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Valhalla Unverified Application | N1_KO


Level 6


Previous bans/warns/kicks:

List any applications that you have created on the forums:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is decent. Due to my personal life, I cannot spend too much time on SchoolRP. However, I most definitely plan to increase my activity in the future. My gang getting denied will not change that factor.

Additionally, if I had to rate my activity on a scale of 1-10, I would rate it a 8.

Specify your Discord name and discriminator (USER#????):

Specify the link to your gang's Discord:

Specify the number of members currently in your gang:
There are currently 16 members in my gang with applications also open so this number may change when this application is reviewed. These current members have been picked because of their reputation within the server and their skill within the faction. (not everyone has the best reputation but they are changing how they are looked at)

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:


Valhalla would be actively hosting a training session with masks. However, unbeknownst to the members, a KPD officer was roaming the area and spotted them. They demanded that they face the wall immediately, to which most of them did comply, except one of them. One of the members ran right away due to them having possession of a weapon. The officer chased after the male, telling them to halt. Again, the member didn't listen and kept running, and the officer eventually tazed the male. The Valhalla members witnessed this, knowing that they had to take action. All of them rushed, attacking the officer leading to a knockout. Valhalla knew they had to show their allegiance and kidnapped the cop. They were then taken to a discrete location and held hostage. Valhalla then realized they could use this to gain gang recognition , so they decided to head out and kidnap a reporter to force them with weapons in hand to make a report about the kidnapping. After the report aired, Valhalla would hold the officer for a bit longer, eventually knocking them out and throwing them into the street.

What is the name of your gang?:

What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:
Valhalla also known as the headless Angels is a based on a past gang that was made in order to achieve power in Karakura, however in its recent rebirth its morals and goals have changed Valhalla is a gang that is hoping to not only achieve power in Karakura but also wants to give a word to those who can’t speak, to those who don’t have a voice. Valhalla is named the headless angels because whenever they do any sort of crime they are never seen and are mischievous.
Valhalla believes that in the modern world a lot of people are censored and don't have a voice which is why they offer the silent a chance in speaking out against major problems within the city. Valhalla hopes to at one stage be seen as a home for those without a voice and hopes to be the biggest and most powerful gang in Karakura by any means necessary.

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:
Valhalla differentiates other unverified gangs because of their ruling system and their hierarchy, you may look at it and wonder how it is different, well in many ways first we have a key role Acting Leader. This role isn't what you think, The acting leader is basically second in command but is used as the leading figure so no one outside of the gang knows who the real leader is. They pose as the leader of the gang but in reality someone else is above them. We also have what's called Number 1 which is what people who are outside of the gang consider second in command but it's really just the highest ranking member other than Acting leader. Valhalla tends to play tricks with your head with its hierarchy system. Additionally, Valhalla has an application phase and an interview phase. More will be explained below about these two features.

The application phase is filled with exactly 12 questions. There are OOC questions and IC. They mainly ask for the applicant's experience in the GangRP field, creativity, name, age, etc. If accepted into the Application phase, they will move on to the Interview Phase.

During the interview phase, a location is sent to the applicant's phone for them to meet. Upon meeting, higher-ups will ask questions involving their skill in the criminal underworld and fighting. A spar will commence against the two to test their skill in fights. The higher-ups will decide to accept or deny them after that spar.

If they're to be accepted, they will be congratulated and will gain the Valhalla Attire.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:

Valhalla has a questionable reputation in-character. They’re known to have sprays around the area that attacks the verified gang, Bonten. Valhalla dislikes the organization due to it being an ally to Kanto, which Valhalla and Kanto have a vague past. Additionally, Valhalla is most actively present at the Powerplant and Bowling Alley. They’re most present at the bowling alley due to the 11/7 behind it, having interest in the building. Perhaps they want to take it over? Only time will tell. In regards to the powerplant, they’re most active there due to the reputation it used to with-hold. Valhalla members have heard that the area used to with-hold many criminal activities, which they hope to bring back to life.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of:
(Part of this is from the Temporary Valhalla Lore)

Valhalla was founded in 2021 by two influential individuals, Diabel and Kakarot. They established the organization to achieve power over the criminal underworld, especially Kanto. Valhalla and Kanto had a rivalry, they didn't like each other, and fights would occur with each other. However, one fateful day, another gang came out of hiding and announced their opening. Many members started to leave Valhalla, showing no compassion or care for the team. Diabel and Kakarot were furious about this action, trying to revive their once powerful gang, but to no avail. The inactivity that occurred in Valhalla led to their demise, causing them to disband.

Years later, the male named Kaioken embarked on a journey to start Valhalla again. The male was an old Ally of the once powerful group, and he believed it was not time for the gang to go to rest permanently. However, he knew he had no power over this, so he set out to find the leader, Diabel; weeks passed. Kaioken was frustrated and tired. However, he finally spotted Diabel in the corner of his eye. Kaioken's adrenaline started to rush, and he was excited that this day finally came. He ran over to Diabel, quickly explaining that they should bring back Valhalla. Diabel looked at him dead and said, "No." then walked away. Kaioken was dumbfounded, shocked, and embarrassed. He turned around, shouting to Diabel, "Why?!" Stopping in his tracks, Diabel turned around and said, "That path is long gone; there is no reason, no hope." Kaioken, in response, shook his head in disagreement, "There is always hope. The flame for Valhalla is on its last bit of flame and needs fuel. You're that fuel we need. Come on, let's give it one more chance?" he pleaded. Diabel then gave in, exhaling a response. "Fine. One last chance, but this is the last." he took his hand, requesting a handshake. They both shook hands, setting out on the journey of power.

Weeks passed of the gang being alive, and it started to thrive again. People started joining due to its popularity in the criminal underworld. Over those weeks, Valhalla has shown to be capable of standing out physically or mentally opposed to other gangs. They can assert dominance in tight situations, which they have demonstrated repeatedly. Additionally, Valhalla has shown to be a fearless organization that will have no hesitation if they're met with a problem or battle and will fight until they're victorious.
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