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Event Purge Event Ideas

For official event threads


Level 57
Community Team
Lore Team
Hi. I believe that this year's Purge event should bring inclusion to the KPD/EMS faction. In this reply, I will explain. See below.

Instead of disabling characters of the emergency services (played by faction members), instead, consider them all in an era of corruption. To balance it out, there should be no tranquilisers used, but other parts of equipment can be carried on them (such as pepper-spray and batons). Another disabled equipment; riot shields. This makes it easier for other people to engage in combat against people who are going against corrupt officers in order to seek some sort of 'personal justice'. The simple involvement and alternate world rendition of government workers entirely is a nice way to help introduce and explore what the developed characters of the faction could be like in a character arc where their morals lie inverse, just like how in Karakura there are laws and how the Purge invites laws into a devoid state.

- KPD items: batons, pepper-spray
- EMS items: syringe
- (everything else would be unavailable, including vehicles).

Obviously, this is a long shot and I'm not expecting a guarantee that this has the potential to exist in the event, as you're looking for, it's an idea.

(p.s I want to compliment Tippie_ for coming forward and discussing with the community in regards to the potential edits or changes to an event on a magnitude such as this. It invokes a sense of pride in that you are open to the community about things like this, which I love to see.)


Level 45
Bring back the River, previously where the Share houses were. It was a very old feature, however a nice one!


Level 108
the ruin of that block next to pwp being stormed and burnt due a law worker living there. [A cop or judge or smt]. then the ruins would expand into Powerplant, a new entrance being made, something like a stair case or something over a wall


Level 73
Actually another idea I have in mind. Why not-- every thirty minutes (or any slightly longer time period), set a bounty on a random person for the prize of more weapons that may give you an advantage? Just a thought.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Actually another idea I have in mind. Why not-- every thirty minutes (or any slightly longer time period), set a bounty on a random person for the prize of more weapons that may give you an advantage? Just a thought.
bounties would be something cool to have on the server!! like a type of voting system, higher the bounty the better the stuff you get during the events if you kill the wanted person. But like make it like a cooldown for bounties being placed on someone AFTER they are killed to be like, 20-30 mins


Level 163
Before I list out my ideas please take note that I’ve never attended a purge event. Therefore I don’t know what the past purge event(s) have been.

- Martial Law: Okay so if you’ve ever watched or played The Last of Us, you know how their chores and curfew are right? You’ve got the government controlling the public with chores/labor work and curfew hours ONLY because of the infected (which are people who were infected with the deadly disease so they’re like zombies now). What if we brought some similar idea like this to for the purge event? You’d have the government so KPD and Gov faction making sure everyone is doing the labor they’re given and rewarded with very little rations because food is scarce along with other resources. Though as this goes along people begin hating the little rations they’re given for the hours of labor work they dealt with. Which begins a revolution type thing. Now in The Last of Us there’s a group called the Fireflies, they hate how the government controls the public the curfew everything so they’ve gone against them and escaped the sectors of it all and have their own place. Though with the purge idea those who join the Fireflies which it won’t be named that instead it’ll be SRP versions of the Fireflies and cause a revolution against the government to get their freedom back.

- Humanity Extermination from AI: The title/idea says it all. Though I don’t know if this would be possible. What if SRP in the AU took place in a futuristic society so like Cyberpunk 2077 for instance where you have humans that have robotic parts or humans fully robotic type thing. Which there’d be a chip in their neck of their memories etc like their brain. What if some people got corrupted by a computer so an AI with their chip and made the humans go against the other humans. So at this point AI would be controlling the humans that have that chip in their neck from being fully robotic. And the only way to stop it would be the actual humans fighting against the human robots to survive and try to get to the motherboard of the AI computer to shut it down. The people who would act as the AI would be the government officials.

- The Reveal of BMD: Okay let’s say the government, so KPD and Gov and EMS if EMS is allowed, is corrupted and they’re like crazy so going around injuring the innocent or even killing the innocent. Now the only way to get weapons to protect yourself is through BMD. From my knowledge no one knows who the BMD leader is. Gang members have only came across the dealers of BMD. What if gang members and the innocent teamed up with BMD to get weapons to defend themselves from the corrupted government officials. After a battle between both sides, maybe the commissioner reveals the BMD leader before the commissioner gets caught off guard and gets attacked from behind. And that ends the battle between both sides from the BMD leader being revealed and the innocent winning from the corruption.

- Climate Extravaganza: This is a silly idea but kinda cool. What if the climate was so severe including global warming and all that jazz made natural disasters appear out of no where. Were talking about tornadoes, tsunamis, forest fires, fire outbreaks, earthquakes, droughts, blizzards, all that fun stuff and in order to survive the player base need to come together to figure out how to survive. No these disasters won’t be happening at once it’d be randomized so the player base won’t expect what’s coming. During these disasters staff could message random players of symptoms they could get from these disasters. Like the blizzard we had on the server a few years back that cause the HarleQuin Virus.

That’s all my brain can produce. I do apologize if any of this is poorly worded or not understandable enough. But I do hope that these ideas give you an idea of what I’m trying to say! I’m sure if any of these ideas are chosen for the purge event idea it’ll be more planned out and thought out by the event team. :)
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Level 11
Actually another idea I have in mind. Why not-- every thirty minutes (or any slightly longer time period), set a bounty on a random person for the prize of more weapons that may give you an advantage? Just a thought.

Overall I think having "Play To Die" would be a great idea and motive towards this comment! I think having people fight against each other over a game is the best way to take over the idea of the purge event! I would love to have peoples play a children's game and see who loses! Well If ya win you earn money and your life. If ya lose well....

