, felt as if it was being manipulated from the hammering pain. "Pathetic child..." One said as they were chuckling tremendously quiet. They watched her whimper and suffering from her wounds like it was a TV show, it entertained them delightfully, watching her like a hawk. "Look at her.. so vulnerable like a crystal..." Another replied rather sarcastically.

Her body was slowly giving up on her and she was yet to never give up, in which her memories were flashing into her eyes as if it was real. She didn't want to give up at all and her facial expression slowly changed into a more irritated expression. Anger filled her lungs and she tried to sit up, which she couldn't, then she shifted her legs up and down, shifting towards the wires fences, trying to gain her stability instead of lying on the grey, dull concrete floor.The battle was lost..

"Tch..." Another figure spoke up, and continued, "Trying never works.." Their voice was muffled like the rest of them but it was as if they won this war of watching an innocent civilian suffer with their many kills of their records. It felt impossible to bypass them. Carved on her arm was 'Perished by Devil's Hour.'

All you heard was whimpering from the child, just sorrow ran through her emotions. The three figures appeared as three masked men, who were abided by the gang called “Devil’s Hour” - they were vicious people who wanted blood and nothing but power. Their motto was shown and their remorse was gone from human reality.

A young man would walk past the Powerplant, and seeing the stillness of the youngling laying there silently. No breathing. A crimson liquid surrounding the poor girl, she was brutally murdered by the filthy citizens of the darkness. All it was to take her to be murdered was a stab into the chest and a scream was heard. The young man stood still, seeing the still body, and he looked horrified. “C-calling 110 now!” He said hurriedly as he fiddled with his backpack, as if he was missing every pocket of where his phone was at.

All he could do was watch the young girl just lay there, dead. Water slowly came up into his eyes as if it was spying on him. He wasn’t ready for this, nor anybody in reality. He didn’t know what to do, all he could think of was cry. He went down on his knees suddenly as if he was at fault but it wasn’t. No one witnessed the crime that was made, and yet he puts his own guilt to this. He was scared to even call anyone as he might think that he would become the next target but he called anyway.

He would quickly pull out his phone to call 110. “H-Hello?!” He would stammering over his words as furious tears blasting through his eyes. “C-can-” His words cut off as soon as he sees the masked men again and he quickly scattered under a wooden plank, away from sightings of some sort of Gang Meeting in the Powerplant. There were 7 of them…? He was shaking whilst calling 110. “P-Powerplant… D.. dead body…” He stuttered as he was trying to whisper whilst watching what the Gang was doing.

The young man was crying in silence as the gang’s voices were muffled and not able to be clear as they were wearing masks and it was terrifying to see more than one of them. They were discussing a plan but it was unclear what it was. The dead body was circled by the 7 but it seemed to him it was some sort of religious thing. It was still unclear, and he would lean in closer to see what was going on and it seemed to be a ritual. His eyes widened as they were chanting. “Lucifer… Lucifer… We have brought thy body onto you.” They continued to chant more. “Bless us with thy blessing.”

It felt rather strange why they were chanting, it was obvious that they were a gang around religion but it was not just a normal gang but some sort of cult…? It wasn’t a cult either.. Why were they doing it? For power? Greed? As the call ended at 110, the negativity of the atmosphere felt extremely heavy until… red and blue lights shone upon them. It felt such a relief or was it? The gang noticed the light and they ran off, as soon as possible, whilst the uniformed people were chasing after them.

“What was I meant to do?” He thought as he was shivering in fear, getting assisted by a female police officer as he was moving closer to the entrance of the Powerplant. The police made him feel safer, as he started to catch his breath and made him feel less and less tense. “Thank… you…” He whispered under his breath as he felt hopeless, but glad to be with a more calm atmosphere.

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

Cravings of a Spiritual Figure

1,025 words, 5,598 characters

"Oh oh! Hello! My name is Maja Higglebottom, I'm reading about the forest and something intrigued me about... the forest.." Her eyes hovered over a hand drawn picture of a simple looking cave but there is more to it. Obviously, there's myths and such within the forest but this myth specifically wandered throughout Karakura. She would be excited about reading about the place but there was nothing in several pages that she turned and yet was stuck on one page. “Page… 16… mysterious cave…?” She would wander into her thoughts.

