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Remove /feed rank exclusivity


Level 89
What's your Minecraft Username?: Hymol_13
What's the title of your suggestion?: Remove /feed rank exclusivity

What's your suggestion?:
The changelog of the suggestion is:

-Removal of the command /feed from the ranks benefits.​
-Public access for all players to the /feed command.​

How will this benefit the server and community?:

The pay to win system explained

The /feed command is unbalanced and non-trivially pay to win. This statement is made considering that players who dont have access to this command have to spend a considerable ammount of money in buying food, which in consequences depletes their money balance. In the other hand players who have access to /feed need not to spend as much as other players do. By this, SRP has created a P2W system, which endangers the safety and survival of this project.

Why is this solution the best.
I consider that in late game, in terms of attribute levels, the hunger bar starts to become unsustainable, requiring players to eat constantly. Not keeping the /feed command would mean that players would have to spend unhinged amounts of cash in buying food. This ends up limiting our movement and hence reestricting our roleplay possibilities.

Here is the explanation to this: if movement requires more money, our roleplaying possibilities will greatly depend on wether we have enough money to pay for moving to where certain event or friends are located. This results in us being pickier on which activities we choose to do, as we would want to make our money worth spending. This effect also takes place nowadays, hanging out has become more expensive during the past few years,(Restaurants bills, transport costs and more, all of them are much more expensive now). This has resulted in many teenagers turning pickier in terms of who they choose to spend time with and the result is that they dont hang out outside as much as they did before. This is the same thing that is gonna happen if we only removed the /feed command.

Simply removing the /feed command would result in greatly damaging the SRP community, we need to keep it, however this time has to be completly public.

How will this affect the cooking system?
It won't. Here is why! Most of the recipes have an smaller food/yen ratio than the apples, which are the most consumed food by users who don't have ranks. This means that players just dont choose to spend 2K to fill 3 hunger spots when they can do the same by just buying apples, which cost 250Yen and fill the same hunger spots. In conclusion the cooking system is not affected by this change, reson why is that people don't cook for filling their hunger bar but they instead cook to have more roleplaying possibilities like doing a cake party or working at a restaurant.

Hunger simply does not expand our roleplay posibilities but reduce them significantly.
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Level 95
-1, I get the idea of it seeming 'Pay to win' however it does not really give you a boost at all. The rank you get it at costs $12. Other server would be charging WAY more for /feed, We are privileged to get it at the price we get it at now.


Level 199
/feed is basically a p2w considering it can only be used through a real life money purchase. While that is true, allowing the use of /feed for everyone can easily make the use of actual food go poof. That would remove some of the major realism added into a role play game, when in the real world, you have to pay for food no matter what, you can’t magically find some snack bar in your pocket every minute. Then it comes down to how much money you actually spend on food, which for people that don’t have fundraiser+ might have had to spend quite some money on. Is it kind of a money waster? Sure. Is it reality in a nutshell? Yeah…


Level 89
Thread starter
/feed is basically a p2w considering it can only be used through a real life money purchase. While that is true, allowing the use of /feed for everyone can easily make the use of actual food go poof. That would remove some of the major realism added into a role play game, when in the real world, you have to pay for food no matter what, you can’t magically find some snack bar in your pocket every minute. Then it comes down to how much money you actually spend on food, which for people that don’t have fundraiser+ might have had to spend quite some money on. Is it kind of a money waster? Sure. Is it reality in a nutshell? Yeah…
I already mentioned that players choose to buy loads of apples instead of cooking because it requires less money than cooking and leveling up said attribute. People actually cook more for the sake of leveling up than for actually eating.

The realsim you are proposing is that Karakurians diets consists of millions of apples which is kinda not realistic.


Level 89
Thread starter
-1, I get the idea of it seeming 'Pay to win' however it does not really give you a boost at all. The rank you get it at costs $12. Other server would be charging WAY more for /feed, We are privileged to get it at the price we get it at now.
"/feed is the most p2w thing ever, my friend struggled to get equipment for years without a rank. they moment he bought one, he was able to make money faster because he didnt have to burn it on food" - Salty follicles


Level 118
-1, I get the idea of it seeming 'Pay to win' however it does not really give you a boost at all. The rank you get it at costs $12. Other server would be charging WAY more for /feed, We are privileged to get it at the price we get it at now.
Some people can’t afford shit, for some people 12 dollars is basically a whole ass breakfast lunch and dinner.

It took me a jackass long time to get /feed

! salty

Level 51
"/feed is the most p2w thing ever, my friend struggled to get equipment for years without a rank. they moment he bought one, he was able to make money faster because he didnt have to burn it on food" - Salty follicles
i am being so fr, within like 3 weeks of getting /feed he could manage to get ballistics and bats which he COULD NOT BEFORE because of apples. he explicitly stated that food was holding him back.


