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Street Racing Overhaul: Cops v Racers [DETAILED]


Level 84
What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Street Racing Overhaul: Cops v Racers [DETAILED]

What's your suggestion?:
With the rising popularity in street racing, I think it’s time we address certain issues and offer suggestions to make Street Racing a little more… easier to do as an alternative to regular CrimeRP as well as, improving Racers-Cops Interactions.

Street Racing has been an ever growing sub-faction in the server, however after a while It’s obvious that the Laws and Rules are a bit… unfair on the activity. Now before the sub-faction becomes a much larger thing, I and many other Street Racing enjoyers on the server believe that It’s time to suggest a few changes to make Street Racing a little more interesting to deal with both from the Racers and Police perspective. Think of the game Need for Speed, where Racers and Police have their own ways of handling each other. Police will have an active measure of ending chases, with roadblocks, pit maneuvers, and Spike Strips. While Racers have their Passive measures to get away from the Police via Evasive driving, well-timed Accelerator, and hiding after breaking line of sight.

Here’s my proposed changes:
  • Law & Rules changes to cater to a better, more balanced, and fun interaction between cops and racers.

With how street racing is right now, and its ever-rising popularity, It would be unfair to just go all out on this sub-faction as it is a fundamentally a harmless sub-faction. (The VDM Rules back this up, completely not allowing death by vehicles.)

The idea behind the 50/50 Power change is to make KPD and Street Racers counter-acts each other in balance. For example: KPD should not be able to use Tasers on Racers that are currently in their vehicle as it will realistically risk making the racer lose control of their cars and become an even bigger threat to other people or properties, but since VDM rules does not allow harm towards Pedestrian with a Vehicle, Cops are to treat racers as non-Lethal Criminals.

And therefore Instead of Tasing them out of a vehicle, They are to employ active measures towards Street Racers, such as:
  • Roadblocks
  • Pit Maneuvers (only on cruisers)
  • Spikes Strips (visualized by a single lane blocking and are to be entirely avoided instead of rolled against.)
  • Active CCTV Tracking and Temporary Vehicle Search in an Area.

Changes that Affect Cops:

  • Members of the Karakura Police Department are not to arrest suspected racers because their cars are visible in the database without proper verification that the person that is driving is the original owner of the vehicle. (Controversial but it makes sense for balance.)

  • Races can only be identified if it happens within 2 chunks as opposed to regular crimes’s block radius, It will also still require a direct view of the Race’s start line.

  • Police are to only conduct roadblocks and pit maneuvers using Police Cruisers as opposed to Police Bikes.

  • Police are to only put a blockade on a single road instead of locking an entire place down as it would interfere with regular traffic/cause congestion.

  • Police are now to consider Street Racing as Appealable Felony.

  • Police cannot put a BOLO on Street Racer permanently as opposed to Regular Criminals, however will have a Gradually Lowering Levels of Priority instead of instantly.

  • Due to Japan’s Police Cruisers law, Police may not use Accelerators as it’s deemed illegal modification. (Added Proposal: Citizens can be fined if caught using accelerators by the Police.)

  • Cops cannot see through Helmets as their visors often are tinted to help against the sun shining at racers eyes. Their functionality should be at the very least, the same as a mask that only conceals identity. (Ask any one who races, we’re not using masks for racing, It’s ugly and also just further makes racing just a branch of GangRP instead of a sub-faction.)

Changes that affects Street Racers:

  • Street Racing are now considered as an Appealable Felony, meaning Racers upon getting arrested and released cannot be seen by cops driving a car for an X amount of days OOC-ly (Never above a month) and can be appealed by paying a fine and regaining their Driving License back so to speak.

  • Street Racers who decide to get violent with KPD in their cars will risk double felony and a doubled Appeal fine.

  • Depending on the severity or the amount of Repeat Acts of Street Racing, Racers can have their cars Impounded for X Days (never above 14 days). WRITER’S NOTE: This might not be EULA Compliant, but we can find other alternatives.

  • Racers cannot set up barricades to block KPD off from responding (except events).

  • Racers cannot have Counteractive acts towards KPD’s attempts at stopping them in a chase, and must rely on the passive methods that they have.

  • Racers can use Accelerators however, if caught using it by cops, means they’ll be charged with Illegal Modification and Public Endangerment, if arrested.

  • After getting away from a Police Chase, racers have to use the car they used in the Chase at least for an hour for the next 5 OOC Days, much like getting manhunted on a character.

  • Races can be detected if it started within sight of a Camera, But cannot be detected after the race started at a concealed place unless tracked by the cops.

