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What are some of your 'SRP hot takes'?


Level 102

you don’t need gang roleplay to have a well thought out and complex character, and you don’t need gang roleplay to have a good experience EITHER!!


Level 199
Let's address the elephant in the room

Keybinds are one of the tools that stain roleplay quality the most. I'm not talking about GangRP keybinds, as I won't debate whether or not they're necessary, but the ones that are simply dumb and shouldn't exist in the first place. I will list some of the ones I've seen
- "/me kidnaps cutely"
- "/me sniffles"
- "/itl f2b"

These kinds of keybinds will ALWAYS be considered UnseriousRP and result in punishment.

And no, doing /it void keybind is also not allowed. If you've accidentally triggered a keybind, roleplay out the consequences of it instead of trying to void it. Insta-voiding is a warnable offense. If you can't roleplay out your keybind and the only way to realistically continue roleplay is to void it, then you simply shouldn't have that keybind in the first place.

So do yourself a favor and get rid of the keybinds you don't need.
I can never understand some commands like these and that's why I don't apply for KPD or do GangRP


Level 2
I love writing about hot takes so let's do this :3

I feel that being toxic in this game is a little too common. I have had MANY interactions with people who literally don't know when to stop. Won't name drop but a little example of this is when someone I know would complain about one of my friends unfriending them in game and OOC. This person was pissed at her for unfriending her and immediately asked for her..'motive'? Like no, we do NOT need a motive to talk stop talking to your ass. after being a complete parrot, we invited a staff into the server. He then started going off on another girl because she was metagaming when she obviously wasn't. I don't know the complete story of what happened as I only joined to defend my friend but even after that the staff asked that we avoid him and we tried..he just would not get off our asses about motive. Makes me wonder if there are more people like this on the game and if there are then it leads me to my second question, do they ever touch grass?

I do agree with Yonio in a way. Yes, some key binds are fun to have for the shits and giggles but they can also take away the roleplay in SRP. Some people may use a key bind that consists of /mel, /itl, or /y in order to get a friends attention. People will usually ONLY do this to talk to them looc and say hi. This is quite hypocritical of me to say as I literally did this yesterday but I am also one to say that we should just save it for DMS. You're on a roleplay server afterall, just roleplay.

Now, like mentioned above I did say that a guy started spitting the words motive at us like it was candy and we were toddlers. I guess where I am going with this one is, can't people just understand what motive really is? Same with perms, I feel like people don't tend to read along with the rules and see where both come from. I can't say much on this as it is something I am not entirely educated in but I KNOW for a fact that some people hear the two words and think of it like winning the lottery.


Level 146
"What are some of your hot takes?"
*The safest, most lukewarm opinions that most people agree with*

I feel like most of this thread is just complaining about the worst parts of the community that everybody unanimously dislikes, or individual (but valid) pet peeves. Maybe some tough pills to swallow for some that are the subject of these criticisms, but really nothing that's TOO out there.

But nah, not me, not philbertman42. I'm different. You guys aren't ready for these.

SRP isn't just a "silly block game roleplay," it's a hobby we all mutually share. People who use that phrase are arguably as bad as the boomers who criticize younger generations for "wasting their time" playing video games. Much like playing a sport, doing art, or playing an instrument, SRP is just another activity, a hobby; why draw arbitrary lines in the sand just because one of them is localized within a blocky virtual world?

The reason I say this is because people will ditch SRP for the sake of other things, do it consistently, and face no repercussions. Of course, sometimes life happens and it would be stupid to prioritize a minecraft server; but when life happens every single time you're expected to do something for your faction, it becomes hard to feel sympathetic.

Every time somebody cancels last-second, suddenly can't do something they agreed to, or fails to fulfill their basic obligations, you always see somebody validating their behavior with that "silly game" phrase. It's a spit in the face to those who do put effort into the server, such as the community teams, who write our lore, build our city, then make it come to life with events. It's a discourtesy to those in their faction, team, etc who actually do their part, who are now left to either pick up the slack or just go without.

