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Accepted Shop Application | boenezy


Level 15


Player Information
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What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I would currently rate my activity at a 7 out of 10. I'm able to log on everyday; The time frame from when I log on to when I log off tends to be pretty spotty. Whenever I'm needed to get on, though, I'm able to at that moment.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Tutor Application [Accepted]
Receptionist Application [

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
College Bachelor's - bownezy
Grade-12 Cheerleader - fortitudo
College Bachelor's - boenezy

Shop Information
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What shop are you applying for?:
I'm applying for Joyoung.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I would like to have the chance to manage something. As I currently have the role of Manager in other shops, it inspired me to give a shot at applying for my own; Being able to run openings, helping pick potential employees, writing adverts and keeping an eye on stock has been the most fun to me with that role. Having the ability to do that full-time per se would be, again, a fun and invigorating experience for me.

Alongside the energy-inducing part of the job, I want to be able to have a staple in expressing my creativity. By this, I mean being able to effectively showcase my ideas and the silly thoughts that pop up every now and then in my given space.
I want to be able to contribute something to the community as well. With the shop, I hope to be able to create another roleplay environment that players will enjoy being in and have fun interacting with both the people and the things I have planned for the shop. For however long I choose to stay on SRP, I want to be able to experience as much as I can and have a pleasant time while doing so. I've been on both cheer teams and luckily promoted to captain on one, interacted and worked with various people within both Bobcats and Spartans, and had the great opportunity of working alongside some wonderful people on events whether it was building or being in the background of the planning process. I can confidently say that my past experiences would be a good showcase of my current skill set/abilities when it comes to taking on positions like this. Not only would I like to put my management skills to work once again, but I would love to have the chance to roleplay with a new group of people.


What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

Of course, I'd have to go into the actual shop to section it out accordingly, but… My grand idea for the shop was to add an arcade in some corner of the space given.

Do you plan on renaming your shop?:
Yes; I'll be rebranding to "JOI-KON." I personally think it's cute to continue following the original theme of the store.

Now, let's work out the technicalities of said arcade. I came up with a pretty simple system to use with the games.
1.) I'll have a position open at JOI-KON for "Game master." Employees accepted for this role will be in charge of the arcade during their shift.

2.) Depending on the arcade machine - Whether it's Pac-Man or Dance Dance Revolution, the customer will be asked to pay a small fee, which would essentially work as the coins you put in those machines in order to play the game. They will then be asked to roll out of 100 or 200, again, depending on the arcade machine.

3.) Based on how many points the customer earn, they will receive a certain amount of tickets. For example: 1-10 PTS: 5 Tickets, 11-20 PTS: 10 Tickets, 21-30 PTS: 15 Tickets, so on and so forth.

1.) Once the information gets sent from the game master to myself, I'll be recording the player's IGN and the amount of tickets they currently have.

2.) Customers will be able to cash in up to 200 tickets at each opening.

3.) There will be a separate line referred to as the "Prize register." At this counter, you'll be able to cash in your tickets. For example, ten tickets may get you a pack of gum or something small. 200 tickets may get you a handheld gaming console and so on.

*I plan on getting a custom for the ticket!


The images below are more so for the inspiration of how I want the store to look. With this first one, I think having something on display through the windows or the glass would be really cool. I'm biased since Nintendo and GameStop do that sort of thing - Hear me out on this one.

Inspiration images for the arcade section:
*Please note that the arcade won't actually be as big as the second image - let alone as big as the shop. This is purely in here for aesthetic purposes.

Storewide Events:

There will be bi-weekly raffles hosted for both customers and employees to take part in. By entering one, participants will have the chance to win yen or exclusive items from the store!

Cosplay day
Show up in cosplay of your favorite video game character for 50% off your purchase!

The amount of tickets you receive during that week of openings from the arcade games will be doubled! Handheld consoles will be sold at 50% off for that week as well.

Staff Bonding Events:

Movie night
This event will be strictly for OOC bonding. My employees and I will gather in a voice channel to watch a movie. The movie itself will be voted upon in our worker announcements channel.

