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Sock's | KPD Application


Level 6

IGN (In-Game Name):
RootBeerSucks2 [The account I am applying with]

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
EST [Eastern Standard Time]

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am on every day of the week after school for around four hours or more, and on the weekends I am on for around ten or more hours per day. During these hours, I usually run around with friends throwing crimerp in the mix of it. Ended with me building in my home working on designs to see what looks best or just enjoying classes in school and overall just having a good time.
I involved myself in Bonten gang activity and management before we eventually disbanded. I currently work at fight club, worked as a judge, so I have some activity and involvement in the government faction while also providing help where is needed in the black market by becoming a black market associate. As of recently, I have been very active within the community involving myself within the school faculty, working as a teacher. I’m apart of a gang that goes by Hammer Heads and finally, I am on the football team as well which keeps me active and motivated to play SRP.

Here is a list of some of the many things I have been involved in during my time/activity while on the server.
  • Fight Club employee: Kicking things off, I was working for Fight Club as a security member, which involves teamwork and communication within the security team. We have to have an understanding of what is going on around us, such as people going in and out, the items we confiscated and the behavior of individuals within the club making sure everyone is as safe as possible while planning things out with everyone and higher ups so nothing goes wrong during a average opening.

  • Gang higher-up/Management: Another experience I have worked as a Bonten higher-up on my llSockll account. With me being a higher I must work not only with my higher-ups but also provide help to newer members. Also, work with said higher-ups to plan events that members can partake in so everyone can feel involved. After Bonten I led a gang known as Brahman, involving myself with its creation and event plans. Suddenly after Brahman decided to merge with another gang without my knowing I decided to join a gang that goes by Hammer Heads and work with my fellow members to plan events just as I did with my previous gangs, so we can see the gang flourish as a whole. But of course as of now due to me applying I have left.

  • Government Faction: I was involved in the government faction as well. I was a judge for some time. (around 3 months) Being in the government faction taught me how to work with others and how to plan things out ahead of time. When involved in a court case you always want to try to be one step ahead of the person you are going against or listening to. So you would want to make a plan, so you can have a counter/comeback to anything brought against you. Not only does it take great amounts of skill not just from planning but great skill of teamwork between Judges lawyers and governors.

  • Otakaya Shop: I involved myself in shops as well, working as a senior cashier at this shop. I have been working at said shop for a month or so now and help a good bit around the shop. I help train the new employees who have been added to the roster and help them feel welcomed. I work with the rest of the team (Managers and owner) to improve the shop and overall improve the quality of everything for everyone. This is to ensure everyone has the most enjoyment with the shop as possible. While working you must have great teamwork and communication skills with your team when the shop is open. This is to assure that no customers are left unhappy and have a great experience at the shop icly and oocly.

  • BMDA: I used to work with the black market dealers and fellow black market associates as well, which has helped me with my ability to plan things as an organized group/team, working things out so every single opening or event can go as well as possible. I have enjoyed working with such a group greatly and would recommend it to many others within the SRP community. But as of now, due to me applying I have left the black market.

  • Football Team: Personally earned the opportunity to be a part of the football team and sport faction. I have met so many amazing people and learned so many new skills I would have never thought of. Building bonds by being on the same team means more than just Minecraft. Football has taught me to coordinate and communicate with your team so that everyone involved has a great time and is on the same page.

  • School Faculty (Teacher): A month or so ago I was accepted into the teacher faction. I have learned that working with co-workers to plan lessons for students can be very important. This can be brought over into the KPD faction, working with fellow officers and the higher ups, to plan out events or ideas that will have the community involved and while offering a good time for everyone. Sadly I have left the faction to explore new opportunities.
2:30pm to 9:40pm
2:30pm to 9:40pm
2:30pm to 9:40pm
2:30pm to 9:40pm
2:30pm to 1:00am
All day
All day

What is your motivation for applying?:
There are a variety of reason behind my motivation to join KPD some of my main reasons are, wanting to be more involved with the community and show my abilities of roleplay and kindness. I have always been fascinated with the KPD faction and would truly love to learn about its history and the importance KPD is to SRP. I would enjoy being involved with the future of KPD and the impacts they are involved with creating in SRP.