Level 89
Thread starter
i am being so fr, within like 3 weeks of getting /feed he could manage to get ballistics and bats which he COULD NOT BEFORE because of apples. he explicitly stated that food was holding him back.
The apple factory is gonna go broke if they accept this suggesstion :sob:


Level 35
Community Team
-1 for now.
Its definitely not viable at the moment for the server to outright remove /feed as a a donator perk, as it is one of the most attractive reasons to buy a rank.

Removing /feed privileges without a suitable replacement would only negatively impact store revenue. And no, the priority isn't having more players, as we can't really push past 500 concurrent without being unstable.

Although, I do think that /feed should be replace with another slightly less overpowered food solution, it could also be an idea to just lower the price of apples


Level 18
I get it, but there are MANY ways to obtain a rank. Majority of people with that Donator rank, are people that didn’t even buy it for themselves. If you want something, work for it (ex: Tailoring, Art, Photography.)

besides that, unfortunately this is the way the server earns its income. Minecraft doesn’t exactly pay the server to keep running by itself. /feed just ended up being one of the benefits for basically supporting the server, and paying Admin staff (MAYBE NOT SURE BUT SOUNDS RIGHT).

There are a lot of pros / cons to it. But, gonna have to just clean up the spilled milk here bud.


Level 89
Thread starter
Removing /feed privileges without a suitable replacement would only negatively impact store revenue. And no, the priority isn't having more players, as we can't really push past 500 concurrent without being unstable.
Believe me, fundraiser is not the rank which is sustaining the server economically right now. There are many sources of income in srp like customs and higher ranks which even if not that common, end up being a bigger source of income for the server.


Level 89
Thread starter
I get it, but there are MANY ways to obtain a rank. Majority of people with that Donator rank, are people that didn’t even buy it for themselves. If you want something, work for it (ex: Tailoring, Art, Photography.)

besides that, unfortunately this is the way the server earns its income. Minecraft doesn’t exactly pay the server to keep running by itself. /feed just ended up being one of the benefits for basically supporting the server, and paying Admin staff (MAYBE NOT SURE BUT SOUNDS RIGHT).

There are a lot of pros / cons to it. But, gonna have to just clean up the spilled milk here bud.
Are you sure that there the biggest source of income is a only once bought rank which costs 12$ and not the higher ranks that people buy/get gifted or the custom items. Are you telling me that if tommorrow srp accept my suggestion the server is gonna go broke?!


Level 116
I burn 10k every 3 days on apples, and consistently only have 7-12k of spending money.

Alison Wither

Level 8
I think it's unfair that new or unranked players are only given access to apples or oranges as food options (since they might not know how to cook and stuff). Additionally, it costs in-game money to buy food, and if they run out, they may have trouble finding a vending machine or other food and may even run out of in-game money.


Level 18
Are you sure that there the biggest source of income is an only once bought rank which costs 12$ and not the higher ranks that people buy/get gifted or the custom items. Are you telling me that if tommorrow srp accept my suggestion the server is gonna go broke?!
Yep. not as dramatic as you’ve made it seem. But most people, like myself. Started on fundraiser and going up mainly for the /feed and then eventually said fuck it or people who want to pay a tailor, artist and etc with a rank/rank upgrade

maybe suggest, upping the ign 30mins allowance?. I can see, and understand why this would be a big thing but getting it removed would piss off A LOT in the community.
Other ways you could solve this is possibly suggesting

- find a way to make hunger go out slower
- Increase icly Active allowance
- Free 3 /feed’s for those of normal Fundraiser, and no ranks.

They are NOT going to remove it, it’d cause wayyy too much trouble.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Neutral / leaning -1
As I understand that a lot of people are liking the whole 'remove /feed cause its p2w', I understand that and I only SORTA agree to it. Allow me to explain.

There are ways on getting food; Vending Machines, Shops(Already cooked/Needing to be cooked), and Fishing. These are all around the map and are open for any and all players. Which in this case, I +1 as it gives a challenge to those who do have ranks on the server and makes it a even playing field.

Now, to my -1 of this post. I don't know on if anyone said it or not but if people want to spend money on the server, then that is their own business and no one else. As someone posted already, there are ways on people getting ranks, especially for F+. This could be by giving out a service to people(Tailoring, Art, Building, Etc.) or sometimes people are just generous and give non-ranks F+ for that /feed. I personally have given out a few ranks in my years on being on the server and upgraded people around Holiday times like Christmas or New Years. But that is my money and I will spend it as I please. Yes, The servers biggest income are custom items/cars but Ranks/Whitelists come in the close second.
TLDR; If people want to spend money for something the server offers, then let them. Not your money, not your say

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