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Denied GracedDemons psychiatrist application #3


Level 20

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm usually on from 4 pm EST to 11:30 PM EST on weekdays however this can change as my sleep schedule messes up very easily but it's usually 4 pm to 11:30 pm. I also have a club for school every other Thursday, those days I will be on from 5:30 PM EST to 11:30 PM EST Weekends can also vary a lot but are mostly 3 PM EST to 2-3 AM usually what it is but that is also subject to change based on how much sleep I get that night, Vacations are the same as weekends. A table with the number of hours I'm on each day is attached below
7-8 hours
6-7 hours
7-8 hours
6 hours
7-8 hours
7-8 hours
7-8 hours
11-12 hours
10-11 hours
12-13 hours
9-12 hours
12-13 hours
10-13 hours
9-13 hours
What is your timezone?:
List your current and past applications:
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My experience with roleplay started 3 years ago when I joined my first-ever DND campaign which is still going on to this day it has involved roleplay the entire time I've played it which is what really got my interest in schoolrp which I started playing 6-7 months ago joining KPD which was a great time roleplay wise and has been a great experience overall.
What is your motivation for applying?
Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
My knowledge of hospital work is actually pretty limited I don’t know much about hospital work as I don’t go to the hospital often. In schoolrp I know a little bit more about what they do which is giving prescriptions for specific issues. Doctors do different things than psychiatrists as they do the actual treating of injured people who have been physically injured while psychiatrists help people who have been mentally injured as in bad things happening in their life that they need to let out the psychiatrist can prescribe medication to them to help them depending on how severe it is. I want to learn more about hospital work because being a psychiatrist later in my life is something I would love to do if programming doesn’t work out.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
I do acknowledge that I can be demoted at any given time if I am accepted.
Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I do acknowledge that I need to be 100% dedicated to the hospital staff role.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge that if training is held while I'm online I am expected to attend.
Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I acknowledge that I do not take things oocly when dealing with training and situations.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:

Ryoichi Rossi
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female, She/Her
Character’s Age (if accepted):
Character’s Academic Background

