players online

winnerville's hs council application


Level 4

What is your Minecraft Username?:
winnervillee [alts are peeyellow and gotsoup]

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
As of the moment, I have not had any bans nor warnings. Just a few kicks for tag changes.

What is your timezone?:
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:
Yes I do, loserville#7541

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Swedish Application - Accepted x2
German Application - Accepted

College Application - Denied
College Application - Accepted
College Application - Accepted
Spanish Application - Accepted
Police Application - Accepted
Sundanese Application - Accepted
Korean Application - Accepted
Doctor Application - Accepted
Police Application - Accepted

Describe your activity on the server?:
To be completely honest, I think of myself as a very active player unless it comes down to a few things. That being my own mental health and school work, I believe that both of those are very important to me which is why I tend to take a few breaks here and there off of SchoolRP. As of lately, I have been able to nicely balance my personal life and being able to play on this server actively. Not only on one account but also my other two. Peeyellow, my college cheer account and gotsoup which is my police officer account. Even if I do tend to spend some time off of SchoolRP, it does not affect my activity all that much. I find that personally, motivation is a strong struggle for me as a player. Being able to play with these tags, cheerleader, and police officer gives me more of a boost to play the server as much as I possibly can. In the end, I find myself very active. After spending a few hours on school, I find time in the rest of my day to play on this server.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I fully am aware of this as well as the punishment it results in. I completely understand and agree.


What is the student council?:
The student council team is a variety of students within the school that assist and aid students attending school as well as the faculty that works there. They are present to give the students a better advantage for better education purposes. Simply, at any time when needed, the council will support the students with their guidance and keep an eye out across campus in order to maintain a safe environment. They are in charge of enforcing different school policies and rules to those who might go against them. An example would be sending a student to class when they are obviously ditching or stopping another student from jumping into the pool, fully clothed. Any of these actions can resort to the council using discipline methods to bring an end to bad behavior amongst the school campus. Other than turning the students in the right direction at all times, the council should be able to show the students their leadership skills. In order to keep a calm and collected environment within the school, the council team should be able to prove to the students what leadership and responsibility are all about. Without a strong leader in position or a few leaders at that, the student team will only crumble and fail. They are the people who teach the students that school is not their enemy and instead of pushing all of it to the side, they educate them on certain topics. Being able to have a strong bond between the council and their fellow students is also quite important. A positive and healthy environment should be kept at all times. Not only does the council team deal with different scenarios on campus, but they are also in charge of planning school events or projects. Different ways that students can connect with one another and fully get that high school experience.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
I find the council role really interesting when it comes to roleplay. To be honest, coming across members of the team and noticing the way they do their job, sending students to class, or disciplining students with bad behavior, seems like a very fun and enjoyable role. I would think of myself as someone who loves to roleplay, an individual who is always open to different types of roleplay/ I do admit that I find myself more active on SchoolRP when I have the excitement of roleplaying with new characters; DetailRP especially. With all three of my accounts, I have been able to involve myself in all sorts of roleplay. A few examples could be CopRP and MedicalRP within the Karakura Emergency; Another example would be my College Cheer account, I find myself in between lots of different roleplay scenarios which I enjoy being a part of. Being a part of all these really opens up different opportunities to roleplay. I believe that being on the council team can really open a great number of doors and chances to take while roleplaying with students and faculty members on campus as well as off. It would be a new experience for me that I have been interested in for a while now. I'd like to get more involved with school activities as well, being able to assist other players with event planning and fun projects sounds extremely interesting to me and I'd be very dedicated if it came down to that. Another reason I am motivated to join the high school council is because of character development. I have put a great amount of time and thought into my characters and I believe that the role of council suits Nevaan perfectly. I would love to see where he goes as a character while perhaps having this place on the council.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
The school council of Karakura has many hard-working assignments that are given to them every day. Going into more detail on this subject, their job is to do as most people would suspect. Monitoring each and every action or activity that goes on within the school gates. Spending a good amount of time patrolling the campus and making sure every student is on their best behavior. Keeping an eye out for troubled students who might need a bit of assistance or being there to stop a fight going on. If anything gets too out of the hand, of course, they are the ones who report it immediately to the faculty members. These are all examples of what council students are expected to accomplish. Aside from telling other students to attend their classes, council members are expected to also be present during their own class periods. While stopping themselves from being late to these classes, it's the student council's duty to look out for the other student in their classroom. Students who might obviously be struggling with a certain subject or problem for example and always giving their best shot to make those students feel welcome. Not only does the council assists students while they work, but they are also obligated to help their teachers. Volunteering for problems and answering questions, overall being a great role model for the other students. Holding a good reputation is always important when it comes to the council, the more they help students the more people will feel comfortable going up to them and asking them for assistance when needed. Overall, the council makes these students feel safe and welcome in their working environment. Furthermore, the student council must attend their regular meeting and discuss ways to make the school experience better for characters and players. Giving helpful suggestions and ideas for school events or projects. Putting in your own work and thoughts into it.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
I believe that I can be very dedicated and hardworking working when it comes down to it. Honestly, I have struggled in the past with sharing my own ideas and jumping into conversations but over time I have taught myself to be more confident with planning and working. Sharing what's on my mind with others while working might be a big struggle for me from time to time, but when I put my mind to it I get the job done. I help myself accomplish those goals by pushing everything else out of the day for a few hours so I can completely focus. As someone who has a hard time focusing, I find that I gain more motivation the more work I finish and complete fully. Instead of having that paranoia of being judged while sharing my thoughts and suggestions, I have learned to expect constructive criticism as well as people's advice to help better myself and my own work. Of course, in real life work is always going to be at the top of my chart however, I do take SchoolRP responsibilities seriously as well. I understand that a lot of players take so much time out of their day to help make this server better and I would enjoy the feeling of being a part of that. Working with others boosts my motivation.

