Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
I currently have three accounts.
Zaldoria (main and account I'm applying on)
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
20 years old
What is your time zone?:
Eastern Standard Time
Describe your activity on the server:
Although I have only been a member of the SRP community for approximately seven months, I have made a positive impact during my time here. I’ve worked my way up through the community starting as a professor and working my way up to the Position of Head of Department in just two months of having the role, I’ve also been apart of the build team since December and have done my best to actively contribute to producing quality builds for the greater SRP community, and as of recently I’ve been accepted as a community moderator on the server.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
My history is entirely clean, no warns, or bans
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that if I am inactive I’ll be demoted and removed from the shop roster.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zaldorias-builder-application.54300/ (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zaldoria-professor-application.55108/ (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zaldoria-russian-application-2.56304/ (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zaldoria-mongolian-application.59078/ (Accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zaldoria-community-moderator-application.58514/ (accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/russian-application-airodlaz.57565/ (Accepted)
https://schoolrp.net/threads/zaldoria-russian-application.55867/ (denied)
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Across my two accounts I currently have two adult roles on both my alts, airodlaZ and my main account (Zaldoria) is grade 12 currently.
Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/
What shop are you applying for?:
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
The motivation stems from my desire to do something more within a much bigger faction that has a wider impact on the community at large. I have experience managing teams of people and growing them, bringing groups of people together under a common interest. I feel that the role of a shopkeeper would allow me to play to my strengths the best. As someone who lives and works in finance, this opportunity is right up my alley and gives me plenty of room for unique roleplay experiences, while doing something I enjoy. Given the freedom that the shop faction allows, it's an ideal role for me.
The shop faction is one that I've been interested in for quite some time, given that I have a few friends who either own a shop or are applying for one, as well as working for a shop myself. I have decided that I would like to own and manage a shop of my own. Since I work in finance in person and manage finance both ICly and OOCly, I believe that this role is something I would excel at personally.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I’d like to keep the shop name the same to respect the history and origins of Auffallen, though I’d like to re-do the theme overall aesthetic of the shop, bringing it from a bright and colorful store to more of a classy and professional store, similar to what you’d see at a high end fashion store, which at its core is what Auffallen is and I feel that the overall design and character of the shop should reflect that.
As many of you are aware I’m a builder, with being a builder you come to realize there are multiple ways to bring emotion into a build. From reflecting how your character would interact with a space and turning a build into the embodiment of their personality, You can inspire a certain mood or vibe with the interior and exterior of a build to really drastically change how it’s perceived by a general audience. I have a few concept art designs for the overall style revamp that I'll list below.
What will you sell in your shop?:
I’d like to keep the shop’s item list the exact same, as it’s a high end fashion and jewelry store, and the list of items to me is perfect for what the shop sells, I have no desire to change the type of store it is, there for I see no reason to change the restock items. Although I have a few custom item ideas I'd like to sell within the shop. Which I’ll put in a table below
I’d like to keep the shop’s item list the exact same, as it’s a high end fashion and jewelry store, and the list of items to me is perfect for what the shop sells, I have no desire to change the type of store it is, there for I see no reason to change the restock items. Although I have a few custom item ideas I'd like to sell within the shop. Which I’ll put in a table below
![]() | Tinted Shades "Rusty" ¥24,000 |
Wristwatch "Emerald" ¥40,000 | ![]() |
![]() | Grandfather clock Furniture ¥80,000 |
Bracelet set "vibes" ¥20,000 | ![]() |
How many employees do you plan to have?:
I have a roster planned out for what I think I’ll need to manage and run the shop effectively.
Store Manager (1)
This position would be a designation for myself, in general this position oversees the entire operation of the shop.
Assistant Manager (3)
The Assistant manager position helps manage the employees and general day-to-day operation of the employees, ensuring transactions go smooth and the entire shop running at a median pace.
Cashier (8)
Cashiers, well operate the registers and manage the sales from start to finish.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Thank you for the opportunity to apply!
Do you have any questions?:
Nope, none at all.
I have a roster planned out for what I think I’ll need to manage and run the shop effectively.
Store Manager (1)
This position would be a designation for myself, in general this position oversees the entire operation of the shop.
Assistant Manager (3)
The Assistant manager position helps manage the employees and general day-to-day operation of the employees, ensuring transactions go smooth and the entire shop running at a median pace.
Cashier (8)
Cashiers, well operate the registers and manage the sales from start to finish.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Thank you for the opportunity to apply!
Do you have any questions?:
Nope, none at all.
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