Now this should hold the balance between cops and racers for a while, without interfering with other factions besides just these two. But maybe civilians too, but we can only see, of course this is just a proposition, but I hope the majority of the changes proposed are considered and implemented.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit the no longer ‘Niche’ community of Street Racing and will make it a more viable alternative to GangRP much like DelinquentRP, It even actually makes sense for the settings of Karakura, with how Delinquents in the 1990s Japan tend to either fight or be delinquents of the road with their parent’s bought 90s sports cars. And also it offers another alternative to GangRP that are both much less violent, and also less risky. Most of you like these sorts of things. (It does not even interfere with non-crime roleplayers.)

On top of that, addressing some issues with street racing that are currently present. It’s too easy to get caught as a street racer, much more than regular CrimeRP. It will make street racing a more inviting thing to get into, especially for characters that want to do crime without taking someone’s life. A little alternative to delinquency that can be done by young people and adults alike.

And also it makes the entire thing feels like a Cops and Robbers game, which is fun for both parties.


Level 34
Thanks for this suggestion, Hampter. I can always appreciate a well-written and well-meaning suggestion. I have a bunch of thoughts on it, though, so I'll comment as I go along.

The VDM Rules back this up, completely not allowing death by vehicles.
Well, technically, all manslaughter is against the rules until certain conditions are met -- permissions. Anyway, I do get where you're coming from, though, and I do think that now that vehicles are more widespread they should be capable of being used as a blunt weapon would. I know that's not your point, but I felt like bringing it up anyway since we're on the topic of VDM.

...that the person that is driving is the original owner of the vehicle. (Controversial but it makes sense for balance.)
I'm afraid I don't understand how this is "makes sense for balance". First, there is no ownership documentation nor license plates on SRP. I'm aware there was a plugin update in the works which would bind a car to the person who owns it (" the Developer team is working on making a plugin that will make vehicles bond to one's profile.") but I do not know whether or not this has been implemented yet. I don't think it has been implemented, as I've lost at least two cars since the latest vehicle update. Even disregarding this, being able to only accuse someone on the charge of Street Racing if the car was theirs is ridiculous, it would be like only being able to charge someone for murder if the katana was theirs. I don't agree with it.

Police are to only put a blockade on a single road
How would you define "a single road"? Karakura has a very grid-like layout.
Let me show you something.

Police are to only conduct roadblocks and pit maneuvers using Police Cruisers as opposed to Police Bikes.
Why not Police Cruisers AND bikes? This seems like an unnecessary restriction to me.

Cops cannot see through Helmets as their visors often are tinted to help against the sun shining at racers eyes. Their functionality should be at the very least, the same as a mask that only conceals identity.
This is interesting - I didn't know helmets didn't conceal your identity. A change I wholeheartedly agree with.

Racers cannot set up barricades to block KPD off from responding (except events).
What do you consider "events"? Isn't a race an event?

Racers can use Accelerators however, if caught using it by cops, means they’ll be charged with Illegal Modification and Public Endangerment, if arrested.
How would police officers find out that they have an accelerator, if they do not have a spedometer or access to the car's internal part listing?

That's all from me. Anything I didn't comment on I find reasonable. Most of this is just me asking questions and asking for elaboration, because it matters to me that things are crystal clear.


Level 84
Thread starter
Thanks for this suggestion, Hampter. I can always appreciate a well-written and well-meaning suggestion. I have a bunch of thoughts on it, though, so I'll comment as I go along.

Well, technically, all manslaughter is against the rules until certain conditions are met -- permissions. Anyway, I do get where you're coming from, though, and I do think that now that vehicles are more widespread they should be capable of being used as a blunt weapon would. I know that's not your point, but I felt like bringing it up anyway since we're on the topic of VDM.

I'm afraid I don't understand how this is "makes sense for balance". First, there is no ownership documentation nor license plates on SRP. I'm aware there was a plugin update in the works which would bind a car to the person who owns it (" the Developer team is working on making a plugin that will make vehicles bond to one's profile.") but I do not know whether or not this has been implemented yet. I don't think it has been implemented, as I've lost at least two cars since the latest vehicle update. Even disregarding this, being able to only accuse someone on the charge of Street Racing if the car was theirs is ridiculous, it would be like only being able to charge someone for murder if the katana was theirs. I don't agree with it.

How would you define "a single road"? Karakura has a very grid-like layout.
Let me show you something.

Why not Police Cruisers AND bikes? This seems like an unnecessary restriction to me.

This is interesting - I didn't know helmets didn't conceal your identity. A change I wholeheartedly agree with.

What do you consider "events"? Isn't a race an event?

How would police officers find out that they have an accelerator, if they do not have a spedometer or access to the car's internal part listing?

