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gold fish

Level 285
Point is they don’t ever get dealt with because of how consistent it is, a staff member was there when a bird unrealistically rped knowing about evidence and nothing was done, my friend. Also, I think it should be removed, wild animals white list should be removed entirely
I’m on Kii’s side here, shouldnt ruin the fun for everykne just because of a few failrpers. if we go by this logic WHOOPS goes the server because no mattwr what you ban and remove failrp will always exist.

gold fish

Level 285
Feels like a lot of trouble that can be easily avoided by just removing them from the server. They dont add anything crucial to the lore and are a nuisance to RP with.
If they’re a nuisance to rp with

dont rp with them

it isnt terribly difficult considering they cant leave the forest


Level 129
so I should just stop frequenting a portion of the map just because thats the only place 'Princess' bear-kun is allowed to be in?
So they should be completely barred from playing their animal characters because of it?

Again if you really don't want to see them you can just not go to the forest. Or you can report them properly and actually get them warned :l


Level 134
I think bears should be removed from the server. My reason for this is very simple. People don't know how to RP out wild animals, simple as that.

Recently, bears have become the new ‘trend’ on the server. They camp out at the forest entrance and growl at you or whatever. They don’t really bring much to the server, and are kind of annoying to be honest. That’s not the worst part, however! You can sometimes even spot them hanging out with other animals such as dogs or birds. Sure, you can argue that “oh! Maybe these animals have symbiotic relationships!” Cool. Yeah. Let it be the only bears in the world that don’t actually turn dogs into shish kebabs if they get too close.

My problem doesn’t only lie with bears. Birds also have a tendency to be so terribly unrealistic. Tell me, how many wild birds do you see that actually allow you to get within two feet of distance without flipping out and flying away? NONE!! I had a bird in-character give me a piece of paper with a middle finger before flying away. I’ll give you that. It was pretty funny, but I’m hearing about birds LITERALLY ACTIONING “/me expressed that [player] had weapons” and their excuse being “well the bird is owned and trained by cops!”...

Karakura: Jumanji Task Force

Now, I’m not saying remove ALL animals… You know, dogs and cats or whatever. That’s cool, fine. But there’s a strict difference between a domesticated animal and primal fucking predator.


Roleplay will be less unbearable in the forest and less people will RP out being a modern-day Snow White​
While yes, birds CAN be trained to act as a spotter for criminal operations irl (it's actually quite common amongst criminal organizations), they should never be able to SIGNAL you of anything really. . you can teach them to make different sounds when they notice signs, that's about the furthest you can get. And for bears, I +1 removing them, they don't seem to add much to roleplay. . and there are players that claim to be "friends" with bears. That seems WAY out of fearrp in my opinion, befriending a bear. . (Along with some bear players INTENTIONALLY getting in-between peoples roleplaying experience.)


Level 333
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

As it's already been mentioned in this thread, the issue is not normal players nor the animals. It's the people who FailRP. Staff is not able to monitor what animals & players are doing at every moment, though we try our best especially now with the increase of bear related issues. The issue comes down simply to people who don't listen. Completely removing the whitelist because select people don't know how to roleplay properly is not the solution.

Another thing that's been mentioned, if you see animals or anyone in general FailRPing open a ticket, send it in a #help channel, or DM a staff member. Complaining about it instead of reporting it won't solve the issue, I don't mean to sound harsh but I often see players who complain in OOC instead of taking the time to point it out to staff. We're more than willing to tell a bird, bear, or whatever that what they're doing is not realistic for an animal to do.

Last thing in total I'd like to mention is this: Specifically regarding BEARS, a large portion of them aren't even the issue. Players will quite literally try to hunt and provoke bears for no reason, and I think that's obviously something that's not realistic in any shape or form, try to remember sometimes that the wild animals aren't always the ones starting issues.


Level 183
-1 Stupid feedback, I don't know how others are giving it plus one.

Point is they don’t ever get dealt with because of how consistent it is, a staff member was there when a bird unrealistically rped knowing about evidence and nothing was done, my friend. Also, I think it should be removed, wild animals white list should be removed entirely

I think what kii meant with putting rules is have staff do something about it. . So stop replaying the same debate over and over, she's suggesting that we put an end to it. The staff didn't do anything about it, she says staff do something about it... (Then you proceed to say that staff didn't do anything about it before, well she's saying they start to, what kind of debat-)

Please I don't want to lose my (wild animal)
I'm kidding I don't have one

Not this...
Get out :|


Level 218

As it's already been mentioned in this thread, the issue is not normal players nor the animals. It's the people who FailRP. Staff is not able to monitor what animals & players are doing at every moment, though we try our best especially now with the increase of bear related issues. The issue comes down simply to people who don't listen. Completely removing the whitelist because select people don't know how to roleplay properly is not the solution.