If you see any animes like, Alice in Boarderland, Tomodachi Game, Deadman Wonderland, etc! You would understand where im coming from!


Level 116
Before I list out my ideas please take note that I’ve never attended a purge event. Therefore I don’t know what the past purge event(s) have been.

- Martial Law: Okay so if you’ve ever watched or played The Last of Us, you know how their chores and curfew are right? You’ve got the government controlling the public with chores/labor work and curfew hours ONLY because of the infected (which are people who were infected with the deadly disease so they’re like zombies now). What if we brought some similar idea like this to for the purge event? You’d have the government so KPD and Gov faction making sure everyone is doing the labor they’re given and rewarded with very little rations because food is scarce along with other resources. Though as this goes along people begin hating the little rations they’re given for the hours of labor work they dealt with. Which begins a revolution type thing. Now in The Last of Us there’s a group called the Fireflies, they hate how the government controls the public the curfew everything so they’ve gone against them and escaped the sectors of it all and have their own place. Though with the purge idea those who join the Fireflies which it won’t be named that instead it’ll be SRP versions of the Fireflies and cause a revolution against the government to get their freedom back.

- Humanity Extermination from AI: The title/idea says it all. Though I don’t know if this would be possible. What if SRP in the AU took place in a futuristic society so like Cyberpunk 2077 for instance where you have humans that have robotic parts or humans fully robotic type thing. Which there’d be a chip in their neck of their memories etc like their brain. What if some people got corrupted by a computer so an AI with their chip and made the humans go against the other humans. So at this point AI would be controlling the humans that have that chip in their neck from being fully robotic. And the only way to stop it would be the actual humans fighting against the human robots to survive and try to get to the motherboard of the AI computer to shut it down.

- The Reveal of BMD: Okay let’s say the government, so KPD and Gov and EMS if EMS is allowed, is corrupted and they’re like crazy so going around injuring the innocent or even killing the innocent. Now the only way to get weapons to protect yourself is through BMD. From my knowledge no one knows who the BMD leader is. Gang members have only came across the dealers of BMD. What if gang members and the innocent teamed up with BMD to get weapons to defend themselves from the corrupted government officials. After a battle between both sides, maybe the commissioner reveals the BMD leader before the commissioner gets caught off guard and gets attacked from behind. And that ends the battle between both sides from the BMD leader being revealed and the innocent winning from the corruption.

- Climate Extravaganza: This is a silly idea but kinda cool. What if the climate was so severe including global warming and all that jazz made natural disasters appear out of no where. Were talking about tornadoes, tsunamis, forest fires, fire outbreaks, earthquakes, droughts, blizzards, all that fun stuff and in order to survive the player base need to come together to figure out how to survive. No these disasters won’t be happening at once it’d be randomized so the player base won’t expect what’s coming. During these disasters staff could message random players of symptoms they could get from these disasters. Like the blizzard we had on the server a few years back that cause the HarleQuin Virus.

That’s all my brain can produce. I do apologize if any of this is poorly worded or not understandable enough. But I do hope that these ideas give you an idea of what I’m trying to say! I’m sure if any of these ideas are chosen for the purge event idea it’ll be more planned out and thought out by the event team. :)
the climate one sounds amazing. natural disasters events are my favorite, and it would be so cool to have a lot happening at once


Level 331
Not sure if anyone's said this before, but make it PvP-based and don't allow non-P2L (consented) fights. From experience, people tended to complain a lot about people not rolling or the turns that people had to follow in a situation. This is an event, meaning that people shouldn't really focus on those aspects of GangRP that much (basically saying that roll-based combat shouldn't be a thing for unconsented fights)


Level 2
- Naturally don't allow KPS (I'm sure this is a given per the current KPS rules.)
- Allow the usage of any weapons and all sets of perms, for example using a spiked bat without the usage of majors.
- (Doesn't go along with these other ideas) Only allow actual major damages such as limb removal for if someone had previously attacked a person (Utilizing the "old" Gangrp rules.)
- The day before, weapons, customs, and BMD items are all 50% off or etc. (Means a lot more money for BMD, and a more attractive introduction to the world of BMD's and Gangrp.)
- No school time
- Decoration across town, showcasing a more destructive and torn down Karakura which the following days after the "purge" factions can enlist volunteers to RP out cleaning up the town. Even seeing the results of fights and the like that happen, IE blood and such without bypassing the SRP rules of Gore and etc.
- Release some convicts and characters that are in jail, which then can be on the run from police once the "purge" event is over.
- Since KPD will be unable to do KPD duties, allow them, and other factions, to break the rules and GangRP as well. Example: Teachers being allowed to participate in the event
- % off for GangRP items in the SRP customs shop
- FearRP can be bypassed due to the general population at the time doing crime, so gangs cannot prevent one individual from doing things because of FearRP.
- A broadcast per true purge style letting everyone know that the purge event is beginning ICLY. Allowing reporters to Roleplay out broadcasting and documenting the event "live on scene"
- Temporary permanent night time during the event to keep the atmosphere.
- Open up access to gang territories and the FC, a potential one time FC opening utilizing the event for a unique fight. Example: Forcing cops to fight a group and whatnot (just an idea this can be expanded upon)
- Open up more spray locations for Gangs and the like, temporary. Which can be cleaned up if the volunteer idea goes through.
- Allow more opportunities for actual crime like activities rather than just violence, Raiding the police department, shops (without costing the owners), town hall, and such.

If i come up with more ideas i'll continue this thread and post to it.

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