That's all from me. Anything I didn't comment on I find reasonable. Most of this is just me asking questions and asking for elaboration, because it matters to me that things are crystal clear.
Thank you robin giving your two-piece into the suggestion, I will explain further on this one by one, starting from the top:

  • Well, technically, all manslaughter is against the rules until certain conditions are met -- permissions. Anyway, I do get where you're coming from, though, and I do think that now that vehicles are more widespread they should be capable of being used as a blunt weapon would. I know that's not your point, but I felt like bringing it up anyway since we're on the topic of VDM.
While it's true every manslaughter are limited to Permissions, I think leaving VDM as it is might be the best bet, as if light VDM is allowed in a non-Agreement Fight, It may render the entire thing as Pay-to-Win which is unfortunately against the EULA of Minecraft, thus I believe allowing cars as blunt weapons would backfire heavily.

  • I'm afraid I don't understand how this is "makes sense for balance". First, there is no ownership documentation nor license plates on SRP. I'm aware there was a plugin update in the works which would bind a car to the person who owns it (" the Developer team is working on making a plugin that will make vehicles bond to one's profile.") but I do not know whether or not this has been implemented yet. I don't think it has been implemented, as I've lost at least two cars since the latest vehicle update. Even disregarding this, being able to only accuse someone on the charge of Street Racing if the car was theirs is ridiculous, it would be like only being able to charge someone for murder if the katana was theirs. I don't agree with it.
At the moment police can simply arrest a racer by simply their car alone, there is not License Plate or Registration system but however Police can still pick up a racer later despite them being masked and everything. Wearing a Mask while racing right now is simply useless because of this rule.

  • How would you define "a single road"? Karakura has a very grid-like layout.
    Let me show you something.

What I meant is that cops cannot lock down racers completely from a race paths. as It would completely render it unfair, Cops should only block one piece of road on the map through prediction and strategized thinking, It's a game of battleship for the Dispatcher essentially.

  • Why not Police Cruisers AND bikes? This seems like an unnecessary restriction to me.
While I get it may be unnecessary, but unfortunately bikes doesn't really block the entirety of the road and can cause issues in the long run, the Police Cruisers would be much more visible in terms of road block and would visualize a blocked road better, and also from realism standpoints, Police Bikes are mostly used for Chasing rather than Blocking.

  • What do you consider "events"? Isn't a race an event?
A Race is an event yes, however a Regular race is an event where everyone tries to win. I'm talking events that are less about the winning but rather putting on a show, and not allowing to block KPD for a little bit may ruin the flow of that showcase event.

  • How would police officers find out that they have an accelerator, if they do not have a spedometer or access to the car's internal part listing?
Cops will know if the Racers used it due to the blistering speed, as usually vehicle inspections are rare, It's based on what's visible during the chase.


Level 89
You have a great view of what races need to become. You are probably one of the most invested players in the subject. It would be foolish not to take your suggestion seriously. I have also been able to understand most of the problems thanks to your good explanations on the problems. This is not only a good suggestion but a crash course in how to prepare a suggestion which affects in such a massive way the rp.

Have a +1 you deserve it.
What's your Minecraft Username?: HampterHunter
What's the title of your suggestion?: Street Racing Overhaul: Cops v Racers [DETAILED]

What's your suggestion?:
With the rising popularity in street racing, I think it’s time we address certain issues and offer suggestions to make Street Racing a little more… easier to do as an alternative to regular CrimeRP as well as, improving Racers-Cops Interactions.

Street Racing has been an ever growing sub-faction in the server, however after a while It’s obvious that the Laws and Rules are a bit… unfair on the activity. Now before the sub-faction becomes a much larger thing, I and many other Street Racing enjoyers on the server believe that It’s time to suggest a few changes to make Street Racing a little more interesting to deal with both from the Racers and Police perspective. Think of the game Need for Speed, where Racers and Police have their own ways of handling each other. Police will have an active measure of ending chases, with roadblocks, pit maneuvers, and Spike Strips. While Racers have their Passive measures to get away from the Police via Evasive driving, well-timed Accelerator, and hiding after breaking line of sight.

Here’s my proposed changes:
  • Law & Rules changes to cater to a better, more balanced, and fun interaction between cops and racers.

With how street racing is right now, and its ever-rising popularity, It would be unfair to just go all out on this sub-faction as it is a fundamentally a harmless sub-faction. (The VDM Rules back this up, completely not allowing death by vehicles.)

