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Accepted soratheonly Teacher Application


Level 57
Community Team
Event Team
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
[Applying] soratheonly
[Alt] sorathelobo
[Alt] soratheone

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your time zone?:
CST | Central Daylight Time

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I've been well aware of this since my first time applying and will continue to acknowledge this!

Describe your activity on the server:
Currently, I’m in two factions, one being the college sports faction and the other being KPD! These help bring out how active I am as I try to log on everyday. To rate, my activity would likely be a 8.9/10 as some days I choose not to get on in order to just get my mind off things, rest, give myself a break, play other games, hang out with friends, and more! I do my best to be active and will actively host good if not the best classes. Since it’s currently the summer, I have almost 24/7 availability. However, when school time comes, I will provide a frequent schedule!

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

Applications are in order from oldest to newest.
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What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Event] O+ soratheonly | Highschool (planned to have Adult tag moved to this account)
O+ sorathelobo | Police, highschool
N+ soratheone | College M swim, highschool


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Performing Arts, the big P.A.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
This time around, I’m extremely motivated to teach again. I also really love being in the teacher faction, especially with how unique it is. I know everything about the faction and was commonly looked for to answer people’s questions! At one point I was the head of the head of departments, kind of like a clinical manager. Alongside this, I really miss the teacher faction, and now with my time freed up, I can apply much more time to the role of teacher. With a flashback to my teaching prime, I had realized I wanted to be a part of the faction that was my beginning in SRP again. Many don’t realize, but being a teacher in SRP can really help grow character. Dealing with individuals, showing maturity, building confidence, understanding rules, memorization, creativity, and more all have pathed my way to become a better person and that is why I wish to return to the wonderful faction of teachers.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
I understand this very well.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand this. Despite having watched the teacher training slideshow multiple times, I’m excited to see it again.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are placed in a channel after every class is performed by a teacher. These logs show how long a teacher’s class was along with how many classes the teacher has performed to help the teacher lead observe for promotions, salary, and even demotion. Without these logs, the lead wouldn’t know how many classes a teacher has taught that month and cannot undergo promotions, giving out salaries, and demotion.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Rules are common in a classroom. However, there are few rules that are to be put on the students at all times.

1. No swearing
Your peers don’t want to be subject to your foul language. This is a classroom and a school, be appropriate.

2. No phones
We’re all here to be with one another, if you aren’t paying attention, then why are you here?

3. No masks
There is no need for masks, if you wish to be a criminal don’t do it in my classroom. You may wear your mask outside of school, you can handle not having it for a few hours.

4. Respect, at all times
Respect your peers, teachers, employees, and yourself. Be appropriate at all times and think of others, you aren’t the main character.

Students will be warned three times if they are to break a school rule, the third will be a warning of detention and if they are unable to contain themselves from breaking these rules, they will be issued a detention slip.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have a lot of roleplay experience! Before SRP, I had roleplayed on discord, roblox, minecraft, and technically just played with dolls or toys by myself to make up stories when I was younger. However, directly to SRP, I’ve been roleplaying for over a year now and have been in multiple factions including sports faction, KPD, EMS, club leader, and teacher. All of these experiences have grown me as a roleplayer and even a writer. To put it short, I’ve been roleplaying for a long time.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: These individuals have shown that they’re able to handle main situations and those in the department that they’re the head of will go to this individual for help if needed. An HD is there to help the teacher lead from getting too stressed as well, just a general helper that knows their way of being a teacher.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A qualified teacher has shown they know what they’re doing and are on their path of being a HD. They work hard and likely won’t need reminders on how to do something, meaning they’re the second choice if anyone has questions and an HD is not available.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: These teachers have successfully done a month of quota and have shown they’re getting to know their way around the teacher faction!

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: Newly admitted teachers that are still knowing the ropes, likely in their first month of being a teacher!

