What is your Minecraft username?:
cigss [MAIN]
ciqss [ALT] ← This account for Shopkeeper
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity varies depending on my IRL schedule as I am still a student in college.
On weekdays, I study most of the time, however, during the evening at around 8-9PM, I find myself making time for SRP related things, such as tailoring, GangRP or EMS(ing?)
During the weekend or on school breaks, I tend to log on A LOT as I find SRP to be a very relaxing hobby, to be surrounded by my friends and an accepting community, it gets addicting.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
In 2018 (i think) for ERP for 30 days, because there was an ICly party and people were ERPing and I stood there and got banned, but did not appeal as I was not bright enough to know how to.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, which encourages me to stay active.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cigss-surgeon-application.62062/ Surgeon App: ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cigss-spanish-lang-app-3.59869/ Spanish Lang App: ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/cigss-strays-shop-application.59711/ Strays Shop App: DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/korean-app.13659/ Korean Lang App: DENIED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/vietnamese-app.13730/ Vietnamese Lang App: ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/korean-lang-app.14197/ Korean Lang App: ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/french-lang-app.25797/ French Lang App: ACCEPTED
https://schoolrp.net/threads/malagasy-lang-app.26543/ Malagasy Lang App: ACCEPTED
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[Grade-12] cigss / [Surgeon] cigss [MAIN]
[Grade-9] ciqss [ALT]

What shop are you applying for?:
I will be applying for the restaurant Strays.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?
I am a part of the hospital faction which allows me to log on and grow relationships with new people. People I have never thought I'd speak with before, are now people I message daily, which really draws me closer to my role within the hospital faction, which is the same reason why I wish to re-apply to the town faction as I believe I can make so many more healthy relationships with people and grow as a person and learn new things.
People who have known me for less than a month would say that I have a knack for being bossy or perfectionist, which I believe would be a perfect trait to becoming a good Shopkeeper. Although I tend to shy away from roles which require large responsibility, I know that with my creativity and flexible mind, I won't disappoint people and would go out of my way to improve on what I am already good at.
My organisational skills will help me heavily with planning out everything for Chajib, from the layouts of the store to workers and their roles. I'd complete these tasks with ease, and knowing that my organisation skills are helpful and more importantly, I'd love to take advantage of them during my time as a shopkeeper. My common sense and rational thinking takes place when making decisions as I rarely think with my heart, which helps for my long term decisions and minimises conflicts.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
It was clear through a thorough look of the town's Discord server that there weren't any 'high-end' shops in the area. Following this, I'm eager to suggest the opening of a restaurant designed to appeal to both sophisticated customers and those with a curiosity in Korean culture. Importantly, Karakura has a very large Korean community, so introducing such a place might be important for allowing old traditions from both Korea and Japan.
This possible restaurant would be based on the lore and background of my character, with a focus on Korea. The cafe would hold a range of activities in addition to its cultural focus, such as an authentic Japanese Tea Ceremony experience. I am including components similar to a Zen garden to guarantee an even atmosphere that is in line with the chosen theme. Imagine the interior layout of the cafe including different plants and trees like cherry blossoms.
By using this unique approach, this suggested restaurant could function as a safe space for the spread of religious respect and acceptance right in the heart of Karakura. This location has the ability to serve as an informative crossroads, promoting meaningful relationships and debates focusing on numerous faiths and beliefs. This would be a welcoming environment where everyone is respected for who they are and what they want to be.
With my character Hyun-Joo Minori, being born and raised with a very privileged lifestyle, it would make sense for her to want to continue her comfortable life, by expanding it towards her business and source of income. Her being able to live a luxurious lifestyle enabled her to do the same for her son Zen Minori, whom she received inspiration from for including a Zen Garden within her establishment.
What will you sell in your shop?:
Due to the idea of a ‘high-end’ restaurant, I would sell full 3 course meals with alcoholic beverages and more importantly a very wide range of different Chinese teas!
These drinks will be classic and traditionally served teas with the excuse of allowing fruit teas to accompany everyone's different taste. The teas will be served and poured with a teapot, using DetailRP instead of just handing it to them.
/me placed the dishes gently onto their placemats before pouring the customers' choice of tea into their cups with one hand on the handle and the other resting gently by their uniform with a gentle smile upon their face. They’d bow before walking off.
