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Shadonk's KPD Application


Level 20
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
EST - Eastern Standard Time

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I had an old forums account that I was locked out of and not able to get back into, one of the following links will lead to that account.

I was on the build team for almost 4 years. Back when I was brought onto the team, applications were not really a thing.. I was just DMed by the build lead at the time and asked to join.

ACCEPTED - KPD Application 2022
ACCEPTED - Shop Application 2021
ACCEPTED - Receptionist Application 2021
ACCEPTED - Receptionist Application 2019

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server normally depends on what I have going on within the server itself, if I have no reason to log on then I simply won’t. I can be super active and log on everyday for hours but as of recently that is not the case, hence this application.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have recently come back to SRP after quitting a few months to a year ago. I of course logged on here and there to run around with a friend or two out of pure boredom but nothing more than that within my time of quitting. In the past 2 months (?) I have started being much more active again, logging on everyday and running around with the few friends I have in the community. Ironically, the school part of SchoolRP is something I find quite boring to be a part of. The school faction is pretty dead in my opinion, or just incredibly friend group oriented / cliquey. It's just a big chat room amongst the players and it ruins the vibe for me when it comes to wanting to create and develop a character I put a lot of thought and effort into. During my short time in KPD in 2022, I had a lot of fun and was actually shocked with the amount of roleplay that went on within the faction. That's the main reason I would love to join back really. I just want to roleplay, make friends and have fun on the server without complications. I had left KPD in the past due to OOC reasons and my irl life spinning out of literal control. At the time I had lived in Florida and a category 5 hurricane hit, with how bad the aftermath was I had to then move across the country. During this time there was just no possible way for me to be online. My point is, I just want to make it clear that the reason I had gone inactive and eventually left the faction back then was due to reasons beyond my control.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
The police force has a wide range of responsibilities and tasks they need to attend to every day. Using teamwork is a major factor when it comes to this job, no one in their right mind can maintain and watch over a horrendously crime ridden city all by themselves. Their responsibilities can vary from sitting at the front desk and doing paperwork to dealing with a hostage situation, which are on two entirely different scales of intensity.. Obviously.

PatrolsPatrolling is something that all officers do every single day. Officers do this to make sure the city is safe and sound. Of course they will sometimes stumble upon illegal activity, in which they will respond appropriately with the help of their higher-ups and all the training they put the officers through. Patrols allow officers to be aware of all of the area’s within the city, lots of areas are sometimes more dangerous than others, crime can happen around every corner and most of the time it is never reported. Depending on the emergency level that is posted at the time, during levels that are more dangerous will at times inhibit officers to patrol alone. As I stated before, crime can happen around every corner and you never know what kinds of situations you could be getting into once you step foot outside the station.
Arrests / Detaining / FinesThe reason I grouped these all together is because they all correlate in a way when it comes to different situations. This can at times cause a similar effect to what we call ‘The Domino Effect’. If you are fining an individual for any reason they MUST pay up front. Of course, if they pay, that's great! You move on with your job and they move on with their day. If the individual refuses payment they will then be handcuffed and arrested, being sent to serve time with community service. In a bad situation it can go from fining someone -> arresting someone -> community service. Now detaining someone and arresting someone are two different things, hence being called different things. Detaining someone normally comes into play when an individual is suspected of committing a crime, attempting to commit a crime or has the intention of committing a crime. You are not allowed to arrest said suspect unless you have undeniable evidence proving the suspicions and claims against them. The suspected individual would normally remain in custody until the investigation of said claims moves forward and is properly dealt with.
ReportsReports are normally done when an individual comes into the station and claims that they have to, well, report something. Pretty much anything can be reported, either it be because someone jay-walked or witnessed a very serious crime like murder. Murder of course being the worst case scenario. A lot of information is taken and written down about said report, of course includes (but not absolutely needing) the victim, a suspect / witness. Reports are normally written down and placed into a filing cabinet where an officer/detective will eventually pick it up and go to investigate said report.
Inmate CareInmate care consists of lots of things that of course require the inmates. Officers will take inmates and provide them with their necessities such as food, hygienic products, clothing, exercise and so on. They are monitored throughout some of these such as when they are exercising and eating in the cafeteria. Most of it happens for RP purposes and to just give inmates something to do if they wanted to RP out their time in jail.
Man HuntA man hunt is basically a giant search party made of officers but for wanted individuals / criminals. They use their resources such as CCTV, reports and their radios to communicate whilst said hunts are either taking place or being planned to take place.
Community ServiceCommunity service is basically beneficial work in a community that individuals partake in and are not given any compensation for. Services can include picking up trash, removing graffiti, gardening and much more.
Restraining OrdersA restraining order is something put in place to keep certain individuals away from another. This legally prevents someone to interact or come near the person who files the restraining order. This is mainly done for someone's safety in fear that someone may be trying or has already tried to harm them.
RaidsA raid is when a squad of policemen forcibly gain entry to a home, business or any other property. This can normally be done whilst in search for a person, owning weaponry, or anything else along the illegal side of things..
CCTVCCTV, aka closed-circuit television is normally used for keeping an eye on things without being there physically. I believe it's mostly used for tracking down people though, in situations where someone is on the run after doing something they aren't supposed to. It helps officers gather information of the place they were last seen so they can relay that information to the other officers that are currently out looking for them via the radio.
TrainingTraining officers is normally done by the higher ups, cadets are trained to be your average patrol officer. From there you can become corporal, this is where officers can really make the decision to work even harder to go higher up within the ranks. I will speak more about the ranks and what they are all about further in my application. All of the roles within the KPD are something that you obviously have to be trained for, either it to be your average officer or a sneaky detective!
InvestigationsInvestigations are normally handled by the detective division within the KPD. Investigations stem from the reports made by citizens, and of course when someone becomes a little too suspicious within the walls of the KPD……… watch your back!

