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Denied Yakov Sidorov's Receptionist Application. #2

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Yakov#4155 or yakovico.

How old are you? (Optional):

I am 20 years old.

What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I have a total of 12 weeks of playtime on this server, I play on it almost every day after work for countless hours.
As roleplaying is one of my favourite hobbies.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I was banned once for failrp/avoidrp as I was afk, however this was later sorted with an appeal.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I fully abide with being demoted from being inactive.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

I'm applying for receptionist.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

As a receptionist my job is to greet, welcome and direct all who approaches me. It is my duty to provide information and guidance to students, welcome visitors and direct them to the appropriate person/location. They will also provide assistance and resolve any issues that may occur, receptionists are to remain calm under pressure as high traffic of students can happen at any time, any trouble or issue that occurs should be my primary focus to ensure the school is under safe supervision. The school is a place for kids to learn and develop, I as a receptionist are to set an example to others.

I also hold various exclusive rewards for any student who has gathered enough ''Reward Tokens'' from their efforts in the school.

Receptionists always sit at the front desk to make sure everyone gets the provided information they need, the only time I'd have to leave my seat is if anything were to escalate.
If I find myself witnessing a fight, an argument or a student use inappropriate language I am to break it up and hand them detention.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I have been roleplaying for many years, I have experience beyond my own imagination, and I want to further explore it! I've done voicings, acts and films in real life as well as played many other roleplaying servers not just on Minecraft but on other games as well. I am fully known of how every type of roleplay works on SRP, going from being treated by EMS to being jailed by KPD, crazy right?

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I think roleplaying as a faculty member opens up so many new opportunities in roleplay and find new challenges I can face. I want to show my dedicated work and create a safe and positive environment for everyone in the school and show how passionate I am about roleplaying. I also love socialising myself with people on SRP, I know that me being a school employee I can take this to consideration and create fun interactions for anyone passing by me.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Denied - Receptionist Application! | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Denied - Hospital Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Russian Application (: | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Russian Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Yakov Sidorov > A grade-12 Student, at the age of 18.


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Firstly, I would tell them to refrain from using inappropriate language as it sets a bad example for the others around them, if they were to continue their actions I would get up from my seat and walk over, handing them a detention slip so they can further learn from their behaviour.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

My character would instantly run over trying his very best to break it up as he calls for backup through the radio, he would then hand both of the student's detention regardless of
the situation, behaviour like this is not prohibited on school grounds.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

My character would gently walk over to them, putting his hand on their shoulder as he asks them about these actions. It is our duty to remain charmful and set an example to the students, behaviour like this is not prohibited. He would then contact SLT about this, so no further misbehaviour occurs.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

My character always shows charm, respect and calm near people he knows, meaning he would always and everyday talk to every school employee to ensure everyone is okay,

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:


As the young girl asked Yakov for a toy turtle with the reward tokens she held in her hand. He would smile as he walked over and scrambled through the cabinets looking before reaching up to the top as he finally grabbed hold off a toy turtle. He then walks back into his seat handing her the toy she requested as he gave her a soft smile before returning to his computer.

Loud clicking, clacking and rattling would be heard over the counter as Yakov sat responding to email's, his quick fingers typing over the keyboard as he multitasked having his eyes focused on the student approaching him asking Yakov for directions, Yakov would respond as he lifted his hand off the mouse pointing towards the designated location while speaking to them with useful information preventing them from getting lost, as the student waddles away Yakov returned to the computer.

Yakov stood with his arms crossed in the detention room, having intense eye contact with the student he previously had given a detention slip, it appeared as if they had an eye-staring contest. Yakov was strong, his eyes showing no distress as he kept them open, but the student refused to give up, they both now having tears forming in their eyes as they became watery, their cheeks flinching from the nerves. Yakov then clapped his hands Infront of the student having their eyes shut, Yakov then laughed uncontrollably before collecting himself and telling the student to continue with their tasks.

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

My name is Yakov Sidorov.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss)


Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):




Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree.
Business, Health Care Administration and Psychology.
Customer service, Communication and Security.



Known Languages:

Japanese, Russian.


Yakov Sidorov comes from the very family of Vasily and Sofie Sidorova, they were nothing but a loving and caring family of 10 kids Yakov being their first child, a brave and intelligent boy. He was 9 years old before Vasily and Sofie decided to give birth to 9 more children of which Yakov loved greatly, Adeline Sidorova being almost identical to how Yakov looked when he was a boy.

But then, a cold night struck the Sidorov family in their deepest hearts as Yakov's parents had been murdered by unknown men, it was beyond any doubt that these individuals were professionals. Yakov being a frighten boy at the age of 9 was kidnapped by them, a young poor soul they deemed worthy of taking for his competence, he has lost his parents, taken away from his beloved siblings to be raised upon to be a heartless kid. They forced him to do unbelievably cruel things, hunting and killing poor animals, robbing and scaring other people. Yakov was struck with trauma as he was constantly yelled at, commanded and forced to be merciless.

Despite these strict and brutish acts, Yakov still had heart, still wanted nothing but to run away into a future of great and good. He aged and matured quickly finding endless possibilities to escape this torment, and it came a day where he finally saw the opportunity. 17th of December he had turned 13 and was allowed to walk alone out in the woods, he earned their trust and took this very advantage to every cost, packing everything he could deem useful, and left.

His journey wasn't like any other, he walked and walked for miles upon miles passing through numerous cities in Russia before ending up in China, he wanted to run as far as possible from them. China felt like a nice place for him, but he needed something of which had Russian atmosphere, somewhere he could feel at home. And so, he ventured on and on, eventually finding himself ending up in, Karakura.

Not only did Yakov feel the Russian atmosphere here, but it felt peaceful and somewhat comforting as if he knew this was the place he'd finally settle down.

Yakov knew nothing about Japan and their language, being at the age of 13 this was a great problem to him. Not being able to communicate he stumbled upon Russian people, people who would introduce him to this town, he made a friend. Their name was Adeline Sidorova.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

I find this opportunity really exciting for me, I'm extremely good at solving problems and being dependable. I go above and beyond to provide excellent customer service to make a difference for everyone, I feel like a lot of people really do like me and would appreciate me being a receptionist here in KHS, It really does motivate me knowing that my loved ones and people in general also got excited when I told them I was getting a job here, seeing the smiles on everyone's faces and watching them improve makes me look forward to work. That's why I'm pursuing a position in KHS. I love school in general, one of my favourite places to be in, it has grown me to be a very intelligent and unique man and I am strived to take on the responsibilities to share this upon others in the school, being committed to not only the students but my employees as well. This job is my dream, and I am not giving up on getting it.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):


Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I have worked and strived almost all my life, giving it all to get to this point. I have acquired skills and experiences throughout these years which I shall bring to this school, my communication abilities and teamwork are beyond great, this school will be an excellent place for me to establish my skills and knowledge. I have all the skills you're looking for, I'm well confident that I can be the best receptionist for this school. On another note, I am a very motivated person, and I will exceed my greatest expectations with my high quality work.


Additional notes about your application:
Thank you for taking the time to read my application! That's all I had to say.
Do you have any questions?: No.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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