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Denied Tutor application | 10RP


Level 43
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:
My activity, Although in school is so much on the postive side making sure im online most twice a day and make sure im getting some type of Roleplay daily staying ontop of it. I join Voice calls and interacte with others having someone different that im talking to OCLY or ICLY. I am a nice lovely person that anyone can come to for troubles and in some way ill try help them with it. I respect what the staff do on the server and how hard they work in the server too/

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge in any time of inactivity ill be demoted or moved to another role, If i am inactive i would log in the inactive channel on the discord server or shall Dm the lead of faculty members giving a valid reason why i would be inactive for a period of time.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
School faculty Tutor

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The tutor; the role of a school faculty tutor is to make others understand the knowledge of learning and to make sure they understand how it works too. The tutor mostly stays in the private tutoring but can be saw all over school, tutors could if the student they are provided with run over late or missed lessons with the pupil or make special plans with the High School student seeing if they have an easier time undersanding that with them understanding that peice of work. They could help with homework if a student does not get something on it, they can help with textbook work having a one on one understanding of what the student does in the classroom do make sure the tutor knows what they are doing good and not. Tutors are there to help others if needed making sure they are okay and ontop of school work only.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
In Roleplay Hub i have been on the server for mostly 1-2 years making that i had lots of roleplay experience to know what is right and wrong, I understand the concept of what Roleplay provides and what it gives to the knowledge of understanding to different Roleplay sitiutions and what to do in it that would be the best to use at the time, thinking smart in what im doing to make sure the other person looking through their screen understands too. I have been on other Roleplay servers like ones of mincraft and different games including; Roblox and more.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Having this experience of being a faculty member once and wanting to come back making that one of my first reasons that i liked it that much of being faculty, I want more experience in the field of being a other role in the faculty team as last time i applied for Chef and got in i wanted to change it and go for more 'challeging' role in the faculty as it can challege you in different ways, I want to secondly join the faction being that it is a lovely faction with caring others and i want to explore more of my roleplay situitions more making it good for me, learning on of more of my cofidence and other things pouring into that wanting to come back.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):


Highschool, Grade-11


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
She would turn to the student hearing this swearing coming from her or his mouth as she would then look shocked to the male or female as she would then cross her arms looking to the pupil as she would then call the student over making sure he or she know who they are talking to, She'd then say how that is wrong and that they should stop it or they would end up with a detention if repeated once or twice more onto other faculty members or herself. She would end it with nodding to the student seeing if they was in sorrow giving them a warning for their actions towards her.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Ji-Ho would see this turning her head to the 'action' or fighting as she would then break it up quickly then making them stay not letting them run off to hide out of trouble, Ji-Ho would then look to the two pupils that caused the fight then saying to both of them making sure she got the truth and nothing else she would raise her voice to them placing them both a detention to let them see her again after school and to make their sorries in that moment of time. She would then report it to the radio if needed to a SLT or serior leadership; like the prinical or Dean, If college or a Highschool student. She would then walk out of the situition with the two giving if they have any injures to the nurses to help them two.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She would see this dangerous or badly behavoured actions from the other employee as she would go to the faculty member making sure they are okay and questioning them to see if they are hurt or is something wrong after that, Ji-Ho would get her phone out recording what happened with audio on to making sure something could be heard of the poor behavour. She would then radio in if needed; help for the employee but if in a worse messure calling for SLT to handle with the faction employee, sending the proof up to the SLT member to see with herself as witentess too.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
She would sit on a chair looking around the room as Ji-Ho would just have a cup of coffee in one hand with the other settling nicely on her lap as she would have pings on her phone that would be on the side of her waist hanging out her pocket a slight, She would great everyone with a nice warm smile not letting no one feel out or casted away from her arival. Ji-Ho would have a relaxed attituide to herself as she would be calm and restfull in her time in the staff room before having to go back to her faculty role.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

She'd look to the pupil taking the seat as she would wrap her arms around the table in a comfortable postition after that saying "What would you need help with?" as she would listen to the student speak about what they need she would nod in agreement to their asnwer. She'd put one leg up to the other having room to sit on the chair she would be sat on, Ji-Ho would then grab the pencil from the side of the table moving the notebook forwards then starting to write about the students troubles in their eduction or learning career then finishing with "that all?" after that she would place her notebook back into its orginial spot and then saying "lets get started then!"

/me Ji-Ho woud sit onto the chair putting her hair back to her shoulders she would sit there relaxing as she would read the book she would be holding softly and genity, She would see that a faculty member would come into the staff lounge as she would look up she'd give them a slight nod then looking back to the book, Sluddenly her phone would ping, A message from her mother.; Ji-Ho would open the message looking down to it reading it carefully as the chair would creak with it touching the wooden floor as she would lean back over the chair she would look up to the faculty member then saying in a smart tone "You okay?"

