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In Progress xXXuander05Xx's | KPD Application #2


Level 8


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
xXXuander05Xx (Account i’m applying on)

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Accepted - Governor app - Italian lang app 2 - JSL lang app - mathematics teacher

Denied - Black market dealer app - Italian lang app 1 - KPD app 1

Removed - Teacher application

Describe your activity on the server:

I am an active member of the community, spending around 4-5 hours on the server. Although most of these hours are on my main account xXXuanderXx, this is due to currently being a member of the highschool football male team, spending most of my time roleplaying with others in the sports faction. However, if I do get accepted to this faction my hours on the account I’m applying on will increase due to having more things to do. A few things that I try to take part in while on the server is roleplaying with others, participating in events that are server-wide, or also going to smaller ones players have made to try to develop more lore for my characters. Another thing that I used to take part in while on the server was GANGRP. However, this has become a thing that I got bored due to the nature and for a long time I’ve wanted to try a faction that interested me. The KPD faction was one of those that piqued my interest for a long time, as I've already been a part of two factions on the server such as the government faction (being a governor) and the school as a teacher (mathematics), so I'd also like to try something new and broaden the horizon.



2pm - 12am3pm - 12am3pm - 12am5pm - 12am2pm - 12am12pm - 12am12pm - 12am

What is your motivation for applying?:

One of the biggest things that have motivated me to apply for this faction, is that I want to have a new experience. Within the server, I have listed in the previous questions that I have taken part in a few dactions such as the government faction, sports and teacher faction. I want to expand more into the emergency side of the server as I have not done this during my time on the server.The life of and officer or detective seems to fit me more than a teacher, governor or football player as of recently. The KPD aspect of the emergency faction is one that I've spend time interacting with due to the tie to GangRP. However, despite me being on the crime side, I have made friends in the emergency faction over the years.

Another thing that has made me want to apply for this faction is my overall interest in the KPD. I've had the experience of being on the opposing side of the officers and being the criminal which sometimes comes with a handful or roleplay experiences. However, it can also be limiting due to topics such as only gaining felonies and the morals the characters you create can have - an example being anti government mentality. One thing that I would be able to whilst in KPD is create a character that is able to develop in a different way than my past characters. Most of my characters, who may be involving in crime, government or even school factions, are limited to those catergories, whilst officers can allow me to expand on the more broad topics.

Compared to people in the school factions, the emergency side of this server will allow me to take a different approach to a situation and also help build more lore into the character. As I previously mentioned, I spend time participating in events that are open to the public, or going to smaller occasions players have made to develop more lore into my characters - which this faction will only help aid this and involve me within the community.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

Although I do not have the greatest knowledge of what the police do outside of school roleplay, I still know a few things that they do. One of these topics being responding to calls for things such as criminal investigations, crime scenes or blocking of areas for fires. Despite there not being a department for fire on the server, this is something that occurs offline. Overall, their job, just like the officers in SchoolRp, is to make sure that people are safe and to place criminals behind bars - or serve justice as a whole. Another aspect that police do OOCLY is detective work. This is normally when they look into facts of the crimes to try figure out a lead on someone. Along with this, the detective would focus on who has commited said crime, eventually ending the case with catching the culprit and serving justice. An addition to this topic, they also have things such as raids on spaces for many sorts of reasons with warrants. Detectives can even search a place to find any incriminating evidence on someone that can be used against thm in a case, although they would need the right paperwork to do so (warrant).

Furthermore, in real life, they are there to deter people from commiting crimes whilst also acting as examples who can help guide and show that there is a better life. An example being instead of doing something like committing a small crime, the officers are there to help give an alternative, as smaller crimes could lead to more severe ones later on down the line. The police are there to protect the city, keep peace and stop things like public riots or gatherings that can turn violent or aggressive.

Overall the police in real lief have many similarities to the KPD within Schoolrp as they have nearly the same jobs and goals.

Due to spending a lot of time on SRP and interacting with the KPD on many occasions, I have a lot more knowledge of what they are capable of. Along with this, as I was in the government faction a while back, I know some of the parts that intertwine with one another. One of the main things that officers are capable of doing is being apart of the trials - making sure the rules are being follwed. On rare occasions, there are speeches that they will go to ensure that there are no riots or crime taking place.

