What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
17, 18 September 5th.
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity with this server varies a lot. There are quite a few things that I’ve been doing so I’ll compile all of them into something concise.
LORE-TEAM: At the time that I am writing this, I am still a member of Lore-Team (this will be my second year). I plan on releasing another document in the coming month regarding one of my Itsbyoshi families! When I have nothing to do on this server however, I’ve mostly been spending my time brainstorming for my Itsbyoshi family due to how fond I am with it.
TSKAKIBARA: I am a current co-lead for a gang on a separate character. I’d say this is what takes up most of my time. I don’t tend to “gangrp” often however because we’re mostly roleplay oriented, so I’ll find myself on my character causing trouble with other people I know have interests in writing opposed to finding random people and trying to get “perms”. The last time I actually got permissions on a character and used them was months ago.
COFFEE/IMAI/SEFU and ROLEPLAY: These are my other main characters. If I’m not busy/I don’t have anything for my main character, I’ll use one of these and roleplay with people that these characters frequent consistently. I’d say for the past 2-3 months, roleplaying is all I’ve really done and I haven’t really participated in a lot of events unless I hosted it or I had friends bring me into one.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
I have a College role [M] and that’s it.
What shop are you applying for?:
Dear Karakura, formally Strays.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Since I’ve left BMD, I haven’t been part of any other factions. In fact, excluding me leading a gang that ended up on the official roster and BMD, I have never had another role outside of that. I want to expand on what I do on this server currently! I planned for KPD, but I obviously wouldn’t be allowed to have another character to do so since I don’t plan on leaving behind Tskakibara anytime soon. Still, other than that, I haven't really had any other roles on this server of importance. I've been on the school teams quite a few times and I've been a BMD and a gang leader as previously mentioned. I want the chance to explore new horizons and see what else there is in store for me and that's when the idea of being a shopkeeper came to me. Compared to a lot of other tasks and roles, it is a much more complex job to have but I'm up for the challenge either way. However, my main interest with this has to do with the roleplay that this could bring me.
Since Summer of last year, it hasn’t really felt as if there were some atmosphere or environment to SRP. Of course, this differs, but for me, I haven’t had the kind of roleplay I once did and it feels like there is no current story for me. I used to be friends with someone who led a shop named “Strays” and I ended up applying to work there and got accepted. Whilst my character worked there, I had lots of opportunities to frequent myself with other talented writers because the environment was just a pleasant fit for them. It fascinated me seeing just how many people would come by and visit not even for the purpose of grabbing drinks and eating, but rather to write and chill amongst one another; even if there was no huge subject or drama. Most of them came by only to meet other writers and familiarize themselves with people they didn't know. As I was at the counter serving drinks, I was always given the chance to see other people shine and make conversation, but most of all, I enjoyed writing with the people I met from it - especially because the environment held such an atmosphere that hung in the air whenever anyone entered it; it was thick and anyone could just feel how diverse it was. I intend on bringing something like that back. I want a place that people can feel comfortable coming by to meet others and start chapters to new stories.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
At this time, I plan on a bar/club. A mixture of the two. This store will be run by one of my favorite and infamous characters, Sefu Tanaka. He’s known to be a cheapskate when he can and cut around corners to save costs. This establishment that he’ll own will be epitome of that.
Nestled in a shopping district’s corner, Sanguine offers its patrons a shabby, yet endearing refuge. The walls, adorned with maroon themes and faded photographs, barely keep the outside world's chaos at bay, allowing the laughter and murmurs within to seep out. The wooden floorboards creak underfoot, and dim, flickering fluorescent lights cast long, dancing shadows. The scent of aged leather and spilled whiskey weaves through the air, an intoxicating blend that invites guests to sink into the worn, velvet-upholstered booths. Within this shop is a thick atmosphere that wraps around anyone who enters. It's a sanctuary for socializing, a haven for escaping troubles, and a hiding place for running from the world's harsh realities.
Although this'll be a bar, there will still be a menu filled with food to order. Upon entering, security will pass notes to tell waiters and waitresses about the arrival of new guests in the case that they sit at a booth. From there, a waiter will give them a menu from which they can choose from a small variety of meals and drinks (alcoholic or not). However, for the guests who don't take seating at the booths, there is also the the bar counter, a long stretch of polished mahogany, that is the sole heart of Sanguine Embers. Here, bartenders will serve primarily the drinks (both alcoholic and not) and offer guests someone to have conversation with - in the case that some people will come in their lonesome. But, of course, if drinking and eating isn't what someone is looking for, and they simply wish to just visit, that is fine as well!