Continuing from that, I would love and enjoy the opportunity and chance to learn from an amazing community and team. I have a handful of friends that have been in the faction and are currently in the faction and have enjoyed their time there. So I would be honored to be around the fantastic support that I have heard was offered in the KPD faction and would greatly enjoy being part of it. Not so I just improve upon myself as a player and person but hopefully help better everyone around me as well. Not so that it will better my experience as a player on the server but others' experience on the server as well.

I have not applied before and this is indeed my first application, mainly due to each time I have thought about applying, I would lose motivation or second guess myself when applying. Even after this, I never gave up my goal to involve myself with such a faction. I still have this commitment that I want to further involve myself within the community and make myself known for being a good overall person in the community. Besides just working with great people in the KPD faction like I have said before and the amazing staff team that is involved with it, I would love to build myself around the faction and figure out ways we can all improve the SRP community in and out of roleplay, the KPD faction as a whole and complete all of that while working as one whole team.

Ever since starting my journey on SRP I have been involved with crimerp and the black market and have been intrigued by the opposite side of things. This passion to want to explore the other party that was involved with the faction I was apart of for so long has pushed me to apply and be apart of the KPD. Giving myself new chances to grow as a player and person and player.

Finally, I know as of recently the KPD faction has changed in many ways yet kept the same core principals and I have embraced these changes and principals and would love to involve myself in creating these new changes while being a part of something bigger but I would love to have a role and say in the changes coming into the KPD faction and involve them with such amazing lore and story that I have enjoyed hearing about ever since my first few days of SRP. Personally, a faction and lore that I care deeply for and would love to see prosper and succeed. The whole reason I ever continued playing SRP was because of the roleplay this faction and many others have offered me and it would be such an accomplishment to me, to become apart of such a faction myself that has helped me play for so long on the server and has kept me interested all this time.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Currently I have no first hand experience/knowledge of police work but I will provide what I know to the best of my ability

[Main Division]
Starting off with something generally basic and commonly understood around the community, is the ranks of the KPD. When you're first recruited into the faction you begin as a cadet. A cadet is easily put the rookie of the faction, you are beginning your journey as a officer and learning the basics of how to be an affective police officer. You will be put through various trainings and testing to prove your abilities, in hope that in time you pass your test and promote to a patrol officer. This moves into our next rank, the patrol officer. The patrol officer is your average KPD employee they have no special permissions or power, they are just cadets who passed their training and have a understanding of how to be a all around officer and effective while on the job. There is really nothing special about them in any shape or form. Then you have the Corporal rank, this rank is next up in line after patrol officer. These individuals have proven themselves useful and helpful as an officer and deserved a promotion to show it. Majority of the time they have a little more power then the average patrol officer and have a lot more experience then the patrol officers do. They can be helpful in teaching some of the newer cadets how things work so they can grasp and better understanding of what they should be doing.

Moving off of Corporal, we have Sergeants. Sergeants are some of the top employees, very active, involved and always know what to do and when to do it. They have worked their way up to a position and have earned the ability to head out on a patrol with little to any permission from a higher up. They are always reliable and there if needed. Now you have Lieutenant, the top of the top. These individuals have proven themselves as good hearted and well rounded officers who provide plenty of support to the faction and have helped the faction out in many ways. They help the higher ups discuss things. They help train new cadets and teach them the ways of the faction, generally they have the most experience and have been around for a while and have a great time doing it. Finally you Captain and Commissioner, Captain is one of the highest ranks a officer could dream to reach, they work directly with the commissioner, basically as a right hand man. They provide insight and help to the commissioner, providing ideas and suggestions where it’s needed. The Captain have the experience to prove they earned their rank and use their knowledge to help all officers within the faction. Then the Commissioner is the tip top of the ranking, the guy that oversees all of KPD operations, making sure everything is handled correctly. They command the force and make sure things go according to plan and make sure everyone has a clear understanding of what is going on while in the line of duty.