ROASTED OOLONG TEA - 우롱 차 | - An oxidised tea, produced in China's Fujian and Guangdong Provinces poured and steeped with care. |
ORIGINAL BLACK TEA - 홍차 | - A strong, very oxidised tea, a perfect palette cleanser |
CHINESE GREEN TEA - 녹차 | - Originated in East Asia, a smooth and earthy taste to accompany your |
PU’ER TEA - 푸얼차 | - A fermented tea, using the same leaves from black, green and oolong, produced in south-west China. |
JASMINE TEA - 자스민 차 | - An aromatic tea, scented with Jasmine blossoms, resulting in a subtly sweet and highly fragrant blend. |
WHITE TEA - 백차 | - One of the most delicate tea varieties, featuring minimally processed leaves |
CHRYSANTHEMUM TEA - 국화차 | - A flower-based infusion tea, a perfect bitter caffeine substitute. |
STRAWBERRY LEMONADE TEA - 딸기 레몬 | - Crushed hand-picked strawberries with a squeeze of a lemon blended with fresh green tea, served with a scoop of ice |
PASSION FRUIT TEA - 패션 프루트 | - Blended passion fruit juice, sieved and added to a fresh mix of green tea, served with ice |
LEMON BLACK TEA - 레몬 홍차 | - A fresh mix of cold black tea, with cold lemon juices incorporated in, served with ice |
MANGO GREEN TEA - 망고 녹차 | - Ripe and sweet mango, cut and blended, mixed with our fresh green tea shipped from East Asia, served with ice |
LYCHEE BLACK TEA - 리치 홍차 | - Sweet and tangy lychee, blended and mixed with our smooth black tea, served with ice. |
MELLOW DRAMA | - A sweet ****tail, served with sprite, soju and raspberry juice, garnished with a mint. |
MARTINI | - A classic vodka martini, served with olives, perfect for a relaxing time. |
MOJITO | - White rum, lime juice and syrup shaken with mint leaves, an all time classic |
MANHATTEN | - A whiskey ****tail, served with a cherry, a very classy lady classic. |
GUINNESS BEER | - A classic and loved beer, served straight from the tap with the perfect amount of foam at the top. |
RED WINE | - The romantic wine giving a velvety and fruity flavour to your palette, perfect with a steak. |
WHITE WINE | - A pale wine, giving a dry, sweet and refreshing flavour to your tastebuds. |
The meals and dishes sold will range from Japanese to Chinese to Korean food to accompany every customer's taste buds.
JAJANGMYEON - 짜장면 | - A savoury and midly sweet sauce, poured over handmade noodles offering a chewy texture, garnished with thinly sliced cucumbers |
BEEF BIBIMBAP - 소고기 비빔밥 | - A rice dish, served with sautéed vegetables, marinated beef and a sunny side up egg, displayed separately and mixed by your waitstaff with swift skill. |
SUSHI BOAT - 스시 보트 | - A varied range of different sashimi, served on a cold stone plate with white radish, ginger, perilla leaves and a scoop of pure wasabi |
SPICY COLD NOODLES - 비빔냉면 | - Buckwheat noodles, served in a cold and spicy broth, topped with thinly sliced cucumbers and pears, as well as a boiled egg, plated on a cold stone bowl to preserve the temperature. |
JAPCHAE - 잡채 | - Glass noodles, stir-fried in a salty yet light sauce, served with sautéed vegetables and marinated beef in a large hot stone plate. |
CHARSIU - 구운 돼지고기 | - A cantonese roasted pork, giving a salty and sweet taste with its soft and tender meat. |
CHOWMEIN - 볶음면 | - Stir-fried noodles coated in a light sauce, mixed with a variety of vegetables and chicken. |
RIBEYE STEAK - 립아이 스테이크 | - Cooked to your liking, the ribeye steak is a tender and soft meat, picked thoroughly and served with a cold garlic butter. |
Shop name?
I will be changing the shop name to Chajib, which means Tea House in Korean (not accurately)
Exterior + Interior?
I will have plants and nature be near almost every inch of the restaurant to allow for a relaxing atmosphere to wash over customers as soon as they enter.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
2 Managers:
Simply there to help the shopkeeper and to carry some responsibility with running the shop, will preferably be older than 20 ICly to keep maturity. The managers will help the shopkeeper with anything they would need, basically a second opinion type. This role will not be given immediately as I would like to get to know the employees ICly for a long period of time to help build a relationship and a strong bond within the restaurant.
