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Denied twnk_dragon | Psychiatrist Application #2


Level 18
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

twnk_dragon (alt - the_twnk_dragon, GuitaristRP)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
(7PM - 1AM)
6 Hours​
(7PM - 1AM)
6 Hours​
(7PM - 1AM)
6 Hours​
(7PM - 1AM)
6 Hours​
(7PM - 2AM)
7 Hours​
(11AM - 3AM)
15 Hours​
(11AM - 11PM)
12 Hours​

Overall I spend at least 3 - 6 hours on the server every day, however, it is more than that due to the nature of my IRL job giving me free time.

What is your timezone?:
+5:30hrs GMT

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:
  • Andy A. Arya / Anastasia Malet (Professor QP)- Play them the most regularly, I have been a professor since December 1st, and have eased into the role.​
  • Mako Akage (12th Grade) - Play him pretty regularly as well (Applied for club leader in an alt as him)​
  • Valor 'Val' Andreas (12th Grade) - New Character​
  • Erza Delarosa Scarlet [College][B] - Play her rather regularly - Her main goal is joining the shrine​
  • Angel Yamashita (12th Grade) - Play her on and off​
  • Maggie (Bear) - I do not play her at all (Sometimes a month but that's it)​

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

This bit is a little tricky to answer as I first and only roleplayed majorly in the SRP server. I joined here in October 2023, and I've had the opportunity to truly discover a range of characters and situations that have been rather interesting to deal with.
I will be honest, I started out as a greenie, who knew nothing, making constant mistakes, but I believe as I slowly got into it, joined reputable families, faced various complex situations, I understood my style of roleplaying and what I prefer doing.

I currently, build characters with a motive and a back story, letting their experiences drive them into what they want to do later in life. For example - My first character Dragon died because she couldn't get out of the horrible cycle of bullying, and it's where I learned the most.
One of my oldest characters wanted to either be and Lawyer or a Cop, but her experiences in Karakura led her to the shrine. A place I personally out of character wouldn't go due to my agnostic beliefs.
I realized that the characters I play have distinct traits, and it's fun to see how they all react to the same situation differently.

I have been a Professor since December, and I do have the highest number of classes consistently since then, barring last month due to some personal emergencies. Andy started off as rather playful, however experiences in Karakura again shaped her up as one of the most disliked characters I have. Surprisingly I still enjoy playing her.

I also have been getting into detailing our Music for the last few months, as Mako. A character who I started off with as a Basketball co-captain of the spartans, but ended up leaving the team to pursue music, because it just FIT into his narrative and personality.

What is your motivation for applying?

There are a few reasons I am applying for EMS.

My character
Katrina was first designed to be a doctor, but the first time I had applied, I had never really played her, so I didn't understand how she'd fit. I will be honest, my first doctor app could have been a lot better, but I am glad I was not accepted, as it gave me a chance to truly explore Katrina as a character. After playing her for almost 6 months, I have come to a conclusion that she would be better suited to be a psychiatrist at the hospital, with a later specialization into vetinary sciences.

I want to experience RP outside the school Faction
This one is tricky but, I have been trying to apply across many factions for months now. I have gotten a denial hammer each time, and to be honest, it still doesn't waver my resolve. I would like to be better and learn more, and I know for sure that the hospital faction sees a LOT of traffic and opportunities to roleplay.

My timezones barely sees any doctors or psychiatrists. While I understand OOC reasons, I am active enough to actually engage in more roleplay scenarios in this lean time period. Honestly, I would like for everyone to have fun and help icly at any time or place they are in.

I have.. a lot of Psychiatry knowledge
So there is a difference between pop psychology and psychiatry. My IRL partner is a the******, and I have spent years just reading up her books on differential diagnosis, as well as other practices. Outside of that I have prepared to study masters in psychology yet never really followed through mostly due to a different career choice. Might as well put this knowledge to good use.

Which role are you applying for?

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?

The hospital roles can be easily explained in the following chart
Hospital Director.png

While the above chart covers the hierarchy, only the following roles are available -
Director - For Mr. Heddo, the head of the hospital. He is responsible for managing all the staff and taking care of blacklists from the hospital.
Psychiatrist - For everyone in the psychiatry department. They are responsible for diagnosis, therapy and medication for psychological and psychiatric conditions.
Doctor - For everyone in the doctor department. They are responsible for physical emergencies(broken bones, stab wounds, amputations), check-ups of major or minor kinds, x-rays, mri-s, CT scans, etc. They can also in some cases contribute to a mental diagnosis.
Surgeons - They are majorly responsible for surgeries i.e. could be limbs, or transplants or anything that requires cutting up someone (sorry about the graphicness)

Outside of this, you can get an additional certification of Paramedics - which gives you access to dealing with Emergency situations, or go on calls for assistance, and second certification is Veteraranian - Which helps you treat animals in Karakura and in the forest

All or any of these positions can supervise recovery in hospital.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge! I will be there!

In-Character (IC) Section

Hospital Director (1).png

Character’s Full Name:
Katrina Douglas (Goes by Kat)

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Cis-Woman - She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background:
Grade - 12(Studied in russia)

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Russian, Japanese, JSL, English

Character Backstory:
Katrina was born in Moscow Russia, she remembers being in an orphanage forever.

