203 players online

Sylcian || KPD Application


Level 9
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Shop Application | 2019
Staff Application | 2019’s-staff-application.18739/
Psychologist Application | 2019
Psychiatrist Application | 2020
College Student Council Application | 2020
College Student Council Application | 2020

Describe your activity on the server:
As of the past year, I've taken a solid break from SRP for some personal reasons, but as you can see in my application section, I used to be a quite active player! As I’m getting back into SRP I’d like to put some of my energy towards something that will make me feel proud and happy to do it! Since I’ve decided to come back, I’ve been making it a goal to log on every day, but I do have work in the evenings all the way into the early morning, so I do tend to sleep all the way to the afternoon. I do have almost half of my days off a week, so I will be able to dedicate my free time then to my account and activity.

What is your motivation for applying?:
As a multi-seasoned SchoolRP player, I've dipped my toes in many different parts of the community. In all of these groups/teams that I’d work with, I never really once experienced a solid team bond. Whether this was because of the faction itself or me, I always ended up getting bored and having no reason to stay within these factions. Though, there was always one faction that I was too reluctant to try because of how close knit they were and that is the KPD. A lot of my friends that I’ve had over the years were on KPD and would sometimes convince me to join, but I never thought I was cut out to be a part of that team. I eventually left SRP to separate from the community and take some personal time to regrow. After some convincing from my friends, Eco and Shadonk, I came back to SRP after almost a 6 month break to work on my activity again to hopefully be a part of the close knit team that the KPD has. I’ve heard so much about it, that it’s hard to resist!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I’ve observed KPD over the years for a multitude of reasons, but mainly because one of my good friends Ecocide talks about the faction a lot. Policemen can do things as simple as patrolling and doing office work, all the way up to stake outs and hostage situations that occur from the occasional gang uprising. Though, I think you tend to do more of the smaller tedious things rather than the chasing and tracking of criminals.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The KPD provides safety and security with the city of Karakura. With those to uphold the karakura laws that are put in place, people would be doing inhuman things left and right without a thought, because of the lack of consequences.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Enid Pearce

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Welsh, English

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Enid Pearce is caucasian woman who spoke with a heavy welsh accent. When she stood, she rose to the height of 5’4”, revealing her exceptionally long strawberry blonde hair that reached to the back of her calves. The locks complimented the golden hazel eyes that gave little to no expression at all, piercing through all she laid eyes on with her glare. Her stoic expression along with her athletic build portrays her to be very intimidating, despite her below average height.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional or not, Enid overall is stoic and quick to the point. She doesn’t like to waste time on small talk, nor does she want to spend time on petty things like relationships! She will do the bare minimum to keep people around, and act selfishly when given the chance.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Does she believe in the importance of teamwork? Yes, but not in the way most would imagine. Enid believes to see herself and her co-workers as pawns in a game of chess. She believes in a pecking order, in a sense. She will listen to only those who are higher and her, that is it. No one equal or below her can demand anything from her. Though, this doesn’t mean she lacks support, when it comes down to it, she needs them just as much as they need her.

What's your character's backstory?
Enid and her immediate family grew up in the country of Wales, in a quaint village that raised their romantic parents till they birthed a set of twins. This raised questions about their income, how will they be able to afford the sudden family of four? After a few years of searching for a career that would support their family and getting endless support from the village they grew up in, they took off for a large island that offered a teaching position to their father. This was around the time Enid and Aerin were old enough to start school. As the twins grew and partook in the activities their mother presented, they made a habit to do everything together. Enid would veer off to pursue an idea, and Aerin would soon follow to help turn their creations into something beautiful. Enid was much like her father, a savant when it came to technical skills, and Aerin followed in the shadow of her mother becoming a creative genius. This made the twins stand out in almost any instance, especially in school. They’d split the workload as such, Enid was a born strategist making her proficient in technical jobs. While Aerin became the muse, unlocking unlimited creativity to bring raw emotion in this world to light. When partnered together their grades, projects, and participation were unmatched by most in the school, making them feel almost untouchable.

Throughout her elementary years, Enid kept to herself while Aerin expressed herself in creative means. Enid made no interest in making friends, doing as she pleased whenever she had the whim. Her main focus was on the problems that teachers would give her to solve everyday, absorbing the knowledge as best she could. This motivation helped her as she grew older reaching the more difficult stages of education, causing her to excel in her late elementary years up to middle school. Aerin focused more on her creative outlook and the skills she gained from it. She tends to lean towards things like art and dance. As Enid and Aerin began middle school, their mother fell terminally ill. This caused so much pain within their family in many layers that would last for years to come. their father immediately took on a scholarship opportunity to earn the degrees necessary to become a professor in order to support medical expenses to come. To put the twins' grief in perspective, they used to wake up to a bustling kitchen with breakfast made from their lovely mother’s heart hot and ready to go, their father reading the newspaper at the table while drinking his freshly poured coffee. After they stuffed their faces with portions that were served to them on a plate, their mother would shepherd them to the bathroom to style the twins' gorgeous long hair and get them dressed. Next thing you know, they were dressed and ready to go with lunches in their hands, a bookbag on their back, and heading out the door with their father on their way to school. Now things have changed, most of the time they wake up to a quiet home. Aerin would take the time to go to the master's bedroom to cuddle with her mother, while Enid made her way to the kitchen to start a simple breakfast from the loaf for the two of them on the days their mother couldn’t get out of bed. Their father was off to his classes that he had to squeeze in before he had to clock in for his teaching career. This means it was up to the twins to get themselves ready most days, though because Aerin would rather stay in bed with her mother all day, it was mainly Enid getting the two of them ready. Enid would take the time in the morning to do the twins' hair on the mornings their mother had no energy. Then they’d head out the door and wait for the bus to come pick them up to take them off to school.
(For writing purposes, this writing is reused/referenced in another application.)