Character’s Nationality:
Character’s Marital Status:
Character’s Religious Denomination:
Character’s Spoken Languages:
Backstory (100+ Words)
Her family
I was born in Paris, France my mother was called Leala Alodia Rossi her middle name being Alodia she was a very loyal woman and never cheated on my father they were together my whole life until death. My father's name is Valentin Aasil Rossi he was a strong man who worked for the military in Paris so I didn't see him much but whenever I did he was a cruel father who wanted me to be similar to him and go into the military so he would have me work out constantly whenever he was around. He was the brother of the man Adriane Rossi who was the father to Souma Rossi and Marina Rossi my cousins.
Before I get to my story of how I got to this point I'll go over my complete education. From 4-10, I went to Primary school taking the basic classes that were allowed at the school. I didn't take any extra classes as I didn't know what I wanted to do yet. After I finished that I went to secondary school and started my first four years there still no clue what I wanted to do so again I stayed out of any classes that we weren't forced to do. After I finished secondary school I started Lycées which was another 3 more years of having no clue what I wanted to do after I finished that at 18 I didn't return to school until I was 25 after personal matters I will focus on later on in my backstory. At 25 I went into the military to get the proper training to be an officer thinking that's what I wanted to do. After that, I went to medical school deciding I found more interest in that than the military. Eventually, after I finished medical school I went for a major in biology thinking I wanted to be a doctor but eventually, after going 3 years of Biology I couldn't take it anymore and decided it wasn't what I liked so at 40 I started getting my PhD in psychology. After that, I was 45 and spent the last 5 years getting a pre-med degree.
Early life
My first few years as a kid were simple from the age of one to three I was just a normal child who spent a lot of time with my mother because my father wasn't around. She wasn't the nicest but she did take care of me which at that time was all I cared about. At four I started school. I met 4 people who would be my friends through all of Primary school to the end of Secondary school I would spend a ton of time with them and they would even get me nice gifts all the time we were super close friends and I didn't think anything could separate us! Through Primary school, I only saw my dad once or twice and my relationship with my mom was separating as she had a second kid I can't be bothered to remember their name they weren't important in my life whatsoever just another thing to separate my relationship with my family.
Times with dad
I mentioned I saw my dad once or twice in between when really I only saw him once and it's an experience I will still never forget. It started off as any day I woke up and went to school because it was a Wednesday and when I was at school I got a text from my mom saying we had a surprise visitor. This was when I had no clue who my father was I had no memory of him in my life until this point. I got home and there he was Valentin Aasil Rossi standing in front of me a 6-foot man with muscle in every spot there could be. He was an intimidating man when I entered the door that day I knew it was going to be one hell of a day he told me to get packed up and that we were going for a short road trip just the two of us. The first part of the trip was to the gym he made me work out which I hadn't done much before but he still made me do it until I was about to pass out and he finally gave me a break. He said to get back in the car so I listened and then we went to the second place which was a beach he mentioned that it was the place where he had met my mother. He eventually took me home after that but he made it clear that every time he came back from the military we would be doing things similar to this and I expect you to work out when I'm not around. So I did exactly that.
Problems with mother
My mother was there for me in the early years caring for me until eventually, she had another kid when I was younger so I was more on my own and learned to take care of myself I still followed what my father told me to do work out daily going to the same gym he had taken me to. Eventually, however, my mom started drinking and drinking to the point where I had to watch the kid and take care of her most of the time leaving less time for the gym as I would have to take my mom to the hospital daily I was 16 by this point so taking care of the kid wasn't that hard as I knew how to take care of myself so taking care of the child wasn't much harder as she was 5. My mom would get drunk and argue with me constantly too lowering my mental health a bit but I pushed through just wanting to enjoy my life I don't know where this sudden money had come from or the hostility towards me but I knew something wasn't right with my mother. I kept pushing through all this and eventually at 18 I finished school.
Problems, problems, and more problems.
I had to leave school and not continue after 18 to watch my sister as my mom's health was declining so while she sat in the hospital I spent all the time with my sister taking care of her while my mom drank and drank but I didn't give up I kept watching my sister for a couple of years I was 20 when eventually she had recovered from the alcohol addiction and decided she had enough of Paris we were staying in and moved to Italy to visit the other side of the family which was Souma, and Marine Rossi my cousins. We lived a couple of houses away from them so we could visit often. It was a normal 4 years where I would hang out with them both when one day I decided I wanted to play a trick on them so I hid in their parent's room waiting to scare them when their parents both entered the room screaming while I was hiding in the closet where they couldn't see me when I saw her. Marine Rossi holding a katana. I watched in horror as she stabbed both my aunt and uncle killing them both there. I watched as Souma entered the room seeing Marine doing it before running away with his phone out clearly calling the cops. Everything kept falling apart, the cops then showed up and had no way to identify who did it but I knew I saw who did it yet I ran too afraid to confront the problem. I kept running and running not looking back leaving the small town in Italy and spending the rest of my money to leave. I was a coward.
The First interest. Why can’t I escape this pain?
I ran from a small town in Italy to America taking a plane there deciding after seeing what had happened and taking care of my sister that maybe biology was something I was interested in. I thought maybe eventually I could treat people as a doctor so people don’t end up like Souma’s parents did. I just wanted to help people I was tired of being useless and this was the time to start. During this time I also worked as a nurse in an old people's home I continued that for 3 years. After 3 years had passed I was still taking biology-related classes and was failing at this point I realized it was what I wanted to do so after I finished the year I dropped out and quit my job at the retirement home.