This shop will be unique due to the nature of how it’ll be run. My primary goal with this is to get people all around the server to want to come here not for the beverages and the food, but rather the environment and the opportunities that such a place can offer. I want people to be able to meet new characters here, find trouble and escape it, and come to us to host parties and shows. This bar will allow the possibility of renting (for a relatively cheap price) in the case of parties and shows for performers. Alongside that, by default, I would like to have some kind of entertainment to always keep the people at bay - something that can grab the attention of people who come. I plan to do this by hiring a roster of performers (music, comedy, etc) that can help enrich the environment with their talents whilst being able to flaunt their skills in an establishment that warrants it. I also plan to have a stage built in for this and, similar to previous establishments, I’d like to allow open-mic nights/sessions. To add to that, I want to make it known that I am very open to the idea of many events that could transpire here. The canvas is bleak at the moment, but I’m sure more ideas will arise from the player base - as long as it’s plausible and makes sense, I am open to hosting the event within my bar. Lastly, I want to have entertainment that can be done by choice with players. For example, card games, betting, pool, and things that you’d expect to be swept under the rug the minute an officer makes their presence within the bar known. After all, Sefu Tanaka will always adhere to his sketchy nature.
As for its interior, I want it to really capture an older mood that isn't often seen. The walls will be littered with articles and pictures that date years and years ago, the lights will, although new, seem as if their creation dates many years prior and they'll litter the whole establishment to feed off the maroon theme, and it'll look as if many corners were cut to get this place up and running.
Exterior wise, I think that it already captures exactly what I am looking for in terms of style - the only addition I'd see is a sign outside of it that tugs at the eyes of consumers.
What will you sell in your shop?:
For the most part, Sanguine will sell the usual things one may expect to find at a local bar: alcoholic drinks to lay low on and the usual alternatives in case you aren't of age. The minimum age requirement to enter this establishment is 18, so they have to at least have a menu for the people who can't drink yet.
Most taken from the Dear Karakura menu:
Lightning Tequila
Plum Sake
Hanako Sake
Crystal Shōchū
Crystal Merlot
Crystal Rose
Sōbetsu Beer Can
Sōbetsu Whiskey
Monaco ****tail Can
Lightning Tequila
Plum Sake
Hanako Sake
Crystal Shōchū
Crystal Merlot
Crystal Rose
Sōbetsu Beer Can
Sōbetsu Whiskey
Monaco ****tail Can
Fried Rice
Miso Soup
Spring Rolls
Dynamite Shrimps
Udon Noodles
Shrimp Kushiyaki
Miso Soup
Spring Rolls
Dynamite Shrimps
Udon Noodles
Shrimp Kushiyaki
How many employees do you plan to have?:
The manager is the shopkeeper who owns the establishment and takes care of the things everyone else wouldn't. In this case, that'll be Sefu Tanaka.
The Co-Managers are just like the manager; they take care of similar issues. They will also open and close down shop when the manager is currently unable to do so. Alongside that, they will help monitor the establishment and tell the manager things that could help benefit/improve profits. They'll help count inventory and deal with feuds that may transpire within the bar staff, they'll help train new members on how to properly do their jobs and ensure no trouble, and they'll be the ones to accept and deny applications in the case that the current manager needs a second opinion.
STAFF: 2/6
This includes waiters and waitresses. During an opening, three staff members will walk around taking orders from the booths and offering assistance to those in need. When they get orders from customers, they'll bring a note tab to the bar counter and hang it up for two of the other staff members who'll be in the back dealing with food. The last and final staff member will always be present behind the bar's countertop, offering drinks and conversation.
Security, or bouncers, will be the people allowing people in and out of the the establishment. They'll be checking IDs to make sure that everyone is of legal age and dealing with any violent being that causes a ruckus in the bar - it's common to see so when one of your main selling points is beverages that make one lose their sense of mind (and reason).
