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Denied Shop Application | Bqeno


Level 11

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"Generosity is giving more than you can, pride is taking less than you need"

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?: Bqeno

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): BQENØ#7908

How old are you? (Optional): 16

What is your time zone?: GMT

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Describe your activity on the server: I come online every day for many hours since I do have some responsibilities within the server such as being in the football team, working in a shop, fight club as well and being a tailor on the server Euphoria. However, I also do go to college in real life which sometimes results in me not coming on for as long on some days since I need to finish off homework and assignments. However, I often see myself coming online around 5-6 pm and staying up until around 12 pm-1 am on the server. On weekends I will usually hop on as soon as I wake up which is normally around 12 in the afternoon and I then stay on until around 1 am. When I'm on the server I am usually running a few errands or just generally roleplaying with friends. Furthermore, sometimes I do not have much to do on most days which I would like to change.

I started playing on this server at the start of the year 2020. Having these almost three-year experiences I have tried a variety of different things. When I first started I went into GangRP which I have carried on doing throughout the whole three years on and off. But while still being a part of that community I decided I wanted to branch out more and try and find ways to make my experience on SRP more enjoyable since I was starting to get very bored of GangRP by itself. This is when I decided to start to learn how to tailor. I have been tailoring for around two years now and I am still currently a tailor on a server called Euphoria. I make quite a lot of money from tailoring hitting around 10+ million yen in total. After getting my tailoring started and it taking off on the server I then got an alt account which allowed me to be able to apply to jobs which the server had to offer while still being a part of GangRP. I first applied to be a Nurse in the school but it had gotten denied since the spot was already taken by someone else, but they recommended that I applied to be a teacher instead. Taking this advice I applied to be a teacher in PE and it had gotten accepted. I then went on to be a teacher for two and a half months straight giving the outcome of being teacher of the month for one of these months. I enjoyed being a teacher since I could meet more people and roleplay as a rolemodel to new players and help with any oocly or icly problems they may have. After two and a half months, I felt as if the job started to be boring since it's not something that requires much work and I had a new idea of wanting to go onto other jobs on the server which will keep me occupied more. A bit later on I quit GangRP to try out being a police officer since I saw what they do and I found it interesting to roleplay as but also now figuring out that it is also an interest that I have in real life. I applied to be a police officer but that also, unfortunately, got denied as well. Still wanting to try new things I tried out to be a high-school female football member which I got accepted and have been a part of the team for a few months now I enjoy being a part of it and don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I also decided to apply to a few other side jobs at some stores as a cashier and got accepted for one of them as a cashier and also worked in the fight club as a bartender. I love to keep myself busy and consider myself a hard worker. However, I just think that what I'm currently doing is enough and tend to get bored of just doing nothing on the server for hours.

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Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): I have only one ban which was in the summer of 2020 which was for AvoidRP. This was a misunderstanding since it was a problem mostly based on the fact that the laptop I had at the time always shuts down at random moments which it, unfortunately, did while being a part of a gangRP situation. After staff members DMed me about my getting banned I explained to them I was trying to get back online I then made an appeal and it got accepted. I now have a much better setup which now I do not crash or my PC shut down anymore.

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Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I understand, I am not planning on going inactive at any moment and if I were inactive for a good reason I will make sure that my managers will keep the store open when I'm gone and the employees still have the chance to make money by working like they usually would.

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Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Language Applications:
Latin - Denied
Latin - Accepted
Gaelic - Accepted
German - Accepted

Job Applications:
Police Officer - Denied
Nurse - Denied
Teacher - Accepted

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What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

Bqeno - Asuaga Tattachi [Adult]
lukaiswifey - Violet Mori [Grade-12][Football]

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Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/

What shop are you applying for?:

What are you renaming the shop?: I will be renaming the shop 'Kansha' the English word for this is 'appreciate'.

