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Sewer housing (Yes this sounds dumb I know but hear me out)


Level 29
IGN: Butterolls

DATE: 7/24/2023

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remodeling a portion of sewers to make housing.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would give players more of an opportunity to roleplay in the sewers (Yes I know that there are plenty of ways to RP in sewers but I see this as a fun add-on!), and with the addition of progressively adding areas to the sewers and the remodeling of different parts, I think that this would be an amazing extra that I myself and few others would enjoy seeing. And with gangRP/crimeRP shifting to be primarily in sewers I think this idea would go hand and hand with that.

Extra: I was helped greatly by some of the people that commented and like an individual said, they should be rented for a smaller amount of time than most, and as well the rent should be cheaper. Along with this, each apartment will have a preset interior so that things like"Sakura tree apartments" aren't built.

If this ever gets accepted I'd be more than welcome to make an opening event for it.
I really couldn't find a better example than this.
Yes, I know I'm not a builder but this is just my attempt as an example for an exterior of one of these housing plots.
This would be where the Fisherman NPC would be held, allowing players to avidly survive in the sewers on disgusting radioactive fish!
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
sounds cool, maybe have the housing be really cheap but you can only claim it for like 14 days at a time


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

maybe it could also be like how the houses are on the beach! scatter them around the map
It would be AMAZING!!!!!
It could also be cool to have even a teeny tiny bit of shack looking houses that aren't for sale for the sad homeless youths of Karakura to squat in since there are so many


Level 11
IGN: Butterolls

DATE: 7/24/2023

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remodeling a portion of sewers to make housing.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would give players more of an opportunity to roleplay in the sewers (Yes I know that there are plenty of ways to RP in sewers but I see this as a fun add-on!), and with the addition of progressively adding areas to the sewers and the remodeling of different parts, I think that this would be an amazing extra that I myself and few others would enjoy seeing. And with gangRP/crimeRP shifting to be primarily in sewers I think this idea would go hand and hand with that.

I really couldn't find a better example than this.
Yes, I know I'm not a builder but this is just my attempt as an example for an exterior of one of these housing plots.
This would be where the Fisherman NPC would be held, allowing players to avidly survive in the sewers on disgusting radioactive fish!
IGN: Butterolls

DATE: 7/24/2023

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remodeling a portion of sewers to make housing.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would give players more of an opportunity to roleplay in the sewers (Yes I know that there are plenty of ways to RP in sewers but I see this as a fun add-on!), and with the addition of progressively adding areas to the sewers and the remodeling of different parts, I think that this would be an amazing extra that I myself and few others would enjoy seeing. And with gangRP/crimeRP shifting to be primarily in sewers I think this idea would go hand and hand with that.

I really couldn't find a better example than this.
Yes, I know I'm not a builder but this is just my attempt as an example for an exterior of one of these housing plots.
This would be where the Fisherman NPC would be held, allowing players to avidly survive in the sewers on disgusting radioactive fish!


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
Critical support and solidarity to anyone giving the homeless greenies a place to live +1
I wouldn't even mind if they could not have build permissions down there, just a place of community and another place to go after school hours would be cool.

Also, the idea of an underground scene sounds absolutely fire. A nightclub down there called the grizzly grotto would be fire but I'm just projecting my desires onto this suggestion so I'll stop.

MASSIVE +1 so much potential.


Level 104
Honestly Karakura has a large underground crime system, this type of housing running under the radar of people who don't usually take part in criminalrp/gangrp clueless to the world beneath them would really add some fresh new lore and Rp material, encouraging more underground gangrp/crimep while the surface seems peaceful would be really interesting

Tldr: +1


Level 11

this is a fascinating idea actually, i agree with the other reply saying that it could only be claimed for a short period of time, i’d say also to mark the rent very cheap for newer players to be able to afford them, or even having it similar to the share houses where they can rent out their own rooms.

it’d give new players a feeling of belonging as they’d have ownership of something on the server and helps to shake off those feelings of only being an outcasted tourist. so, yes, a firm +1 from me

edit: another thing i just thought of- i’m a long time player myself and i feel like i’ve explored every accessible part of the map.. yes, the sewers likely will be added to, but an entire new community down there with a hotspot for new roleplay? that sounds lovely and refreshing.


Level 108
IGN: Butterolls

DATE: 7/24/2023

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Remodeling a portion of sewers to make housing.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It would give players more of an opportunity to roleplay in the sewers (Yes I know that there are plenty of ways to RP in sewers but I see this as a fun add-on!), and with the addition of progressively adding areas to the sewers and the remodeling of different parts, I think that this would be an amazing extra that I myself and few others would enjoy seeing. And with gangRP/crimeRP shifting to be primarily in sewers I think this idea would go hand and hand with that.

Extra: If this ever gets accepted I'd be more then welcomed to make an opening event for it.

I really couldn't find a better example than this.
Yes, I know I'm not a builder but this is just my attempt as an example for an exterior of one of these housing plots.
This would be where the Fisherman NPC would be held, allowing players to avidly survive in the sewers on disgusting radioactive fish!

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