What interests you the most about the student council?:
The overall concept of the student council that interests me the most is the given ability to enforce the school policies upon students. As I have stated before, simply letting the players and characters know that they should be in class, giving them warnings, and concluding school fights or arguments on campus. In addition, helping students of faculty members with whatever it is they need, overall just being able to play as a role model for new or old players and characters.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
As mentioned above, I have been a part of many different kinds of roleplay. I have been a player on SchoolRP for almost 3 years now and throughout my time of playing, I've had so many opportunities and experiences that have just helped me improve on my roleplaying skills and character making. I admit that I have had a bit of a past with Gang and CombatRP, I believe that a lot of players are introduced to it as an early start with the server. However, I soon stopped once realizing that it isn't my cup of tea at all. Joining sports teams has also helped me learn about new types of roleplay. So far I have been on a few teams; College Swim, Baseball, and Cheer, and during the period of being apart of these teams I can say that my DetailRP skills have greatly improved. Other than roles within the school, I have been a part of CopRP for quite some time, more than 6 months and I am still going strong. I enjoy my time with the KPD because it really has helped me witness all sorts of different scenarios. After those 7 months, I decided to resign due to a few reasons but soon after getting back on my feet I was able to join the EMS. MedicalRP has also been a huge inspiration due to spending most of my time being directed to DetailRP within the hospital and out. Sadly my time there did not last too long, as of recently I have joined back with the KPD force.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
Out of respect, I would let them finish their proposition, giving them plenty of time to fully explain themselves before jumping into the conversation also. Once joining in, I would list a few reasons why their idea wouldn't work but instead of fully getting rid of the idea at hand, I would suggest a different approach. I'd share my own thought on how we could take that idea and change it up so it fits and it'll work for all of us. Giving constructive criticism towards that person is the path I would definitely choose.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:
I would listen to each and every one of their thoughts before actually sharing my own once again. Instead of jumping into a whole new idea, I would like to slowly discuss the reasons behind why they believe that the idea I shared would not work out. Upon hearing everyone else responses, I would try to cut up my idea to once again fully explain my reasoning and thoughts behind it. As I go past each and every piece, I would give everyone a chance to speak and share their own ideas so that we could possibly remove a few parts of the idea and work together to create a new one. In a situation like that, teamwork can really benefit the school's overall experience.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I would be completely honest in a situation like this. I would speak out to everyone to let them know that they are being completely immature while still keeping a very respectful composure. In hopes of calming them all down, I would continue to tell them that this is no way to speak to each other at a meeting and that we should all know better. Instead of adding fuel to the fire, I'd suggest more ideas such as taking advice from both sides and somehow working together to come up with an agreement that everyone can settle with. If not, a simple group vote would work.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:
Upon walking up to the scene, I would apologize for barging into the conversation. After grabbing the attention of the councilor, I would ask them calmly to explain what was going on. I would let them know that our job is not to harass and bring down our fellow students and to instead welcome them in with open arms and good advice. Following this conversation, I'd respectfully ask them not to act this way towards any student again while walking away with said student. During a free period, I would head over to a president and inform them of the situation that had recently happened. OOCLY, I would also keep in mind to take screenshots of the full conversation!