Company Logo:

k (1).png

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Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

There are many reasons why I want to become a shopkeeper. First of all, I want to be able to try and learn new things within SRP. I want to create an experience for myself and check another thing off that I have always wanted to try on the server. There is a number of different things I want to try before I officially quit SRP for good and this has been one of them for a few months now. Secondly, I have always wanted to learn about how stores are run and to have the ability to teach other players how it works to encourage them to try new things in SRP too even if it may not be owning a shop of their own. Furthermore, I wanted to be a part of the business community and meet new friends in this area. I have met loads of new people from all kinds of communities in my three years of experience however, I do not know many people from the business part of SRP and would love to meet them and take their advice on how they run their own business to extend my knowledge and amend how I originally was running it. Additionally, I also want to create a good community among the employees that will work in my store creating memories that we will all cherish and share with other people. Noticing how expensive it is to be able to run a store in the first place I think I can get the store up and running quickly from the start since I already have a decent amount of funding of 5 million yen. I am willing to use most of this money to boost my stock and put it into the store. Lastly, I have a lot of time on my hands and tend to find myself doing nothing for hours and I want to have something that I can dedicate all my time and motivation into and create something that is worth the time.

I am aware that being a store owner requires a lot of skills such as communication, patience, professionalism, problem solving and leadership. I have all of these qualities. I know how to stay professional but still be able to bond with people. I will not hesitate to remove someone if they have broken many major rules. As well as knowing when to reward someone for their hard work. I have been the leader of two major families known as Quinn and am now still the leader of a family called Tattachi. The members of the family have also encouraged the idea for me to apply to be a shopkeeper since it will not only be something I have always wanted to do but also be something that can contribute to the families roleplay experience and maybe inspire them to also join in the business part of SRP. Being a shopkeeper also takes a lot of time and effort to keep it running and if I get the shop I will put everything into it. As I have mentioned before I have a lot of spare time and the spare time I will use it effectively and use it to learn about new things I can add to my shop and how I run it.

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What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

To make my shop unique I have thought of many different things that I would like to implement into my store to make it more fun for both the customers and employees. Since it is also a store about being generous and serving your community there are a few ideas which will add to this theme.

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Implements to the store

#1 Giveaways

I have a unique idea of having this shop to be a way to be able to show appreciation for all of the citizens of Karakura. How I will do this is by every time someone buys an item from the shop some of the money will go towards funding which will be used to host giveaways to people who are nominated by the citizens. This can be people who work in the emergency services such as police officers and EMS. It could be a faculty member or it can just simply be a regular citizen who has done something that needs rewarding such as saving someone or simply being there for the people of Karakura. Since of course, it would not be fair to the employees to give up their well-earned money I will be using my own money I earn by tailoring or leftover money after restocking the store. The main purpose of my owning the store is not to earn a lot of money I want it for the experience which is why I am not bothered about giving away money that is earned through the store.

How the nominating will work is through the stores' discord. There will be a template where people can fill it out and nominate people on why they should get the money. This will ask many questions both icly and oocly and they will put their icly phone number there so I can contact them icly. I will review a handful of these and accept the ones that I think are the ones which are most reward worthy. After accepting a few of them I will put a poll of all the nominated ones and allow people to choose which one is the one which is the winner. Once the winner is announced I will meet up with the person who nominated them and will ask them to direct me to where they are which is when I will hand deliver the money to them. I will do a giveaway monthly each one being at least 100,000+ yen depending on how much money I will have left over.

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#2 Family

When it comes to where the store first comes from, this is a family business. The Tattachi Family are full of many different types of people who have different aspirations. From the young generation to the older, they all have goals they would like to achieve. The family is originally from Ireland, Dubin with connections to Japanese relatives that live in Karakura. In Ireland, the family ran many different businesses. Some of them are being run together or individually. After many years and many generations taking on the businesses, it was time for something bigger. They decided in the year 2022 that they wanted to tackle the big challenge of attempting to create a large business in Japan, Karakura. After adapting to the many different opportunities that Karakura offer such as meeting new people, education, clubs/teams, jobs in different factions as well and the new Japanese culture. They finally decided it was time to take off with their ideas and start a store just like they had back in Ireland however doing this by adopting the Japanese culture and features.