Basic things the police do

Patrols - This is one of the most basic things that an officer will do with the KPD. They can even do it whilst they are cadets as long as they are with another member of the force who is a higher rank. When on patrols, the officer will go out in a group (or solo) and patrol around the town making sure that no crime is taking place. If a crime is being commited, they will make their way to the area and handle the topics, whether that be arresting the individual or applying a fine depending on the situation at hand.

CCTV - CCTV is a major aspect within the KPD faction as it allows the officers to find out details of a situation without leaving the walls of the station - identifying a crime and what is being visible to the public. In addition, this is also a plugin that the KPD have access to which allows them to see through the cameras scattered through the town. This allows the officers to see from a live point of view and will help them respond to the situation in an appropriate fashion. However, to access these cameras, they will have to go to a specific area in the station. Due to the emergency plugin, they would also need to use the information given to them via callers to pinpoint the exact location of a crime. From there, they will then use this information to respond to the situation or to catch the criminal. It is also used to spot individuals who are wanted for committing a crime previously - as the CCTV serves as the eyes from the station.

Deskwork - Another basic topic that the officer's can do while in the KPD station is sit at the front desk and do a few tasks. One of the main tasks that they will do while at the desk is dealing with bails. Whether this be a citizen asking about a bail or paying for one, officers at the desk can answer those questions along with all the other information on the topic. An additional thing that the officers will do if they are doing deskwork, is taking reports that people have made and then file them, which will later be used within a case, or if it's a solid evidence, to arrest someone. Finally, they are also able to take reports that are actively going on. Example being; if someone runs in and tells an officer about a crime, they will get other officers with them to respond to the situation.

Responding to calls - One of the tasks that the KPD are most known for is responding to calls that the citizens of Karakura make. While on the call, they will gain the information from the person on the line and then respond appropriately to the situation. One of the most common calls they may get are assaults, but they can also respond to things like criminal events that may have been reported or actively taking place. In addition to this, they may also just simply respond to someone asking about a question or be there if a civilian is in need of an officer.

Arrests - Arrests are one of the more common traits cops will do. The officers in question will handle these situations with a variety of topics, such as choosing the time length depending on the charges. Along with this, the officer will calculate the price of the bail and time.

Criminal trials - Criminal trials are something that can happen against an officer if the inmate that has been arrested pleads not-guilty to the crime they are being charged with. If this happens, the arresting officer will have to talk to a lawyer and give over the sufficient evidence of the crime the criminal has committed. In addition to that, the arresting-officer will be attending the trial as the defense against the opposing side since they are the person in charge of the arrest. If there are officers not involved directly, they will stand inside the courtroom or outside the space to ensure that everything is going smoothly and peacefully.

Codes - The KPD and EMS both have codes that correlate to different meanings. These are used to communicate with each other over the radio without anyone outside of the faction knowing what they mean. They are used in many different situations, one of the biggest ones being code zero. This number code is used in emergency situations where someone is at serious risk and will alert all officers or paramedics to the current location. Overall, each code has a different meaning that is used as a form of communication that only a select few understand.

Crime levels - Depending on the crime amount that has taken place within a select amount of time, the level of crime around Karakura can be raised. The crime levels can affect many things that happen within the KPD, one of these things being the equipment that they take out on a patrol or how many officers can leave at once. Other things that can cause the level to rise high are crime events or multiple big things going off at once.

Interogations/Questionings - On some occasions, an officer may have to detain a member of the public or even call them via their phone asking if they are able to come in for questioning. This situation will most likely revolve around a crime that has been reported or even been committed by the individual themselves. Upon being interrogated, they will be asked a series of questions related to the crime that the arresting officer is trying to investigate. During this time, other officers are able to watch it through a viewing window that is one sided, allowing them to all gain evidence from the person being interrogated whilst not being visible.

Raids - These are very situational and only happen in certain scenarios yet are part of an officer's duty despite how rare. These raids consist of going into a person's apartment or house to find illegal weaponry, a suspect of a criminal, or something that has been hidden away. Raids require warrants to enter the apartment/house to search the area. Officers must request one (a warrant) from a judge as they cannot raid an apartment until they have one.