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers have a salary of 400,000 yen (10 quota) to 500,000 yen (25 quota), however, if you’re a higher rank such as QT you only need to get 20 quota to receive the salary of 500,000 yen. Teachers must reach a minimum of 10 quota a month, failure to do so will earn them an inactivity strike (unless an inactivity log is made). A HD teacher may also accept a teacher to do a field-trip to earn double the quota per class (eg. 1 class turning into 2). Teachers should plan out their classes and not just have lecturing classes, involving roleplay with the students and making sure that everyone is included! Dealing with students, handling detention, hosting classes, answering questions, helping manage the school, and more is a duty of an in-game teacher! In their spare time, teachers may roam the school and observe students, ensuring there is no rule-breaking going on.

Teachers often need to plan out their classes, hosting every day in a school year for multiple periods. Despite their tremendous work, teachers aren’t commonly paid a good salary. Teachers are the main people who notify higher beings of a student's profile, doings, wrongs, rights, and more. They’re the dependent part of a school!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
It’s called “School”RP for a reason! Without teachers, the server would likely crumble as then there would be nobody to teach students for the exams, there would be no progress, what would even be the reason for having the school and the school system if there were to be no teachers to make it an actual school? Truly, any place can become a school if you give it a teacher. School is about learning, you cannot learn without the opportunity of learning given to you by a teacher or multiple teachers.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
“Must have, Should have, Can’t have, Won’t have”

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

To start, Tomomi has dark brown hair and a stunning complexion. She normally wears a small, simple smile and always shows her positive and polite behavior. Sometimes, Tomomi might seem.. Off. This is due to her hiding ████████. Moving on. Tomomi Hino, a remarkable woman from a family developed in Karakura, does her best to be her best, or also stated as “the perfect daughter.” She can never get rid of her one imperfection, so she hides it. Tomomi has a birthmark on her left hand that goes just above her wrist, it looks similar to a burn, however it’s clearly the darkened skin due to a birthmark. To truly find how unique and different she is, you should meet her.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Tomomi will treat all students with respect or what attitude, mood, words, whatever they have earned for themselves. Hino will always act appropriately, but will never give in to someone. These individuals are responsible for their actions.

The same for students goes towards her co-workers, however, Tomomi has a higher expectation for these individuals as they are fully grown adults and should act equivalently.

What are their plans for the future?
“My plans for the future are to gain enough to live.. Perhaps I’ll become someone bigger than I expect to be, but first I need to start. I look forward to finding my other half with the oncoming years and to find the rest of my family and bring it back together. We’re all far too apart. I hope we become great again.”

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
“I’d remind them that they are not to be cursing and swearing inside school grounds and can do so outside of school. If they ignore that, I’ll warn them to stop swearing.. If they are to ignore that warning once again, I’ll notify them that if they fail to stop their inappropriate use of words on the school grounds, they’ll be subject to a detention. Of course, if they fail to listen, they will be given detention.”

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
“I’m an actor, but I’m also young. I’d likely take out my phone and start playing that.. Skibidi toilet song to get their attention. Once I have it, I’d place everyone in the middle, each person on the sides of the desks so they’re facing each other and having them engage in active conversation with the individual opposite of them. That’ll get them to pay attention and interact with their peers. Of course, I have other methods, but this is one of them.”

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Normally, Tomomi won’t enter the teacher’s lounge unless during introductions, introducing new people when she becomes an older teacher, grabbing items, putting items away, grabbing a coffee, or more. However, when she does encounter someone, she will act the same as she always does. Hino will speak appropriately and only when spoken to or if she’s making a point. There will always be pride in her speech and actions.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

e let the door pop closed as the last student entered the classroom, a smile warming onto her expression as she greeted the students, introducing herself. “Hello students, I will be your new P.A. teacher, Ms. Hino.” With a slight pause, the female gave a laugh. “Some of you might know my brother if you visit the hospital, he’s a newly appointed psychiatrist.” Of course, she didn’t state it, but with the slight quirk of a shine in her eye, you could tell she was thinking that some of these students would know him due to needing a psychiatrist… Don’t worry, she needs one too. Her arm extended out to the students, giving a strong bow. “I hope you enjoy this class and future classes of mine.”

