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Denied DisgracedTreat Event team application #1


Level 19
What is your Minecraft Username:
Describe your activity as a player of the server:
I would rate my activity an 8.5/10
On schoolrp I'm usually online when it's not school hours for me I usually get home from school at 4;30 PM although this can vary depending on if I have any club during the day or not while I usually don’t there is the slim chance that I go to my school's ecology club. Usually from that point on I’m on until at least 11:30 PM EST but again that can vary depending on the roleplay I’m a part of at the time meaning it can range from 11:30 to even 6 AM but the latest I’ll be on is 6 AM.
Weekends can change a lot so usually I’m unable to come up with a direct time I’m on from as again it comes down to roleplay the night before. During the weekends I’m super active and can get around 10 hours in one day. I don’t have much of a life outside SRP.
My activity in KPD is a 9/10 I'm usually online at KPD but I won't lie the short time I was a teacher I was not active for it and rarely spent time on it and I hated how little time I spent as a teacher but I didn't enjoy it that much which is why I want to join event team as well so I can be active as event team and KPD!

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:
Accepted Applications
Denied Applications
Provide your Discord and confirm if you have a microphone:
DisgracedAngel, I do have a microphone I can use at times.
What is your time zone?:
Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?
I am aware that if I’m inactive I will be demoted.
What is your motivation for joining the Event Team:
My motivation for joining the event team is that I’ve seen the team for so long loving each event they do from the standpoint of being in a faction that gets to see the events with KPD being involved with events quite often and during them I have thought of ideas that I would like to see on SRP that could probably be done that would be fun for the players! The SRP community is great and I would love to do events for them that hopefully everyone will enjoy! I also find all the community teams super interesting and want to hopefully use the experience from the event team to go for mod!
What makes you a suitable event team member:
I believe I’m suitable for the event team because I like to come up with unique ideas that as far as I can tell have never been done before. I have a good history on the server of no warnings or bans yet along with being in one of the most respected factions meaning my OOC behavior should also be good enough for the event team. I’m also very active allowing me to interact with the community a lot as well!
Please provide three detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:
Avalanche event
It starts on a cold winter day in Karakura people are walking around town as they usually do when loud sounds can be heard from the forest! As people begin to check it out. Oh no! There's an avalanche forming at the top of the mountain and large balls of snow are starting to fall down the mountain. If people are close enough to the mountain at least 5 people will be trapped under snow and need to dig their way out. (Detailed actions) or have 5 people on the outside help dig them up! This event is a flash event and will only last for around 20-30 minutes depending on how many people are on. This also allows for every faction to get involved while still having fun!
Forest fire!
Sometimes in summer, the woods are cold and dark not much sound coming out besides the occasional growl of a bear considering the high bear population. But tonight it was different a single bear couldn’t be heard but you could see the orange glow from the trees this time of year the trees did get rather close to the campfires placed around the forest could it be that a fire had started? As people start to grow closer to the forest all brought together by the orange glow coming out of the forest along with.. Was that smoke? It was clear to everyone that got close enough there was a fire in the forest but from further investigation, it wasn’t a campfire that had started the fire at all. No in fact the burned trees were as far from campfires as you could get something was up here. But that didn’t matter people had to put the fires out before it did spread to the whole forest! This would result in people having to gather water from the lake in the forest or call 110 to get them to use fire extinguishers but neither could do it alone resulting in both fire extinguishers and people using water to put the fires out! This is an event that appears to be a flash event but eventually leads up to event 3
The finale to chaos
It was a warm night for Karakura 3 months after the fire and 9 months after the avalanche. At this point, the town is focused on other things that were both just naturally occurring events. There had already been news reports made on them but on this fateful day, the town figured out that they weren’t just coincidences. It starts around 5 pm everyone is going above their business when a loud sound can be heard from the plaza it’s a police car not from Karakura chasing after a random car with blacked-out windows (These can be made of blocks they don’t need to be modeled vehicles) eventually the police and blacked out car get out of sight of people. At 6 pm cops are called to that spot and investigate CCTV which reveals the car to be from another Japanese police car just not from Karakura checking reports from other police stations the blacked-out car was filled with people who would drive around Japan playing tricks on people and burning things and causing what looks like normal disasters that were caused by them and that this time the police were chasing them because they had caught them before they burnt down an apartment complex. At 7 pm it’s recorded that they had lost the criminals it can only be assumed that they were still in the town of Karakura and were planning something. Nothing happens for hours until noon the next day during school hours when suddenly toilets start exploding with water flooding the bathrooms. Which results in SLT having to deal with it along with KPD investigating what happened. They are unable to find out who did it based on CCTV but they do find a letter in one of the stalls that reads “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. On the back, it also reads “ 7/11” While that seems like it could be the store 11/7 in the town the money doesn’t grow on trees line means the bank in town and the 7/11 is a date hinting that they will do something at the bank on 7/11 which is only 3 days from the day the toilets go off. If the police don’t get that the money doesn’t grow on trees lines mean bank a couple more events will happen. The next event will happen the next day at the town hall at 10 pm on a Saturday (SRP Saturday not ooc Saturday) where a pipe is broken leaking water into the room in the office of the mayor it doesn’t cause any damage besides getting the carpet wet a bit but again another piece of paper would be on the desk if checked to reveal to be the same handwriting as the first letter. This time it reads on the front “Money is all you need to find” and on the back, it also reads “2 days.” If they don’t get it from the second event a third and final mini event will happen this time it will happen in the news station. A sudden report will be made from the news station posted by the name “TedHasEndedBackAndNeckKills” At first it sounds like nothing just a strange name posted by someone called Ted but after they look at every capital letter it will spell out THE BANK if they put that together and start to read the report it will be an short report reading “Your probably wondering how I got in here to write this report today. Well simply I and my friends were able to get in due to the low security in this town I mean come on we have made it into 3 places that are supposed to be well-guarded without a single person stopping us and tomorrow is your last chance to stop us you have been given your hints. Good luck.” from there KPD and the town could only wait. Their news post was public so they all knew something was happening and it was happening soon. Finally after waiting for the event to start alarms can be heard from the bank signaling the start of whatever the criminals were planning. The KPD showed up there ready to stop them but there was nothing but one letter on the table and all it read was “You were too late” Whoever reads that note can react however they want but as soon as they react to that someone steps out from behind the teller (An event team or staff member) masked and clapping as they speak to the whole crowd “You thought we were planning on robbing the bank but that’s not what we do we wanted to cause one last bit of chaos before leaving the town we caused the forest fire and avalanche to make you think this would be some big thing a final battle with us so to say but no it was an excuse to scare you all we don’t cause actual damage besides the couple trees which we can easily pay for me just like to scare people and figured this would be the perfect finale to our time in Karakura and with that. Goodbye” Before they exit the bank they leave one million on the table for repairs as they leave. The event is over and Karakura is back to normal at least for now.
Additional notes (You may leave this blank):​


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application, unfortunately, we have decided to deny this application. The application does not have the required level of detail. If you decide to reapply please make sure to detail the events in your application more!

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