Rankings and Division


The cadets are new officers that have just been accepted, they have limitations. One of the limits is not being able to leave the station. It is the first rank for everyone and when you obtain this rank, you’ll be given the basic items:
- Police baton
- Handcuffs
-Police radio
- Stun gun/Taser
-Gas mask
-Pepper spray
-Body Camera
-Luminoil spray

Patrol officer
A patrol officer is a person that has just passed their exam and is now an official member of the force. This rank gives them the ability to do new things such as leave the station along with responding to calls when they are needed to.

Corporal / Detective constable
Corporals are members of the KPD who have shown that they are active enough and prove themselves worthy of a promotion. They are dedicated members of the KPD and have shown themselves to a degree to make this rank. Along with this, they have the ability to go into the detective division that allows them to apply their learnings to different subjects compared to the main division such as investigating a crime (see detective above). At this rank, these officers/detectives gain the ability to use a crowbar when necessary and become a part of their equipment.

Sergeant/Detective inspector
This is a rank that you gain once you’ve shown that you are dedicated and proven they’re worthy of the title. This is a level that is gained before becoming a higher up as during this rank, officers gain access to a tranquilizer gun. I am also somewhat positive they are required to take another exam to get this level.

Lieutenant / Detective Chief Inspector
Lieutenant is a rank only three members of the force can hold on at one time. Upon obtaining this rank, you are now seen as a higher up and hold new responsibilities such as people going to you about certain situations OOCLY or ICLY issues. Just like any other faction higher up, they will help manage the lower ranks and overall have more of a say in changes that may need to be made - an example being the emergency level. After receiving this rank, you then receive the police cruiser - which is a four seater car - used to respond to calls.

Captain / Detective Superintendent
The captain is the second-in-command of the main division and is also considered a higher up of the faction. Captains (for main division) or Detective Superintendent (for detectives) are one-of one roles that are held by one of the most trusted and dedicated people in the faction. They may have extra duties such as delivering speeches, however, they are rare but have taken place in the past.

The Commissioner is the highest ranking member within the faction and also an individual rank, as they are the ones who technically own the faction and seen as the lead. They are responsible for picking out the new officers along with making the majority of the changes and running the faction as a whole.


This is a list of equipment that officers get access to upon joining the faction, unless they are unlocked through rank ups which has been previously stated in the rank section.

Physical items

Baton - The police baton is a physical item that every officer will carry on them for situation where a taser or tranquilizer maybe rendered useless or unsafe. The baton has the following stats:
- Muggable
- Two hit KO like other blunt weapons.
- To be used it needs to be actioned to pull out unless they are out of range.
- Close-range weapon (2 block range)

Police Radio - The police radio is a radio that is used to communicate with other officers in the faction along with the members of the ems. This radio also had a code 0 button on it that will alert all cops that something serious is going on and will tell them the location of the current officer. The stats are as follows:
- Waterproof
-Can be broken by blunt or sharp weapons
- Cannot be mugged

Breathalyser - This item is used to test if someone is drunk and are in need of help and fining for breaking the law. Once actioned to be use the player who it’s being used on will have to /it drunk percent and it cannot be mugged.

Police badge - Like other factions, this is a badge that proves your character is an officer icly. To use this, you’d simply right click on someone like any other ID and it cannot be mugged too.

Taser - This is one of the most basic items that an officer is given and is gained upon joining the faction. This weapon is used to render criminals harmless, however it’s effects only last for 60 seconds before they become unstunned, however upon being used majors are obtained on the officer. The stats are as follows:
- 8 block range and cannot be used in water
- Cannot be mugged

Pepper spray - This is another item that the officers carry on them, upon using it on an individual who isn’t using a gasmask, it will blind them for 60 seconds and after being used all actions must be honored. The stats are as follows:
- Two block range and no roll required.
- Has 3 uses before it’s no longer usable
- Cannot be mugged.

Crowbar - This is another item that the officers get access to although only after a certain rank. The tool is used to pry open doors during raids or to save people from a situation where a door maybe locked shut. The stats are as followed:
- Two hit Ko .
-Has a two block range.
- can pry open doors.

