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Hosptial Staff Application : Seenop


Level 1


CURRENT In-Game-Name (IGN):


What timezone are you in?:


How old are you? (I.R.L):


Do you have discord, if so what is your discord username?:


Describe your activity on the server?:

On SRP, I am a very active player. My activity usually ranges depending on how busy I am that day, but I manage to play for a considerable amount of time. I am most active on my high school volleyball account and college council account, but if I were to be accepted onto the EMS team, I am perfectly capable of balancing my time between my three accounts. I first started playing SRP back in 2018, and have been playing ever since.

List and categorize your current and past applications: -Accepted -Accepted -Denied

What experiences do you have with DetailRP?:

I have tons of experience when it comes to DetailRP. I have been able to experience many forms of DetailRP such asStudentRP, MedicalRP, RomanceRP, and more during my time being on this server. I would say MedicalRP is easiest for me because I have already been on the medical team before. With that being said, I also can make my actions very detailed when needed.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our medical team?:

I am reapplying for EMS because I am looking for a way to become a more active player on SRP. As of recently, I have missed being a part of the EMS team and wanted to reapply. Originally when I was on the team, I had a role in the Nurses Department but left because of personal reasons and lack of motivation. I believe I’d be beneficial to the medical team due to prior knowledge from being on the team previously, and how available I usually am. Although I am applying for a different position, I am a very quick learner and will be able to pick up on things very easily.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Nurse, Psychiatrist):

I am applying for the Surgeon role.

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:

Surgeons typically specialize in treating injuries, diseases, and deformities through operations. They use a wide variety of tools in order to correct any injuries the patient might have.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:


The HP is the highest ranking in the hospital, and they manage everything within the hospital. They make majority of the final decisions regarding hospital work, with some influence from the CM’s and CL’s.


The CM is another high role in the hospital that regulates in making sure that the CL’s and hospital staff are doing their jobs properly. Clinical Managers are still required to listen to the HP’s, though they do have authority over the clinical leads.


The clinical leads each have their own department that they are in charge of, ( Doctor, Nurse, Psychiatrist, Surgeon ) The CL’s are considered higher ups, and can have authority over other departments as well, if really needed.


Surgeons do the more serious work, such as performing an operation, dental work, and more. They are also allowed to do regular hospital work.


Doctors can do mostly everything a surgeon can, but if a patient comes in needing surgery, the doctor is allowed to perform this said surgery only if another surgeon isn’t online. Same goes for psychiatry work.


Nurses mostly focus on doing minor things and birthing babies, though they are allowed to do other things if really necessary, but there is a limit on it. Priority should be getting a doctor or surgeon to do the more invasive and serious injuries, if not allowed to do them.


Psychiatrists are not allowed to do physical work, though if no one is on or can’t get on, they are allowed to /it f2b doing the medical work. Psychs mainly take care of the mental work on patients, and do not often leave the hospital.

Are you aware of the basic medical emergency colour codes? If so, with their meanings, specify all those you’re aware of:

Code Yellow: Disaster.

Code Brown : Severe weather.

Code White: Evacuation.

Code Green: Emergency activation.

Code Silver: Active shooter.

Code Violet: Violent or combative individual.

Code Pink: Infant or child abduction.

Code Orange: Hazardous material or spill incident.

Code Red: Indicates a fire or smoke within a hospital.

Code Black: Bomb Threats.

Code Blue: A medical emergency is occurring within the hospital.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes I acknowledge this factor and I completely understand. If I were to go inactive, I would put in an inactivity log and explain my reasonings for being inactive.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend otherwise you are subjected to receive punishment (Demoted)?:

Yes and I can assure you this will not be an issue.

Do you understand that you have to obey the rules and constraints you have been given, or you will be demoted?:

Of course, this is a reasonable rule and I am perfectly capable of following them.

Do you agree that if acknowledged at any given time, you’re vulnerable to being demoted?:

I agree and will not make a fuss if I were to be demoted.


Characters Full Name:

Riko Chang Min

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):


Characters Given Name(s):

Riko, Min

Characters Preferred Name:


Characters Age:


Characters Gender:


Characters Religious Domination:


Characters Marital Status:


Characters Nationality:



Section Two: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

Two years of Residency

Working Experience(s):

One year of Medical Work

Academic Degree:

Doctorate Degree


Human Physiology and Health Sciences



Native Languages:


Other Languages:

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