These things are only things that I can really remember from my previous time within the KPD. I am sure there are many more things that happen within the faction and just as much importance as the rest of the things listed above.

Moving on I will now speak about the roles within the KPD and what they do!

The Main Division!
CadetBeing a cadet is the first and lowest rank within the many others of the KPD. They retrieve 3 weeks of training ICLY and OOCLY in order to be the best officer they can be! After their several weeks of training they are then to take a test in order to become a PO [Patrol officer]. Cadets are not able to do most of their tasks alone. They are not allowed to go off duty and they also are not allowed to go on patrols by themselves, they MUST be with a Patrol Officer or any other rank that is higher in order to do so.
Patrol OfficerWhen you become a Patrol Officer, you are able to do just that! Patrol.. Along with many other things of course. This is when you are officially given your very own badge AND cubicle, did I mention you can also go off duty now as well? Patrol Officers are able to leave the station and go out on patrols all by themselves if they wish to!
Corporal Once you reach this rank within the KPD, you are able to assist in training the cadets. From here you can really decide on what to do with the many opportunities that fill the KPD! This is where you can really make the decision to work even harder to go higher up within the ranks.

Unfortunately for me I didn't really make it that far the last time I was in the KPD so I'm not entirely sure what the other ranks do in full detail.. But what I do know is that I can list them! The rest of the ranks coming from Corporal are Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and Commissioner. There are even more roles within the Detective Division! Those being Detective Constable, Detective Constable, Detective Inspector, Detective Chief Inspector and then the Detective Superintendent.

Moving on from the many ranks within the KPD, there are the items that officers have access to! Those being Radio’s, Crowbars, Pepper Spray, Gas Masks, Finger-Pring Scanner, Body Cameras, Badges, Handcuffs, Luminol Spray, First-Aid Kit, Stun Blaster, Riot Shields and the infamous Tranquilizers! I'm sure I missed at least something but this is what I could find / what I remember.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
I still believe that the KPD is one of the most important factions within SRP. The KPD is needed for the obvious amounts of GangRP that fill the server, but not only that but for even smaller things like driving on the wrong side of the road to simple jay-walking. The KPD helps players immerse themselves within the bounds of SRP. I personally love to feel immersed within the server, it allows / helps me portray my character and their story much easier along with the help of the community that surrounds SRP as a whole. So of course I believe that the KPD is one of the many things that help not only myself but other players as well, feel immersed into the story they log on every day to create. The KPD is important both ICLY and OOCLY, helping enforce rules on both ends. Of course players are going to break the rules.. Whether they mean to or not, a staff member will sometimes have to involve themselves within situations that can revolve around the KPD and what they do.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do!