[Detective Division]
The detective division is basically a sub division of the main one, that officers with the corporal rank and up may test to receive. Majority of the time they have more power than an average patrol officer and usually have the same abilities of someone around the rank of corporal. They are used in large scale investigations, tracking down targets and figuring out a situation using important clues and patterns. Their ranks are not much different than the main but here they are in order.

Starting off you have detective constable, these are the cadets of detective. The passed the test required and met the requirements to become a detective but their training only truly starts now. After some time has passed and more training has been provided and the constable has proven themselves as a detective they may be promoted to a detective inspector. Think of this rank as the patrol officer of the division, see the pattern here? After spending some time as an inspector and providing help where is needed, earning quota, you may earn the promotion up to detective chief inspector. Such a rank is not easy to achieve as one must prove themselves to be active, helpful, and reliable to the faction and division. Finally you have the detective superintendent, the tip top of the division, this is basically the captain or commissioner of this division. They don’t have the power of a commissioner and more relate towards the captain when it comes to power and abilities. They have great knowledge of their line of work and can be super helpful when training new detectives that have decided to join their ranks.

From what I see there is a variety of things the KPD do. From the basics of running around patrolling a general area to making arrest and stopping criminals from committing some form of crime within the city, officers can take reports on individuals and have a investigation on the matter to find out if the report they received is indeed a truthful statement. And if so using the evidence provided and gaining a warrant if needed, heading out to track down and make an arrest on the individual that was mentioned in said report. But KPD is not all about making arrest, your duties also involve helping people where it is needed. From helping someone who was attacked by a bear to standing guard at a government speech. There are so many different things an officer can do to provide help within the community and maintain the safety of others around the city. These various duties and actions can earn you quota which will earn you your paycheck for that month and prove you are indeed active within the faction.

[Basic procedures]
Pat downs: Usually done when an individual sets off a medal detector, wearing a mask in public, caught in power plant, or caught acting strange or suspicious in certain areas. Usually during this an officer will make said individual walk towards a wall and face it. This can change when patrolling alone or with another officer. But usually when patrolling alone, you will make them face the wall then swap positions with said individual so the wall is at your back. You will then action the pat down and search the individual. If something is found that requires you to spray then you will do so, checking for any blood or dents while looking over the item. Also depending on the item you will ask the individual for identification so you can find out if the person is allowed to have such item or if they deserve and fine and so on. If it is something illegal you will remove the items and place them under arrest by action and roll if they decide to resist.

Raids: A raid is pretty simple to be completely honest with you. A officer will provide sufficient evidence and reason for the raid and send out a warrant to the government faction. If accepted, they have the ability to go raid said apartment listed on the warrant. During a raid officers will usually wear riot gear and have shields and tasers as protection. In some extreme cases tranq guns will be brought along as well. A crowbar is also brought and used to break down the door and allow access to the building to the officers. Majority of the time, during a raid officers will look around the place looking for any illegal items while looking for the individual they could be looking for. If such items are found then it can be used against the criminal as more reason to the arrest or evidence if the criminal decides to fight the arrest in court.

City Emergency levels: Used as a way to measure/determine the safety of the city for officers at any point of time depending on what could be occurring. It’s pretty basic to understand as it starts at one, meaning that it is completely safe for officers where a five means that it is not safe what so ever for officers. Usually these can determine patrols for officers as if the number is low then officers can patrol alone if allowed by a higher up if needed. But if the number is like a 4 to 5 they will need other officers as assistance during the patrol. This is all to maintain the safety of every officer within the faction.

