In-game Name:
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
I do! and I am perfectly comfortable talking in a voice call.
Timezone & Country:
CST (GMT -5) United States of America
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Accepted applications
Denied applications
Past warns or bans:
I have had a few warns throughout my time on SRP, most of these occurred when I was still new to the server, and I have now familiarized myself with the rules since then and have received no minimal to no warns since. I have sadly received one ban throughout my time on the server, I said something in OOC chat that was misunderstood and taken as an OOC threat and I have changed from that and have never had an incident like it since.
Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I am very active on the server. I started playing SRP in the middle in July of 2023, and since then, I have remained active playing around 4-12 hours each day, regardless if it is a weekend or not. The only variable that would change this would be the ending quarters of a school year as that is when testing and exams will happen. As far as roleplay knowledge, I like to focus more on DetailRP as I feel it provides a more in depth roleplay experience, or that is what I have found in my own experience. And as far as server knowledge, I am well aware of the rules that surround the server.
In-game Name:
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
I do! and I am perfectly comfortable talking in a voice call.
Timezone & Country:
CST (GMT -5) United States of America
Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Accepted applications
Past warns or bans:
I have had a few warns throughout my time on SRP, most of these occurred when I was still new to the server, and I have now familiarized myself with the rules since then and have received no minimal to no warns since. I have sadly received one ban throughout my time on the server, I said something in OOC chat that was misunderstood and taken as an OOC threat and I have changed from that and have never had an incident like it since.
Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I am very active on the server. I started playing SRP in the middle in July of 2023, and since then, I have remained active playing around 4-12 hours each day, regardless if it is a weekend or not. The only variable that would change this would be the ending quarters of a school year as that is when testing and exams will happen. As far as roleplay knowledge, I like to focus more on DetailRP as I feel it provides a more in depth roleplay experience, or that is what I have found in my own experience. And as far as server knowledge, I am well aware of the rules that surround the server.
What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for the Lawyer position.
What is your motivation for applying?:
There are a few reasons that I have been wanting to apply to the government faction. Growing up I have always been interested in law, I would always watch TV shows of court cases and it always fascinated me on how it operated and growing up I have considered taking it up as my profession as a long term profession. I had a close family member who was a lawyer himself and I have always been quite close to him, and due to my interest in the profession that he had, he would always teach me about it whenever I asked and he helped fuel my interest in the profession.
As far as SRP goes, I had made an application before, I started out with a lawyer application, but I changed my mind halfway and decided to try for the judge role simply thinking it would be easier to get in, but sadly, it was denied. Now I understand why as I was quite new to the server and had made a half hearted application that I made in 30 minutes. I have always wanted to join a faction, I started with the HS-Council faction, as it seemed fairly easy to get into and get started in some of the HS side of RP. But as time went on, the council started to feel dull to me, so I dived into the world of GangRP. For the past few months, I have mainly been focused on GangRP, learning the rules of the server and such, but as time went on I found myself crave a new type of RP, as well as seeking for a way to make some more connections on the server, so I looked back on my interests and decided I wanted to join the government faction. And yes, I thought about KPD and EMS sometimes, but I did not believe I had the reputation for KPD and EMS did not seem as interesting to me. So in the end I decided that government was the way to go as I have had some real world interest in the job and seeing how I find myself on the server for most of my free time, I decided that was what I was going to shoot for.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have read both the laws and the constitutional rights and I have an understanding of both.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
OOC: The goals I have if I am to be accepted, is to make new connections and improve the enjoyment of being on the server. I find that whenever I dive into a new faction, my RP experience grows in enjoyment and I find myself having more friends and making new connections every day. I would love to add some more excitement and drama into my RP by joining a new faction in which I can make more friends, meet new people, and overall have a better roleplay experience as a whole. I also hope that playing the role, if accepted, will help me improve on my detailRP as I find it hard to find people who are interested in it being restricted to the HS roles. I also hope to learn more about the server, and the inner workings of the factions and also learn more about more aspects of law inside of the server and outside of the server.
IC: Despite the character I am applying on, Tatsuro, I have found myself not playing his character for quite some time even though he is one of my oldest characters only being made a few days after I joined the server. So I hope to give his char some more depth and revive my interest in playing him, making more lore for him, meeting new people, and interacting with more factions to gain a better RP experience and grow him as a character.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Being a lawyer has many different tasks that come with the job. They help provide legal counseling for those who need guidance in something requiring a court case, they help represent people in a court case giving well thought out arguments to convince the judges/jury to be in favor of their clients case. They can spend lots of times gathering evidence for their cases, and help gather legal documents to help advise their clients, using it to the best of their ability to build a strong case that helps their client in the best way possible in hopes of giving the client the best possible outcome they can get. A lawyer presents the information gathered as facts helping either the prosecutor, showing evidence and witness and more against the defendant, or they may be helping the defendant, helping them prove the facts against them are not true or viable to provoke any legal consequence.