Another thing that's been mentioned, if you see animals or anyone in general FailRPing open a ticket, send it in a #help channel, or DM a staff member. Complaining about it instead of reporting it won't solve the issue, I don't mean to sound harsh but I often see players who complain in OOC instead of taking the time to point it out to staff. We're more than willing to tell a bird, bear, or whatever that what they're doing is not realistic for an animal to do.

Last thing in total I'd like to mention is this: Specifically regarding BEARS, a large portion of them aren't even the issue. Players will quite literally try to hunt and provoke bears for no reason, and I think that's obviously something that's not realistic in any shape or form, try to remember sometimes that the wild animals aren't always the ones starting issues.


Level 8
-1 Stupid feedback, I don't know how others are giving it plus one.

I think what kii meant with putting rules is have staff do something about it. . So stop replaying the same debate over and over, she's suggesting that we put an end to it. The staff didn't do anything about it, she says staff do something about it... (Then you proceed to say that staff didn't do anything about it before, well she's saying they start to, what kind of debat-)

Please I don't want to lose my (wild animal)
I'm kidding I don't have one

Get out :|

It really isn't stupid, it brings up valid points... but whatever floats your boat ig


Level 2
Thread starter

As it's already been mentioned in this thread, the issue is not normal players nor the animals. It's the people who FailRP. Staff is not able to monitor what animals & players are doing at every moment, though we try our best especially now with the increase of bear related issues. The issue comes down simply to people who don't listen. Completely removing the whitelist because select people don't know how to roleplay properly is not the solution.

Another thing that's been mentioned, if you see animals or anyone in general FailRPing open a ticket, send it in a #help channel, or DM a staff member. Complaining about it instead of reporting it won't solve the issue, I don't mean to sound harsh but I often see players who complain in OOC instead of taking the time to point it out to staff. We're more than willing to tell a bird, bear, or whatever that what they're doing is not realistic for an animal to do.

Last thing in total I'd like to mention is this: Specifically regarding BEARS, a large portion of them aren't even the issue. Players will quite literally try to hunt and provoke bears for no reason, and I think that's obviously something that's not realistic in any shape or form, try to remember sometimes that the wild animals aren't always the ones starting issues.
While yes, people who FailRP are a big problem when it comes to bears, the same could be said about literally any other type of roleplay on this godforsaken server. Kana repeated the same valid points we've been saying OVER and OVER.

Bears cause more problems than they bring solutions. I think the most we can have is the bear whitelist being restricted to event-team.

Meanwhile, allow me to show you a perfect example taken earlier today. Behold, a bear cub hanging out with a kitten, a fox and a bee. Truly, the pinnacle of realism on SchoolRoleplay.1660350936932.png

gold fish

Level 285
so I should just stop frequenting a portion of the map just because thats the only place 'Princess' bear-kun is allowed to be in?
Yes, if it is that much of a bother to you. The forest is a small portion of the map, if you want to rp in there, you have to accept that bears are a thing. I don't know what to tell you, they aren't going to remove a whitelist because of failrp, because if they do, then the argument to ban gangrp because of failrpers is valid, which it is not.

Failrpers are always going to be an issue, wether there is a whitelist or not. This is not the solution.