Yes, SRP is a silly block game roleplay server. I'm not saying you should treat SRP like a full-time job or even prioritize it over your other hobbies; I'm saying that when you sign up to do something, you should see it through, especially if other people are relying on you to do so. That means showing up to your groups events when you can, doing whatever job or fulfilling whatever role you're playing, being active, etc.

Quick side tangent, there is nothing wrong with playing this server and taking it seriously. Don't get me wrong, I am never telling a single one of my OOC friends or family members about this God forsaken hellscape, but I'm still proud to be a member of this community. Yes, at face value the concept of minecraft roleplay is cringe, but most of us here have put in enough time to it that we understand that it really isn't so bad. We're all passionate about the same weird niche thing, so what's the point in criticizing other players who do take things seriously?
Side-side tangent, don't take it so seriously that you're not having fun, because that usually saps the fun out of it for other people too. Be passionate and cool, not a walking :nerd: emoji who is impossible to deal with. This is a recreational activity, not a job.

"Lack of Motivation" is not a valid excuse for long-term inactivity. If you aren't motivated to log on to the server and participate in your faction for 30+ days, you should resign from the group to free up a spot for somebody that actually wants to get on and roleplay.

The same applies to "being busy." If you are so busy with work, clubs, school, etc that you don't have time for your faction, it's entirely on you for taking on so many obligations. I don't feel bad for you because you took on way more than you were capable of handling, and now you're in a bind because there's no possible way for you to do everything. It is your fault this happened, and seeing you cry about it in the faction chat moves me no more than a brick wall when faced against the beating wings of a fruit fly.

! salty

Level 51
"What are some of your hot takes?"
*The safest, most lukewarm opinions that most people agree with*

I feel like most of this thread is just complaining about the worst parts of the community that everybody unanimously dislikes, or individual (but valid) pet peeves. Maybe some tough pills to swallow for some that are the subject of these criticisms, but really nothing that's TOO out there.

But nah, not me, not philbertman42. I'm different. You guys aren't ready for these.

SRP isn't just a "silly block game roleplay," it's a hobby we all mutually share. People who use that phrase are arguably as bad as the boomers who criticize younger generations for "wasting their time" playing video games. Much like playing a sport, doing art, or playing an instrument, SRP is just another activity, a hobby; why draw arbitrary lines in the sand just because one of them is localized within a blocky virtual world?

The reason I say this is because people will ditch SRP for the sake of other things, do it consistently, and face no repercussions. Of course, sometimes life happens and it would be stupid to prioritize a minecraft server; but when life happens every single time you're expected to do something for your faction, it becomes hard to feel sympathetic.

Every time somebody cancels last-second, suddenly can't do something they agreed to, or fails to fulfill their basic obligations, you always see somebody validating their behavior with that "silly game" phrase. It's a spit in the face to those who do put effort into the server, such as the community teams, who write our lore, build our city, then make it come to life with events. It's a discourtesy to those in their faction, team, etc who actually do their part, who are now left to either pick up the slack or just go without.

Yes, SRP is a silly block game roleplay server. I'm not saying you should treat SRP like a full-time job or even prioritize it over your other hobbies; I'm saying that when you sign up to do something, you should see it through, especially if other people are relying on you to do so. That means showing up to your groups events when you can, doing whatever job or fulfilling whatever role you're playing, being active, etc.

Quick side tangent, there is nothing wrong with playing this server and taking it seriously. Don't get me wrong, I am never telling a single one of my OOC friends or family members about this God forsaken hellscape, but I'm still proud to be a member of this community. Yes, at face value the concept of minecraft roleplay is cringe, but most of us here have put in enough time to it that we understand that it really isn't so bad. We're all passionate about the same weird niche thing, so what's the point in criticizing other players who do take things seriously?
Side-side tangent, don't take it so seriously that you're not having fun, because that usually saps the fun out of it for other people too. Be passionate and cool, not a walking :nerd: emoji who is impossible to deal with. This is a recreational activity, not a job.

"Lack of Motivation" is not a valid excuse for long-term inactivity. If you aren't motivated to log on to the server and participate in your faction for 30+ days, you should resign from the group to free up a spot for somebody that actually wants to get on and roleplay.