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Aerin Pearce

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
26 Years old

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female - She / Her / Hers

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Grade - 12

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Welsh - Need to Apply for it

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Aerin Pearce stands at an alarming height of 4 feet 9 and a HALF inches, leaving her to be quite small.. The woman's figure was rather petite due to that fact. Her hair would be a strawberry blonde hue that flows straight down her back and past her waist, the ends of her hair ended with subtle curls whilst the rest of her hair was mainly straight. Aerin's eyes were a golden brown in color, her intense gaze being rather aggressive.. Most of the time, her expression was one of annoyance, though it made her look determined in a way.

She may be very.. Short but that doesn't discourage her. Aerin is a very head strong woman with a short temper and a snarky attitude. However once you get to know her, you will find that she means well! Most of the time anyway. It's not that she hates everybody, it's just that the first thought when approached is to get defensive and stand-offish. Her trust in most people is quite thin, seemingly rude or disrespectful when in truth she's just being honest. Arin wouldn't really see honesty as a bad thing unless it's about herself, only then would she be the biggest liar on the planet.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Aerin is quite different depending on the setting around her. Of course whilst she's working, she isn't as quick to snap at someone- though that really depends. She will do her job but she will struggle to listen to those she doesn't believe deserve the respect, causing it a bit hard for her to make friends. Professionally, Aerin is someone who will work hard to earn respect and a good reputation..! But that doesn't mean it will be easy.

When it comes to a casual setting, Aerin will return to her aggressive but also stand-offish self. She will normally keep to herself but if she is even slightly provoked, she won't be afraid to tell you off with her booming voice. She’s a fierce short girl with a good heart but lowkey has some anger issues..! Aerin knows she has a few issues when it comes to her temper and tries her best to work around them, but sometimes a nearby punching bag needs to get hit for her to calm down.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Aerin wouldn't necessarily be SUPER open to teamwork, but if it is absolutely necessary then she would probably roll her eyes and get it over with. Of course that wouldn't come without a complaint or two being grumbled under her breath! Aerin will do what it takes to get a job done when it comes down to it. Unfortunately for those she is working with, she won't be officer friendly about it.. Remember what I mentioned before about struggling to make friends? Yeah..

What's your character's backstory?
The twins Enid and Aerin along with their immediate family grew up in the country of Wales, in a quaint village that raised their romantic parents till they birthed a set of twins. This raised questions about their income, how will they be able to afford the sudden family of four? After a few years of searching for a career that would support their family and getting endless support from the village they grew up in, they took off for a large island that offered a teaching position to their father. This was around the time Enid and Aerin were old enough to start school. As the twins grew and partook in the activities their mother presented, they made a habit to do everything together. Enid would veer off to pursue an idea, and Aerin would soon follow to help turn their creations into something beautiful. Enid was much like her father, a savant when it came to technical skills, and Aerin followed in the shadow of her mother becoming a creative genius. This made the twins stand out in almost any instance, especially in school. They’d split the workload as such, Enid was a born strategist making her proficient in technical jobs. While Aerin became the muse, unlocking unlimited creativity to bring raw emotion in this world to light. When partnered together their grades, projects, and participation were unmatched by most in the school, making them feel almost untouchable.