There is quite a large variety of equipment used within the faction so lets get started. To kick things off we have the standard handcuffs, I mean we should all know how they work and what they are but in the case that you don't here you go. Handcuffs are a piece of steel used to restrain a individuals hands. All officers have access to them and they can not be stolen. A role and action is required if the target decides to resist, and they only have a one block range. Next up, you have the police radio. A waterproof communication device that's used by emergency units, they can not be used offensively and may only be destroyed by a blunt or sharp weapon. And just like handcuffs it can not be stolen. Then you have the good old stun blaster, a stun device used by the KPD to prevent a individual from moving/running. All officers have access to this piece of equipment and has a 8 block range. They can't be stolen and if hit by said stun gun, you are stunned for 60 seconds. Moving from the stun blaster, you have the tranquilizer. A device used by officers to neutralize/stop threats. They are accessible to police sergeants and detective inspectors and can not be stolen once again. They have a range of 30 blocks and requires an action and a roll to reload if in range, also an action and a successful roll is needed to be taken out in range. Then you have some additional equipment like the riot shield which is used by all officers as a protection during large scale events or operations. Then you have things like, gas mask, crowbar, breathalyzer, pepper spray, police baton, first-aid kit, body camera and luminol spray. The body camera is used for the safety and evidence gathering while the luminal spray is used to identify blood on surfaces.

[Whats expected of officers in KPD]
One’s behavior is very very important when being apart of the faction. This is known even when applying as it is made clear that one’s reputation can decide the outcome of their application. So being a well rounded individual who can maintain patience and behavior is important when joining the faction.

How you should act: Whether you are on duty or not you should always be on your best behavior because even if you aren’t on duty, you are still representing the faction as a whole. When in roleplay your action should not strain away from SeriousRP, and should remain clear and straight to the point. You don’t wish to be portrayed a troll and you should not want your faction to be portrayed such a way either. If a situation occurs oocly and is starting to become stressful and an issue, do not instigate the issue, arguing with the other party. Instead keep your cool and maintain the roleplay as much as you possibly can. If not then please resort contacting staff so that the situation can be handled properly and professionally. Remember you arguing with the other individual does not make you look good and can lead to you getting in trouble as well. Moving on from the way you should act, we have activity.

Activity: I talked about it a little earlier in the application when speaking on quota. But you are expected to be active as much as possible and if you are unable to then contact a higher up and summit a inactivity log so that people know why you have not been active as of that time. You want to try and reach your quota as much as possible so you can prove activity and earn a promotion in the future.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
How are the police important to SRP? Where should I even begin honestly? Like of course there is that basic answer “yeah the server is named SchoolRP, but there is still a variety of roleplay and opportunities outside the school that require the police.” But is it even wrong? The police are involved with so many different things within the server whether they’re involved with the crime faction, stopping criminal activity, to stopping the black market and gangs from causing major trouble all the way to, providing assistance to the EMS and being involved with them as well. I mean after all they work hand and hand together so it’s important KPD works with EMS. They provide the rush and want to hide any criminal activity you may be doing as well as stopping said crime keeping it limited and off the streets as much as possible. They guard the government during speeches and overall provide an roleplay experience one could only dream to experience.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I am online, I am needed to attend or I will be punished


What's your character's full name?:
A wrinkled piece of paper would be slammed onto the desk. The name is Charlie Yu

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
I am currently 25 years of age

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
My gender is male and my pronouns are he/him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Charlie would take a bit before pulling out a few papers sliding them across the table.
I have completed medical school that earned me my degree in medicine. A bachelor degree in biology, masters in education, and a PhD psychology.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Currently I only know how to speak Japanese

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Describe how I look? What do you want me to say? I would like to think I look pretty average in this town. Black curly hair with pale skin.. Two of the main things I guess helps set me apart from others is my tattoo and my height. I’m 5’0 foot tall.. Yeah I know not the tallest but don’t go and complain to me about it, go complain to my parents about giving me the genetics. I generally try to smell good so I wear this cinnamon spray that smells pretty nice in my opinion. I usually wear whatever that I find comfortable or whatever I feel like putting on at that time.