Level 2

I'm a Bear, EMS and KPD. I get all three fronts of the bear rp. I DO NOT think players who have paid £15 should have it taken. Y'all we don't "camp" we don't purposefully major. The players are the issue, not us. Rules should become stricter, and a clearer direction of what we can do should be given. The server won't hand out refunds, if this goes through, and players who have bought the whitelist will be forced into the rest of the animal whitelists which aren't at all appetising. I don't want to rp as a bird or a dog, their futile to me. I want my bear whitelist, and that's that. Sorry gang. I know KPD revives so many call outs and ems is the same with injuries but please note gangs and gangrpers have "BEAR HUNTERS" and purposefully provoke bears to gain perms to land easy 'quotas' and stuff. It's the actual players who interact with bears who are the issues. We are allowed anywhere in the forest and can stroll and lay and sleep wherever we please as we are LOCKED into the forest and there's only so many places we can go. Maybe if you don't provoke bears, and especially a mama bear protecting her cubs, this wouldn't be an issue.
I totally agree! I don't agree with having the bear role removed because its not really fair towards us. People lately havent even been putting in the effort on trying to fearrp the bears. For the amount of time I've had my bear account everything that I have experienced was people shooting the bears with water guns, yelling at them, and just in general treating them like they are some kind of toy. It's not that we don't know how to do our role as a wild bear but its only that people aren't making it fair for us bears in general. If you dont want to get attacked by a bear don't run up on it.. Lately people have been doing a lot of unrealistic roleplay with bears and then it causes the bears to get upset and from there kpd comes and bears end up dying because people continue to tease and toy around with the bears. These rules need to get stricter for what people are allowed to do to bears because in the end, most of the time people get their arms lost or removed or so on, its not even on our behalf but only because they upset the bears.


Level 15
-1 Stupid feedback, I don't know how others are giving it plus one.

I think what kii meant with putting rules is have staff do something about it. . So stop replaying the same debate over and over, she's suggesting that we put an end to it. The staff didn't do anything about it, she says staff do something about it... (Then you proceed to say that staff didn't do anything about it before, well she's saying they start to, what kind of debat-)

Please I don't want to lose my (wild animal)
I'm kidding I don't have one

Get out :|
uhhhh, except they can't monitor 12 yr olds rping out wild animal gangrp, and I still personally believe it should be removed, it is not a
debate, it is my opinion, I think its a useless asset to the server, bears are not required for roleplay whatsoever, and I mean, not at all.

gold fish

Level 285

uhhhh, except they can't monitor 12 yr olds rping out wild animal gangrp, and I still personally believe it should be removed, it is not a
debate, it is my opinion, I think its a useless asset to the server, bears are not required for roleplay whatsoever, and I mean, not at all.
there are a lot more easy solutions than taking away everyones fun because YOU dont like something


Level 199

uhhhh, except they can't monitor 12 yr olds rping out wild animal gangrp, and I still personally believe it should be removed, it is not a
debate, it is my opinion, I think its a useless asset to the server, bears are not required for roleplay whatsoever, and I mean, not at all.
No, I disagree because it gives the server a little more realism, drama, and action when it comes to roleplaying at all. Even bears. Even though you will rarely see a bear (maybe even never) in real life, I don't think removing them completely from srp is a good idea at all.


Level 53

Personally I do not think this would go well over with anyone on the server, why pay $10 for your role to be taken away by force for someone complaining because bears are not roleplaying right? Recently I was at the forest and I saw it isn't the bears it is the players that abuse bears for no reason and refuse to fearRP the bears, the players typically refuse to back away from the bears as I witnessed and when the bear was giving off a warning ICly the player still refused to back away. So punishing the bears for what the players do that roleplay as a human do and failRP and not fearRP is just not fair towards the people that paid for the bear role. If you actually roleplay correctly bears can be actually really fun to roleplay with as I also experienced today before the failRPers came in. I just used today as a reference for why it should not be removed, plus having wild bears in a forest add a sense of realism to the server even more then what it is - It also gives the KPD and EMS something to do besides dealing with gangRPers.


Level 0
- 1

Most of the time, it's people assaulting bears and then it goes into improper RP. Yes, people don't know exactly how to roleplay a wild animal but, when they try it's shown. From what I have seen and read, it's main issue is not cause FailRP from improper roleplay of the bears, it's what leads to the roleplay (If that makes, sense). Down below are just SS's that happened earlier, who would go up to a cub and beat it? That's not realistic and, nor is this server 9/10 times. The bear role is, for fun and if needed the rules can be stricter / shown more. As many people are unaware of, animal rules
soreal (2).pngsoreal (1).png


Level 2
I don't understand what you're trying to imply here. The bear at the moment was AFK and you can't just use that against us because of someone else's choices. This is what is proving our point on not getting the role removed. People are CHOOSING to do this to bears or get themselves near bears, that isnt our choice and honestly there isnt much we can even do about what other people do around us. Which is exactly why its not fair to get the bear role removed. And plus, its not only what you think is best its also about knowing if its going to have an actual good impact on if it gets removed.
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