The idea behind the 50/50 Power change is to make KPD and Street Racers counter-acts each other in balance. For example: KPD should not be able to use Tasers on Racers that are currently in their vehicle as it will realistically risk making the racer lose control of their cars and become an even bigger threat to other people or properties, but since VDM rules does not allow harm towards Pedestrian with a Vehicle, Cops are to treat racers as non-Lethal Criminals.

And therefore Instead of Tasing them out of a vehicle, They are to employ active measures towards Street Racers, such as:
  • Roadblocks
  • Pit Maneuvers (only on cruisers)
  • Spikes Strips (visualized by a single lane blocking and are to be entirely avoided instead of rolled against.)
  • Active CCTV Tracking and Temporary Vehicle Search in an Area.

Changes that Affect Cops:

  • Members of the Karakura Police Department are not to arrest suspected racers because their cars are visible in the database without proper verification that the person that is driving is the original owner of the vehicle. (Controversial but it makes sense for balance.)

  • Races can only be identified if it happens within 2 chunks as opposed to regular crimes’s block radius, It will also still require a direct view of the Race’s start line.

  • Police are to only conduct roadblocks and pit maneuvers using Police Cruisers as opposed to Police Bikes.

  • Police are to only put a blockade on a single road instead of locking an entire place down as it would interfere with regular traffic/cause congestion.

  • Police are now to consider Street Racing as Appealable Felony.

  • Police cannot put a BOLO on Street Racer permanently as opposed to Regular Criminals, however will have a Gradually Lowering Levels of Priority instead of instantly.

  • Due to Japan’s Police Cruisers law, Police may not use Accelerators as it’s deemed illegal modification. (Added Proposal: Citizens can be fined if caught using accelerators by the Police.)

  • Cops cannot see through Helmets as their visors often are tinted to help against the sun shining at racers eyes. Their functionality should be at the very least, the same as a mask that only conceals identity. (Ask any one who races, we’re not using masks for racing, It’s ugly and also just further makes racing just a branch of GangRP instead of a sub-faction.)

Changes that affects Street Racers:

  • Street Racing are now considered as an Appealable Felony, meaning Racers upon getting arrested and released cannot be seen by cops driving a car for an X amount of days OOC-ly (Never above a month) and can be appealed by paying a fine and regaining their Driving License back so to speak.

  • Street Racers who decide to get violent with KPD in their cars will risk double felony and a doubled Appeal fine.

  • Depending on the severity or the amount of Repeat Acts of Street Racing, Racers can have their cars Impounded for X Days (never above 14 days). WRITER’S NOTE: This might not be EULA Compliant, but we can find other alternatives.

  • Racers cannot set up barricades to block KPD off from responding (except events).

  • Racers cannot have Counteractive acts towards KPD’s attempts at stopping them in a chase, and must rely on the passive methods that they have.

  • Racers can use Accelerators however, if caught using it by cops, means they’ll be charged with Illegal Modification and Public Endangerment, if arrested.

  • After getting away from a Police Chase, racers have to use the car they used in the Chase at least for an hour for the next 5 OOC Days, much like getting manhunted on a character.

  • Races can be detected if it started within sight of a Camera, But cannot be detected after the race started at a concealed place unless tracked by the cops.

Now this should hold the balance between cops and racers for a while, without interfering with other factions besides just these two. But maybe civilians too, but we can only see, of course this is just a proposition, but I hope the majority of the changes proposed are considered and implemented.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit the no longer ‘Niche’ community of Street Racing and will make it a more viable alternative to GangRP much like DelinquentRP, It even actually makes sense for the settings of Karakura, with how Delinquents in the 1990s Japan tend to either fight or be delinquents of the road with their parent’s bought 90s sports cars. And also it offers another alternative to GangRP that are both much less violent, and also less risky. Most of you like these sorts of things. (It does not even interfere with non-crime roleplayers.)

On top of that, addressing some issues with street racing that are currently present. It’s too easy to get caught as a street racer, much more than regular CrimeRP. It will make street racing a more inviting thing to get into, especially for characters that want to do crime without taking someone’s life. A little alternative to delinquency that can be done by young people and adults alike.

And also it makes the entire thing feels like a Cops and Robbers game, which is fun for both parties.
+1, we need change


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

even though you can talk to government people about law changes, ima +1 to this. Not just because you are my friend. but the fact is since Racing/Cars/ETC is getting more and more popular on SRP than what it was(back when I FIRST STARTED in 2021), i think it would be something that would be a nice change.


Level 7
I actually like this idea a fair bit, +1. Not only would this help the racers, but Bosozoku gangs as well. Great all-round suggestion for those who want the stakes being raised on the streets. Good shit


Level 39

I don't know about the law and stuff. Most of that has some ICly component and could be tricky. But overall I think this is a good suggestion <3

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