Then, what makes me unique? Let’s be honest it seems no one in this town is unique what so ever. But if I would have to give an answer then I would probably say how straightforward I am with people. I am not one to play games or beat around the bush as they say. I get things done and try to get the point across then and there and as clear as possible. Yeah, Yeah, I know that sometimes people take it as rude or mean but sometimes the truth hurts. Despite it coming off as being rude its simply due to the fact how much I care about almost each and every citizen within this town. No one should be left out of details and worried when their life or mental health is on the line. So I take great pride in helping others and being compassionate and there for them as much as I possibly can be. While I am at it, I might as well add how hard of a worker I am. I don't believe in days off or taking the easy road, I think that good work comes from hard work. The more difficult the work and journey the better the outcome and end of the road will be. Taking shortcuts is never an option and this can be very very important in such a field as EMS. Cause one short cut can determine life or death of a patient or lead to other issues or complications that you missed simply because you wanted to save time or make it easier for yourself. Why make it easier for yourself now when you are able to make a lifetime much easier for that patient.
Photos would slide across the table


How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Assuming you want to know how I am on duty compared to off duty.
On duty: While on duty I am very professional and avoid causing any sort of scene or problems while I am at work. Got to always remember that you're the face of the KPD and you would not like your place of work to look terrible simply because you decided to act up. So I try my all out best to remain on my best behavior and be as professional as possible regardless of the situation I might be dealing with, as you never may know what could be going on with individuals. Yes I am very professional, however I am quite laid back and not quick to anger or get upset. I have great deal of patience and prefer to talk to someone or see how they are. I considering myself compassionate and very kind which can be very important when you're portraying how the police force should be acting while they're on the job. If I become close enough to a co worker then maybe I would become more casual but that is very unlikely as I don't want to seem unprofessional or a bad look for the KPD.

Off duty? That’s a pretty good question, I mean personally I am not one to take off from work when I am able to cause I’m trying to earn a paycheck and be helpful after all. But usually off duty I act around the same as I do while on duty. I suppose I would be more laid back and not as professional when addressing someone. I’m not the party type too much so not like I would go out and party so I would most likely just stand around with a few friends or talk with some individuals at the plaza. I try to avoid trouble or drama mainly cause I am not the type to want to deal with such issues as they seem very childish. Basically off duty I am a very calm individual who knows how to mind their business. (Unlike some people in the city) I avoid trouble as much as possible and will always be a good individual, representing the police force in great fashion while out on the streets. Plus usually I am spending time with my girlfriend? I think she is at least.. once again its a complicated subject between me and her. Me spending time with her always keeps me busy and out of any sort of trouble I could run into.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Honestly it doesn’t matter to me what so ever. I can work perfectly with a group or by myself. Working in the school faculty helped me learn to handle situations alone and make plans myself without others help. However it has helped me work with fellow employees to create a lesson plan or event for the students and create an environment everyone will enjoy. So like I said earlier, I have no problem working with a team/with others at any point and time and would happily work with the group if needed. Sometimes you can learn a thing or two from people you first meet so it could always be helpful.

I already know the kind of career path I am getting myself involved in, however I am not much of a talker so if I do work with others I tend not to speak often and let the others within said group discuss and speak at their own free will without room to interrupt them. Unless I am needed to speak then I will but when I do open my mouth to speak I don’t waste peoples time and make it quick a brief so they can understand and be on their way or so the conversation can continue forward. I do think I work best alone. I believe it helps avoid any sort of distractions to occur, allowing me to complete my work without the need to stop what I am doing to help another individual or get side track from what I am doing. Basically, less disruptions mean more work will be done and at a quicker pace.