Riot shields - This is a piece of equipment that goes along with the officers riot gear, mainly used when something serious is taking place or during a raid. They are also used during events when needed such as a major criminal one. The stats for the riot shield are as followed:
- In the main hand, the officers won’t be able to use offensive tools and any side attack or front attack is blocked.
- In the off hand, the shield provides no defensive or offensive abilities but allows the officer to use offensive attacks from other items.
- One block range.
- Can be stolen if the officer is unconscious.

Tranquilizer - This is an item that the officers receive upon gaining sergeant rank in the faction. The weapon fires darts that will knock out the target upon impact, rendering them unable to do anything for two minutes. The stats are as followed:
- Knocks a player unconcious for two minutes
- Requires an action to reload two darts if in range.
- Can’t be stolen
- Has a thirty block range

Police Bike - This is a vehicle that is used to quickly travel around and arrive to scene’s of a crime if needed. This vehicle is unable to be stolen and is a one seater allowing only one person to respond to the call quickly unless multiple officers have them.

Police Cruiser - This is another vehicle that the police have access to after the lieutenant rank is achieved by the officer. The vehicle allows the officer to once more quickly arrive on the scene though it’s different to the bike as it allows up to four people arrive at a time as it’s a four seater car.

Gas mask - This is a mask that is used to block harmful glasses from entering the officers lungs, it’s mainly used if tear gas is deployed so it doesn’t effect the officer and the target. The stats are as followed:
- Can be mugged.
- Neutralizes the effect of pepper spray.

Handcuffs - This is an item that is used upon arresting a player and must be actioned to do so. They don’t have much use other than arresting someone and the stats for them are as followed:
- One block range
- Can’t be mugged
-Requires and action and roll if the player is resisting.

ItemRP'd items

Luminol spray - This is a spray that is accessible to all on duty officers and allows them to identify blood on surfaces, such as weapons or masks. The only time it does not work is if the item has been cleaned by bleach and water. Due to it being itemRPed it cannot be stolen.

Disposable latex gloves -These are accessible to all officers that are on-duty and leave no fingerprints behind. Allowing a scene not to be contaminated or itemized if they need to investigate it.

First-Aid kit - This is a small-sized medical kit used in dire situations such as when an ambulance or the ems are not available straight away. Upon this item being used it will grant another 5 minutes to a bleed-out timer.

Fingerprint scanner - This is used to scan a suspect's finger and will let the officer know if the sample has matched the target's results.

Body Camera - This is a constantly recording and live streaming waterproof camera that is attached to an officer's uniform. All of the recordings from the camera can be gained from the cloud database and there is also no way to turn it off or remove it. Although it can be destroyed by 2 hits by a blunt weapon or one singular stab.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

The KPD faction plays an important part within the server. This is because they are created to bring more realism to the server, as one of the major things that they combat within the server is the crime and gang factions. As without this faction, crime would not really be able to work properly as there wouldn’t be the risk of getting caught and losing things - the risk factor being removed. Although, the KPD are not just around for combating the criminals, they are also around to do basic things such as protect the public from things such as animals and as of writing this application, ghosts. They may do these things in different ways such as forcing the people away from an area for ghosts or even using a tranquilizer for an animal, however, they are only used by an emergency response team when needed. They also play a major part in events, crime or non-crime based, as they tend to deal with issues that may arise. An example of this is bears broke loose due to an event and their job was to capture them and keep the public safe.

Overall, they are an important part of the server as they are an emergency response team that ensures the safety of others and brings more of a roleplay experience to those who are on the server.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I am understanding of this and will attend any training that is held while I’m online.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
“My name is Angelo Veit Lowe.”

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
“I am twenty nine years old.”

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
“I am a male and my pronouns are He/Him”

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
College Masters

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

“I currently know three other languages besides Japanese. I know my language of origin which is German, along with Japanese Sign Language, and Korean.”

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?Application_Gif_2.gif

Physical looks

Basic description - At first glance, Angelo would look like any other member of the public. There are a few features that at first glance would stand out, one of them being his raven colored hair that seemed to be all over the place, though as if it was intentional. His deep blue eyes seemed calm and welcoming, showing no sort of hostility towards anyone. Although Angelo can sometimes look scary due to his height, he’s a kind soul and would rather protect someone than do harm to them.