The same applies to "being busy." If you are so busy with work, clubs, school, etc that you don't have time for your faction, it's entirely on you for taking on so many obligations. I don't feel bad for you because you took on way more than you were capable of handling, and now you're in a bind because there's no possible way for you to do everything. It is your fault this happened, and seeing you cry about it in the faction chat moves me no more than a brick wall when faced against the beating wings of a fruit fly.


Level 118
The term "DetailRP" is often (not always) used as a social standard peer pressuring players into cramming as many words as possible into their actions in order to feel accepted by a certain group. Good roleplay is by no means defined by your word count. I despise the term "DetailRP".
I’m always being told “Put more detailed words in this application, 150 words maximum.” I just want to be accepted in a shop … 300+ applications.

I hate detailrp.


Level 118
"What are some of your hot takes?"
*The safest, most lukewarm opinions that most people agree with*

I feel like most of this thread is just complaining about the worst parts of the community that everybody unanimously dislikes, or individual (but valid) pet peeves. Maybe some tough pills to swallow for some that are the subject of these criticisms, but really nothing that's TOO out there.

But nah, not me, not philbertman42. I'm different. You guys aren't ready for these.

SRP isn't just a "silly block game roleplay," it's a hobby we all mutually share. People who use that phrase are arguably as bad as the boomers who criticize younger generations for "wasting their time" playing video games. Much like playing a sport, doing art, or playing an instrument, SRP is just another activity, a hobby; why draw arbitrary lines in the sand just because one of them is localized within a blocky virtual world?

The reason I say this is because people will ditch SRP for the sake of other things, do it consistently, and face no repercussions. Of course, sometimes life happens and it would be stupid to prioritize a minecraft server; but when life happens every single time you're expected to do something for your faction, it becomes hard to feel sympathetic.

Every time somebody cancels last-second, suddenly can't do something they agreed to, or fails to fulfill their basic obligations, you always see somebody validating their behavior with that "silly game" phrase. It's a spit in the face to those who do put effort into the server, such as the community teams, who write our lore, build our city, then make it come to life with events. It's a discourtesy to those in their faction, team, etc who actually do their part, who are now left to either pick up the slack or just go without.

Yes, SRP is a silly block game roleplay server. I'm not saying you should treat SRP like a full-time job or even prioritize it over your other hobbies; I'm saying that when you sign up to do something, you should see it through, especially if other people are relying on you to do so. That means showing up to your groups events when you can, doing whatever job or fulfilling whatever role you're playing, being active, etc.

Quick side tangent, there is nothing wrong with playing this server and taking it seriously. Don't get me wrong, I am never telling a single one of my OOC friends or family members about this God forsaken hellscape, but I'm still proud to be a member of this community. Yes, at face value the concept of minecraft roleplay is cringe, but most of us here have put in enough time to it that we understand that it really isn't so bad. We're all passionate about the same weird niche thing, so what's the point in criticizing other players who do take things seriously?
Side-side tangent, don't take it so seriously that you're not having fun, because that usually saps the fun out of it for other people too. Be passionate and cool, not a walking :nerd: emoji who is impossible to deal with. This is a recreational activity, not a job.

"Lack of Motivation" is not a valid excuse for long-term inactivity. If you aren't motivated to log on to the server and participate in your faction for 30+ days, you should resign from the group to free up a spot for somebody that actually wants to get on and roleplay.

The same applies to "being busy." If you are so busy with work, clubs, school, etc that you don't have time for your faction, it's entirely on you for taking on so many obligations. I don't feel bad for you because you took on way more than you were capable of handling, and now you're in a bind because there's no possible way for you to do everything. It is your fault this happened, and seeing you cry about it in the faction chat moves me no more than a brick wall when faced against the beating wings of a fruit fly.
Lacked motivation is a huge excuse within lots of the communities, like I’ve been waiting 7 months for a skin (oocly prepaid) and I get the hard mental reasons/no motivation I mean they had the time before. So why now.
Hate me all you want, don’t care. Just want my skins.

People take SRP like a full time job, like it’s a block game. Unlike most people I have a life a job, I study.

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