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
Continuing to hold that professional mannerism, I would ask to speak after the president has finished sharing their idea or comment. I would be straightforward and let them know that my thoughts on the subject are quite different and that I have many reasons to disagree with her. Of course with an apology, I would let them know that I am in no way being disrespectful or impolite. After sharing and dividing those reasons to them I would respectfully try my best to convince and persuade them to take a different approach in hopes of working this out.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
Upon noticing how much it was affecting their work ethic, I would find a proper time to speak to each one of them individually. Getting to hear the full story on both parts before assuming anything would of course bet the best option. After hearing them out on their drama and arguments, I'd set up some sort of meeting between them as well as myself and another trusted counselor. As a group, we would work together to help solve this built-up tension. While in the conversation, I would let them know how this is affecting their work and how it is completely unacceptable. If I soon realize that this is a much bigger issue than I first thought, I would take this whole situation to a president.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
ICLY, I would not speak out of place or be disprespectful towards that faculty member even if I did see a problem. I believe that an issue like that cannot be solved by a single council member. Instead, I would take this information and inform any presidency, deans, or principles that were available at this time. I'd explain the whole situation I had witnessed from start to finish and not leave out any details. OOCLY, I would be sure to take as many screenshots as possible just in case the higher faculty members asked for evidence.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:
I would immediately decline everything they threw at me. Friend or not, nobody deserves special treatment after getting themselves into trouble. Dealing with a situation like this by giving your friend a get-out jail-free card is completely immature and dishonorable which should definitely end with a punishment.


Character Name:
Naveen Mufaro Muleya

Character Gender:
Male - He/Him

Character Age:
Grade 12 - 18 years of age

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:
Nevaan is a very bright individual. He usually finds the best in himself when it comes to his everyday mood. He is in no way perfect but somehow he always finds a way to brighten up his own day. With a gleaming smile, he is never the type to get too frustrated, he is fairly good at keeping his composure even during the most stressful situations. To most, the boy would be quite charming. He'd have to agree with that though, even if the compliment does make him a bit flustered. With his shining smile and that handsome chuckle, who wouldn't find him just absolutely puppy-like? Either way, Naveen is just a very happy and enjoyable person to be around. He is quite a light-hearted person, extremely friendly when it comes to spending time with others. Throughout his normal day, he is just easygoing, nothing too out of hand. An actual ray of sunshine. Only rarely on terrible days is Nevaan actually an unfriendly person. If he woke up on the wrong side of the bed then he surely would have treated those around him terribly. It was unlike Nevaan to be like that. Cold and heartless. Of course, he is quite good at controlling his own emotions. There would be no way that he'd slip up and attack someone like that, either physically or verbally without an actual reason behind it. He enjoys being able to spend time around others, which is why he's rarely distant with his friends. It would be a very odd scene to witness. An impolite, rude Nevaan. One that didn't think twice about how he could hurt someone; mentally or physically.

Character appearance/attire:
Nevaan would have a golden honey-like complexion that gleamed in the sunlight. Soft smooth skin that felt almost too perfect to be true alongside those pearly whites. Plump lips that exposed that charming smile every time he decided to show his perfect teeth. Having a sharp jawline, Nevaan would also be gifted with the softest eyebrows that complimented those sweet dark eyes. Ones that screamed puppy dog every time he pouted. The cutest Adam's apple that peaked out every time he laughed. Hair-wise, he would of course have natural curls that he kept messy on accident. It would usually be all over the face. He is usually seen around campus with the school uniform on, neatly cleaned up with a few accessories here and there; whatever he chooses to style in that morning, he makes sure it doesn't stand out too much. However, outside of school, Nevaan usually styles his baggy jeans with a long shirt over. Attempting to tuck his shirt into his belts, he would end up failing and be seen as somewhat lazy looking. Oh, and you can't forget the cheap shoes.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
"As someone who was raised in a very modest household, I believe that those traits have just stuck with me, even after all this time! Being taught to be a lover, not a fighter really dug deep into my mind, it almost feels like my natural instinct at this point. I think it's simple really, I want to be able to prove to the school that even someone who isn't from Karakura can assist and help the students attending. Not to push my own buttons or anything but I personally have amazing communication skills, I'm a peoples person! I get along well with everyone, even when it comes to calming down fights during school. I think I suit this spot perfectly. Having proper communication skills can help in any situation, it's a great leadership trait as well. How do you expect to assist the school staff with objectives such as school dances, small events, even just calming people down without having the proper communication techniques? I find it rather difficult, honestly. Confidence is key. Having the right amount of confidence and creativity will surely help a great amount. Being able to show people and prove to them that I won't let them down can really inspire them to do better within the school. Even outside the school gates! Keeping them calm, collected, and safe during school would really benefit their learning experience here at Karakura. The role of a counselor isn't just one to take lightly. Responsibility- When you're a counselor, you're a leader. You're expected to be a role model for the other students, no? You cant be a leader without responsibility. When I look in the mirror through my eyes, I see a leader and an ally. I'd be ready to focus and jump right into any situation that comes insight. Assisting a teacher with class, keeping the students safe, reporting any rough business- and even after all of this, I'm the type of person to keep my head up high and never lose that positive attitude."