Asuga Tattachi decided that she wanted to be the one to make the first move to creating the business in Japan. Asuga is a mixed female both Japanese and Irish and helped the family when they made their big move to Japan. She taught them how to speak the language and manners, helped them with their next steps in education and was there to care for them while their mother was away back in Ireland on a business trip. She is a woman who knew how to work hard and always thinks of new ideas that can be brought into the family. Seeing that she is a hard worker and caring towards the family she was given the responsibility of becoming the leader of the family. Taking the advice from other family members who work in many different factions she adopted new ideas which helped her come up with her big plan of how the store will run and how it will make a difference in the community.

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#3 Discounts

There are many different types of citizens who have been a great service to the city. The older generation is one of the most inspiring and wise people in the community of Karakura. Anyone who is over the age of 60 is able to access a 10 percent discount when buying something from the store. In order for someone to get this they will need to provide an ID which shows their age. Once they provide this the cashier will have to give them the 'senior discount'. Furthermore, there will also be a discount for the emergency services such as police officers and the EMS! The discount also is 10 percent off their items in the store. In order to do this police will have to show their badge to the cashier and the ems have to also some type of evidence which will show the cashier who they are. After they have proved what they have done the cashier will allow them to get a 'blue light discount'.

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Store Events

#1 Holiday Events

Another way I will reward the hard work of all the employees is by hosting a party for all the different holidays. These are holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, valentines day and New Year. Not only will it be a good way that we can all rewind after all the hard work but it's also a nice way to bond and get to know each other way more. I am planning on hosting these parties on a tower floor which I already am helping pay for where there will be plenty of room for all the things that I plan. For these parties, I will allow all the employees to invite their friends and family along with them. I will set up a few mini-games and contests throughout the party such as costume contests, cooking contests, trivia, bingo, guess the song, and finish the lyrics, musical chairs and any other games that come to mind. Each winner of these games and contests will get a prize which could be a bonus or a free item from the store. Attending these parties will be free of entry and not mandatory to attend.

Adding onto the holidays I will provide themed uniforms for all the employees. Such as I will provide different uniforms for all the holidays like Christmas, Halloween, valentines day and New Year. Making small changes like this can increase the employee's mood as it makes it more fun for them as they will not be wearing the same thing all the time. To take this step even further I will also be decorating the store in a festive way for each of these holidays to give the customers a feel of community and family in the store.

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#2 Cosplay day!

Since being a part of an employee you will have to stick to the strict rules of wearing the uniform. To make it more enjoyable for the employees every year I will allow the employees to dress up as their favourite film, tv series or video game character. It will get the employees to be able to show their interests and creativity. Not only this but I will expect them to act like their characters too! I want them to serve the customers as if they are no longer themselves and get the customers to interact with them to make it a better experience for both sides. To increase the customer's experience on this day I will play songs which come from the most popular TV Shows and Movies which people may know and are able to find a connection with from their childhood.

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#3 Culture Day

Since the store has a significant element of Japanese culture I will implement one of the biggest traditional holidays known in Japan. Many people come from different backgrounds and cultures. Of course, this holiday is mainly to show Japanese culture but there are still many other cultures which people might like to show off. On this day all the employees will be allowed to dress up in the traditional clothes from their own culture. Not only this but this will give them a big opportunity to educate fellow employees about their ethnicity and their background. Adding onto this I will also play traditional Japanese music throughout the whole store when it is open. It will give the customers a sense of the application of their culture and entertain them while they browse for their items.

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#4 Disney day

Everyone loves Disney! Everyone watched classic movies as a child. So why not bring it to life in the store? This day is very similar to cosplay day however the employees will only dress up and act like their favourite Disney characters. As well as on this day, I will be playing songs from the most well-known Disney films and TV shows.

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What will your store look like?:



More screenshots of the build (includes employee areas) : Click here

I built this store reference myself however if it is not good enough for this to be built by myself then I'm okay with getting a builder to do this for me instead.

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What will you sell in your shop?:

Kansha Hair Bows:
The hair bows will be worn like this on the head as it shows in the first image however it will have this rose design in the middle of the two bows. The rose will be a dark red.


Kansha Cat Plush:

This plush will be able to be worn on the head when right-clicked. The cat will also have the same rose design from the bows on one of the ears.


