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Level 200
But you're still responding..?

We keep bringing up examples of our point to FURTHER prove our point since you clearly don't seem to understand it
thats what a discussion is about... until i see a genuine reason for keeping bears other than "i spend money on dis u cant take it away from me!!!!1" ill probably keep repeating the same thing over and over..
You guys are practically repeating eachother, chill.

I just pointed that out lol.

Also I do understand the point you're trying to make. Obviously by removing bears we can get rid of the failrp. I'm Obviously just not agreeing with your point. Instead of trying to remove bears, why not report the fail roleplayers and be done with it? Have you reported that screenshot to staff and let them decide to deal with it or not?
I agree with Gem on this one


Level 23
-1 / In-force rules, reports, and, etc. No removal is needed
I would like to state that, moving GangRP to the forest will make it harder for everyone who goes there and, is more unsafe than the current bears. The main location of GangRP is hide-outs, power-plant, sewers and etc. In these locations you are aware of criminal activity, when going to a forest (nation or, not) you are aware of ANY wildlife in present. As well as an EMS member myself, we cannot just simply shoot a bear. We have Mido and, even then we either need 10+ grams or, another EMS with us to Mido one within a 2-BLOCK range. EMS can only do what we are told(By KPD), if you cannot stand that factor then leave the faction out of this conversation. The only time the bear stuff gets annoying is say when a cub is being hurt or, we must get KPD to shoot one due to people constantly angering the said bear. As many others have stated, if there is a problem with failRP or realism just report it to staff. The staff handles all sorts of issues daily and, will clear up their purpose as a bear(Or, just as wildlife).

Reminder, this place is a suggestion channel. Not a place to prove points and, argue it's to communicate and figure out if this is reasonable or not. The same reasons are being repeated and, repeated when it's already been stated. Some staff have already put their opinions within this channel and, so have players. If they wish to change their opinion, they may don't argue and try to force their ideals onto someone else
>Yes, yes they do. They're a danger in the forest and it adds a sort of risk factor to being in there. They also give ems something else to do.
You know what else is a danger factor? GangRPers! Wow! Bears can be replaced by actual humans who know how to roleplay AS HUMANS!!! How many problems would that bring? Certainly less than the ones bears currently do.
That whole argument about giving EMS something else to do is downright comical. Every time they've been called to the forest, they just stand around, tell people not to harass the bears and then go back to AFKing in the lobby.

>Just because they exist doesn't mean the forest is inaccessible. It's not necessarily bad to roleplay a bear encounter either, you'll just need to fearrp the dang bear. It's not like they can magically have perms on you.
Except they DO kinda try to make it inaccessible. Where do you most see bears hanging out? The forest entrance. Any time someone tries to walk past them, they'll do their usually shtick of growling at you and then whine in looc about FearRP.
To me, it feels like the people currently roleplaying bears are just a bunch of people wanting a power trip because no one will fearRP their edgy gang characters.
If bears actually had any roleplay value to them apart from "FEARRP!!!! U HAV TO FEARRP!! CALLIGN STAF!" , maybe you wouldn't have so many complaints.

we didnt have these problems before bears were introduced. now that i think about it i guess they do bring something new lol


Level 2
It's even seen before the action the bear was CLEARLY not AFK, though their message was slightly cropped out in my screenshot you can see it says.. 'Jimmy' says "Ruh."
I was standing there at the moment seeing him go afk for a split second. Bears are allowed to interact with birds I still don't understand why you want to get a role removed because a bear and bird were hanging out? Just because its a wild bear doesn't mean its deadly to everything. Like most wild animals, bears attack when they feel threatened, when they are defending food or when they are defending their young. You guys continue to attack and harass bears including when it comes to cubs. Its common sense to just understand that if there is a cub nearby you should just expect a mother bear/father bear to be with it. What also proves my point is that people are starting to bring weapons with them so they can purposely not fearrp the bear and get up in its face, which once again upsets a bear. I don't see why you guys would remove a role that doesn't affect you as a person unless you have actually been attacked by a bear for no reason or cause, and if that does happen just go to staff for it. You shouldn't need to ruin the role for so many people who actually understand how to use it and play it. Unlike some people, we actually do enjoy having bears around. It adds more entertainment to the game and a variety of choices including if you like bears. Also, people make mistakes in general, its life, but you shouldn't take away a role because someone just made a simple mistake. What makes me mad is when people say that most the attacks get voided. Yes its true, but most attacks on srp get voided anyways because of invalid perms, that shouldn't be used against us because it happens outside of just bear attacks to. To my concluding point is that most of the stuff that you are implying to get this role removed doesnt even really affect anything. You shouldn't ruin the fun for some people because you have had bad experiences with certain bears.