- Must be mature
- Must know how to handle situations seriously
- Must be level headed and have a clean rep
- No criminal record
- Must have previous experience in taking control of a group
(Could be from a previous job or a teamwork activity in school)
- Must be above 20 years of age
- Must be friendly/kind to co-workers
8 Waitstaff:
These highly trained employees will be taking orders from tables to bars and will address them with respect and formality. The applications for waitstaff will be taken either ICly or OOCly, however to start off, will be OOCly. I will be strict with choosing waitstaff to keep in tune with the sophistication.
- Must be mature
- Must have a clean rep
- No criminal record
- Must be friendly/kind to co-workers
3 Zen Monks:
3 of our thoroughly picked Zen Monks will be performing the tea ceremonies using DetailRP. They will also have their own designated spot within the ceremony area and will follow the steps as realistically as they can (with steps changed due to SRP rules :3)
- Must be mature
- Must have a clean rep
- No criminal record
- Must have past experience in Tea Ceremonies
- Must be friendly/kind to co-workers
3 Security Guards:
These employees will make sure the Tea Ceremony and entrance within the restaurant are undisturbed. They will also rarely wonder around the restaurant and make sure all of the tables are running smoothly
- Must be mature
- Must be level headed and have a clean rep
- Must know how to handle situations seriously
- No criminal record
- Must be strong and intimidating
- Must be fast
- Must be friendly/kind to co-workers
4 Trial Employees:
These trial employees can range from trial Zen Monks to Waitstaff, as moving between the two roles is possible after acceptance, with the permission of the shopkeeper.
They will be trained by either the shopkeeper or managers and after training, then they are allowed to serve as a Waitstaff or Zen Monk at least for 3 openings until they are able to become official.
- Must be mature
- Must have a clean rep
- No criminal record
- Must be friendly/kind to co-workers
- Must be willing to learn and ask questions
TOTAL: 20 Employees
How will the Cafe/Restaurant work?
Upon entering the restaurant, you will be met with an immediate fresh and cold breeze, as well as a very poised security guard welcoming and opening the gates for you to a large layout filled with a vast variety of nature and trees as well as expensive statues decor. Then a highly-trained waitstaff will bow and guide you to your table and simply take your order.
If your party is bigger than 5 and the group is mature, then you will be invited to experience a full Japanese tea ceremony in a private room, and receive your meal there as well.

- Performed only by Zen Monks
- They will DetailRP and go step by step according to their training
1) Invitations; they will be given in person by the Zen Monk as they choose tables with parties larger than 5. This invitation will be said through LOOC first to confirm if the people want to experience the tea ceremony. The Zen Monk's will pick and choose their own tables, but must be fair, which I do not doubt that they will be due to the strict application.
2) The Zen Monk must prepare their DetailRP beforehand but some help will be in Chajib's Discord.
3) Once the DetailRP is ready, a free waitstaff will collect the table through discord and bring them to the Zen Monk's designated spot.
4) They will cleanse their tools
5) They will then prepare the thick matcha tea in the tea bowl with a matcha whisk, then offer a sip to any guest.
6) A thin matcha will be prepped and served after.
7) The Zen Monk will then cleanse their tools one last time, then bow and allow the guests to order their meals
Those with parties less than 5 will experience the meal at a regular table, mimicking a utopia of nature. The option of the bar is always open and will be available to anyone inside the restaurant as they will sell beautifully presented ****tails and martinis as listed above.
Employee Uniform?
Waitstaff will wear simple Hanboks, coloured in a pale beige and red, whereas security guards will wear pale beige and black Hanboks or a pale beige, black and red outfit.
The green nature will be filled with pink cherry blossoms as well as a change in staff uniform. The food sold will match said event, for example, cherry blossom cookies, cherry blossom milk pudding, sakura mochi, blossom bomb and many more. We will be giving a free bouquet of cherry blossoms with every meal that costs more than ¥25,000.
The reason for this event is simple, it is gorgeous. It adds to the elegance and atmosphere of a high-end restaurant and allows for new items to be added to the menu.
An annual festival, held IRL and will be celebrated in winter, SRP time. The restaurant will be decorated with various lantern colours and will be dimly lit, also allowing more kimchi to enter the menu, for example, kimchi fried rice, kimchi jjigae and many more. The staff will wear much brighter colours and will be a little less formal for this event as kind of a relaxing event. Consumers are encouraged to dress in vibrant colours and watch the beautiful lanterns that are hung up.
[DM cigss if you have any questions about my ideas]
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