/me She would smile to the highschooler in front of her as she would grab her pen from the side of her desk she would look over the students lessons and plans for the week coming over, Ji-Ho would begin to circle some opitions on the piece of paper the student handed to herself not so long ago she would then give of a sigh before looking to the pupil sitting there waiting then saying "You have two options, Go with my way of understanding how this type of math works orrr- you could try something else, which one would you like?" After that Ji-Ho would nod to the pupil seeing which one they picked as she would then lower the piece of paper handing it back to them as she would then place the pen back to the side of the desk; She would begin her tutoring.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Ji-Ho Tikioa

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Academic Degree:
College Bachelors Degree.

Year of Graduation:

Japanese law



Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

Native Languages:

Other Languages:



Ji-Ho Tikioa was born in the year of 1994 in the May of that year. She would be born the south of Japan not long from Fukuoka, She'd have two lovely caring parents that would love her so much and would provide with what they had to make sure she was healthy and happy at a young age. Ji-Ho would grow up in a rich land in the courty side of the japanese land, She would have lots of friends and family to explore the town she would live in; Ji-Ho would visit her grandma everyday giving her love and attention to her loved ones she would be a house hold name in her family to bring up as a 'angles child'. She'd love to explore the town of where she would live at riding her bike what she got from a young age from her relatives she would be living the best life as she would want to keep it that way. Ji-Ho would be at the age of 8 she would be playing with her friends in her front garden space; in a minute of time a group of teenagers would run to her with a bat attacking the young children and herself, Ji-Ho would have a bruised back with a broken arm from the teenagers actions. She would get rushed to hospitial when her mother found out about this the same with her frends. She would be waiting for the doctor until he came into the room to check on her..


Couple of years later, Ji-Ho would be resting down next to her mother as she would be watching the news. Happier then ever mostly she would relax holding onto her mother's arm for comfort; she'd just sit there until her mother would hear a knock on the door having to get up and open it. It was Ji-Ho's new prinical at the door that would want to meet the young girl for her first day of High school, She would get up jogging a little to the door looking at a tall oldish male that would have black hair with brown eyes; having a small beard he would look down to herself smartly as Ji-Ho would give out a small wave whispering to the male "Hi..?" after the prinical heard the young girl he moved the front of his bangs on his head then saying in a soft tone "Hey young one" as he would say that Ji-Ho's mother would lean onto the door frame as she would say "Want to come in and say things sitting down orrr?" the tall male would look to her mother saying and nodding at the same time "Why not, that would be kind of you" Ji-Ho would move out the way looking to the male as he walked into the door. After that he would look to where the sofa was layed onto the floor walking to it and finally sitting down. Ji-Ho would follow him holding her mother's hand after that saying "Sooo- Why are you here Mr. Prinical?" the prinical would laugh at her comment as he would say "You can call me Mr. Jiuyo, Oh and im here to say and show you what my school is like and to see if you like it" Ji-Ho would smile looking to her mother on her side as she would say "Why dont we get started then" nodding to the male as she would watch him open a large folder. Mr. Jiuyo would look through it then pressing onto the paper with Ji-Ho's name on it with all her details and infomation he needed; he'd then start his sentence with saying "Sooo- You are Ji-Ho Tikioa right?" after that her mother would nod with herself doing the same then the prinical would start again "And is this your mother or auntie?" Ji-Ho would respond "My mother Mr/ Jiuyo" he would sliently smile looking down to her as he would then begin the tour of the school, not a real one of course but Mr. Jiuyo had one scetched out on his paper with the lessons and periods of time they would be on with her needing to be there. After all of that talking Mr/ Jiuyo would get up and waiting for Ji-Ho's mother to stand he would say to both of them "This has been lovely meeting to you and Ji-Ho i would be waiting for you tomorrow at the main hall" Ji-Ho would nod looking up as she would then get up from the sofa rushing to her bedroom. A day later, Ji-Ho would be getting upo ready to be at school, She would hear the door slam shut hearing a shouting of the word "Bye!" she would think to herself seeing it might of been her mother going to work as she would just get out of bed starting to get ready for school after that having her breakfast going out the door locking it then walking to school. A chilly day out, Ji-Ho would enter the schoool taking her bag to now one shoulder ready to place her stuff into her locker as she would place her things into it shutting it walking to lesson..


