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WistiRP | Goverment Application


Level 18

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:
My discord tag is: wistier

Do you have a working microphone?:
I do and im willing to use it!

Timezone & Country:
CEST | Denmark

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

All of these we're made when i was still young [Most of them] so i deeply apologies for the Grammar, and posting the same application 3 times.
Describe your activity on the server:
And i play everyday for multiple hours and I've been doing so since 2019 even though bans have stopped me. And i do apologies for those as well i was a child.​

Free from when i wake up till i go to bed.Free from when i wake up till i go to bed.Free from when i wake up till i go to bed.Free from when i wake up till i go to bed.Free from when i wake up till i go to bed.Free from when i wake up till i go to bed.Free from when i wake up till i go to bed.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the Governor position.

What is your motivation for applying?:


Well as you have seen in my past applications i have tried to get a role since i joined the server in early 2019 [I got site up first at 2021] And i want to prove that i know what to do when i receive one of these roles and i see the Governor Position as one of the most important ones in the Server and i would love to try it for myself. And i see myself staying there for a long time and just to get to work in the Goverment faction seems like a dream.


"Well I'm fairly new to town so i wouldn't know the most and honesty is key! But of course it seems like a great job with a great community that i would love to see myself be apart of, and see myself working here for multiple years in the future! And this would also bring me closer to my family which is the reason i even moved here in the first place. So this has alot of good things that it can add for me and I'm excited to hopefully get to work!"

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:


I have gangrped for quite a while since i started i think i have a good knowledge of them but i would love to learn more throughout my hopefully journey with you. Even thought i haven't had any jobs but i know it to an extent where i will do some research of it now so it wont have any flaws so i would be able to get to work [If i get accepted that is]

"Well as i said I'm new to town so i don't know a lot sadly but I'm willing to spent all hours to learn this for the benefit of my family and the work space so i would be able to help the town as much as possible. So hopefully i will get to know it before i get accepted into this work space if i do."

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:


I want to make a Character that is known for doing what he does incredibly well and i want to test my limits within SRP and hopefully get to be good at this. Making my detailrp better and growing as a person and a roleplayer within the server. And i would just like to grow my character's lore and this character will be fully new.


"Well it's a tough question i wish i would be able to help the town as much as possible as I've stated a few times now i would just love to grow as a father and as a citizen i feel like its my duty as a new comer to help as much as possible. To be able to grow myself as a respected man."

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
The governor the voice of the mayor. The figure that expresses the government's words, is the front face of the government in Karakura. They are filled with important tasks like providing IDS, Officiate Marriages, Document Trials, Attend trials, Announce trials, Giving public speeches, Survey the public, and approving adoption paperwork. These all are extremely needed for the town to run well, and it's fully needed by the governors who probably have the hardest job in Karakura but also one of the most important ones.

Why do they give IDS?
Well the city needs to be able to have as many people having id's due to if you get stopped by the KPD you would need to be able to show them your ID
But how do we do it? Well you ask the citizen for a full name and age and place their finger on a finger scanner and would need a 5.000 ¥ where they also would be able to if they are over 20, buy alcohol so it does come with benefits. If a citizen is seen without an ID you would be charged 5.000 ¥ from the police as a fine for now owning one.

Attend trials
Well the Government officials are meant to be attending as many Trials as possible in their time of work as they write down what they need, to make sure they get all the information about the trials, and it's their job to make sure everything goes well.

Announcing Trials
It's the Governors Job to announce the trials so the public would be able to hear it and show up for the needed trial, this is used to also keep it organized for the rest of the Government workers

Public Speeches
The Governors make speeches for the mayor and the rest of the government this is crucial for the Government, i would say myself its crucial for them to appear a lot they are the speakers for the Government and i say the should meet up for everything like Riots, court cases and other big events that are important for speeches from the Town hall.

Officiate Marriages
Getting Married is important and for all of the paperwork that is used to give them the full marriage where they would need to talk about paperwork and the governors job is to legalize the marriage and get it all legalized signed by both who are involved to be getting married and we should sort files if anything would happen between the two. Like if they were to get separated it would be thru us as well

Approving Adoption Paperwork
It's also our jobs to approve of adoption paperwork, where we will help families become REAL families with this you would be making a family happy getting them the child they wanted or perhaps just helping a kid find a home with somebody they feel save with. It's probably the thing I'm most excited to do just because that it would be able to make a family and make them happy icly as somebody who gets all of my characters adopted i would be happy to do this icly as well.

Documenting Trials
Doing the documenting will be like writing an report about all of the information that happens during the case. There would be names for the Judge and lawyer but also the names of the subjects name and the offenders name, in this case we would be seeing ourselves as a type of reporter whilst the case is going on to make a full sized report on all of the info that is needed.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Of course, risk is apart of the job.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Of course, I'm willing to proof that i will do that as well this will be my passion.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware of this and if it happens i will take the fullest punishment

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read the Government Faction rules and i fully agree with the rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Absolutely i will be able to attend them all.


Full name:

[!] The individual would give a smile after looking up from the paperwork Infront of him, a smirk appeared he'd say in a deep calming voice with a French accent [!]
My name is André Holland

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
I prefer to go as Mr.

Current age:
[!] He'd give a sarcastic frown, he didn't feel this old he'd be hesitated to say so before saying it. [!]
"I am 47 [35 mentally] "

Date of birth:
[!] He would say finally somebody wasn't bullying him for this age like his kids [!]
"God damn I'm old.. I'm born on the Fifth of January 1977. Oh wow I'm from the same year as Star wars a new hope..."


Academic Degree:
[!] He'd chuckle a bit this answer was seemingly obvious but still wanted to crack a dad joke [!]
"Well! Law... wanna hear a joke? "A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage. He sadly lost his case AHAHA"
Criminology and Economics.

"Social Studies, and journalism. These fit well with each other if you didn't know ahah!"

Work experience:
"I have some lawyer work back in France but that's it"

Nationality & born location:
"French born in Marseille"

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:
"Clean as shampoo! Wait... Doesn't shampoo get dirty when you wash your hair? Well either way I'm clean."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"Well of course many years of working and studying law would make me a good addition to the Karakura government. I have an amazing sense of humor if you didn't know that already of course. Either way, my passion for the job would make me a good addition i could see myself working here till I get forced to retire in many many years! And I have the mental state to keep working and not taking a lot of breaks. But it is a tough question and I want to answer as well as possible so I will also add my willpower to become better and I will do everything to get better at this job."

Liked the Application? I hope so, have a nice day yall
Eichi Holland [COLLEGE B]
Allison Holland [GRADE-12]
Discord: @WistiER

"Life can be tough but it all get's better."
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