What's your character's backstory?
A backstory? Gosh where should I even begin? I’ll keep it short so we are not here forever. I was born in M’Bato which is located in Africa. My mom worked as a medical professional back in my home country while my dad worked with finance. My original passion was not the police force whatsoever. I always wanted to work in the medical field just like my mother if I am going to be honest, so I was always trying to get myself involved in the hospital and such fields so I can gain a first hand experience, schooling there wasn’t terrible or at least I believed so at first but my parents believed strongly that the education in such a country was truly poor and not provided well in no way shape or form. So around I would like to say 15 to 16 my parents moved us to this city in hopes to help me gain a better education. I was not happy and generally sadden leaving behind all the memories and friendships I have built while I lived there, but it was best I continued forward in life and not let these feelings hold me back. So I went through my entire highschool life with flying colors not having trouble whatsoever with learning new things and adapting to situations. Once I graduated I was stuck in a pretty rough situation as I was not earning money to supply myself with medical school. So I decided to take a different approach, I went through college studying education and biology so I could become a teacher and begin earning a decent wage. Eventually I did accomplish my goal, I completed both degrees and taking role in the school and becoming a physical education teacher. I worked there I would like to say a few months or so building up enough money to head into medical school. While in medical school I grew the urge and wanted to study the mind of someone so I took psychology as another class while still continuing medical school. After a few years and hard work I completed medical school and earned my PhD in psychology. However after completing my education I did not quit my job straight away, I waited for a spot in the hospital to open up. I wanted to be a psychiatrist but sadly I fell short in applicants and did not earn my way into the faction. I gave it quite the thought and decided that I would not like my talents and want to help individuals go to waste so I dropped my job as a teacher as soon as I saw the police were looking for new cadets. My journey has not been what I have wished for but I shall take the path I am given and I will not taken for granted and make an attempt at becoming an officer and making an impact in this city in some way. I believe my want and desire to help people and join any sort of faction of the sorts will truly make my mother and father proud and prove their efforts did not go to waste what so ever. That desire to make them proud and be helpful has made me passionate in wanting to become an officer and become apart of such an amazing force as the KPD.
[This backstory is still an work in progress and will be expanded on in the future]


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No you can not legally own a pocket knife or any blade for that matter regardless of the circumstances in the city of Karakura.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I mean personally as soon as I notice it I am quickly turning on my body camera without any hesitation for my safety and gather any evidence possible. After doing so I will approach the two and demand for the co worker to separate from the inmate immediately if they continue doing so or disregard my comment I will step in and physically separate the two individuals. Once separated I will try and get the inmate into a cell for their safety, while I radio for some help with the situation. After getting help in separate the two completely and removing the officer from the situation, I would return to the inmate so I can check on them and look for any injuries and contact EMS if needed. After doing all of that, I will take the evidence I gathered on my body camera and present it to a higher up without a second thought and allow them to decide the outcome for the officer.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
I mean the procedure does not change much from the question above. I make sure the body cam is recording before anything and then begin to make my moves. I would very likely radio for backup and call out the number of individuals before swiftly running in to help my fellow officer. Making sure I have my stun gun out I would yell at them to clear from the officer immediately and face the wall. If they refuse and attempt to attack me or continue attack said officer I will shoot the stun blaster at the target intended. Depending on the number of individuals can change how I use my stun blaster and my position but the goal is by time for backup to arrive while trying to save my fellow officer and limit the intensity of the attack. After the situation is handled and the target or targets are taken down, cuffs will be placed on the individual wrist, sending them off to the station and into cells. Finally after placing the cuffs on the attackers, I would quickly check on the fellow officer, making sure they don’t have any injuries that require medical attention. And if they do require medical attention I will radio for EMS or run the officer over to the hospital myself if needed.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I am starting to sound like a broken record now. Once again I will make sure I have my body camera recording, capturing any evidence needed. I would not stop them rather allow them to do so, due to the fact that if I alert them to me catching on they will change their ways or try to make it seem they aren’t doing anything. Depending on the situation will vary how much evidence I decide to gather before I eventually present my found evidence to my higher ups. The main goal is to provide a clear and fair assessment to the claim and show the higher up the actions their fellow officers have committed. Once the evidence is passed I will allow the higher ups decide what needs to happen next. If they need me to go make an arrest then I will. If they would rather not me make a commotion about it and rather allow the higher ups handle it themselves then I shall let them do as such and respect their authority.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Honestly I would find it funny that someone would ever be bold enough to try such a thing. But if they do I will always make sure the body cam is going, so I am able to gather as much evidence as possible while retaining my safety. Once I see it’s all good to go then I will quickly decline said offer and make it known that bribing an officer is a crime. Depending if they’re already under arrest or not, I would add attempted bribery to their charges and make sure the evidence is saved if needed in court. If the individual is not already under arrest then I will fine them for attempting to bribe an officer. Once the fine is paid I would allow them to move on about their day and return myself to the station or continue my planned patrol.

Thank you for taking time to read through my application!! Much love to you all <3
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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