The Second interest. a cruel world
After that I decided if I couldn’t help people by being a doctor I would protect people instead so me and my last friend from school that I still had decided to sign up for the military in America and get training together the first year passed quickly as I was already fit as I was still doing what my dad had told me to years ago and kept working out every single day not missing a day eventually 2 years in a war started that America joined to help out and me and my friend both had to be a part of the war. My friend was not as skilled as me when it came to fitness but she was still good at protecting people. We both went into the war knowing that either of us could die and had accepted that but it still hurt when at the last battle of the war a bullet hit my friend straight in the chest. They started bleeding out and I rushed to their side comforting them and telling them the afterlife would be great we both cried there knowing it would be the last time we would ever see each other as she died in my arms. I spent 3 more years in the military before eventually quitting not being able to handle her death. I drank and drank hoping to forget that day but it would never go away eventually I decided I had enough. I couldn’t protect people through treating them medically as a doctor, I couldn’t protect them in the military, so I made one last attempt if I decided I would be a psychiatrist and get a degree in psychology and pre-med.
The third interest. a light in the tunnel
I cut my losses and moved to another town in America starting my first year back in college. I had a small apartment that I was barely able to afford with my job at a small local restaurant in the town but that combined with working as a tutor in the college was enough to get me through and give me something to eat at night. It wasn’t much but I was alive and that’s what mattered. The first year passed quickly not much happened my grades stayed up and I was enjoying it. The second year was slightly more eventful as I still enjoyed the classes a lot and knew at this point it was what I truly cared about I even started to make friends again we would go to parties during school I was on the older side at this point being 41 but my age didn’t change anything the horrible memory of the war and the death of Souma’s parents hadn’t gone away and it still hasn’t now but it kept me going thinking that soon enough if I kept working hard I would be able to help others going through similar things to me. I missed my mom and dad but keeping contact over the phone was enough to know they both cared about me still. The third year was another uneventful year I just kept pushing and pushing my grades were still up and I still had friends. The fourth year was another boring year my grades never dropped they were at an all-time high as I showed my true passion for psychology I loved it. The 5th year was one of the worst years for me since I went back to college. It started with my friends all leaving because they were done with college and had their degrees so I was alone again it was this year when old age finally got to my parents and they died it left me with more money because I was the oldest but this one person was still around my last friend in college as we finished up the year she kept me happy through the year telling me to keep going and it really helped because of her my grades stayed above average and I made it through the year ready to start pre-med
Pre-med a short few years
Pre-med was a really quick 3 years I didn’t really have any friends but I just kept doing what was required of me and that kept me happy. There isn’t much to cover in this section but I passed pre-med and got my degree in that
Leaving America
I got all my degrees and was ready to start being a psychiatrist. During school, I had been learning Japanese just as a side hobby thinking I wouldn’t really need it but after I couldn’t find any secure housing in America that was a good size for me and knowing that America was where my friend had died I decided it was time for one last change in my life before I could hope to just settle down doing what I love. I spent the last year in pre-med getting back in contact with Souma and he seemed to be moving to this town called Karakura I wanted to see how he was doing so I followed him into Karakura. If only I knew how tragic Karakura was.
Karakura - a town of sadness
When I arrived I couldn’t find him at all I asked around town until finally I came across the Karakura Police Department and asked if they had heard of Souma Rossi and they told me he had been an officer I asked where I could find him and they told me the heartbreaking news that he had died after being tortured. It was rough to hear and when I got to the apartment I was sharing with other people I had fallen into bed crying over it wishing I had been there to protect him but just like last time I was too late to save anyone. I spent another month there before I met this kid. His name was Nui R. Sidorov upon asking what the R was for he said Rossi so I asked him about that and he said that he was the adopted son of Souma Rossi. I knew at that moment I would make it my job to give him a parent who cares about him again. I’ll admit I wasn’t a good mother to him at first because I had no clue how to raise a kid and we got into a couple of arguments to the point of not talking with each other for a bit.
Sergeant Rossi, again?
After we had the slight issue in our relationship I was checking the news when I saw an open spot in the Karakura Police Department. Having my previous experience in the war filled in for a Sergeant who had been put on temporary leave. Me and Nui kept limited contact as I didn’t want to give him up yet. I stayed in the position for 2 weeks before eventually, the sergeant came back she seemed nice but I didn’t stick around long enough to really talk with her before not even a week later she was put in hospital recovery, she lived which was all I cared about and my first day back I had a spar with the detective inspector Nokori Heddo he had taught me more about strategy as I attempted to brute force getting the cuffs around his wrists; he eventually won which I was okay with but I left letting the sergeant who got recoveries mother fill in as she was in the force before me and it was better she filled in. After about another month of limited contact with Nui, I saw a posting from the hospital saying they were opening for psychiatrists; with all my psychology degree from America, I knew it was the perfect job for me which is why I am writing my application today.
What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Psychology. She chose this focus because she had gone through a lot and decided that she would put that time into helping others. She also went for this because over time she realized slowly it was what she was best at and wanted to make people happy so they could be doing better than her.
What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
She did not do any residencies as she spent a lot of her life unable to decide what she wanted to do.
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
She worked as a nurse in an old people’s home for 3 years
Has your character completed any additional schooling?
A chart with all her schooling is attached below

