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Urrufu Re-Introduction


Level 43

I am Urufu, a fair portion of you know me by now I'd like to think. Anyway, I did an intro in July, I don't like it. Making a new one!!

LAST UPDATED: January 27. 2025


I am Urufu, you may recognise me because I yap a lot, if not though, then nice to meet you! I am, British, 17, go by She/Her pronouns and a student at college! At said college, I study FVP - which is short for 'Film, Videography, and Photography'. In said course, I've learnt very little because all my teachers quit in the same week. BUT what I have learned is various skills related to photography. (If you want pictures on SRP LET ME KNOW, I do it for free but donations are appreciated :3 ).

Back when I was younger, the ancient eras of the world (4 years ago), I was a very sporty person. I wasn't good at most sports don't get me wrong, but I was very physically active (still am!), very fast (was important back then), and somewhat good at basketball. Despite my slightly above average abilities in sports (average is like 5/10 i was a 7), I also was very smart, focus on the WAS and not AM. Subjects I have studied include but are not limited to: Philosophy, History, Photography, Business Studies, Design Tech (Woodworks), and more.
Unfortunately, I lost my wonderful charm of being smart as soon as I turned 16, also when I discovered SRP so thank you very much for that guys, and began focusing on the more "creative" subjects.

NOW, at the ripe old age of 17 (and a half don't discredit the halves), practically at the door to the retirement home, I spend most of my time rotting on SRP. Like- 12 hours a day type rotting. I touch grass infrequently. When I do actually go outside though (annual event), I like to explore woodlands and sit under the A47 like a troll with my bestie and yap about tabletop games.
Speaking of table top games!!!


As mentioned literally 4 words ago, I love tabletop games!! Specifically, one. I am a very big DND fan. Fun little trivia - I actually host a little DND game for my IRL friends, in which the setting is a spooky haunted mansion!! Fun, right? There will be a trivia section at the end btw you should totally read it because I'll throw in some IC stuff too :3, Charlotte O'Sullivan, previously Shimura, is from the said mentioned DND game. Well- from that time. She was created for a silly little RP game to be a maid, then she got adapted and put into the campaign as an NPC shopkeeper!! :0

My other hobbies include Photography, but I've spoken enough about that, image editing, and obviously playing video games. Also big shocker I like anime, but like if you suggest anything to me know that the chances of me watching it are like 1/1,000,000 because I can't even stay dedicated to the series that I already love.
When it comes to games, I love Fallout. I glaze the Fallout series more than a baker glazes a glazed donut. I love it. I live for it. For those wondering, my favourite faction is the Brotherhood of Steel, quickly followed by the Institute. Yes I like 76 as well but I HATE what they did with my beloved Brotherhood of Steel.

I also like Minecraft!! I only really play Minecraft for SRP nowadays, unfortunately playing Survival Mode and Creative for 12 years does get boring after a while. Other games I enjoy but don't care enough to yap about are Civ 6 (my beloved), shitty indie horrors, I kind of like Pokemon but I don't play it too much anymore, also fond of Subnautica!

IRL, because I do leave the house sometimes, my hobbies include exploring. That's kind of it. I walk around, I have approximately -£3.00 to my name so I don't spend money. I love nature, I love the woods, and I live in the middle of nowhere so I do get my steps in. Notice how this bit is much smaller because me leaving the house aside from college is a bi-annual event.


I've got a fair few characters on SRP, however I do only use Charlotte... I will still briefly mention them though!
My beloved, most beloved Charlotte. I adore Charlotte, she's 21, a maiden, and the lore, although messy, is actually pretty solid!!
Charlotte was my first character, based on a DND character of the same name. I spend basically all of my time on SRP using her, rotting at the shrine doing absolutely nothing!! Please visit xoxo​
Fuyumi is my back-up maiden / soon-to-be (hopefully) teacher!! She is currently in college, and pretty slay. I don't use her much at the minute but I plan on developing her in the future!!​
So this character basically got retconned out of existence because I did NOT like her!! But she was kind of slay.
Anhko was my student character back when I was a teacher, she was a diva. I have very few memories of her, but her base would've been so good if it was SRP shaded. I brought it back somewhat kind of with Fuyumi though!!​
"Make a new Akiyama, make a new Akiyama!!" Kinyuun cried. So I made Kokomi! Also don't use her too much, partly because I don't like leaving the shrine.
Certified diva, got blacklisted from the shrine within 16 minutes of existing.​
This is my new cat character, owned by Asami Saiky - Ahimotu.

She is a lazy, moody british shorthair. Grey fur, cold eyes, and a nasty personality. As far as cats go for one at least.. I have very quickly grown to love her!​
I don't have a sixth character, however I wanted the chart thingy to not look weird - so I needed to fill a sixth slot.​


For now, I am remaining loyal to the shrine! I will be spending almost all of my time here, especially now as I've just joined the faction and need to prove my worth. If any of you wish to see more of me, that's where I'll be!