Scars - Upon further inspection, Lowe seemed to have a few scars that were littered around him. The one that seemed to stand out the most was a scar that sat upon his face, positioned directly under the base of his eye, seemingly telling a tale of something that may have happened in the past. Upon close inspection, a noticeable lightning scar would be barely recognisable due to the tattoo of a snake that seemed to hide away most of the damage of the strike.

Tattoo - Angelo has a singular tattoo on his body and there is no real meaning behind it other than it was gained after the male was struck by lightning in his early twenties. He simply didn’t like the look of the scar so tried his best to hide it with a simple tattoo of a snake.

Angelo is a very outgoing person and loves socialising with people, although at times, the raven may stand off to the side and out of the public. He wouldn’t mind someone approaching him to chat or even make friends with. However, being in a large group of people or even trying to talk to a large group, Lowe might end up freezing up or even finding it difficult to talk to everyone due to his nerves getting the best of him. Despite his fears, he tries his best to push himself out of his comfort zone and do what has to be done.

Disabilites/mental illness
As of current Angelo doesn’t have any sort of disabilities that stops him from physically being able to do something. Lowe has come close to nearly losing his eyesight once along with getting struck by lightning in his previous years. He was lucky enough to remain with his ability to see and move his arm still, although the limb was weakened. All that remains is a visible scar on his right arm and under his eye.

Weakened Right Arm - Due to the lightning strike that had struck Angelo in his early twenties, the male sometimes struggles with lifting heavy things or even the simplest of objects. This is because the lightning strike had damaged the nerves in his arm making it significantly weaker. However, he still uses it as Angelo learned to use his left hand more - making everything easier.

As for mental disabilities, Angelo has two of them that are currently diagnosed and affect his everyday life. They are not serious to the point of being incapable of existing, but they are still there and affect him in certain situations.

Anxiety - This is a mental disorder that affects Angelo in his daily life and can lead to certain situations being too much for him. Anxiety makes him rely on the people that are closer to him to do something, rather this being something simple such as ordering something from a shop or just walking up and talking to someone. He tries his best to not let it change his way of living, but it slips through the cracks and everything can get a little too much for Lowe.

OCD - This is another mental disorder that affects the man in his daily life. Although not severe, the way things are laid out can cause the disorder to trigger. For example, if a desk was messy or even something was out of its place, Angelo would stop the things he’s doing. If it is not major and would fix it, aligning everything up and ensuring it’s in a state of perfection.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
“Casual and a professional situation, two opposing things. I can joke around in one and have to be serious in the other, although I’d prefer to be casual with everyone. Being professional is needed especially when having a job so serious, but why change? Life could be at risk if I'm not serious or people who shouldn’t be in danger could easily be.”

In a professional situation, Angelo’s demeanor would be serious. Doing everything as if he was some sort of soldier at work - never straying from the tasks at hand. Due to this, he might not be as lively as normal as the situation may be needing him to be serious and alert. During the time and weight of the status, Lowe would not be the type to crack out jokes or even do anything fun for that matter, as his belief is pretty solidified as stated above.During something such as a patrol or responding to a call, someone could get wrongly accused or seriously injured due to the way he acted, possibly costing him his livelihood.

However, in a casual situation, Angelo would find himself being rather light-hearted along with cracking more jokes around fellow co-workers and friends if the time seems fit to do so. While sometimes the raven might stand off to the side and hide away from a crowd, he is a social person and will push himself out of his comfort zone to get to know those around him. This slowly helps him build on his own confidence and helps him build relationships with those that he surrounds himself with. If the person that Angelo was talking to was a civilian within the town, he’d uphold the professional behaviour although would remained more laid back and less serious as the situation would not call for it.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
“Co-workers and teamwork, something that goes hand in hand. As a member of the police force I should be trying my best to work with other officers and keeping clear communication as it is necessary while working with other officers.”

