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Rick's taser suggestion - 06-03-2022


Level 129
Killing a cop just because they're a cop and they tazed you is an absolutely awful reason. Again, the taser can't kill, or permanently damage you. It can get you in jail, but then again so can a baton if the police officer deletes your kneecaps.

By giving KPS over tazing or anything it just ensures the cop can't have a life outside of the police station, because if they go off duty the chance of them getting killed is high. Is that fun? Hell no, it's really terrible if you ask me.

Make it minor, major at most. Criminals should actively run from police, not try to kill them all the time.


Level 121
Criminals should actively run from police
ppl already running away from cops, killing cops is a thing for big gangs, literally alot of people I see are daily trying to make sure they dont encounter a cop beacuse of what they did, for example, Gin Hatake. Dude fought for fight club today with the risk of a cop showing up, He tried his best to quickly finish the fight and leave. In the end even though there was no cops, when I said "I think cops are called" as a joke, he ran and hid somewhere


Level 183
Make it minor,

Killing a cop just because they're a cop and they tazed you is an absolutely awful reason. Again, the taser can't kill, or permanently damage you. It can get you in jail, but then again so can a baton if the police officer deletes your kneecaps.

By giving KPS over tazing or anything it just ensures the cop can't have a life outside of the police station, because if they go off duty the chance of them getting killed is high. Is that fun? Hell no, it's really terrible if you ask me.

Let me start with- what Pros said again.. Let me add to what Pros said incase you see that it "cops can't have a life outside the police station".. Becoming KPD, in my opinion, you know you're becoming a rival to many gangs, and so- you're risking your char's loss within the job.. It's not a mandatory thing, but you applied for it- giving your character an outstanding side in the government that many gangs have hatred to.. So, with the position you was given, that you can make others lose their character with, you should understand you're also risking yours and yours can be lost too..

And no, we don't constantly kill cops. Most of the time we're dipping it's rare that someone uses their perms against a KPD... And it creates such a fun situation when there's like multiple KPD and multiple gang members and everyone is retaliating.


Level 129

Let me start with- what Pros said again.. Let me add to what Pros said incase you see that it "cops can't have a life outside the police station".. Becoming KPD, in my opinion, you know you're becoming a rival to many gangs, and so- you're risking your char's loss within the job.. It's not a mandatory thing, but you applied for it- giving your character an outstanding side in the government that many gangs have hatred to.. So, with the position you was given, that you can make others lose their character with, you should understand you're also risking yours and yours can be lost too..

And no, we don't constantly kill cops. Most of the time we're dipping it's rare that someone uses their perms against a KPD... And it creates such a fun situation when there's like multiple KPD and multiple gang members and everyone is retaliating.
Again, just because you're in KPD shouldn't mean you're permanently bound to the station. In real life police aren't attacked off duty most of the time.

In comparison Ernesto (yonios character) had to get a mask to cover his identity when he was off duty, and people still tried to find out.

Like jeez, they should be able to roleplay without much fear of getting killed when off duty. :l


Level 183
In real life police aren't attacked off duty most of the time.

The state in SRP, especially from CrimeRP side, shouldn't be compared to real life. Not only is it a small town, but it also has a high crime rate for how small it is. You can't stop someone from GangRP and if ig there are alot of GangRPers that it's topping the town then it'd be more reasonable for cops to be unsafe outside. If we consider that.. And consider you mightve engaged in a GangRP situation recently and angered some people then yeah be wary about your steps outside.. Yes, it's your job, but the whole purpose of the job is arresting, tasing, and stopping criminals etc.. So you, not only from OOC basis but IC, should understand the risk your char is taking by getting in the department with a town of high crime rate

Not to mention if you get arrested then that taze did assist in your arrest.. So using another logic- which is if someone assisted a knockout we have major on them.. We technically should still get perms on that cop- it's not in the rules yet but I'm saying it appears to me very fair from more than 1 perspective.. Not like if they do make it major they will start feeling safe outside..

And like we scared about being wanted.. They scared about being killed.. Seems like both parties GangRPers and KPD have the same situation.. We risk our char's loss during GangRP- they risk it during CopRP.. We fear losing our weapons or getting arrested constantly- or KPD intervening in one of our situations and taking our stuff.. They fear being killed or something by us.. This that.. That this!