Working as a lawyer in Karakura, you can help with lawsuits, issue out identification cards, officiate marriages, and file restraining orders. They do their fair share of time doing front desk work helping the citizens of Karakura with whatever legal troubles they might have.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand these terms.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand this and will aim most of my focus onto this role if accepted.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am 100% aware and agree that it should stay fair and anything otherwise should result in punishment.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read the rules and agree with them.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I should be able to attend these as long as it does not conflict with my academics. But that should not be a problem.

Full name:
"My full name is Tatsuro Asai."
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"In the event of a formal occasion, I go by Mr. Asai."
Current age:
"I am twenty-seven years old!"
Date of birth:
"I was born on January 22nd, 1997."
"I am a male."
Academic Degree:
"I am proud to say that I have graduated from Columbia University with a Masters degree."
"Criminal law, and political science."
"Philosophy and economics."
Work experience:
"Despite being born in Russia, my father and I moved to the states when I was only a few months old after my mother passed away from cancer. While living in the states, I would take on small jobs growing up like walking dogs, and mowing lawns. But in my teen years, I had several jobs ranging from restaurants to retail stores. As soon as I graduated I went straight into military, rising the ranks eventually getting to be a lieutenant but I eventually resigned. I wanted to continue to help people and bring justice to people, but being in the military did not sit well with me and I felt it was not a fit for me. From there I went Columbia University and graduated with my Masters in Criminal Law as I looked back on my past dream of being a lawyer, since that was what my father grew up doing and I was always fascinated by his work. Once I graduated, I spent two years learning more about being a lawyer before moving to Karakura in hopes of working there as a lawyer."
Political background:
"Growing up I would always throw myself into debates about politics, it has always fascinated me to learn about other peoples views and defend my own views against their own. It was a hobby some might say, I loved to learn about how the governments of the world worked. In high school I found myself joining a club focusing on debates on political views, and I must say, it was one of the most enjoyable academic activities of my four year period in my time of being in high school. I would always find myself talking to my friends and my father about the current law changes and the elections of countries that I found interesting, they would sometimes say I pestered them, but I disagree with them. Whenever I attended my University I shared my feelings through law reports, giving other people my opinion on what I believed in and taking their feedback. I enjoyed writing about true crime, and political systems of other countries, explaining to others on how I disagreed some of the biased and unfair political systems. I would say that growing up I have always found myself far more interested in politics than most children, but I don't regret a single bit of it.
Nationality & born location:
"My nationality is Russian and I was born in Kazan Russia."
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
"I am fluent in Russian, English, Japanese, and JSL."
Criminal record:
"I have a clean record, and I plan on keeping it that way."
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"I believe I am a great candidate for this job for a few reasons. I tend to find myself as a very understanding, and reasonable person, and I am very skilled at helping my clients see that I am trying to help them. I find that I am exceptional at finding out as many details and evidence as possible to put together a strong defense for my client, some might say I have a bit of obsession for collecting data, but I find that a great quality as a lawyer! Many would describe me as a very kind person, but I never let that get in the way of my views on justice. Another great quality that I find in myself is that I keep a very cool head whenever I am working, whether it be front desk work, or in the middle of a case. I try to stay as respectful as possible, all while keeping no bias whatsoever, as that is not acceptable in any case, but still doing whatever I can to help my clients. I rarely do turn down a case, as I have very strong opinions on bringing justice and fairness into peoples life, it's one of the key qualities of being a lawyer! I strongly believe in Karakura's justice system and I will always put in as much work as I can when building my clients defense for court. I like to stay on top of things, never rushing it of course, as it's not a job well done if it's sloppy, some might call me a perfectionist, but who wouldn't want to pursue their dream with excellence? Overall, I love the job, I enjoy collecting evidence to build my cases, and I will always strive to my job to the best of my ability, as everyone should in their line of work."
Thank you for reading my application, I hope you enjoyed reading it and will consider accepting me into the faction!
I will be leaving the HS Council faction regardless if I get accepted. Also, please don't think I chose a bigger font to take up space, I chose it so it may be easier to read when considering me for the faction.
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