She was quite a talkative and bright child and had a very close friend in the orphanage, Amber. When she turned 8, she managed to tick off the wrong children in the orphanage who stabbed her in the throat to shut her up. She could never truly speak properly again as the stabbing did mess her vocal cords up.

She was told to keep quiet about it, but she ended up telling her best friend what happened at the hospital. Her best friend made an official complaint to the nuns taking care of the orphanage.
The kids were sent to juvenile prison but not before they managed to fatally injure Amber right in front of Katrina, just as she recovered.
Amber died in Katrina's arms and as she saw her body grow limp she promised herself she would never put anyone else in harm's way again.

As the hardships of life hit her. She learned how to use her quietness as a shield to protect her from the harsh realities of life and the judgemental gazes of the world.

Despite being quiet, she managed to make friends with the characters of books she read when she spent time in the public library. She developed a close bond with the head librarian and she helped her discover her passion for animals and belief in a strong sense of Justice based on all the happy ending books she read. Even though she just observed things happening and barely spoke up, she was looking for a way to escape, and a place to go to where she knew she could make a difference.

Those who did get to know Katrina closely during her education got to know her playful, fun-loving side. She made friends easily, and when she was finally 18 years old, she moved to Karakura to get a change of pace from the cold town of Moscow. While in Karakura, she got stabbed, almost beaten up, and marked by various people, but nothing really moved her sense of justice, the need to help others and her love for animals. However she left to go back home to Russia, leaving her girlfriend behind, to study psychiatry and medicine.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Katrina specializes in Personality Disorders and Trauma Focused Therapy. Due to her experiences as a child, Katrina ended up looking for ways she could help herself get rid of the memories she had, this led her into psychiatry as well as Trauma based therapy. Once she felt slightly better, she realized that in the orphanage, a lot of the children faced similar trauma as her, and she realized she needed to find more ways to help them. Since she couldn't voice her concerns, she decided to focus on studying psychology and psychiatry to help them better without risking herself or putting herself in danger. This led her to learn more about personality disorders, that correlated with trauma, as well as learn newer the****utic methods.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After finishing medical school, Katrina got into First Moscow state Medical university for her 2 year residency in General Psychiatry. After she was qualified to be a Psychiatrist, she decided to do an additional 2 year residency in Trauma Focused Therapy, and Personality disorders. During this time she had a chance to work with a variety of patients with different Trauma's including long term chronic illness, or children with vastly traumatic experiences. She learned a lot from this time period.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Katrina's final goal was to come back to Karakura, hence once she was done with her residencies, she decided to come back to Karakura and apply for a job at the Karakura Hospital as she knew her services would be much useful in this town, considering the violence of the town, as well as the emergencies that end up happening almost on a daily basis.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Katrina also studied Narrative practices, Queer Affirmative Therapy, Couples Therapy. These were newer vocational therapy practices that kept in mind the ever changing dynamic of the society.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Katrina Douglas is 5'8ft tall and has blue eyes and slightly darker skin. She presents visibly queer, wearing darker more grunge clothing with very obvious bright elements. She is a quiet person, at least that's what people think, mostly because she cannot speak loudly. An accident as a child, left her with messed up vocal chords, which in turn led her to communicate with sign language or whispers usually. Katrina comes across as quiet and dangerous to others, as they don't really hear her speak, however when they finally communicate with her they get to know that she is rather friendly, despite her appearances.

How does your character act on and off duty?


She would be social with her co-workers, getting together and talking about latest interesting cases. You would find her looking for more clients to work with in order to better her understanding of human nature. She would be extremely professional with a touch of casualness to be able to be relatable to patients and easily approachable.

Kat is a bit of a flirt. She enjoys attention on her, and most of her interactions with people while she is off duty would be playful flirting. She is not a player by any means, but because she is single, she wants to go out with people and explore the city. When meeting family, which she has very few, she would be affectionate and have a rather warm desposition towards them.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Katrina works well by herself, since therapy requires your own mind application. She believes in Doctor-patient confidentiality, and this is one of the main reasons she likes working on her own. However she has never struggled in a team setup, whenever asked to work with a bunch of other psychiatrists, she found herself leading the group, even with a softer voice.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Kat, has always wanted to be a doctor(Psychiatrist and vets are doctors). She went to med school, and studied medicine with specialization in Psychiatry as she has wanted to help and contribute towards survivors of traumatic incidents. She wants to help kids who can't help themselves. However she is interested in getting an additional certification as a vetenarian so that she can also help animals, due to her childhood love for the same. Outside of that she wants to grow through the ranks at the hospital, and eventually be the head of the department in psychiatry, and then also improve upon the current veterinary system in Karakura.

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Level 260
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application. This is due to the following reasons:
A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation, meaning we tend to pick players who have been on the server for a while and have a relatively clean history.

Nonetheless, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any future applications and therefore improve your chances of being accepted in future waves:
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you have any further inquiries, you may contact me - 6pancake - via DMs. Otherwise, any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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