Here, I'm going to write some little questions about myself that I have been asked, or just little fun bits. If you reply, I encourage you to answer these questions too!

Who do you play as the most / Who's your favourite character?
Charlotte O'Sullivan!! I loved playing her before, but now that she's on shrine I just can't seem to stop.

Who's your favourite character other than Charlotte?
There is more than one! However I think it'll have to go to Haruka T. Hanazono, played by Kettlesip or Mikasa Akiyama played by Kinyuun!
I'm probably a bit biased because we all love our friend's characters, but these two characters make me very happy to be around - only good memories!

What is the stupidest thing that you've found motivating?
Shovelling snow at the shrine. I am genuinely so excited for winter on SRP because I'm excited to shovel snow.

What factions have you been involved in/want to be involved in?
I have been involved in two factions:
Teacher & Shrine!
As much as I loved teach, I had a couple OOC icks with regards to the daily loop, so I dipped after 8 days.
With shrine, I would be lying if I said I've never wanted to quit. BUT I am very glad I didn't because I love it!!

When did you join SRP?
I joined SRP in June, 2023. I joined because I was not talking to any other online friends, and wanted to try out roleplaying, however I left after around a month.
I re-joined in July 2024 because I learnt there was a shrine faction and had been searching for a MikoRP place for WEEKS. I have no intentions of quitting anytime soon. :3

I want to be friends! What should I do?
First impressions are EVERYTHING! Just be generally relaxed, don't be overly edgy, and be nice to talk to. If you can do those three simple things, we'll get along very well!

What's your favourite experience on SRP?
Whilst I don't really have a favourite moment, I do have a couple that I'd like to mention.
First of all, when Viola Ceretti, acting like the bundle of knowledge she is, locked Anhko in a prison cell, then proceeded to lock herself in the other one.
Second; Charlotte and Haruka's dates!! They're very fun and very demure - I love hanging out with bestie!!
Third and finally, all of the shrine events. They're so iconic to me and they make me feel really comfortable and settled with my faction.

What's your least favourite experience on SRP?
Shrine drama. I hate it so much, if I could snap my fingers and end it all like that I would in a heartbeat. It's so pointless!!!

What is the stupidest thing you've done on/for SRP?
I waited for 41 hours for an apartment to go unowned, in which the owner hadn't logged on for almost two months. When it didn't go up for sale, I found the owner on NameMC and bargained for it for an entire day, before finally getting ownership! :3 It was worth it, and the guy was genuinely lovely. Hope he re-joins SRP soon!

If you could add one thing to SRP, what would it be?
I'd flesh out the furniture store and maybe some map developments! I'd love to see some abandoned warehouses, or maybe a hotel people can work at! Also some more Japanese themed architecture considering it's y'know... In Japan.

If you have any more questions!! Ask!! I love answering them!!!


I saw bestie Kinyuun do this in his intro, so I'm doing it in mine grahh
If your name's here, then I really appreciate you and find you super cool to talk to!!


I was gonna add cute little notes but I'm lazy - but ily guys

Thanks for reading my yap!! I want to yap a lot, so expect more posts <33

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Level 39
This was so fun and immersive to read!! Love seeing my name pop up from time to time!! So I’ll mention my favorite parts!
First of all, when Viola Ceretti, acting like the bundle of knowledge she is, locked Anhko in a prison cell, then proceeded to lock herself in the other one
I would also like to add that they quite literally had to swim through drainage pipes to get out, both almost dying. Mind you, Viola did this TWICE (she’s a bad influence)
waited for 41 hours for an apartment to go unowned, in which the owner hadn't logged on for almost two months
This was gen shocking, every time I logged on you were sitting right in front of the door. But you GOT IT!! (It’s so funny that you literally never go there anymore since becoming a maiden LOL)

Overall you cooked so hard!! Love this :))


Level 43
Thread starter
This was so fun and immersive to read!! Love seeing my name pop up from time to time!! So I’ll mention my favorite parts!

I would also like to add that they quite literally had to swim through drainage pipes to get out, both almost dying. Mind you, Viola did this TWICE (she’s a bad influence)

This was gen shocking, every time I logged on you were sitting right in front of the door. But you GOT IT!! (It’s so funny that you literally never go there anymore since becoming a maiden LOL)

Overall you cooked so hard!! Love this :))

Those drainage pipes omg. I actually like OOCly got stuck in them for ages LMAO

As for the apartment so true. I'm waiting for the furniture to be fixed before I start properly using it again :,)


Level 10
My other hobbies include Photography, but I've spoken enough about that, image editing, and obviously playing video games. Also big shocker I like anime, but like if you suggest anything to me know that the chances of me watching it are like 1/1,000,000 because I can't even stay dedicated to the series that I already love.


Level 12
Charlotte is so iconic ngl... I remember you being a teacher briefly alongside of my brief time as one too (we both quit basically the same time lmao) and when I saw you get shriner... it was pretty sweet! You've been pouring a ton of love and effort into that faction, which is wonderful. Keep at it!

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