Ji-Ho would be now at the age of 20 still living with her mother that she would still love the most, She would just get out of bed for the morning but remembering it is the weekend, how exiting for herself. She would jump out of bed rushing down stairs to see her mother packing a case of clothes and traveling reminders. Ji-Ho would say to her mother "Whhhh..? what are you doing?" her mother would be shocked by the voice of her daughteer as she would calmly say to Ji-Ho "We are moving away.. Not for long though. Or maybe not coming back- I just dont know. I need somewhere new to go" Ji-Ho would be rushing to her mother asking her questions about her school and college work and everything important to her at the very moment. Her mother would hush her to be slient as she would steddy herself and its all undercontrol. Ji-Ho would help her mother to get the cases of clothes and important things into the car and to go across the country; They would run into the airport with two cases in each hand as they would make a quick move to the stations and gates to leave and to get to somewhere. Somewhere that her mother would now tell Ji-Ho to be a little town still in Japan called Karakura. Ji-Ho would be exited to fianlly know that she would not be traveling out the country not wanting to miss any one of her friends or family she had behind her. They would both board the plane ready to see what this new town looked like. They would both land safely in the town of Karakura coming off the plane they would have wide eyes with open mouths seeing the lovely blue sky with a hot touch of the sun coming to their faces, Ji-Ho would come out of the airport rushing through the shopping district and then ending up to plaza turning around to see Karakura Highschool and College. She would be shocked on how big it would be and now new what she wanted to do in life, to work here. Ji-Ho would already love teaching others having a passion to love and treat everyone with respect making sure everyone has the chance to suceed in life. She would then go back to her mother walking to the new apartment they had. She would open the door to see a two bedroom apartment with a bathroom and kitchen. Ji-Ho would run to her bedroom unpacking her things quickly and jumping onto her bed falling alseep quicker then ever. A day would go passed, Her mother would open the door to her bedroom as she would wake up Ji-Ho quickly making sure she was ready to go to her new college, She would get ready in the speed of light saying to her mother "Bye mother!" as she would then shut the door running to Karakura Highschool. Her first classes was great, She enjoyed them but for a day to pass she would get more bored and bored not liking it but still pushed through and got her exams on spot ready for her adult years to come..

Ji-Ho would be out of college with perfect exam results, She would have her own apartment still seeing her mother on her free time as she would still want that job that she dreamed of in the first year of college. One day, Ji-Ho would be ready to try get the job she always wanted writing an application for her to try get it for a living in Karakura Highschool, she dreamed. She would be ready to send it off to the next time the Serior leadership team staff see it. She would explain to her mother that she would not be moving far from Karakura seeing if she got this she would be in the town for most of her time living only if it was special occasions to leave the town like seeing passed family members and greating others on a party of some sort. Ji-Ho's mother would agree about it saying she probably will have a good chance of getting a position of working there; again Ji-Ho dreamed. She would submit it waiting for two weeks to three weeks as she would get a call from her moblie phone. Ji-Ho would scream seeing it would say on the Contact she would of saved as 'Karakura Highschool and College', she would pick it up straight away answering yes to most of what she can making sure she understands what the people on the other line was saying. Ji-Ho would be invited to an interview with the SLT members and Karakura highschool's board on how she would be a good applicant for the role in the school faculty. Ji-Ho would answer everything to truth not saying a lie in her story and message telling the others in the interview as she would walk out the interview she would wait for another week or two to let them see who they want in the job. Ji-Ho would wake up from a nap to see her phone ring over and over again, she would rush it to thing it was her mother in need of help or something happening to family but no to her shocked face it was the school ringing her, she would answer nerously but after the phone call would end she would be jumping in joy; Ji-Ho got he dream job she wanted. She would firstly plan her outfit for her up and coming first day as faculty ready to be meeting the other faculty members and the teachers, same with the professors and then right after that ringing her mother to tell her the good news..

Motivation for Joining KHS:
My motivation of join the KHS or in other words 'Karakura Highschool' is that i want to experience the joy and pride of running in a school with good education and academically good students that might need help sometimes on maybe it being there schedule or having stress at home with parents or whoever is at their home with them as they can always come to me and always if needed talked to me. My second reason is that i have always wanted to become a faculty member from day one of coming into the new town of Karakura seeing the people and how nice you get treated making you feel like you need to give back to others letting me to think of why not applying for the school of Karakura; Karakura Highschool.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
Myself as in Ji-Ho Tikioa, I have had experience in working part time in helping children in kindergarten helping with simple tasks as just looking after them or make sure they are eating or maybe drinking helping some children with remember the alphabet or numbers up to 10 or 20, helping like that after going to college of Karakura, I would get a train to out of town to then help for 3-2 hours for a bit of cash in my pocket and as i just liked helping others.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
In my opinion; I think i would be better to be accepted over other applicants because i have had experince within a school environment before and having to like and share the trates of being loving to everyone i meet and just to not harm or hurt no one that has done nothing to you or no one you love, My second opinion is that I work great with students or all ages nothing stops a young adultecsent from learning if they are with me seeing that I make plans with the students before hand if they cant make a date of maybe school or something in school has came up like. team practicing, club practicing, Seeing family out of town or maybe just dont have the motivation to do it, Of course ill push the student to try and try because they will get it at the end of the day but somethings things happen. My third reason is that otherwise from tutoring I can mutlitask seeing if other members of faculty need help or teachers or maybe professor a bit of the time having trouble with a student ill take them off the member of faculty having trouble and make sure they dont do it again or if its that bad, Report it to a Serior leadership member.
Thanks for reading!


10RP [???] "Ji-Ho Tikioa"
madondrums [Grade-11] "Kura Lazzari"

Last edited:


Level 211

Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for this position! But compared to the other applicants, unfortunately, I've chosen to deny this application.

You may re-apply in 3 days.

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