The city of the known wildest ideas and myths that come up with as if it was some sort of big idea. It's as if it is filled with joy and craziness in the city especially. Many have seen or thought they saw something extreme but this? This is a shocking turn of events. "It looks as if it was abandoned by some sort of... living creature..." Maja would observe the page of the cave, looking all over the page for clues but none has seen anything spectacular about the cave.

The cave has been filled with many rumours and myths of some sort of magical thing of some sort. It feels as if it is abnormal and something extremely important to the cave. This 'thing' seems to be vividly active to the cave and it feels as if it's grasped to the living space of darkness. The red flags of the place feels as if it feels too cold to research about… Maybe some sort of lost documents about the place. It feels extremely suspicious that nothing about the cave was some sort of hoax or not.

The magical presence feels cold, passive towards anyone who comes to present to the abandoned, cold looking cave, growing fungi everywhere as if it hasn't been touched for years. The presence is filled in the air as a stranger comes into its territory. The stranger would feel extreme pain, suddenly crimson liquid comes spilling through their clothing, and disappears in a day, as soon as it intruded into its territory. It's like nothing happened. Many, many reports of people missing. It feels like a loophole as if a hurt soul is looking for its hunter to catch.

"Oh dear god... What am I reading..." Her throat felt as if it was thickening from how much compact it led her to feel so ill but it was her fault to dig deep into the cave. Going back to the myth, it feels as if the air would fill as if it was guarding the cave. The habitat is like a home to it. It feels like a spirit awaiting for its revenge on the one who damaged its soul. It didn't feel as if it was something easy to forgive. It is stuck in its purgatory, fighting for its life to bring it back to Heaven.

Nothing in this world wouldn't hurt the poor soul? Would anyone..? Questions are still being asked of its hunter and why it was killed. No one knows who brutally murdered the poor creature. It's fighting for its life to defend its territory at its fullest. It wants peace and quiet to fulfill its wishes and find the right person to bring it to Heaven. It was disturbed by a wrongful person and yet was beaten down and killed.. No wonder why there are so many missing people posters everyone.

The darkness was filled with all sorts of stories like it felt weird… Doesn’t it? I know it may sound crazy but, there have been many deaths from the cave. It feels as if it was some sort of trap towards the whole myths, and legends around the small space of land that leads to whatever it leads to… Maybe something mythical, harmless or… well.. Magical! Place where Wonderland was made.

All you could hear is.. “Grrr…. Grrr…. Grrr…” constantly with the silence that is settled within the place. She would feel as if it was some sort of Spirit? Poltergeist? Phantom? It constantly walks into the depths of the mystery. The unsettling thoughts of the place was nothing more than… wind? Or was it even that? There is no evidence that something is there.. Even unworthy people, who always want the clout, who have ventured through the woods have gotten attacked.

Many have sent out reports of attacks or deaths of the place, but nothing was covered or sorted. It still remained open, until there was nothing to find. It feels as if it is in a loophole. What is going on? Is it looking for the one who hurt it? Why is it doing this to innocent people? It may have gotten feared from the amount of strange noises. It feels nothing but it was never to be serious enough to be researched enough, not even the ones who have ventured. Every time, someone talks about the cave, those who witnessed it, silences them, as if it scared them enough to not talk about it.

This ‘thing’ always comes out when someone intrudes in its territory like it shows activity. No one has gotten the right equipment. It feels like nobody has come across anything yet. The freezing temperatures.. The cries of it.. The sudden steps on the rocky ground. Nobody has done anything to discover or witness these except for the unfortunate ones who try to commit to it and they end up being severely damaged mentally and physically. Draining sanity was the only key to get the victims to be like who they are now.

It’s nature is always wanting to track down who hurt it, like it’s stuck in purgatory. Even religious people try to calm it down but it has fallen to pieces to the point where nothing can contradict the thing that continues to wander in the darkness, it suddenly starts with those symptoms then uses them to trap them in fear. Forcefully, making them scream in pain and run like a flock of sheep is being chased by a German shepherd towards the exit. Nobody has gone there ever since the recent sightings of that thing.
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Level 120
We thank you for applying, however, the team has chosen to deny your application today.
We do not currently find you suitable for the lore team.​

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