Level 3
A part of the community plays these animals, and it's not preferable for their roleplay to be taken away. Along with this, it's not their fault players don't know how to properly FearRP bears. Personally, I believe it's a bad idea.


Level 2
So, I have something to say about the bears. While it’s true bears try to gang rp people sometimes. I can confirm that people (on rare occasions) can befriend bears (don’t try this please) It would be far worse if they added Lions though. Bears are anti social, meaning that most of the time they will walk away from a human unless provoked. Bears can on rare occasions be docile (seriously look it up on google)


Level 4
I think bears should be removed from the server. My reason for this is very simple. People don't know how to RP out wild animals, simple as that.

Recently, bears have become the new ‘trend’ on the server. They camp out at the forest entrance and growl at you or whatever. They don’t really bring much to the server, and are kind of annoying to be honest. That’s not the worst part, however! You can sometimes even spot them hanging out with other animals such as dogs or birds. Sure, you can argue that “oh! Maybe these animals have symbiotic relationships!” Cool. Yeah. Let it be the only bears in the world that don’t actually turn dogs into shish kebabs if they get too close.

My problem doesn’t only lie with bears. Birds also have a tendency to be so terribly unrealistic. Tell me, how many wild birds do you see that actually allow you to get within two feet of distance without flipping out and flying away? NONE!! I had a bird in-character give me a piece of paper with a middle finger before flying away. I’ll give you that. It was pretty funny, but I’m hearing about birds LITERALLY ACTIONING “/me expressed that [player] had weapons” and their excuse being “well the bird is owned and trained by cops!”...

Karakura: Jumanji Task Force

Now, I’m not saying remove ALL animals… You know, dogs and cats or whatever. That’s cool, fine. But there’s a strict difference between a domesticated animal and primal fucking predator.


Roleplay will be less unbearable in the forest and less people will RP out being a modern-day Snow White​
EXACTLY!!! i said 'Dogs are nicer anyway.' to a cat and it hissed, then I said 'I like cats more.' (mixed opinions cause my char changes his opinions every 2 days) to a dog and it growled at me, their excuse was 'dogs can sense some words like curse words etc.'... wtf.


Level 35

I truly get where you're coming from, mainly with the birds since they can be the most annoying sometimes. I think the bear problem can for sure be fixed by letting people with the whitelist apply for such a powerful animal or set harsher boundaries on where they can go and how we should act. But it's not just the bear roleplayers who act up, it's mostly also people who go near the bears all the time and bait a fight, but in general, as a person who has an animal white list account, you have a lot of people just running up and abusing you no joke. My current animal white list is a cat and it has been abused so many fucking times by random ass people running after me that it's traumatizing before their excuse is "My character hates animals. :)" mind you, I wouldn't let my cat character fight. So with the animals fighting is a thing on both sides since some people quite literally run up an animal and abuse it for no reason at all, and/or try to bait a fight, yet animal roleplayers just growl, snarl, and snap at everything they see coming close to them most of the time (again not all of my animal bros out there.). I can't really speak on the bird thing because most people I've met who play as a bird only fail RP, use weapons?!, and spam you with carrying requests. So yea no clue how you'd solve this speaking about the fact that a majority of white list users are birds, so higher moderation on animal white list is not possible. People should definitely report animal fail RP a lot more though since it barely happens because "dog doing dumdum unrealistic stuff = funny :DDDDD". But I truly get your point, and the people who do roleplay as a powerful animal often abuse that power, yet at the same time some of us pressure into the bear cave for no reason at all, and if you think about it realistically... no one would do that IRL. But if there is no way around it I 100% agree with you on everything. Yet I also think all the pressure and abuse put on animals on SRP should be put down a little too. There is no way in hell someone grabs my cat character because they want to steal it but they change their mind and beat my character up just because the character turned out to be a male cat, neither were you able to do much back then because once you used either your claws or teeth as an animal it already counted as a major attack which would give people perms to kill you, etc. you get my point but your reason is 100% valid.

(Apologies if grammar is off, I had a hard day at work and barely any sleep :,) )
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