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Level 71
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
37454 (alt)
45473 (applying)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

List your timezone and country:

Describe your activity:

On Saturday I’m able to participate in an activity of around 13 hours a day, from 9am to 10pm.
On Sunday I’m able to play for a total of around 13 hours as well per day, 9am to 10pm.
Monday I only log on for around 6-8 hours, 8am-9am, 4pm to 10pm.
Tuesday I log on for around 7 hours, 4pm to 11pm.
Wednesday I log online for around 7 hours, from 4pm to 11pm
On Thursday I’ll be online for 8 hours from 8am to 9am and 4pm to 11pm.
Friday I’ll be online for about 11 hours, from 12pm to about 11pm.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Throughout my year on SRP, I’ve tried numerous attempts to hopefully get myself involved in another faction but that never works in my favour for two key factors. A; Detail and B; Reputation. Gangrp is known as one of the most toxic communities which has led to myself getting denied from a faction in the past from that reputation. I would like to take this as a chance to re-do my current reputation and stand out amongst the community. I’m aware of my reputation and I’ve been trying to change that and become involved with a faction through becoming part of the faction. I want to affiliate myself with others I also don’t know, sharing common interests and creating new bonds with others.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
In the past when I was younger I wrote a sci-fi flip-book. It was horrible, not the best of my work at all. But I’ve written multiple applications that have intrigued and made me write a depth to my character’s backstory which I’ve tried to work hard on starting recently. For important characters I try my best to craft a delicate backstory for them or develop and write well. My relationship with writing is de-motivating at times, wanting to write something then not the next second. It’s a hazard at times.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I am aware of the rules provided and I will follow them.

Why should we accept you over others?:
The reasoning as to why I believe I should be accepted over others is;

The Year Long Arc
Throughout my year on SRP, I’ve been mainly involved in gang-roleplay and crime-roleplay but not focusing on detail. I’ve taken multiple breaks from gang-roleplay lasting up to a month or two, but I always seem to come back because it gets boring some may say, but I’ve managed to overcome that. I’ve been wanting to get involved with a faction for a bit, joining a few families to better my reputation and trying to roleplay with a few factions on a new character here and there. I wish to be involved with the reporter faction to have fun and purposely change my reputation for the better of my SRP arc. I’d like to purposely bring my year long arc to end and begin my arc as someone in a faction. Something that I’ve been wishing to do for over a year, my dedication to the faction would be immeasurable.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes I understand.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I do trust that I will be able to complete quota.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A reporter’s work will focus on a topic, something intriguing. Examples of this are; ‘CHAOS IN THE COURTROOM’ Where a reporter has taken several pictures of a traumatic or interesting scene, then interviewed important figures that have acted bravely in a scene that many may not have chosen to step into and acted in. Once a scene like such has happened, a reporter will begin going to important figures to gather details and information to represent in their report. Reporter’s work revolves around recording devices and random or important topics. Whenever an important or interesting topic happens, a reporter will most likely make their way to the scene. Once there, they’ll begin to ask questions that will lead to interviews. Interviews lead to pictures and all of that information gets scrambled into a published report by the one who was mainly focusing on that report.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

“My name is Manu Santos.”

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
“I go by Mr.”

Current Age (25+):
“I’m 29.”

Past job/work experience:
“I’m sorry but, I’ve never worked a day in my life.”

“I went to a college for a bachelors in Japanese and Italian, after that I ended up dropping out.”

Nationality and born location:
“I’m Italian and Japanese, born in Japan.”

Phone Number:
“My number is 030-503-7732.”

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
“I’d describe myself as a man with a respectable demeanor. I’d much rather prefer verbal than any physical altercation, along with being presentable at certain hours of a day. A man that cares about his hair and family. Someone simple and dull at rather time’s.”

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
“I’m interested in writing about topics that contain education about students, and the structure’s that reside in this town such as skysc****rs or the building site. I’ll plan to achieve this through asking around people mainly in charge of these certain aspects, then setting up an interview or two with some wonderful prepared questions where I’ll stay in my comfort zone. It’s called a comfort zone for a reason.”

What are your expectations for the job?:
“I’m expecting while working on this job to just have some respect given to myself. After where I previously lived it wasn’t the best there was with little to no respect. I just expect to be given respect. And with respect, I also expect a comfortable workplace that isn't 'bonkers' or crazy.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
“No, I don’t.”

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Italian, Japanese.”

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[Santos] “Well, good evening everyone. Following up on our most recent prompt with the Construction of Karakura I’d like to bring to you a special guest that we were lucky enough to have stepped on and welcome themself. Please meet, Architect!”

[Architect] “Good evening, friends and families. After the recent prompt I’d like to speak to you all about issue’s myself and other Architect’s have been facing, and what Karakura is trying to do with our strike.”

[Santos] “Wonderful introduction, now, let’s begin. Please, tell us about yourself and what got you interested in becoming an Architect in the first place.”

[Architect]“My name is ⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ or, Architect. I’m currently 37 and I’ve been visiting Karakura for a bit, maybe to do some sight seeing or some yoga but it sadly appears Karakura doesn’t.. Teach yoga at all. Now, I became interested in becoming an Architect one day. I was in class when one of my teachers brought up their previous affiliations, it sounded interesting to me when I was younger.”

[Santos] “Sightseeing? Some of the views sure are beautiful, but you said it sounded interesting to you when you were younger, does that mean you’ve changed your opinions on the affiliation now?”

[Architect] “No, not at all. It’s just mostly tiring to do this sort of thing for money, long days and late night’s. I would prefer having a different job, maybe a truck driver.”

[Santos] “Moving on from that, how about you tell our viewers more about the ‘Spirit’s Tomb’. We’d love to hear more about that!”

[Architect] “Of course, no worries. The ‘Spriti’s Tomb’ is a name we decided on for the place because of the abnormal spirit activity. We’d bring it up to our supervisors but they’d brush it off as ‘Just Noise’.”

[Santos] “Did you or your team ever take any action? Maybe go behind your supervisors back and ask a priest or maiden? Or was your first choice to just go on strike and see what happens?”

[Architect] “We just thought about going on strike, the place creeped us all out and we didn’t want to stay there that much. Our first option was a group strike, we set out posters but they were washed away by the rain into the sewage.”

[Santos]“And what were your intentions with this ‘Strike’ of yours?”

[Architect] “Our intentions were for them to recognize us that we weren’t going to budge and that we wanted better pay and less hours for our hard work, but they ended up trying to hire other architects to map out the place and where to put things.”

[Santos] “How did that plan go for them? Well, or do you not keep in loop of what happens at your construction company after a strike?”

[Architect] “They recognized us but didn’t choose to do anything, they focused on more important and demanding parts of different cities which paid better and more.”

[Santos] “That’s disappointing to hear, but do you perhaps have any idea if you could confirm the rumours of a college student dying at the construction site? That’s something that surely got my interest!”

[Architect] “I don’t know if a college student was murdered at all, I just live in a beach house and enjoy the view now. But the rumour’s might be true because in one event something abnormal happened. Normally it was just whispers but this day, it spoke a word. ‘Begone’.”

[Santos] “Well, thank you for that. It seems our time is over and we should wrap up the interview, thank you for coming on. Good evening, Karakura.”
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead
ApplicationStuffs (2).png

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, there are other applications we preferred this time around, so we have chosen to place you on pending!
- The next time a faction member leaves, you will be DMed about the spot opening
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application​

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