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Denied ꧁Shop Application꧂


Level 2




MoonNefi #1884

Describe your activity on the server:

I was active a lot during 2021. I would spend about 4 hours on the game daily during that time, but after summer, my time became limited as my new school year was more challenging. Then my PC broke, and I could not come on SRP for a couple of months. I took a break from gaming altogether and focused on myself and school. I am now freer and will be using most of my time to play on SRP. Playing always made me happy, and I am glad to be able to play again. I have much more time on my hands and have been on SRP recently for about 2 hours almost every day. During my time on the game, I play with friends, attend school, and I love meeting new people and becoming friends with them.

Previous applications:



Previous warns/kicks/bans:

I do not have any previous warnings/kicks/bans. At least none that I know of.

Shop wanted:

I would like Joyoung.



Why do you want to own a shop?:

I had wanted to own a shop since I first began playing school roleplay in 2016 when I applied for 11/7, the only store that opened regularly. The whole community is so fantastic, and I have tried to find the right job for me and was giving it some thought. I became a counselor for Sarakura Highschool, and I realized it was not the right fit. I was looking at the other jobs and was sure that I would want to stick with them, but I knew that I had to try to become a shop owner since I had always wanted to own one. It will also let me experience new roleplay scenarios. Not only will I experience new roleplay, but others also will too. Players on school roleplay who might have trouble earning money will be given a chance to work and have fun roleplaying with others in a work environment. I know that you guys are looking for someone trustworthy, hardworking, and responsible. I consider myself to be all those things and believe that I can be a good shop owner. I am more mature than I was in 2016, and if I were given a chance to own a shop, I would not disappoint. I would run my shop diligently, and I hope to open it frequently so that players on SRP can buy products often. I would love to become a shop owner and am grateful to be able to apply.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:

I am applying for a gift and accessories shop. I hope to have lots of toys, hats, bags, etc. I do not want to sell anything 20+ items.

I quite like the store's design, but I would love to add my designs. Not too much will be done. I already love the store's name and do not expect to change it. I have been inside, and there are only two registers, so I would love to add a third one. I might add more color to the shop to make the space friendly and welcoming! I want to see how much space is in the storage room, and everything I will change will be based on how the store is set up currently. I hope to make the storage nice and organized so that it will be easy for employees to find the customer's item fast and efficiently.

How will your shop be unique?:

I have taken a business that will help me run my store well. I plan to use my real-life knowledge to ensure the store thrives and becomes successful. I want to have a good working environment and welcoming staff. I hope to make sure that everyone working feels heard, appreciated, and respected. I also hope to appeal to customers by opening as often as possible. I also hope that adding colors and some nice, new decor will make the shop feel inviting and make it stand out. I think opening this shop will add to the server because more players will buy items from my shop that they might not be able to believe in many other shops. These items will add to their roleplay experience. I want to have sales every so often so that certain players can buy the more expensive items in the store. There will also be giveaways that will happen so that players can try and win a free item. I hope that doing sales and giveaways that will appeal to more players on the server to engage. Overall, I just wish the customers' shopping experience to be easy and fun.


How many employees are you planning to have?:

As for workers, I have one person in mind I completely trust, and they will be helping me run the store. They will be the manager. I expect to hire six to seven employees besides the manager. I might even hire more if needed. Since there can only be three people working at a time, I will hire more employees to ensure that if someone needs to cancel or is not able to work, someone else will be able to fill their place. I will be interviewing all employees and making sure they are responsible as well. I plan on having the best and most trustworthy staff, so everyone's experience working in the shop will be unique. I want to build a friendly group of not only employees but friends. I am not entirely sure how I will play them; it would depend on how well the shop does. I was thinking about paying the employees ten thousand yen for each day they work. I have read that a shop must open at least 12 times, and if an employee works 11 out of 12 times the shop may have opened that month, they will earn 110,000 yen. All employees must be 17 or older to apply, IC.

Does your character have any college degrees? If so, list it:

Business Degree.
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for taking the time to apply for Shopkeeper.

- Your application was posted after the 1st of June, meaning you've used the incorrect format.
- When reviewing applications, I look for unique ideas beyond simply keeping the shop up and running.

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