Years spent​
Primary school​
5 years​
Secondary school​
4 years​
Slightly below average
3 years​
70% to 80%​
College Biology​
3 Years​
50% to 60%​
College Psychology​
5 years​
Above Average
90% to 100%​
5 years​
Above Average
3.6 GPA​

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Ryoichi Rossi is a tall muscular Female more muscular than expected the shadows under her eyes show that she doesn’t sleep much. She is harder to find with a smile but takes pleasure in helping others if they acknowledge that she helped them if they don’t do that she won’t seem very happy about it. She is unique in a way that she seems to see herself as a very important person and makes that clear to others while also not giving up on things she doesn’t simply let people come in and complain about their lives and leave without feeling better about themselves she will not give up until the person is happy.
How does your character act on and off duty?
On duty - On-duty Ryoichi isn’t the nicest person you will meet there will be times when she is tired and convinces other people to help out the patient. But if she isn’t tired and sees another psychiatrist talking with a patient without her knowing about it they won’t know themselves but secretly she wishes that she had a patient to talk with at that moment. Ryoichi is a river in the way that sometimes she can be a kind person that you will trust but at other times there is this dark energy about her where she clearly isn’t happy with someone but makes passive-aggressive comments. Some people may say that she is a wonderful person to hang out with while others say to other people that they should watch their back around her.
Off duty she shows more of her traits that usually aren’t seen on duty as they have no reason to come up. If you bother to ever go off duty with her or speak with her off duty you will realize that she likes money more than a normal person she won’t rob you but never make a deal with her. However, if you talk with her and don’t fall for her deals she is a person who won’t leave you she will stick with you through thick and thin she may like money but she also wants people to trust her.
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Ryoichi works better on her own but that doesn’t mean she will deny help from others as long as you acknowledge that Ryoichi is there and more helpful than the other person she will be happy. However, she is better when alone because she is competing to be the one you like most making her more willing to listen as long as you keep your eyes on her.
What plans does your character have for the future?
Ryoichi’s plans for the future are simple but also something that she will struggle to get if she doesn’t work on how she treats people. Ryoichi wants to retire and adopt Nui so that he can be happy she wants to have a happy family and even wants to overcome some of her negative traits that she can’t figure out how to get over. She sees the hospital as an opportunity to help others while growing as a person.
How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
How people perceive Ryoichi depends on how they act around her. If you are nice and don’t get in the way of her work while also being willing to take some of the things she does whenever she is tired she will seem like a nice person that doesn’t have anything too negative about her.
If you get in the way of her work and try to be better than her she will be the opposite side of a coin to the people that don’t get in the way. She will go out of her way to make sure while you aren’t upset you can tell she doesn’t like you while seeming completely innocent to others.
She sees herself as a good person who cares for everyone that just wants to do her own things and be the best she can be without anyone getting in her way she knows she is bad in the way that she will make it clear to herself and the other person that she doesn’t like them if they get in the way but she doesn’t know how to fix it her emotions take over.


Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- When applying for a faction, having detail is one of the best ways to show your interest to the higher-up team. We recommend that you spend more time adding detail to your application if you wish to apply again!

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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