Views on co-workers
To Angelo, his co-workers were seen as a team, people that he could be striving to have good communication with. These people are individuals which would be working side-by-side with him; trust is a valuable thing to avoid being hurt on duty. Alongside this, he believes it’s important to keep a good relationship with his co-workers to ensure that he can remain trustworthy in their eyes. If someone doesn’t trust another whilst dealing with a dangerous situation, it could end up poorly for them or Angelo himself. Adding onto this, Co-workers are also people that Angelo has the potential to befriend and build deeper bonds with, ensuring he’s happy inside the workplace itself. Overall, fellow officers and detectives are people who he would push himself to maintain a good relationship with.

Views on Teamwork
Angelo see’s teamwork as something that goes hand in hand with his co-workers, a key part of making the job as an officer go smoothly and successfully as not everything can be done alone. Lowe takes teamwork seriously and tries his best to communicate properly with others, as working in such a difficult and dangerous field, teamwork can make situations safe for everyone involved rather than his own co-workers or civilians of Karakura. Teamwork is a must have in these lines of work to him, and if necessarily needed, he’d go out of his way to figure out ways that he can improve with his teamwork - examples being helping with smaller things or working on his communication skills in conversation.

What's your character's backstory?
Home life

At a young age, Angelo’s family always had issue’s with money. Struggling to pay for the most basic of things, they constantly dealt with so many struggles such as even paying for the rent of their home. This was due to the mistakes that his dad made while younger, as his father was a gambler who went into debt due to taking out loans trying to make more of them. Though everytime the male tried it was a flop and this later left most of the adults within Angelo’s family to work and save up just so they could make it by daily, upon his thirteenth birthday, Angelo had decided to take up a job as a paper boy within his local town to help his family deal with difficult times. Although Angelo had other plans for when he was older, such as becoming a reporter this was just a step in getting there. His kind and caring attitude only made him work harder as his family was everything to him and helping them out was his only intention.

A few years down the line, Angelo’s family had saved up enough to start a small tailoring business in which they made outfits and even cosmetics such as scarfs, gloves and so on. This allowed some of the members of his family to relax a little, gaining a job within the small business that was created, although Lowe decided to finally drop his job as a paperboy and pursue his dream of becoming a reporter.

The incident

At the age of eighteen, Angelo was one day walking the streets of Munich at night. In which he ran into a male around his own age, who was being threatened by another person. The raven at first thought this was not his issue, leaving the two to bicker though things quickly escalated as the two started throwing punches and Angelo himself didn’t have any sort of phone on him so calling the police was not an option in this situation. . . And then that is when a weapon was pulled out. Angelo was a caring person, yet a striking instinct of survival lingered within his head. He took a few minutes, deciding if he should intervene with the situation. After the short lived mental battle. Angelo ran over at full speed tried grabbing the arm of the individual with the weapon, screaming at them to run the opposite way. Due to this, Angelo nearly lost his eye as the knife that was pulled on him was used by the attacker against him. After a long hardened fight, cops later ran onto the scene as the initial victim of the attack had called them, saving Angelo’s life and causing him to have much appreciation for them.

After the whole situation had taken place, Lowe had to do all the usual procedures like explaining to the cops what had taken place. This situation left him rather shocked and static as he looked back on the potential mistakes that could of happened. A common question that the male had asked himself though was why? Why did he step in and defend a stranger that he’d not even met before.

The aftermath

A week had passed since the whole incident and the question still seemed to drift on Angelo Lowe’s mind. Why had the male jumped into save a stranger? The raven seemed to have left it down to the fact that life was something that should be valued and seeing someone at risk caused an automatic response from him. Eventually the male was contacted by the officers that had helped save him from the criminal with the knife, thanking him for helping someone as it could of really gone south and caused someone to lose their life, this although a small had lit a spark inside Angelo. Nobody had really ever thanked him for a single thing that he did, not even his family it made him feel a sense of worth in a world he was so small in and overtime Angelo had thought about a change in career paths due to this incident. Once the male had finished school, College was an option that he’d decided to take and study in criminology. Finishing his degree a few years later, Angelo was now ready to get a job within the world.