Days like these weren’t many at the beginning and throughout her educational career her mother would do her best to be present as much as she could. Though, by her sophomore year their mother was sadly bedridden most of her days. This caused a lot of stress on their father, on top of the extra classes he had to pick up to pursue the job he needs to keep his family afloat. Which would reflect in his actions towards the girls, as he had less time and empathy to deal with what seemed like petty childish problems. He’d often get on them about their grades and their focus, trying to set them up for a wealthy future so they don’t have to stress to the degree he has to. Enid quickly rose to those expectations and blew past them by joining council and being consistently within a 4.0 GPA, while comforting her father whenever he couldn’t keep it together. Though, it seemed to be entirely different for Aerin, who soon grew hateful and distant towards Enid in certain moments because of the lack of attention she got now that their mother wasn’t in the picture as much anymore. With the lack of adoration from that mother figure, a competition rose between the girls that became more and more intense throughout their highschool years.

This strived for Enid to always keep herself one step ahead of Aerin, who was constantly on her tail trying to one up her. As their father finally finished up his schooling, the girls were ready to graduate and move onto college. There was a promising town that was hiring professors that pursued crazy technological medical advances that could help with their dying mother. They packed their bags and made their way to this city named Karakura that was tucked away on a remote island off the coast of Japan. Within two months of being on the council within the college of Karakura, Enid became the student council president and strived for a better environment for the school. She threw many parties for the college as well as many events for the whole school itself. As she continued to gain notice, she became a part of Karakura’s old Fraternity and Sorority society and gained a decent name for herself. During her time in the sorority house, she met a boy that she found attractive, though knowing Enid that’s all she thinks about him, for now. As time went on something in her heart changed and she couldn’t help but care for the guy and the feeling was mutual between the two. Though the relationship wasn’t enough to detour the stress of having her twin constantly steal her spot, fulfilling her fathers expectations, and dying mother was consuming the nights she’d lay awake by herself. Enid tried to spend most of her time with her friends in the society, doing her best to forget all that she could while given the chance to do so. This lasted for quite some time, up to two years before something tragic inevitably happened.

The first person she chose to love had up and vanished along with his family. Enid went through a shock, feeling the grief over the loss of her boyfriend while remembering the grief she left behind that came from losing time with her mother. She reverted back to her stoic behavior, keeping to herself to bring her focus back to her education. At least that’s what she had planned, which was swiftly ruined by the death of her mother months after her break up. Enid, barely able to get out of bed purely from depression, decided to drop out of college and head back home to her family. It was uncharacteristic for Enid to lay in her bed all day just to do nothing but sulk, so much so that it sparked a conversation between the two rival twins. Aerin expressed how Enid didn’t show a drop of care before, while Aerin has been expressing her grief since the start. She believes, though it’s from anger, that Enid has no right to start grieving now, as it’s her fault as to why she missed out on what she still had. Those words created an imprint on her mind because of how heavy they were on her heart. Enid picked herself back up and decided to train to be in the police force, since college brought back too many memories she wished to bury. This brings us to the present day, Enid has finally finished her first round of training and is ready to be recruited by a police force, ready to serve!​

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Bandaid, mask, pain medication, eye patch, wooden cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
One thing to know about Enid is when it comes to a problem, she's strategic and efficient. She will do what gives her the best advantage, no matter how inhuman or wrong it really is. She’ll waste as little resources doing it as well, making her cutthroat and dangerous to let your guard down around.

“Upon stumbling in on a co-worker abusing someone, I’d quickly tuck away out of sight and look for the nearest set of CCTV. When located, I’d report the incident over the radio and the CCTV that can actively see it. Then unholster my taser making my way over to attempt to diffuse the situation until back-up can come. When they do, I leave the rest to them.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Enid will most definitely value her life over anyone else’s. This doesn’t mean she’d entirely abandon one of her co-workers to leave them to the wolves, but this also means that she’s not willing to trade her life for someone else’s.

“I’d initially observe the situation, taking a step back if need be to observe the criminal and radio for back-up. When the information is passed over, I will then unholster my taser and attempt to subdue the violent person.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
She is also someone who would also never throw themselves under a bus to cover someone else’s mistake. When undeniable evidence is found by her, she will have no choice but to report it to protect herself from being accused. Though this does not mean she doesn’t approve of the act itself, someone like her would find a way to get in contact with the organizations that were mentioned and become corrupt herself. Though, that’s if she sees a benefit from something so chaotic as that.

“I’d collect as much evidence as I can and report it to my authorities. Protecting someone like that would get me nothing but trouble and god knows I already have enough of that.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Despite the lack of money she had growing through her highschool years, she’s not a money grabber. Money is just another variable for her to manage, and so is that criminal.

“I immediately deny their offer and remind them that it’s a criminal offense to bribe a police officer. It is idiotic to entertain an idea such as a bribe.. Money can only get you so far. If they continue to try and convince me to accept their bribe, I would fine and/or detain them. Whichever the crime calls for.”


Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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