Not only this but I'm planning on also selling some other items that you would typically find in stores such as a few different types of smartphones and flip phones. I will sell any accessories such as hats, glasses, bags, hair bands and more. Furthermore, I will be selling toys such as light sabres, toy katanas, plushies and others. I will allow people to sell their custom items to be sold in the store if it is a type of accessory or toy.

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How many employees do you plan to have?:
I am wanting to have plenty of workers in order for the store to keep active and to bring in more people from a variety of different places within the community. Such as people from both high school and college. People from different sports teams, and clubs.

Shopkeeper - 1
Opens the shops and employees people to work in the shop. Also manages the stock and money which goes to each of the employees. Will also give bonus paychecks to those who work the most efficiently. Promoted and demotes employees when wanted. Takes care of taxes and any other payments that are needed. Won't usually work as a cashier unless a spot is needed to be filled, however, will deal with any customer complaints. Finalises new items that are added to the store. Makes sure that each employee is active.

Manager - 3
Also has the ability to open the shop without the shopkeeper having to be there. Will be able to collect the money from the cashiers after closing to give to the shopkeeper. They also will help deal with any of the customers' complaints and are able to give strikes out to cashiers if there is a valid reason to do so. They will be able to work as a cashier as well and earn 25% of their earnings when being a cashier. Depending on how much they work they will earn extra money. Will help find new items that the store could sell.

Cashiers - 15
In charge of serving the customers and giving the items, they request after they pay for them. They will be allowed to keep 25% of the money they earn (this may change depending on how much restocking costs)

Trainees - depends on how many vacant cashier spaces there are

These are newly employed members. The difference between the cashiers and trainees is that trainees will have to stand by a manager or the shopkeeper when doing their first day. The managers or shopkeepers will train and show them how to work as a cashier in case they do not know how to do it already. After they get taught how to talk to customers, what to do when they want to complain, where to find items and how to log the orders. They will be allowed to work their first official shift which will be supervised by other cashiers and a manager or shopkeeper. During this shift, they will earn the same amount as a normal cashier would which is 20 per cent. After reviewing how they did on their first shift they will get officially put as a cashier or if they did not do well depending on which mistakes were made they will rather get kicked out or will have to get retrained.

Striking system and store rules

It is very important that the employees also feel safe and don't get any soft of abuse when working. Each customer will have to follow these rules while they are in the store. If they fail to follow these rules even after getting told about them by an employee then they will get kicked out of the store. In extreme cases, they might even get blacklisted by the store itself.

Rules of the store:

1. No masks in the store
2. No weapons of any kind.
3. Stay respectful to all staff members.
4. No refunds.
5. Trolling staff will be an instant removal from the store.
5. If you are blacklisted you are not allowed to be in the store or ask someone to get something for you.

When someone gets employees they will automatically have no strikes. However, if they get 3 strikes this is when it will become a problem and they will get fired from working in the store. In some extreme cases, they may even get blacklisted from ever applying to work there again. The reasons why they may get strikes is if they break any of the stores' policies which are listed below. The ones which are marked in red are the ones which are more severe and will instantly get a strike whereas the other ones are only given if they are constantly doing this.

Stores Policy:

1. Stay respectful toward all the employees and customers no matter what.
2. No use of unprofessional language such as swearing while in the workspace.
3. Always greet the customer before asking for their order.
4. You are not allowed to carry any sort of weapon on you while entering the workspace.
5. No stealing of any of the items whatsoever.
6. If you get arrested more than twice or arrested for something very severe you will get removed from the store.
7. You must have at least worked two shifts each month.
8. Bringing in people who do not work in the store into the store when it's closed.
9. Bringing in people who do not work in the store into the employee-only area.
10. Failure to listen to the managers/shopkeeper.
11. Not wearing the assigned uniforms when working.
12. provide the 'senior discount' and the 'blue light discount' if unsure of how then ask the shopkeeper/manager.


The shopkeeper will not have a uniform however, the managers and cashiers will have to wear a uniform.



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Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for the role of Shopkeeper! The shop you applied for is now taken. Your application is great, however and I encourage you to reapply in the future.

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