Throughout her elementary years, Enid kept to herself while Aerin expressed herself in creative means. Enid made no interest in making friends, doing as she pleased whenever she had the whim. Her main focus was on the problems that teachers would give her to solve everyday, absorbing the knowledge as best she could. This motivation helped her as she grew older reaching the more difficult stages of education, causing her to excel in her late elementary years up to middle school. Aerin focused more on her creative outlook and the skills she gained from it. She tends to lean towards things like art and dance. As Enid and Aerin began middle school, their mother fell terminally ill. This caused so much pain within their family in many layers that would last for years to come. their father immediately took on a scholarship opportunity to earn the degrees necessary to become a professor in order to support medical expenses to come. To put the twins' grief in perspective, they used to wake up to a bustling kitchen with breakfast made from their lovely mother’s heart hot and ready to go, their father reading the newspaper at the table while drinking his freshly poured coffee. After they stuffed their faces with portions that were served to them on a plate, their mother would shepherd them to the bathroom to style the twins' gorgeous long hair and get them dressed. Next thing you know, they were dressed and ready to go with lunches in their hands, a bookbag on their back, and heading out the door with their father on their way to school. Now things have changed, most of the time they wake up to a quiet home. Aerin would take the time to go to the master's bedroom to cuddle with her mother, while Enid made her way to the kitchen to start a simple breakfast from the loaf for the two of them on the days their mother couldn’t get out of bed. Their father was off to his classes that he had to squeeze in before he had to clock in for his teaching career. This means it was up to the twins to get themselves ready most days, though because Aerin would rather stay in bed with her mother all day, it was mainly Enid getting the two of them ready. Enid would take the time to do the twins' hair on the mornings their mother had no energy. Then they’d head out the door and wait for the bus to come pick them up to take them off to school.
(For writing purposes, this writing is reused/referenced in another application.)

This took quite a toll on Aerin, seeing her mother grow more and more sick over time. Aerin would usually stay up the whole night until their father left early in the morning for classes, then climb into bed with her mother and sleep there until Enid came to pull her out. If it weren’t for her mother begging for her to go to school for her future, she’d hardly comply with her twin without a fight. Though, since Aerin deeply loved her mother, she’d always comply with her twin and continue to try her best in school no matter how hard it became. She’d used to constantly spring out of bed and help her mother brainstorm creative hairstyles to put the twins' hair in that day. Though as the years went by and her mom had less and less of a presence throughout their days, school became quite more difficult and Aerin found it harder to keep motivation and focus. Her classmates noticed a change as well, when Aerin was comfortable she used to be entertaining and full of life always having something to say, warranted or not, but on the days their mother just couldn’t make it to her feet, were the same days Aerin kept to herself.

It didn’t help that their father’s stress was getting to him from all that he put on his plate, he’d sometimes criticize the girls when they would get poor grades, for the same reasons their mother would beg them to go to school no matter how bad she looked, they cared for their future. It was obvious that retaining knowledge isn’t Aerin’s strong suit, she feels the best when she performs. As it was a creative outlet she could display proudly to those she wanted to see, and of course they saw. She knew this, because almost every performance she’d search the crowd for her mother, the rest of her family was there as well of course, but the only opinion she cared for was hers as she was her biggest supporter. Their father would clearly rather have her focus on studies, but while their mother could still walk Aerin was free to do as she creatively pleased. As time went on their mother grew more sick and their father more stressed, which caused outbursts of problems and bickering between one another. When this happened, Enid would often run off to comfort her dad instead of Aerin, while Aerin would retreat to her exhausted unconscious mother, just to do nothing but cry. She grew hatred towards Enid for her actions, not understanding where she was coming from, and in turn refusing her help for most things. This caused her grades to decline even more so than before, because without Enid, there was no one left she cared about that cared for her grades. She felt as if she should put everything into performances and the little things that made her happy.

Things stayed in this cycle for a while until their sophomore year, their mother was officially bedridden. This devastated Aerin over time, as it’d take a toll on her every time she’d search the crowd just to never see the person she was searching for. Though, that doesn’t mean their mother never saw it, as Aerin would perform again, this time in her mother’s bedroom, the next moment she had the energy to watch her. As these moments became less frequent, their father pestered Aerin to pursue her education and focus on college, as it was the best thing for her. Aerin refused to do so which frustrated their father so much, so he refused to pay for the things she needed to continue performing, forcing Aerin to not pursue any type of performances anymore. It was at this point Aerin had given up, and she looked to Enid to shadow as it seemed she was doing right by their father.