Game night

Employees will be invited to come in to the shop to participate in playing the games on the machines we currently have in the shop. The Shopkeeper (myself) will host it as a small competition. Whichever employee is able to score the most points will be winning a large sum of yen!

For this one in particular, I plan on there being a banquet for every fitting season such as a Christmas banquet, Thanksgiving, sometime after New Years and so on. ICly, everyone who is employed at the shop will be invited out to restaurant that will be rented out. Everyone will be notified ICly as well (through Discord announcement), and instructed to show up in formal attire. Of course, there will be food, music, and more small-scale activities such as a pre-planned Secret Santa exchange or a round of pinning the tail on the turkey.

The events listed or described above are subject to change depending on the audience, or if it needs to be altered in order to reach our target audience. They'll end up playing out over the next few months, and some new ideas for events may arise as popularity grows and employees share their insight when requested. However, I do plan to have at least a handful of small-scale events in my first two or so months.


What will you sell in your shop?:
I hope to have the ability to sell all of Joyoung's previous items in the shop, any current handheld consoles that are on the server (if allowed/possible), any game-related items such as the Princess Peach Crown if they weren't being sold at Joyoung previously, alongside a few video game related customs (weapons found in Valorant for example). As time goes on, I'll definitely be adding to this list in a separate channel of the shop's Discord.


How many employees do you plan to have?:

Shopkeeper [x1]

This role will be taken by myself. The duty, or responsibilities of a Shopkeeper entails the ability to manage a shop, employees and how many are hired, handling stock, and generally keeping everything in line. A Shopkeeper hosts shifts (with the exception of Managers if absolutely necessary), giving the chance for both trial and full employees to take part in the opening. The Shopkeeper will also be responsible for training Trial Employees to ensure that they understand the website and the overall flow of what it's like to work at a shop.

Managers [x2-3]
The two occupying this position will be people who I know are capable of filling their role's responsibilities, and generally people who I know I can trust.
Managers will be given the responsibility of running openings when or if necessary, handling customer issues or disputes if any arise during a shift, and assisting in managing stock if I happen to run into any difficulties while doing it myself.

Cashiers [x14]
Those who are employed for this position will be helping customers with any issues that may arise at the counter, or help the customer purchase what they request. Players chosen for the job as a Cashier will be a hefty assortment of those who I see eligible to take on these responsibilities within my shop. Cashiers will be able to keep 50% of what they make from an opening, and they will be required to pay the other 50% back to the Shopkeeper or the Manager running the shift.

Game masters [x2-4]
Although this was previously explained, the players who will work this position will be in charge of the Arcade. Alongside myself, Game masters will be in charge of keeping track of how many tickets a player earns from their playthrough. They will be taking the upfront fees to use a specific arcade machine, and instructing the player to roll out of either 100 or 200. Depending on the amount of points they earn, they will receive the assigned number of tickets explained under the "Arcade System" spoiler.

Hiring Process:

The In-Person/IC Interview will be short and simple for the convenience of both parties. A Manager or myself will organize a line of applicants outside the shop. Somewhere in the back of the store, we'll be taking one customer at a time to a private office to interview them. Basic questions such as "Why do you want to work here?" "What is your motivation for coming in today?" and things alike will be asked, and information will be jotted down to review later that day. This part of the process in particular is for me to get a grasp of that person's character and how they roleplay - It's personally my favorite part of the whole thing. Accepted applicants will either be notified the day after or later that week via Discord.

If I'm unable to be fully online to host in-person interviews, online applications will be the alternative option for me to hire employees. Filling out the application itself should take no more than a few minutes, as we'll only be asking basic questions relating to OOC and IC information. On the third page, there will be questions similar to the ones for the in-person interview, though they will be going more in-depth. The form can be found here.

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Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:

Not at the moment.​
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Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for shopkeeper! I am excited to announce you have been accepted! I loved your ideas for the shop and the way you put together this application.
DM me on discord to sort out your roles! (sak#8404)

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