Level 10

Perms have already been nerfed enough and its already extremely hard to actually do anything crime related with the already dulled perms.
While I understand where you're coming from, crime isn't all about murder. There are plenty of other ways to GangRP that do not involve killing off other characters, so it's not everything that is being affected.

Well yeah you're putting it in a stupid perspective of course not '-'
To be fair, that was the way that I've been understanding how this comes about. Killing is not a decision that is made lightly in the real world. The decision can be made in a moment of passion, yes, which was the main reason as to why I thought some may still be advocating for KPS after being tased.


Level 200
I dont think it's been said so im going to say it. Members of the community that are looking for something new, fun and thrillseeking that they could apply for (such as the KPD) shouldn't be in constant fear because there main character, who was destined to be a cop, risks everything - months possible years of work and dedication to said character. Some people join the KPD for the experience yeah, but what about the other part of the community that joined to just have fun? I know of many people who want to / have joined the faction to experience it and have the fun factor of being able to be a police officer! But they are very hesitant because they don't want to have a very developed years-old character die as soon as they get a chance to properly roleplay in said faction. Don't get me wrong, it's similar to gangrp in a sense but the two communities should have equal status.

For example: with this suggestion, i don't want someone to go run up and stab one of there carotids!! But, it should depend on the situation at hand not the overall rules and/or players oocly. With the Kishi event, I was watching from three perspectives and noticed that the gang members who actually wanted that fun roleplay ended up getting stuck with a '/me shoots in the head twice' action, when hotkeys had been majorly discouraged. I agree with the point that cops shouldn't be overpowered, but I also agree with the point that gangrp should NOT solely be KPS for minor things such as tasing, which Gemi tried to explain multiple times, leaves you with no permanent damage in the long run HOWEVER it ultimately depends on the situation as per all gangrp, and that is the one factor that the community NEEDS to work on for better overall gangrp experience.

I am not going to say I am on one side solely, because I am not. But for this suggestion I agree if it is changed debating on situation. Sorry for the eyesore I was debating on sending this but wanted to put my own person thought out there. TL;DR - KPD and GangRP should be equal to the level of power they get for fighting and the communities shouldn't be this divided - it should ultimately depend on situation.

Please note: im fine if you leave a comment on this, but it is solely my opinion and I do not want to spark up anymore arguments in this thread. Have a great day and I do agree with this suggestion just certain parts. Okay bye, this was too much for one day.​


Level 26
Thread starter
Just wanted to point out this post now (with this one including) 74 replies. . . Holy...


Level 183
I dont think it's been said so im going to say it. Members of the community that are looking for something new, fun and thrillseeking that they could apply for (such as the KPD) shouldn't be in constant fear because there main character, who was destined to be a cop, risks everything - months possible years of work and dedication to said character. Some people join the KPD for the experience yeah, but what about the other part of the community that joined to just have fun? I know of many people who want to / have joined the faction to experience it and have the fun factor of being able to be a police officer! But they are very hesitant because they don't want to have a very developed years-old character die as soon as they get a chance to properly roleplay in said faction. Don't get me wrong, it's similar to gangrp in a sense but the two communities should have equal status.

For example: with this suggestion, i don't want someone to go run up and stab one of there carotids!! But, it should depend on the situation at hand not the overall rules and/or players oocly. With the Kishi event, I was watching from three perspectives and noticed that the gang members who actually wanted that fun roleplay ended up getting stuck with a '/me shoots in the head twice' action, when hotkeys had been majorly discouraged. I agree with the point that cops shouldn't be overpowered, but I also agree with the point that gangrp should NOT solely be KPS for minor things such as tasing, which Gemi tried to explain multiple times, leaves you with no permanent damage in the long run HOWEVER it ultimately depends on the situation as per all gangrp, and that is the one factor that the community NEEDS to work on for better overall gangrp experience.

I am not going to say I am on one side solely, because I am not. But for this suggestion I agree if it is changed debating on situation. Sorry for the eyesore I was debating on sending this but wanted to put my own person thought out there. TL;DR - KPD and GangRP should be equal to the level of power they get for fighting and the communities shouldn't be this divided - it should ultimately depend on situation.