Karakura Japan
When Angelo was around twenty eight, his family decided to relocate to Japan, which at the time was due to a new business opportunity that the family had been offered. Although Angelo Lowe didn’t find much interest in this due to the fact that he was stuck on his dream of one day becoming an officer. After all the hard studying that he’d gone through in Germany, he wasn’t far off that dream all the male would have to do is search around for a place that was looking for new officers. Over and over again the memory vividly played in his mind, causing him to want to apply for the police as soon as he arrived within Karakura. Although this wasn’t the case due to the raven having a new environment to adapt to, this was his first time in a foreign country and many things had to be learned such as the cultures and town of Karakura. During the time that man had spent getting used to such things, he started training daily implementing a daily routine at the gym. Allowing himself to keep in shape ready for when he was going to apply for the role of an officer as one of the main things was making sure he was ready.
Once time had passed and all of these things were checked off his list, Angelo decided to step up and apply to be a part of the police department, hoping that he’d get a chance to protect the community.

General knowledge


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“It is illegal to carry any sort of bladed weapon on you in Karakura, if you are found to be in possession of one then you would be arrested for possession of illegal weaponry and maybe other charges if the weapon is used.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“Five medical items that someone is allowed to carry on you without having a prescription could be Parecetamol, Cough syrup, Wooden cane, an Eye patch and MultiVitamins. Although there are a few more that people can carry on them without being in possession of these items.”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“Upon seeing my co-worker abusing an inmate, my first course of action would be to rush and tend to the inmate. It’s important that inmate safety is ensured as well as their well-being, even for criminals. After checking the inmate for injuries, I’d then request that the co-worker left the area and stay away from the inmate. This would be to ensure no further physical abuse would occur. A radio can be extremely handy in these situations, so I would radio for another officer, who was not involved in said altercation, to watch over the inmate whilst I review the CCTV footage. Since I cannot review bodycam footage myself, CCTV would be my only resort. After reviewing and coming to the conclusion that the situation was sparked via officer and not via inmate, I would take the evidence I have and bring it to a higher-up. Once in the hands of those above me, it’s out of my hands. I’m entirely aware this could make me some enemies in my work place, but at the end of the day I made a commitment to the job and public safety."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“If I see my co-worker being assaulted, I would quickly asses the situation and see if I could deal with the people assaulting them along. If it was only one or two people attacking my fellow officer without a weapon, I would draw my taser instantly before yelling at them to back away. If they do not listen and ignore my warning, I would aim my taser before tasing them, rendering them harmless. However if a weapon such as a katana or pocket knife was involved I’d immediately radio for backup, letting the other officers know that there is an officer being attacked by deadly weapons and if it get serious I would click the emergency code zero letting all officers know something serious is happening. Along with this if it was a big group of people, I’d also radio for extra backup as I would not be able to handle them alone without help. Once the culprits have been apprehended, they’d all be given charges of assault on government offiicial and depending on the scenario they may get additional charges. Though overall in these types of situations the public and my co-workers safety would be prioritised.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“Discovering that my co-worker is corrupt, my first instinct would be to gather the proof by simply recording on something such as my phone or bodycam so that I have physical evidence of the situation and them trying to help a criminal organization, While doing this I would ensure to hide out of the way so that I don’t get caught, getting caught would stick me in an incredibly sticky situation! Once I’ve gained enough evidence proving that the officer is corrupt and potentially helping a criminal organization, I would pass it onto a higher up of the force ensure that they have been dealt with in a proper fashion. In no world would I allow this sort of conduct even as a lower ranking officer. Again, I made a commitment to this job and it’s for the public safety that corruption is erradicated from KPD if there ever is a case of it.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“Hearing their offer, I would swiftly decline it before telling them that they are under arrest for bribery of an officer. Once in the cell, I would fine them for trying to bribe me along with adding their other charges onto the system. Another thing I would do before leaving them in the cell is explaining to them that bribing an officer does not help them with the crime they’ve committed. Overall, I’m an officer of the force and I would reject any bribe that may be offered as I have standards to uphold so I do not get fired.”

Extra notes: I’d like for my college tag to be moved to my alt slot if possible.



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Your application was temporarily placed on pending for its future reviewal at a
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We liked your application, but we currently have no open slots.
During next wave, we will review your application as long as you're still willing to
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