At this time, Enid was in the student council, so to make their father proud, Aerin followed after and became a part of the student council as well. She did all that she could throughout her highschool years to follow Enid in her footsteps in some crazy reach of hope to make her father proud and accept her again. They both graduated and their father finally finished his schooling and was ready to become a professor. The twins were ready to go off to college while their mother was getting plenty of home aid care. However, their father was offered a job within a city named Karakura, and the twins noticed that the college was enrolling as well and decided to pick up and move. Their mother was moved into a hospital room within the Karakura Emergency Hospital while their father taught classes to the college students. Enid decided to pursue student council once again within college, and Aerin reluctantly did the same. She’d often visit her mother in the hospital while she could, fearing the worst was soon to come.

Though it seemed that Enid had other things on her plate to worry about more than their mother. She quickly became the student council president, which sent Aerin over the edge. As she got huge praise for it from not only their father, but many other people that didn’t even know her. To follow Enid would mean to be vice-president, and Aerin was not about to be Enid’s personal right hand. Aerin refused to become that, so much so that she quit council and dropped out of college to tend to her mother full time. Though, before she knew it her mother had passed away from her illness and the only person around to hear her dying breath was Aerin. This hurt her, but it was something she was so familiar with that it almost felt right. Her grief goes back from the moment she understood that her mother was approaching death’s door and grew up with the feeling.

Coming over grief almost felt like second nature for her and she knew her mother wouldn’t want to spend her time sulking over her death. Aerin decided to do something with her life again, she decided to take life by the balls and twist the tides of fate. She decided that justice was her calling, something she could effortlessly do and be proud of no matter who she told. She wanted to work towards a world with less grief and torment, because even if what she went through wasn’t anyone’s fault, death still happens everyday and the grief that lingers lasts a lifetime.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you can not legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. If you are caught with a pocket knife on you; you can and will be arrested for Possession of Minor illegal weaponry.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Cough Syrup
Birth Control
Eye Patch

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Aerin isn't one to initially ‘hear someone out’ depending on the situation, she will believe what she saw and heard with her own ears and eyes. Now this doesn't mean that she is always right about things she may stumble upon, there are always misunderstandings that can happen! Seeing as it is her JOB to protect citizens (criminal or not), she would go over and deal with the situation head on.

“I suppose I would go over and defuse the situation, getting not only the inmates name but my fellow officers name as well.. It’s normally ideal for me to mind my own business but I can't have a freakish officer think they are in the right to abuse someone just because they believe that someone is below them in law. Afterwards I would report it to my higher-ups.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Even though Aerin claims to handle the situation with a level head, knowing her it could always take a turn for the worst.. Aerin having quite the explosive personality can sometimes get her in a bit of pickle! But she is right about one thing, she isn't an idiot.. Or a coward! Aerin would eventually get the hang of the situation and its necessary course of action in order to have it properly dealt with.

“Well I know for sure that I shouldn't just stand by and watch it happen like some coward, obviously I’d step in. As much as I’m not a coward, I'm not an idiot either, I would use my radio to alert my fellow officers along with EMS if I believe that this situation of assault could go further and become even more dangerous. I’d then make my way over and defuse the crime taking place, hopefully getting everything under control and arresting the individual for assault against an officer. Maybe being arrested will humble them enough to not be as stupid next time.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Aerin wouldn't be too keen on shoving herself too deep into a situation like that, but would more than likely do the ‘bare minimum’ to make sure it is properly dealt with. One thing about Aerin however is that the ‘bare minimum’ to her, isn't your average minimum that you'd normally think of. She claims to not care too much about these things (even if they are very serious) but deep down she does, though no one could ever get that much out of her.

“Report it, obviously.. However, making a report on something this serious isn't as easy as it may sound. I would go and gather as much evidence as possible in order to support my claim, double checking it all before giving it to one of my higher-ups so that co-worker of mine is properly dealt with..”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Aside from acting a little childish and laughing at a situation such as this, Aerin would handle it correctly seeing as it is her job after all. Bribery, being a finable offense would result in that of a fine, refusal of payment means jail time!

“If you want my pure honesty I would probably laugh.. I mean, what kind of idiot tries to bribe a cop.. Especially me of all people? Bribery is a finable offense so I would obviously fine them for even attempting such a thing. Of course if the individual were to refuse to pay, I would arrest and send them to spend time doing some community service until their release.”
Last edited:


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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