Please note: im fine if you leave a comment on this, but it is solely my opinion and I do not want to spark up anymore arguments in this thread. Have a great day and I do agree with this suggestion just certain parts. Okay bye, this was too much for one day.​

You're speaking like we also don't lose developed characters against the KPD or when you taze and arrest us.. You're speaking like some people don't fear GangRP from cops- I know many GangRPers that constantly check the tab to see if KPD are on and they get hesitant about their actions when KPD are on.. If you take the position, you take the risk and responsibilitiy with it.. It is fun as well- the issue is that our community doesn't take it from a perspective of like- risk is fun but yall just take it from perspective of like making GangRP and CopRP enemies even OOCly and its not true GangRP creates chances for cops and it's fun trying retaliate against cops.. No you won't have to lose your hard worked character because the chances of actually cop dying is rare they usually get saved remember the 10m timer? Considering our current rules the situation seems very fair.. If you can't take the responsibility of the position then don't apply for it.. You are obviously risking your char's death so if u can't take it you're not really.. What you talk about for cops to have fun is to constantly taze and arrest criminals without fear but no there has to be risk we can't just remove perms from this so you can have fun- GangRPers too want to have fun by some action and crime y'know but it doesn't work like that there is risk cops will come after you- you don't just kill and scam and do shit without cops being after you.. So likewise you won't taze people just for fun there has to be risk as well not to mention the chances of your char actually dying is again low as I said before because you roll 200 and your taze/gunshot is honored and with the assistance of other cops around you and all


Level 129
You're speaking like we also don't lose developed characters against the KPD or when you taze and arrest us.. You're speaking like some people don't fear GangRP from cops- I know many GangRPers that constantly check the tab to see if KPD are on and they get hesitant about their actions when KPD are on.. If you take the position, you take the risk and responsibilitiy with it.. It is fun as well- the issue is that our community doesn't take it from a perspective of like- risk is fun but yall just take it from perspective of like making GangRP and CopRP enemies even OOCly and its not true GangRP creates chances for cops and it's fun trying retaliate against cops.. No you won't have to lose your hard worked character because the chances of actually cop dying is rare they usually get saved remember the 10m timer? Considering our current rules the situation seems very fair.. If you can't take the responsibility of the position then don't apply for it.. You are obviously risking your char's death so if u can't take it you're not really.. What you talk about for cops to have fun is to constantly taze and arrest criminals without fear but no there has to be risk we can't just remove perms from this so you can have fun- GangRPers too want to have fun by some action and crime y'know but it doesn't work like that there is risk cops will come after you- you don't just kill and scam and do shit without cops being after you.. So likewise you won't taze people just for fun there has to be risk as well not to mention the chances of your char actually dying is again low as I said before because you roll 200 and your taze/gunshot is honored and with the assistance of other cops around you and all
Just because it's a low chance to die from it doesn't mean it's not impossible, and considering how 90% of gang roleplayers don't care about actually roleplaying, then like :l.

If you're worried about this impacting your rp in some way, it won't at all, it'll only encourage more realistic and better roleplay in my opinion, and discourage hungry perm seekers.

Character deaths should be important events in my opinion. The significance of a life being lost should be felt by every party involved, and it should have proper reasoning and lead up to it. Losing your police character because you tased a guy is therefore not very fun, it discourages more roleplay in my opinion.


Level 183
Just because it's a low chance to die from it doesn't mean it's not impossible, and considering how 90% of gang roleplayers don't care about actually roleplaying, then like :l.

If you're worried about this impacting your rp in some way, it won't at all, it'll only encourage more realistic and better roleplay in my opinion, and discourage hungry perm seekers.

Character deaths should be important events in my opinion. The significance of a life being lost should be felt by every party involved, and it should have proper reasoning and lead up to it. Losing your police character because you tased a guy is therefore not very fun, it discourages more roleplay in my opinion.

It's like you barely read anything from what I said... Or the past other replies

Also let's stop calling them perms seekers- look with a perspective it's just another GangRP style


Level 5
Just because it's a low chance to die from it doesn't mean it's not impossible, and considering how 90% of gang roleplayers don't care about actually roleplaying, then like :l.

If you're worried about this impacting your rp in some way, it won't at all, it'll only encourage more realistic and better roleplay in my opinion, and discourage hungry perm seekers.

Character deaths should be important events in my opinion. The significance of a life being lost should be felt by every party involved, and it should have proper reasoning and lead up to it. Losing your police character because you tased a guy is therefore not very fun, it discourages more roleplay in my opinion.
In that last part. Zhang dies... I'll rally nerds to riot.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead

- We decided it would be best to keep perms as they are, tasers aren't used all of the time unless an officer has back up or no other choice.​

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