Lastly, the performers and entertainers will be the ones running the stage and games to entice people and keep them for boredom. Some may be on the stage playing blues, some may run betting on games such as pool and 21, and some might just be comedians that help the unfortunate crack a laughter in a time of need.
A quick insight for those of you who care.

There was a body.
Or, rather, a carcass.
It was no more than a gaunt, pint-sized rat, and it was the first sight that greeted Sefu's weary eyes as he stepped into the dimly lit establishment. Yet, it wasn't just the rodent's lifeless form that drew his gaze. The walls, once vibrant in a warm maroon hue, now loomed in shadows, their color faded to a somber black. Just the sight of the walls sent the coldest of shivers creeping up and down his spine. His countenance twisted into a sifting grimace, subtly pulling at the corners of his mouth as his fingers meticulously adjusted the cuffs of his suit with an incisive wit. The heavy door groaned as it swung shut behind him, muffling the distant sounds of the bustling shopping district outside. His footsteps echoed softly on the worn floorboards as he navigated through the gloom. His gaze trailed across abandoned chairs and counters - they'd seen better days.
Sefu Tanaka is a man in his late twenties who gained subtle notoriety through sporadic appearances in Karakura's news, most notably for an incident involving Sasha Vaslyenko, now the commissioner of the KPD. His posture, though unruly and untidy, stood in stark contrast to his formal attire, and unlike the pristine skin of many Karakurans, his body bore the marks of numerous scars with each having their own collective story to unfold. He is a man of inordinate misfortune, commonly misunderstood - not as a virtuous man, but quite the opposite. Though his deeds remain shrouded in secrecy, especially after his mysteriously cleared record, most recognize him as no good thief who couldn't resist laying his cracked knuckles on things that are not his.
This is a question not to be answered: 'why'. He is not a man to be read aloud, but rather a novella to be kept behind locks and chains. Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone why he chose to invest what he had left into a bar, but the simple notion of wanting change suffices as an easy explanation. His life thus far has been littered with misdeeds, and though he once believed it beyond his control, he would soon confront the truth. He found enjoyment in his actions, even as the reasons eluded him.

There was a body.
Or, rather, a carcass.
It was no more than a gaunt, pint-sized rat, and it was the first sight that greeted Sefu's weary eyes as he stepped into the dimly lit establishment. Yet, it wasn't just the rodent's lifeless form that drew his gaze. The walls, once vibrant in a warm maroon hue, now loomed in shadows, their color faded to a somber black. Just the sight of the walls sent the coldest of shivers creeping up and down his spine. His countenance twisted into a sifting grimace, subtly pulling at the corners of his mouth as his fingers meticulously adjusted the cuffs of his suit with an incisive wit. The heavy door groaned as it swung shut behind him, muffling the distant sounds of the bustling shopping district outside. His footsteps echoed softly on the worn floorboards as he navigated through the gloom. His gaze trailed across abandoned chairs and counters - they'd seen better days.
Sefu Tanaka is a man in his late twenties who gained subtle notoriety through sporadic appearances in Karakura's news, most notably for an incident involving Sasha Vaslyenko, now the commissioner of the KPD. His posture, though unruly and untidy, stood in stark contrast to his formal attire, and unlike the pristine skin of many Karakurans, his body bore the marks of numerous scars with each having their own collective story to unfold. He is a man of inordinate misfortune, commonly misunderstood - not as a virtuous man, but quite the opposite. Though his deeds remain shrouded in secrecy, especially after his mysteriously cleared record, most recognize him as no good thief who couldn't resist laying his cracked knuckles on things that are not his.
This is a question not to be answered: 'why'. He is not a man to be read aloud, but rather a novella to be kept behind locks and chains. Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone why he chose to invest what he had left into a bar, but the simple notion of wanting change suffices as an easy explanation. His life thus far has been littered with misdeeds, and though he once believed it beyond his control, he would soon confront the truth. He found enjoyment in his actions, even as the reasons eluded him.
Additional notes about your application:
I plan on using Sefu Tanaka but there is a /small/ chance that I end up using another character. By the time this is accepted/denied, I'll have found out who I'd like to use.
Do you have any questions?:
I plan on using Sefu Tanaka but there is a /small/ chance that I end up using another character. By the time this is accepted/denied, I'll have found out who I'd like to use.
Do you have any questions?: