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Accepted 8zxG's Private Tutor app

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Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

In Game Name:

Do you have discord? Yes, I do have discord. My tag is Claude | クロード#9325

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: I’ve been banned once, on 4/2/2020 8:15pm (GMT+3) for ERPing. I could tell more about it in DMs, if needed.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: I’m active on the server almost every day, if not, then 5 days per week maximum, for about 8 hours or even more, depending on how much free time I have. During the weekends however, I’m usually on for about 10 hours. As for my activity on the forums, I was quite active ever since my first thread, which would be my ban appeal. Though, after my last thread, which is the missing item, I was quite inactive on forums, but I can be more active on them if need be.

School Employee Role you are Applying For:I am currently applying for the Private Tutor position.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
Private tutors provide one-on-one educational assistance to elementary and secondary school students, but they can also provide assistance to all types of students, adults even. Generally, private tutors usually work with students to improve their skills in certain subjects. Prepare lessons, and assign and correct homework. Their duties would also be reviewing classrooms or curricula topics and assignments, assisting students with homework, projects, test preparation, papers, research and other academic tasks and also working with students to help them understand key concepts, especially those learned in the classroom.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?: Yes, I do recognise that I can be fired ICly.

Do you understand how to seriously roleplay?: Yes I do understand how to seriously roleplay and I enjoy it.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I have a quite wide knowledge of different types of roleplaying, from many servers, including SchoolRP too! Some of them would be FamilyRP and TeacherRP as well as StudentRP.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?: Ban Appeal - Accepted Greek language - Accepted College - Accepted Teaching Assistant - Denied Private Tutor - Denied French - Denied 2nd Private Tutor - Denied Role Request - Accepted 2nd French - Accepted Korean - Accepted Missing Item - Accepted 2nd Teaching Assistand - Denied


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?: The first thing I would do is just to simply ask them to stop, as something as small as that wouldn't really phase me. I would remind them that doing something like this could cause them to get in trouble, most likely leading to detention. However if it continues to happen, I would raise my voice if things continue, hoping to get the student to calm down through means of FearRP. If they do not react, I will either call the Principal or even College Dean to deal with them, or give them detention, if the higher-ups aren't available.

You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?: Assuming that the job requested, while hazardous, is still safe enough to do, I would follow any guidelines necessary to reduce the risk of harm to myself. This includes gloves, training, or any other necessary precautions to ensure the safety of myself and possibly even those around me. If the job was unsafe, or unfinishable I would go back to the School Principal and respectfully help to come up with safer ways to complete the task, or even ask if I could get help from another employee or leave it for someone more experienced than me.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: In reaction to their behaviour, I would carefully approach them, attempting to talk to them in the calmest way possible. I'm not sure what the problem is, so I make sure to check if they are alright and if there's anything I could do to help. I would then attempt to help them and guide to help make their job safer or help to calm them down. If there's nothing I could do, I would leave it, but if there was, I'd have to call another member of staff to help with the situation.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? While in the break room, my character would mostly stay quiet and either drink or eat something. However, he’s rather social and talkative, if another employee decides to approach him and start a conversation with him. He’d also try to remain positive at all times, knowing that the rest of the employees aren’t in the best mood, due to the many hours of work they have to go through.

Provide us with at least 3 detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me he'd warmly smile at the student who just entered the tutoring office, offering them a seat immediately. He'd then ask them what they needed help with and gather the required materials afterwards.

/me he'd whistle at the student from afar, signalling them to come over to him. He'd then offer them a seat and sit next to it, placing down on the desk a few textbooks and a binder, in order to help them with their work.

/me he'd have his arms crossed while waiting for the student to be done with their work, keeping a warm smile on his face, as he remained patient. Afterwards, he'd take a quick yet careful look at their work and pat their head, knowing they did well.

In-Character Section

Full Name: Claude Gogatsu Yukimura

Age (Minimum age is 25): 32 years old

Title (Mr,Mrs,Miss): Mr.

Academic Degree: Associate of Applied Arts

Year of Graduation: Graduated at the age of 30 from College

Major(s): Maths, English

Minors: History, Science


Claude was born in Greece on May 14th 1988. He was raised by two very warm-hearted and loving parents, as well as an older brother and a sister who was the same age as him, yet younger, for only 2 months. He spent 18 years in his home country, before taking a trip to Karakura, in order to visit his brother, who had already gotten there, but also live there permanently.

His first days in Karakura were quite difficult for him, due to him not speaking the language fluently and also not having as many friends. That changed however in only a matter of one month, where he learned the language fluently with the help of his teachers, as well as his brother’s.

While in highschool, Claude had a huge interest in trying out for the volleyball team, though he didn’t have enough self-esteem to try out for the team, but he kept on playing and getting better at it as much as he could. Some months later, after paying a lot of attention to his classes, as well as keeping his grades high, Claude wrote a letter to the College Dean, wishing to get accepted to College, which he did!

Some days later, after getting accepted to College, Claude had a lot of trouble with some subjects and seeked for help. Thankfully for him, he did find the Tutoring Office, where we walken in and met a very polite and helpful Private Tutor, where he explained why he wanted his assistance. So after that, they had arranged a schedule for when to meet up, in order for Claude to get better at those subjects with the tutor's help. He really admired his work and loved the fact that he can help a lot of people get better at any lesson.

After some days, he found the same tutor and asked him what he could do, in order to become a tutor himself. After gathering all the information and taking very specific notes, Claude thanked the tutor with a very warm smile and promised him to try his best and achieve his goal, to become a Private Tutor.

Motivation for Joining KHS: Claude had met a lot of friends, during his stay in Karakura, who were once school employees. He also loved how organised the school was and he always loved to help others as much as he could. That gave him a lot of confidence and motivation to try his best and become a Private tutor, to fulfill his dream, as well as the promise he once made to his old tutor, but mainly his goal, due to the fact that he wants to help the other students too, no matter how long it may take.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I should be accepted over the other applicants, since I can guarantee the fact that I can work hard enough, in order to satisfy all the rest of the school employees in the KHS. I’ve spent a very big and good amount of time on roleplaying here, as well as try to make all of my roleplaying experiences unique, as well as interesting. I’ve also happened to get permission from other teachers and even professors, to help their classes, so I have a bit more knowledge on how to do my position’s duty properly.


Additional notes about your application (if any): N/A

Do you have any questions?: No, I do not have any questions for the time being, but if I do, I’ll make sure to ask in #help on the Karakura Academic’s Discord.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Private Tutor, there's just a few steps left in order to get your role in discord and in-game.

- Ensure that you're in the Karakura Academics Discord.
- DM me via discord: @KimiNoUso#9999 to get your roles and permissions setup.​
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