Why do you want this position?:
"I have not lived in Karakura for that long, It hasn't even been a month yet really. Even so, I have learned so much about this school. I have seen how the counsel team works together and it truly inspires me to be a better person. Instead of sitting behind the curtains and watching- I want to jump in and perform alongside the rest of my classmates! By joining the council team, I believe that it. . opens a new chapter for me. A whole new opportunity to assist and help anyone apart of the school district as well as the students themselves. I want to be there for the full hands-on experience, being able to help those who inspire me. Whether leading a student into the library or helping the faculty with a newly organized school event, I would love nothing more than to be there and share my open-minded thoughts. Alongside all of that, joining this team would bring me so much knowledge. I'd learn more about leadership than I ever have before, to me that sounds like a win. The whole. . giving back to the community sort of thing? I want to have my own part in this school. I want to get involved with any objective."

What interests you the most about student council?:
"What interests me the most. . above all, I honestly find assisting other students and faculty members to be the most interesting and empathetic. The thought of being able to inspire other students is amazing to me. Being committed to the role of a leader and watching over students during their everyday school life- making sure they are out of harm's way. I think that- . . really gives the students more motivation in a way. If we are here constantly reminding them that they are able to do this and that we are here to assist, I think their learning experience would gradually evolve and eventually get to such a high point. Honestly just being like a hawk!- watching everyone's movements to see if they are staying out of trouble too, I'd enjoy every second of that."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"With all the power I am able to use, I would try my best to start or host a few campaigns to educate the students on certain topics. These campaigns could simply be put into school assemblies or just shared with everyone over a class or the intercom. I'd suggest. . also putting up more posters- ones that will persuade and motivate students into wanting to educate themselves upon the topic. The Anti-bullying posters are of course a nice touch but I believe that most students only give a quick glance. Why not put it out there more and announce glasses upon the subject. Personally, I believe that school safety is most important. Without a safe learning environment, how are students expected to excel and open their minds more? An example would be. . a few council members going into each class and sharing a presentation, one that truly educates them on how to stay safe not only inside of school grounds but also outside. With an idea like this, we can help spread awareness as well as the school rules to those students who struggle to understand. Presentations on bullying, studying more in school for a bright future, and even gang violence. Another aspect of this that I believe is important is being able to make the students feel comfortable around their classmates. Acceptance. I understand that a lot of students at Karakura struggle with being able to be themselves inside of school, maybe they fear being judged. I know that I certainly did struggle with this topic. Educating the students about accepting others and letting people know that here in Karakura, we accept and greet everyone with open arms. All of these can assist the students and help them build a better and safer environment that surrounds them. Aside from school safely, I also believe that students and faculty members should work together and create fun projects or events from time to time. Fun assemblies would be a great idea, performances could be shown to the students. Raising money can also be a great idea. Bakes sales, Awareness programs that people can come and donate to as well as educate themselves- selling school merchandise or holding some sort of movie night. All of these are fun projects that everyone can join in on and in the process, money can be gathered and go straight into the school system or the city of Karakura itself."

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Level 143
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Content Team

- Congratulations you have been accepted. Your application was reviewed by myself and the Council Presidents and it was agreed upon to accept you. All you need to do join the Academics Discord and @ WiffyBanter inside of the #help channel. You'll recieve your Discord Role. Later you may either request your IN-GAME role through /help, Role Request or request it from me in the Council Chat when I am online.​

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