/me plucked the phone from the student’s hand, flexing her thumb to turn the screen to black.. Obviously, it had just been turned off. “Let’s not use our phones during class, okay?” A smile creeped on her face, placing the phone back into the hands of the individual. “Others are paying attention, so you can too! Otherwise, if I see that phone again I’m going to ask you to come on stage and give the best dance to an appropriate song that you can possibly give.” Tomomi’s hands wrapped around each other across her chest, “You don’t want to do that though, do you? So turn it off and put it away.” Her lips curved into a small frown… It was oddly eerie. “You understand? Great!” With that, Hino took her spot back on the stage to continue the class.

/me tapped the tip of her shoe against the floorboards of the classroom, watching the ‘performance’ on stage with an unamused look. Hino gestured to the individuals performing, gaze showing how unamused she was as she spoke, “Are you taking my class as a joke?” Her brows furrowed a bit before gently going back to their smooth looks, a smile present on her expression despite the poison that had dripped from her former sentence. “Take your seats back, we can improve your… Work at a later date.” Her hands were brought up to her shirt, adjusting it ever so slightly before taking her spot back on the stage and giving a wave to the students. “Everyone’s attention now, let’s take a seat around the ‘campfire’ on stage and tell an improv, popcorn story.”

/me felt her eyes close in exhaustion, hand reaching to brush through her hair before Tomomi stood up and splayed her hands across the table, “What a performance, let’s all give a round of.. Applause.” Hino’s expression showed her curiosity as she observed the students. That performance was surely something..! Tomomi opened the gate, letting the students who were on the stage spill back into their seats as she took her spot on the stage. “Well then, continuing on, who would like to perform tell me their favorite musical?” The teacher’s gaze racked over each and every student before tipping her head towards one in the corner as she dragged the hand from her thigh to her chin, “Why don’t you tell me your favorite musical, along with your favorite song from it?” Tomomi gave a quick smile before grabbing a hat from the corner, pulling a big pile of papers from it before sending it flying back with a quick flick of her wrist, “I bet it’s a song from this list!”

Tomomi Hino, a leader in the Hino family for her diligence, charisma, pride, bravery, ‘perfection’, how polite she is, and more, was born 1999 on June 9th. For a while, Tomomi and her brother lived in Ishigaki, Japan. A generation back, the family moved away from the source of cruelty, Karakura, Japan. The reminder of the history of sadness █████. Generations back, only one boy was left to carry on the Hino family. That he did. The boy made his own family, carrying on the remembrance of his █████ that were to be lost forever. This boy grew into a man and ensured that the family didn’t die out, instead growing it to become stronger. Tomomi watched as the seasons changed, studying alone, only once a day did she lean against her brother and cry, cry for an hour and hold him like a log. The two had the best parents, but there was always at least one downside to a Hino family member to deprive them from their perfection. Tomomi’s was her ██████████.. Her older brother kept her in one piece like a wooden beam holding up a structure. Eventually, her dependency became independent and the female went off to university in order to pursue her teaching dreams. Whilst away, her brother’s wife passed. Of course, this brought Tomomi back to him, letting him and his children grow their structures on her like she was turned into a wooden beam. Now, Tomomi helps lead the family and its new generations throughout Karakura, their history long forgotten will now be etched into the island around them. With how she is such an outgoing individual, people rarely knew anything about her. Who was going to be the person to know her favorite flowers if she has never stated anything of the sorts? Tomomi finds herself in the forest, feeling as though when she was a child she had loved it way back then. Although, what she found weird was the fact that she had never explored the forest, she was always scared of the darkness. Hino takes a step in a new direction, helping her brother with the bills as she applies to the Karakura High in order to become a teacher. Her story continues on a blank page.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Tomomi Hino
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Tomomi or Ms. Hino

Age (Minimum is 25):
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

For four years, Tomomi went to university to learn how to properly expand this category of teaching, during those four years, age 19-23, Hino was a student teacher, learning the ways of properly being a teacher. Continuing, Tomomi got a real job for a year at a highschool before moving to Karakura and applying to become a teacher at Karakura High.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree - Performing Arts
Year of Graduation:
Performing arts, forensic anthropology
Native Languages:
Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

Additional notes about your application: N/A
Do you have any questions?: N/A


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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